- grabSSH :: String -> Connection -> IO ByteString
- runSSH :: SSHCmd -> String -> [String] -> [String] -> Redirects -> IO ExitCode
- getSSH :: SSHCmd -> String -> IO (String, [String])
- copySSH :: String -> String -> FilePath -> IO ()
- copySSHs :: String -> String -> [String] -> FilePath -> IO ()
- data SSHCmd
- environmentHelpSsh :: ([String], [String])
- environmentHelpScp :: ([String], [String])
- environmentHelpSshPort :: ([String], [String])
grabSSH :: String -> Connection -> IO ByteStringSource
Return the command and arguments needed to run an ssh command
along with any extra features like use of the control master.
See getSSHOnly
environmentHelpSsh :: ([String], [String])Source
environmentHelpScp :: ([String], [String])Source
environmentHelpSshPort :: ([String], [String])Source