- module Data.Monoid
- module Data.LabeledTree
- brace :: TeX -> TeX
- paren :: TeX -> TeX
- brack :: TeX -> TeX
- tex :: String -> [TeX] -> TeX
- text :: String -> TeX
- (!) :: TeX -> TeX -> TeX
- newtype TeX = TeX String
- (<>) :: Monoid a => a -> a -> a
- emptyDrv :: Tree k (Rule ())
- haltDrv :: TeX -> Derivation -> Derivation
- haltDrv' :: TeX -> Derivation -> Derivation
- abortDrv :: Tree t (Rule tag) -> Tree k (Rule tag)
- delayPre :: Alignment -> Int -> ::> Link a -> ::> Link a
- dummy :: Rule ()
- rule :: TeX -> TeX -> Rule ()
- type Derivation = Derivation' ()
- type Premise = Link ::> Derivation' ()
- data Rule tag = Rule {}
- data Figure tag = Figure {}
- compile :: [Figure ()] -> [String]
module Data.Monoid
module Data.LabeledTree
TeX extras
Derivation' building
haltDrv :: TeX -> Derivation -> DerivationSource
More compact variant
haltDrv' :: TeX -> Derivation -> DerivationSource
Used when the rest of the derivation is known.
type Derivation = Derivation' ()Source