dawg-ord- Directed acyclic word graphs

Safe HaskellNone




The module implements directed acyclic word graphs (DAWGs) internaly represented as minimal acyclic deterministic finite-state automata. The implementation provides fast insert and delete operations which can be used to build the DAWG structure incrementaly.

See the Data.DAWG.Ord module if you look for a more generic solution (which, for the moment, lacks some of the functionality provided here, e.g. the delete function).


DAWG type

data DAWG Source

A directed acyclic word graph (DAWG), which can be seen as a map from keys (sequences of Sym's) to values Val. See Data.DAWG.Ord for a more generic version of DAWGs.

type ID = Int Source

Identifier of a DAWG node (automaton state).

type Sym = Int Source

A transition symbol.

type Val = Int Source

A type of DAWG values, stored in accept states.

root :: DAWG -> ID Source

The root (start state) of the DAWG.


lookup :: [Sym] -> DAWG -> Maybe Val Source

Find value associated with the key.

numStates :: DAWG -> Int Source

Number of states in the automaton.

numEdges :: DAWG -> Int Source

Number of transitions in the automaton.


value :: ID -> DAWG -> Maybe Val Source

Value stored in the given automaton state.

edges :: ID -> DAWG -> [(Sym, ID)] Source

A list of outgoing edges (automaton transitions).

follow :: ID -> Sym -> DAWG -> Maybe ID Source

Follow a transition with the given symbol from the given state.


empty :: DAWG Source

Empty DAWG.

fromList :: [([Sym], Val)] -> DAWG Source

Construct DAWG from the list of (key, value) pairs.

fromListWith :: (Val -> Val -> Val) -> [([Sym], Val)] -> DAWG Source

Construct DAWG from the list of (key, value) pairs with a combining function. The combining function is applied strictly.

fromLang :: [[Sym]] -> DAWG Source

Make DAWG from the list of words (by annotating each word with a dummy value).


insert :: [Sym] -> Val -> DAWG -> DAWG Source

Insert the (key, value) pair into the DAWG.

insertWith :: (Val -> Val -> Val) -> [Sym] -> Val -> DAWG -> DAWG Source

Insert with a function, combining new value and old value. insertWith f key value d will insert the pair (key, value) into d if key does not exist in the DAWG. If the key does exist, the function will insert the pair (key, f new_value old_value).


delete :: [Sym] -> DAWG -> DAWG Source

Delete the key from the DAWG.


assocs :: DAWG -> [([Sym], Val)] Source

Return all key/value pairs in the DAWG in ascending key order.

keys :: DAWG -> [[Sym]] Source

Return all keys of the DAWG in ascending order.

elems :: DAWG -> [Val] Source

Return all elements of the DAWG in the ascending order of their keys.