ddc-core- Disciplined Disciple Compiler core language and type checker.

Safe HaskellSafe




Type environments.

An environment contains the types named bound variables, named primitives, and a deBruijn stack for anonymous variables.



data Env n Source

A type environment.




envMap :: !(Map n (Type n))

Types of named binders.

envStack :: ![Type n]

Types of anonymous deBruijn binders.

envStackLength :: !Int

The length of the above stack.

envPrimFun :: !(n -> Maybe (Type n))

Types of baked in, primitive names.

type SuperEnv n = Env n Source

Type synonym to improve readability.

type KindEnv n = Env n Source

Type synonym to improve readability.

type TypeEnv n = Env n Source

Type synonym to improve readability.


empty :: Env n Source

An empty environment.

singleton :: Ord n => Bind n -> Env n Source

Construct a singleton type environment.

extend :: Ord n => Bind n -> Env n -> Env n Source

Extend an environment with a new binding. Replaces bindings with the same name already in the environment.

extends :: Ord n => [Bind n] -> Env n -> Env n Source

Extend an environment with a list of new bindings. Replaces bindings with the same name already in the environment.

union :: Ord n => Env n -> Env n -> Env n Source

Combine two environments. If both environments have a binding with the same name, then the one in the second environment takes preference.

unions :: Ord n => [Env n] -> Env n Source

Combine multiple environments, with the latter ones taking preference.


fromList :: Ord n => [Bind n] -> Env n Source

Convert a list of Binds to an environment.

fromTypeMap :: Map n (Type n) -> Env n Source

Convert a map of names to types to a environment.


depth :: Env n -> Int Source

Yield the total depth of the deBruijn stack.

member :: Ord n => Bound n -> Env n -> Bool Source

Check whether a bound variable is present in an environment.

memberBind :: Ord n => Bind n -> Env n -> Bool Source

Check whether a binder is already present in the an environment. This can only return True for named binders, not anonymous or primitive ones.

lookup :: Ord n => Bound n -> Env n -> Maybe (Type n) Source

Lookup a bound variable from an environment.

lookupName :: Ord n => n -> Env n -> Maybe (Type n) Source

Lookup a bound name from an environment.


setPrimFun :: (n -> Maybe (Type n)) -> Env n -> Env n Source

Set the function that knows the types of primitive things.

isPrim :: Env n -> n -> Bool Source

Check if the type of a name is defined by the envPrimFun.


wrapTForalls :: Ord n => Env n -> Type n -> Type n Source

Wrap locally bound (non primitive) variables defined in an environment around a type as new foralls.


lift :: Ord n => Int -> Env n -> Env n Source

Lift all free deBruijn indices in the environment by the given number of steps.