darcs-2.2.1: a distributed, interactive, smart revision control systemSource codeContentsIndex
englishNum :: Numbered n => Int -> n -> ShowS
class Numbered a where
plural :: a -> ShowS
singular :: a -> ShowS
newtype Noun = Noun String
data This = This Noun
englishNum :: Numbered n => Int -> n -> ShowSSource
 englishNum 0 (Noun "watch") "" == "watches"
 englishNum 1 (Noun "watch") "" == "watch"
 englishNum 2 (Noun "watch") "" == "watches"
class Numbered a whereSource
Things that have a plural and singular spelling
plural :: a -> ShowSSource
singular :: a -> ShowSSource
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newtype Noun Source

This only distinguishes between nouns with a final -ch, and nouns which do not. More irregular nouns will just need to have their own type

 plural (Noun "batch") "" == "batches"
 plural (Noun "bat")   "" == "bats"
 plural (Noun "mouse") "" == "mouses" -- :-(
Noun String
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data This Source
 singular This (Noun "batch") "" == "this batch"
 plural   This (Noun "batch") "" == "these batches"
This Noun
show/hide Instances
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