dejafu- Systematic testing for Haskell concurrency.

Copyright(c) 2017 Michael Walker
MaintainerMichael Walker <>
PortabilityFlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, GADTs, MultiWayIf, TupleSections, TypeFamilies
Safe HaskellNone




Properties about the side-effects of concurrent functions on some shared state.

Consider this statement about MVars: "using readMVar is better than takeMVar followed by putMVar because the former is atomic but the latter is not."

This module can test properties like that:

sig e = Sig
  { initialise = maybe newEmptyMVar newMVar
  , observe    = \v _ -> tryReadMVar v
  , interfere  = \v s -> tryTakeMVar v >> maybe (pure ()) (void . tryPutMVar v) s
  , expression = e

> check $ sig (void . readMVar) `equivalentTo` sig (\v -> takeMVar v >>= putMVar v)
*** Failure: (seed Just ())
    left:  [(Nothing,Just ())]
    right: [(Nothing,Just ()),(Just Deadlock,Just ())]

The two expressions are not equivalent, and we get given the counterexample!

There are quite a few things going on here, so let's unpack this:

  1. Properties are specified in terms of an initialisation function, an observation function, an interference function, and the expression of interest.
  2. The initialisation function (initialise) says how to construct some state value from a seed value, which is supplied by check. In this case the seed is of type Maybe a and the state MVar ConcIO a.
  3. The observation (observe) function says how to take the state and the seed, and produce some value which will be used to compare the expressions. In this case the observation value is of type Maybe a.
  4. The interference (interfere) function says what sort of concurrent interference can happen. In this case we just try to set the MVar to its original value.

The check function takes a property, consisting of two signatures and a way to compare them, evaluates all the results of each signature, and then compares them in the appropriate way.

See the sections later in the documentation for what "refinement", "strict refinement", and "equivalence" mean exactly.


Defining properties

data Sig s o x Source #

A concurrent function and some information about how to execute it and observe its effect.

  • s is the state type (MVar ConcIO a in the example)
  • o is the observation type (Maybe a in the example)
  • x is the seed type (Maybe a in the example)





  • initialise :: x -> ConcIO s

    Create a new instance of the state variable.

  • observe :: s -> x -> ConcIO o

    The observation to make.

  • interfere :: s -> x -> ConcIO ()

    Set the state value. This doesn't need to be atomic, or even guaranteed to work, its purpose is to cause interference.

  • expression :: s -> ConcIO ()

    The expression to evaluate.

data RefinementProperty o x Source #

A property which can be given to check.



Testable (RefinementProperty o x) Source # 

Associated Types

type O (RefinementProperty o x) :: * Source #

type X (RefinementProperty o x) :: * Source #

type O (RefinementProperty o x) Source # 
type O (RefinementProperty o x) = o
type X (RefinementProperty o x) Source # 
type X (RefinementProperty o x) = x

expectFailure :: RefinementProperty o x -> RefinementProperty o x Source #

Indicates that the property is supposed to fail.

A refines B

Refinement (or "weak refinement") means that all of the results of the left are also results of the right. If you think in terms of sets of results, refinement is subset.

refines :: Ord o => Sig s1 o x -> Sig s2 o x -> RefinementProperty o x Source #

Observational refinement.

True iff the result-set of the left expression is a subset (not necessarily proper) of the result-set of the right expression.

The two signatures can have different state types, this lets you compare the behaviour of different data structures. The observation and seed types must match, however.


(=>=) :: Ord o => Sig s1 o x -> Sig s2 o x -> RefinementProperty o x Source #

Infix synonym for refines.

You might think this should be =<=, so it looks kind of like a funny subset operator, with A =<= B meaning "the result-set of A is a subset of the result-set of B". Unfortunately you would be wrong. The operator used in the literature for refinement has the open end pointing at the LESS general term and the closed end at the MORE general term. It is read as "is refined by", not "refines". So for consistency with the literature, the open end of =>= points at the less general term, and the closed end at the more general term, to give the same argument order as refines.


A strictly refines B

Strict refinement means that the left refines the right, but the right does not refine the left. If you think in terms of sets of results, strict refinement is proper subset.

strictlyRefines :: Ord o => Sig s1 o x -> Sig s2 o x -> RefinementProperty o x Source #

Strict observational refinement.

True iff the result-set of the left expression is a proper subset of the result-set of the right expression.

The two signatures can have different state types, this lets you compare the behaviour of different data structures. The observation and seed types must match, however.


(->-) :: Ord o => Sig s1 o x -> Sig s2 o x -> RefinementProperty o x Source #

Infix synonym for strictlyRefines


A is equivalent to B

Equivalence means that the left and right refine each other. If you think in terms of sets of results, equivalence is equality.

equivalentTo :: Ord o => Sig s1 o x -> Sig s2 o x -> RefinementProperty o x Source #

Observational equivalence.

True iff the result-set of the left expression is equal to the result-set of the right expression.

The two signatures can have different state types, this lets you compare the behaviour of different data structures. The observation and seed types must match, however.


(===) :: Ord o => Sig s1 o x -> Sig s2 o x -> RefinementProperty o x Source #

Infix synonym for equivalentTo.


Testing properties

data FailedProperty o x Source #

A counter example is a seed value and a list of variable assignments.







class Testable a Source #

Things which can be tested.


Minimal complete definition


Associated Types

type O a :: * Source #

The observation value type. This is used to compare the results.

type X a :: * Source #

The seed value type. This is used to construct the concurrent states.


(Listable a, Show a, Testable b) => Testable (a -> b) Source # 

Associated Types

type O (a -> b) :: * Source #

type X (a -> b) :: * Source #


rpropTiers :: (a -> b) -> [[([String], RefinementProperty (O (a -> b)) (X (a -> b)))]]

Testable (RefinementProperty o x) Source # 

Associated Types

type O (RefinementProperty o x) :: * Source #

type X (RefinementProperty o x) :: * Source #

check Source #


:: (Testable p, Listable (X p), Show (X p), Show (O p)) 
=> p

The property to check.

-> IO Bool 

Check a refinement property with a variety of seed values and variable assignments.


check' Source #


:: (Testable p, Listable (X p)) 
=> p

The property to check.

-> IO (Maybe (FailedProperty (O p) (X p))) 

A version of check that doesn't print, and returns the counterexample.


checkFor Source #


:: (Testable p, Listable (X p)) 
=> Int

Number of seed values per variable-assignment.

-> Int

Number of variable assignments.

-> p

The property to check.

-> IO (Maybe (FailedProperty (O p) (X p))) 

Like check, but take a number of cases to try, also returns the counter example found rather than printing it.

If multiple counterexamples exist, this will be faster than listToMaybe composed with counterExamples.


counterExamples Source #


:: (Testable p, Listable (X p)) 
=> Int

Number of seed values per variable-assignment.

-> Int

Number of variable assignments

-> p

The property to check.

-> IO [FailedProperty (O p) (X p)] 

Find all counterexamples up to a limit.



class Listable a where #

A type is Listable when there exists a function that is able to list (ideally all of) its values.

Ideally, instances should be defined by a tiers function that returns a (potentially infinite) list of finite sub-lists (tiers): the first sub-list contains elements of size 0, the second sub-list contains elements of size 1 and so on. Size here is defined by the implementor of the type-class instance.

For algebraic data types, the general form for tiers is

tiers = cons<N> ConstructorA
     \/ cons<N> ConstructorB
     \/ ...
     \/ cons<N> ConstructorZ

where N is the number of arguments of each constructor A...Z.

Instances can be alternatively defined by list. In this case, each sub-list in tiers is a singleton list (each succeeding element of list has +1 size).

The function deriveListable from Test.LeanCheck.Derive can automatically derive instances of this typeclass.

A Listable instance for functions is also available but is not exported by default. Import Test.LeanCheck.Function if you need to test higher-order properties.

Minimal complete definition

list | tiers


tiers :: [[a]] #

list :: [a] #


Listable Bool
tiers :: [[Bool]] = [[False,True]]
list :: [[Bool]] = [False,True]


tiers :: [[Bool]] #

list :: [Bool] #

Listable Char 


tiers :: [[Char]] #

list :: [Char] #

Listable Double 


tiers :: [[Double]] #

list :: [Double] #

Listable Float 


tiers :: [[Float]] #

list :: [Float] #

Listable Int
tiers :: [[Int]] = [[0], [1], [-1], [2], [-2], [3], [-3], ...]
list :: [Int] = [0, 1, -1, 2, -2, 3, -3, 4, -4, 5, -5, 6, ...]


tiers :: [[Int]] #

list :: [Int] #

Listable Integer 


tiers :: [[Integer]] #

list :: [Integer] #

Listable Ordering 


tiers :: [[Ordering]] #

list :: [Ordering] #

Listable () 


tiers :: [[()]] #

list :: [()] #

Listable a => Listable [a]
tiers :: [[ [Int] ]] = [ [ [] ]
                       , [ [0] ]
                       , [ [0,0], [1] ]
                       , [ [0,0,0], [0,1], [1,0], [-1] ]
                       , ... ]
list :: [ [Int] ] = [ [], [0], [0,0], [1], [0,0,0], ... ]


tiers :: [[[a]]] #

list :: [[a]] #

Listable a => Listable (Maybe a)
tiers :: [[Maybe Int]] = [[Nothing], [Just 0], [Just 1], ...]
tiers :: [[Maybe Bool]] = [[Nothing], [Just False, Just True]]


tiers :: [[Maybe a]] #

list :: [Maybe a] #

(Listable a, Listable b) => Listable (Either a b) 


tiers :: [[Either a b]] #

list :: [Either a b] #

(Listable a, Listable b) => Listable (a, b)
tiers :: [[(Int,Int)]] =
[ [(0,0)]
, [(0,1),(1,0)]
, [(0,-1),(1,1),(-1,0)]
, ...]
list :: [(Int,Int)] = [ (0,0), (0,1), (1,0), (0,-1), (1,1), ...]


tiers :: [[(a, b)]] #

list :: [(a, b)] #

(Listable a, Listable b, Listable c) => Listable (a, b, c) 


tiers :: [[(a, b, c)]] #

list :: [(a, b, c)] #

(Listable a, Listable b, Listable c, Listable d) => Listable (a, b, c, d) 


tiers :: [[(a, b, c, d)]] #

list :: [(a, b, c, d)] #

(Listable a, Listable b, Listable c, Listable d, Listable e) => Listable (a, b, c, d, e)

Instances for Listable sixtuples up to 12-tuples are exported by default form Test.LeanCheck but are hidden from Haddock documentation. These instances are defined in Test.LeanCheck.Basic.


tiers :: [[(a, b, c, d, e)]] #

list :: [(a, b, c, d, e)] #