{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns      #-}

-- | This module contains the implementation of the @dhall lint@ command

module Dhall.Lint
    ( -- * Lint
    , removeUnusedBindings
    , fixAssert
    , fixParentPath
    , addPreludeExtensions
    , removeLetInLet
    , useToMap
    ) where

import Control.Applicative ((<|>))

import Dhall.Syntax
    ( Binding (..)
    , Chunks (..)
    , Directory (..)
    , Expr (..)
    , File (..)
    , FilePrefix (..)
    , Import (..)
    , ImportHashed (..)
    , ImportType (..)
    , URL (..)
    , Var (..)
    , subExpressions

import qualified Data.Foldable      as Foldable
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
import qualified Data.Text          as Text
import qualified Dhall.Core         as Core
import qualified Dhall.Map          as Map
import qualified Dhall.Optics
import qualified Lens.Family

{-| Automatically improve a Dhall expression

    Currently this:

    * removes unused @let@ bindings with 'removeUnusedBindings'.
    * fixes @let a = x ≡ y@ to be @let a = assert : x ≡ y@
    * consolidates nested @let@ bindings to use a multiple-@let@ binding with 'removeLetInLet'
    * fixes paths of the form @.\/..\/foo@ to @..\/foo@
lint :: Expr s Import -> Expr s Import
lint =  Dhall.Optics.rewriteOf subExpressions rewrite
    rewrite e =
            fixAssert                e
        <|> removeUnusedBindings     e
        <|> fixParentPath            e
        <|> removeLetInLet           e
        <|> addPreludeExtensions     e

-- | Remove unused `Let` bindings.
removeUnusedBindings :: Eq a => Expr s a -> Maybe (Expr s a)
-- Don't remove assertions!
removeUnusedBindings (Let (Binding _ _ _ _ _ e) _)
    | isOrContainsAssert e = Nothing
removeUnusedBindings (Let (Binding _ a _ _ _ _) d)
    | not (V a 0 `Core.freeIn` d) =
        Just (Core.shift (-1) (V a 0) d)
removeUnusedBindings _ = Nothing

-- | Fix `Let` bindings  that the user probably meant to be @assert@s
fixAssert :: Expr s a -> Maybe (Expr s a)
fixAssert (Let (Binding { value = v@(Core.shallowDenote -> Equivalent {}), ..}) body) =
    Just (Let (Binding { value = Assert v, .. }) body)
fixAssert (Let binding body@(Core.shallowDenote -> Equivalent {})) =
    Just (Let binding (Assert body))
fixAssert _ =

-- | This transforms @.\/..\/foo@ into @..\/foo@
fixParentPath :: Expr s Import -> Maybe (Expr s Import)
fixParentPath (Embed oldImport) = do
    let Import{..} = oldImport

    let ImportHashed{..} = importHashed

    case importType of
        Local Here File{ directory = Directory { components }, .. }
            | Just nonEmpty <- NonEmpty.nonEmpty components
            , NonEmpty.last nonEmpty == ".." -> do
                let newDirectory =
                        Directory { components = NonEmpty.init nonEmpty }

                let newImportType =
                        Local Parent File{ directory = newDirectory, .. }

                let newImportHashed =
                        ImportHashed { importType = newImportType, .. }

                let newImport = Import { importHashed = newImportHashed, .. }

                Just (Embed newImport)
        _ ->
fixParentPath _  = Nothing

{-| This transforms @https://prelude.dhall-lang.org/…/foo@ to
addPreludeExtensions :: Expr s Import -> Maybe (Expr s Import)
addPreludeExtensions (Embed oldImport) = do
    let Import{ importHashed = oldImportHashed, .. } = oldImport

    let ImportHashed{ importType = oldImportType, .. } = oldImportHashed

    case oldImportType of
        Remote URL{ path = oldPath, ..}
            | authority == "prelude.dhall-lang.org" ->
                case oldPath of
                    File{ file = oldFile, .. }
                        | not (Text.isSuffixOf ".dhall" oldFile) -> do
                            let newFile = oldFile <> ".dhall"

                            let newPath = File{ file = newFile, .. }

                            let newImportType = Remote URL{ path = newPath, .. }

                            let newImportHashed =
                                    ImportHashed{ importType = newImportType, .. }

                            let newImport =
                                    Import{ importHashed = newImportHashed, .. }

                            return (Embed newImport)
                    _ ->
        _ -> do
addPreludeExtensions _ = Nothing

isOrContainsAssert :: Expr s a -> Bool
isOrContainsAssert (Assert _) = True
isOrContainsAssert e = Lens.Family.anyOf subExpressions isOrContainsAssert e

-- | The difference between
-- > let x = 1 let y = 2 in x + y
-- and
-- > let x = 1 in let y = 2 in x + y
-- is that in the second expression, the inner 'Let' is wrapped by a 'Note'.
-- We remove such a 'Note' in order to consolidate nested let-blocks into a
-- single one.
removeLetInLet :: Expr s a -> Maybe (Expr s a)
removeLetInLet (Let binding (Note _ l@Let{})) = Just (Let binding l)
removeLetInLet _ = Nothing

-- | This replaces a record of key-value pairs with the equivalent use of
--   @toMap@
-- This is currently not used by @dhall lint@ because this would sort @Map@
-- keys, which is not necessarily a behavior-preserving change, but is still
-- made available as a convenient rewrite rule.  For example,
-- @{json,yaml}-to-dhall@ use this rewrite to simplify their output.
useToMap :: Expr s a -> Maybe (Expr s a)
            (Core.shallowDenote -> App
                (Core.shallowDenote -> List)
                (Core.shallowDenote -> Record
                    (Map.sort ->
                        [ ("mapKey", Core.shallowDenote . Core.recordFieldValue -> Text)
                        , ("mapValue", _)
    ) =
        Just (ToMap (RecordLit []) t)
useToMap (ListLit _ keyValues)
    | not (null keyValues)
    , Just keyValues' <- traverse convert keyValues =
                (RecordLit (Map.fromList (Foldable.toList keyValues')))
    convert keyValue =
        case Core.shallowDenote keyValue of
                (Map.sort ->
                    [ ("mapKey"  , Core.shallowDenote . Core.recordFieldValue -> TextLit (Chunks [] key))
                    , ("mapValue", value)
                ) ->
                    Just (key, value)
            _ ->
useToMap _ =