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datafix- Fixing data-flow problems

Copyright(c) Sebastian Graf 2017-2020
Safe HaskellNone



Primitives for describing a data-flow problem in a declarative manner. This module requires you to manage assignment of Nodes in the data-flow graph to denotations by hand. If you're looking for a safer approach suited for static analysis, have a look at Datafix.Denotational.

Import this module transitively through Datafix and get access to Datafix.Worklist for functions that compute solutions to your DataFlowFrameworks.



newtype Node Source #

This is the type we use to index nodes in the data-flow graph.

The connection between syntactic things (e.g. Ids) and Nodes is made implicitly in code in analysis templates through an appropriate allocation mechanism as in NodeAllocator.




Eq Node Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Datafix.Explicit


(==) :: Node -> Node -> Bool #

(/=) :: Node -> Node -> Bool #

Ord Node Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Datafix.Explicit


compare :: Node -> Node -> Ordering #

(<) :: Node -> Node -> Bool #

(<=) :: Node -> Node -> Bool #

(>) :: Node -> Node -> Bool #

(>=) :: Node -> Node -> Bool #

max :: Node -> Node -> Node #

min :: Node -> Node -> Node #

Show Node Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Datafix.Explicit


showsPrec :: Int -> Node -> ShowS #

show :: Node -> String #

showList :: [Node] -> ShowS #

data DataFlowFramework m Source #

Models a data-flow problem, where each Node is mapped to its denoting LiftedFunc and a means to detect when the iterated transfer function reached a fixed-point through a ChangeDetector.




class MonadDomain m => MonadDependency m where Source #

A monad with a single impure primitive dependOn that expresses a dependency on a Node of a data-flow graph.

The associated Domain type is the abstract domain in which we denote Nodes.

Think of it like memoization on steroids. You can represent dynamic programs with this quite easily:

>>> :{
  transferFib :: forall m . (MonadDependency m, Domain m ~ Int) => Node -> LiftedFunc Int m
  transferFib (Node 0) = return 0
  transferFib (Node 1) = return 1
  transferFib (Node n) = (+) <$> dependOn @m (Node (n-1)) <*> dependOn @m (Node (n-2))
  -- sparing the negative n error case

We can construct a description of a DataFlowFramework with this transferFib function:

>>> :{
  dataFlowFramework :: forall m . (MonadDependency m, Domain m ~ Int) => DataFlowFramework m
  dataFlowFramework = DFF transferFib (const (eqChangeDetector @(Domain m)))

We regard the ordinary fib function a solution to the recurrence modeled by transferFib:

>>> :{
  fib :: Int -> Int
  fib 0 = 0
  fib 1 = 1
  fib n = fib (n-1) + fib (n - 2)

E.g., under the assumption of fib being total (which is true on the domain of natural numbers), it computes the same results as the least fixed-point of the series of iterations of the transfer function transferFib.

Ostensibly, the nth iteration of transferFib substitutes each dependOn with transferFib repeatedly for n times and finally substitutes all remaining dependOns with a call to error.

Computing a solution by fixed-point iteration in a declarative manner is the purpose of this library. There potentially are different approaches to computing a solution, but in Datafix.Worklist we offer an approach based on a worklist algorithm, trying to find a smart order in which nodes in the data-flow graph are reiterated.

The concrete MonadDependency depends on the solution algorithm, which is in fact the reason why there is no satisfying data type in this module: We are only concerned with declaring data-flow problems here.

The distinguishing feature of data-flow graphs is that they are not necessarily acyclic (data-flow graphs of dynamic programs always are!), but under certain conditions even have solutions when there are cycles.

Cycles occur commonly in data-flow problems of static analyses for programming languages, introduced through loops or recursive functions. Thus, this library mostly aims at making the life of compiler writers easier.


dependOn :: Node -> LiftedFunc (Domain m) m Source #

Expresses a dependency on a node of the data-flow graph, thus introducing a way of trackable recursion. That's similar to how you would use fix to abstract over recursion.

(Datafixable domain, GraphRef graph) => MonadDependency (DependencyM graph domain) Source #

This allows us to solve MonadDependency m => DataFlowFramework m descriptions with solveProblem.

Instance details

Defined in Datafix.Worklist.Internal


dependOn :: Node -> LiftedFunc (Domain (DependencyM graph domain)) (DependencyM graph domain) Source #