{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

{-| This module provides `staticDhallExpression` which can be used to resolve
    all of an expression’s imports at compile time, allowing one to reference
    Dhall expressions from Haskell without having a runtime dependency on the
    location of Dhall files.

    For example, given a file “Some/Type.dhall” containing

        < This : Natural | Other : ../Other/Type.dhall >

    rather than duplicating the AST manually in a Haskell `Type`, you can do

            UnionLit "This" _ _  -> ...
            UnionLit "Other" _ _ -> ...)
        $(staticDhallExpression "../../Some/Type.dhall")

    This would create the Dhall Expr AST from the `Type.dhall` file at compile
    time with all imports resolved, making it easy to keep your Dhall configs
    and Haskell interpreters in sync.
module Dhall.TH where

import Data.Typeable
import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote (dataToExpQ) -- 7.10 compatibility.
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Dhall
import qualified GHC.IO.Encoding
import qualified System.IO

-- | This fully resolves, type checks, and normalizes the expression, so the
--   resulting AST is self-contained.
staticDhallExpression :: Text.Text -> Q Exp
staticDhallExpression text = do
    runIO (GHC.IO.Encoding.setLocaleEncoding System.IO.utf8)
    expression <- runIO (Dhall.inputExpr text)
    dataToExpQ (\a -> liftText <$> cast a) expression
    -- A workaround for a problem in TemplateHaskell (see
    -- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38143464/cant-find-inerface-file-declaration-for-variable)
    liftText = fmap (AppE (VarE 'Text.pack)) . lift . Text.unpack