{- | This module provides types and functions used in the substitution step
     which is done before type checking and normalization.

module Dhall.Substitution where

import Data.Text       (Text)
import Dhall.Normalize (subst)
import Dhall.Syntax    (Expr, Var (..))

import qualified Dhall.Map

{- | Substitutions map variables to arbitrary Dhall expressions.
     Note that we use "Dhall.Map.Map" as an underlying structure. Hence we respect insertion order.
type Substitutions s a = Dhall.Map.Map Text (Expr s a)

{- | An empty substitution map.
empty :: Substitutions s a
empty = Dhall.Map.empty

-- | @substitute expr s@ replaces all variables in @expr@ (or its subexpression) with their substitute.
--   For example, if the substitution map maps the variable @Foo@ to the text \"Foo\" all occurrences of @Foo@ with the text \"Foo\".
--   The substitutions will be done in the order they are inserted into the substitution map:
--   > {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
--   >
--   > substitute (Dhall.Core.Var "Foo") (Dhall.Map.fromList [("Foo", Dhall.Core.Var "Bar"), ("Bar", Dhall.Core.Var "Baz")])
--   results in @Dhall.Core.Var \"Baz\"@ since we first substitute \"Foo\" with \"Bar\" and then the resulting \"Bar\" with the final \"Baz\".
substitute :: Expr s a -> Substitutions s a -> Expr s a
substitute expr = foldl (\memo (k, v) -> subst (V k 0) v memo) expr . Dhall.Map.toList