{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, GADTs, TypeOperators, LambdaCase, ScopedTypeVariables, MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances, UndecidableInstances, NoImplicitPrelude #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  Data.Category.Boolean
-- License     :  BSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  sjoerd@w3future.com
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  non-portable
-- /2/ a.k.a. the Boolean category a.k.a. the walking arrow.
-- It contains 2 objects, one for false and one for true.
-- It contains 3 arrows, 2 identity arrows and one from false to true.
module Data.Category.Boolean where

import Data.Category
import Data.Category.Limit
import Data.Category.Monoidal
import Data.Category.CartesianClosed

import Data.Category.Functor
import Data.Category.NaturalTransformation
import Data.Category.Adjunction

data Fls
data Tru

data Boolean a b where
  Fls :: Boolean Fls Fls
  F2T :: Boolean Fls Tru
  Tru :: Boolean Tru Tru

-- | @Boolean@ is the category with true and false as objects, and an arrow from false to true.
instance Category Boolean where

  src Fls   = Fls
  src F2T   = Fls
  src Tru   = Tru

  tgt Fls   = Fls
  tgt F2T   = Tru
  tgt Tru   = Tru

  Fls . Fls = Fls
  F2T . Fls = F2T
  Tru . F2T = F2T
  Tru . Tru = Tru

-- | False is the initial object in the Boolean category.
instance HasInitialObject Boolean where
  type InitialObject Boolean = Fls
  initialObject = Fls
  initialize Fls = Fls
  initialize Tru = F2T

-- | True is the terminal object in the Boolean category.
instance HasTerminalObject Boolean where
  type TerminalObject Boolean = Tru
  terminalObject = Tru
  terminate Fls = F2T
  terminate Tru = Tru

-- | Conjunction is the binary product in the Boolean category.
instance HasBinaryProducts Boolean where

  type BinaryProduct Boolean Fls Fls = Fls
  type BinaryProduct Boolean Fls Tru = Fls
  type BinaryProduct Boolean Tru Fls = Fls
  type BinaryProduct Boolean Tru Tru = Tru

  proj1 Fls Fls = Fls
  proj1 Fls Tru = Fls
  proj1 Tru Fls = F2T
  proj1 Tru Tru = Tru
  proj2 Fls Fls = Fls
  proj2 Fls Tru = F2T
  proj2 Tru Fls = Fls
  proj2 Tru Tru = Tru

  Fls &&& Fls = Fls
  Fls &&& F2T = Fls
  F2T &&& Fls = Fls
  F2T &&& F2T = F2T
  Tru &&& Tru = Tru

-- | Disjunction is the binary coproduct in the Boolean category.
instance HasBinaryCoproducts Boolean where

  type BinaryCoproduct Boolean Fls Fls = Fls
  type BinaryCoproduct Boolean Fls Tru = Tru
  type BinaryCoproduct Boolean Tru Fls = Tru
  type BinaryCoproduct Boolean Tru Tru = Tru

  inj1 Fls Fls = Fls
  inj1 Fls Tru = F2T
  inj1 Tru Fls = Tru
  inj1 Tru Tru = Tru
  inj2 Fls Fls = Fls
  inj2 Fls Tru = Tru
  inj2 Tru Fls = F2T
  inj2 Tru Tru = Tru

  Fls ||| Fls = Fls
  F2T ||| F2T = F2T
  F2T ||| Tru = Tru
  Tru ||| F2T = Tru
  Tru ||| Tru = Tru

-- | Implication makes the Boolean category cartesian closed.
instance CartesianClosed Boolean where

  type Exponential Boolean Fls Fls = Tru
  type Exponential Boolean Fls Tru = Tru
  type Exponential Boolean Tru Fls = Fls
  type Exponential Boolean Tru Tru = Tru

  apply Fls Fls = Fls
  apply Fls Tru = F2T
  apply Tru Fls = Fls
  apply Tru Tru = Tru

  tuple Fls Fls = F2T
  tuple Fls Tru = Tru
  tuple Tru Fls = Fls
  tuple Tru Tru = Tru

  Fls ^^^ Fls = Tru
  Fls ^^^ F2T = F2T
  Fls ^^^ Tru = Fls
  F2T ^^^ Fls = Tru
  F2T ^^^ F2T = F2T
  F2T ^^^ Tru = F2T
  Tru ^^^ Fls = Tru
  Tru ^^^ F2T = Tru
  Tru ^^^ Tru = Tru

trueProductMonoid :: MonoidObject (ProductFunctor Boolean) Tru
trueProductMonoid = MonoidObject Tru Tru

falseCoproductComonoid :: ComonoidObject (CoproductFunctor Boolean) Fls
falseCoproductComonoid = ComonoidObject Fls Fls

trueProductComonoid :: ComonoidObject (ProductFunctor Boolean) Tru
trueProductComonoid = ComonoidObject Tru Tru

falseCoproductMonoid :: MonoidObject (CoproductFunctor Boolean) Fls
falseCoproductMonoid = MonoidObject Fls Fls

trueCoproductMonoid :: MonoidObject (CoproductFunctor Boolean) Tru
trueCoproductMonoid = MonoidObject F2T Tru

falseProductComonoid :: ComonoidObject (ProductFunctor Boolean) Fls
falseProductComonoid = ComonoidObject F2T Fls

data Arrow k a b = Arrow (k a b)
-- | Any functor from the Boolean category points to an arrow in its target category.
instance Category k => Functor (Arrow k a b) where
  type Dom (Arrow k a b) = Boolean
  type Cod (Arrow k a b) = k
  type Arrow k a b :% Fls = a
  type Arrow k a b :% Tru = b
  Arrow f % Fls = src f
  Arrow f % F2T = f
  Arrow f % Tru = tgt f

-- | The limit of a functor from the Boolean category is the source of the arrow it points to.
instance Category k => HasLimits Boolean k where
  type LimitFam Boolean k f = f :% Fls
  limit (Nat f _ _) = Nat (Const (f % Fls)) f (\case Fls -> f % Fls; Tru -> f % F2T)
  limitFactorizer n = n ! Fls

-- | The source functor sends arrows (as functors from the Boolean category) to their source.
type SrcFunctor = LimitFunctor Boolean

-- | The colimit of a functor from the Boolean category is the target of the arrow it points to.
instance Category k => HasColimits Boolean k where
  type ColimitFam Boolean k f = f :% Tru
  colimit (Nat f _ _) = Nat f (Const (f % Tru)) (\case Fls -> f % F2T; Tru -> f % Tru)
  colimitFactorizer n = n ! Tru

-- | The target functor sends arrows (as functors from the Boolean category) to their target.
type TgtFunctor = ColimitFunctor Boolean

data Terminator (k :: * -> * -> *) = Terminator
-- | @Terminator k@ is the functor that sends an object to its terminating arrow.
instance HasTerminalObject k => Functor (Terminator k) where
  type Dom (Terminator k) = k
  type Cod (Terminator k) = Nat Boolean k
  type Terminator k :% a = Arrow k a (TerminalObject k)
  Terminator % f = Nat (Arrow (terminate (src f))) (Arrow (terminate (tgt f))) (\case Fls -> f; Tru -> terminalObject)

-- | @Terminator@ is right adjoint to the source functor.
terminatorLimitAdj :: HasTerminalObject k => Adjunction k (Nat Boolean k) (SrcFunctor k) (Terminator k)
terminatorLimitAdj = mkAdjunctionInit LimitFunctor Terminator
  (\(Nat b _ _) -> Nat b (Arrow (terminate (b % Fls))) (\case Fls -> b % Fls; Tru -> terminate (b % Tru)))
  (\_ n -> n ! Fls)

data Initializer (k :: * -> * -> *) = Initializer
-- | @Initializer k@ is the functor that sends an object to its initializing arrow.
instance HasInitialObject k => Functor (Initializer k) where
  type Dom (Initializer k) = k
  type Cod (Initializer k) = Nat Boolean k
  type Initializer k :% a = Arrow k (InitialObject k) a
  Initializer % f = Nat (Arrow (initialize (src f))) (Arrow (initialize (tgt f))) (\case Fls -> initialObject; Tru -> f)

-- | @Initializer@ is left adjoint to the target functor.
initializerColimitAdj :: HasInitialObject k => Adjunction (Nat Boolean k) k (Initializer k) (TgtFunctor k)
initializerColimitAdj = mkAdjunctionTerm Initializer ColimitFunctor
  (\_ n -> n ! Tru)
  (\(Nat b _ _) -> Nat (Arrow (initialize (b % Tru))) b (\case Fls -> initialize (b % Fls); Tru -> b % Tru))