data-msgpack-types-0.0.1: A Haskell implementation of MessagePack.

Safe HaskellSafe




data Object Source #

Object Representation of MessagePack data.



represents nil

ObjectBool !Bool

represents true or false

ObjectInt !Int64

represents a negative integer

ObjectWord !Word64

represents a positive integer

ObjectFloat !Float

represents a floating point number

ObjectDouble !Double

represents a floating point number

ObjectStr !Text

extending Raw type represents a UTF-8 string

ObjectBin !ByteString

extending Raw type represents a byte array

ObjectArray ![Object]

represents a sequence of objects

ObjectMap ![(Object, Object)]

represents key-value pairs of objects

ObjectExt !Word8 !ByteString

represents a tuple of an integer and a byte array where the integer represents type information and the byte array represents data.


Eq Object Source # 


(==) :: Object -> Object -> Bool #

(/=) :: Object -> Object -> Bool #

Ord Object Source # 
Read Object Source # 
Show Object Source # 
Generic Object Source # 

Associated Types

type Rep Object :: * -> * #


from :: Object -> Rep Object x #

to :: Rep Object x -> Object #

Arbitrary Object Source # 
NFData Object Source # 


rnf :: Object -> () #

MessagePack Object Source # 
type Rep Object Source # 
type Rep Object = D1 (MetaData "Object" "Data.MessagePack.Types.Object" "data-msgpack-types-0.0.1-24soqVWiIHW6xK1w3w4KDq" False) ((:+:) ((:+:) ((:+:) (C1 (MetaCons "ObjectNil" PrefixI False) U1) (C1 (MetaCons "ObjectBool" PrefixI False) (S1 (MetaSel (Nothing Symbol) NoSourceUnpackedness SourceStrict DecidedStrict) (Rec0 Bool)))) ((:+:) (C1 (MetaCons "ObjectInt" PrefixI False) (S1 (MetaSel (Nothing Symbol) SourceUnpack SourceStrict DecidedStrict) (Rec0 Int64))) ((:+:) (C1 (MetaCons "ObjectWord" PrefixI False) (S1 (MetaSel (Nothing Symbol) SourceUnpack SourceStrict DecidedStrict) (Rec0 Word64))) (C1 (MetaCons "ObjectFloat" PrefixI False) (S1 (MetaSel (Nothing Symbol) SourceUnpack SourceStrict DecidedStrict) (Rec0 Float)))))) ((:+:) ((:+:) (C1 (MetaCons "ObjectDouble" PrefixI False) (S1 (MetaSel (Nothing Symbol) SourceUnpack SourceStrict DecidedStrict) (Rec0 Double))) ((:+:) (C1 (MetaCons "ObjectStr" PrefixI False) (S1 (MetaSel (Nothing Symbol) NoSourceUnpackedness SourceStrict DecidedStrict) (Rec0 Text))) (C1 (MetaCons "ObjectBin" PrefixI False) (S1 (MetaSel (Nothing Symbol) NoSourceUnpackedness SourceStrict DecidedStrict) (Rec0 ByteString))))) ((:+:) (C1 (MetaCons "ObjectArray" PrefixI False) (S1 (MetaSel (Nothing Symbol) NoSourceUnpackedness SourceStrict DecidedStrict) (Rec0 [Object]))) ((:+:) (C1 (MetaCons "ObjectMap" PrefixI False) (S1 (MetaSel (Nothing Symbol) NoSourceUnpackedness SourceStrict DecidedStrict) (Rec0 [(Object, Object)]))) (C1 (MetaCons "ObjectExt" PrefixI False) ((:*:) (S1 (MetaSel (Nothing Symbol) SourceUnpack SourceStrict DecidedStrict) (Rec0 Word8)) (S1 (MetaSel (Nothing Symbol) NoSourceUnpackedness SourceStrict DecidedStrict) (Rec0 ByteString))))))))