{-| This module contains the top-level entrypoint and options parsing for the
    @dhall@ executable

{-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards   #-}

module Dhall.Main
    ( -- * Options
    , Mode(..)
    , ResolveMode(..)
    , parseOptions
    , parserInfoOptions

      -- * Execution
    , Dhall.Main.command
    , main
    ) where

import Control.Applicative       (optional, (<|>))
import Control.Exception         (Handler (..), SomeException)
import Data.Foldable             (for_)
import Data.List.NonEmpty        (NonEmpty (..))
import Data.Text                 (Text)
import Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc (Doc, Pretty)
import Data.Void                 (Void)
import Dhall.Freeze              (Intent (..), Scope (..))
import Dhall.Import
    ( Depends (..)
    , Imported (..)
    , SemanticCacheMode (..)
    , _semanticCacheMode
import Dhall.Parser              (Src)
import Dhall.Pretty              (Ann, CharacterSet (..), annToAnsiStyle)
import Dhall.Schemas             (Schemas (..))
import Dhall.TypeCheck
    ( Censored (..)
    , DetailedTypeError (..)
    , TypeError
import Dhall.Version             (dhallVersionString)
import Options.Applicative       (Parser, ParserInfo)
import System.Exit               (ExitCode, exitFailure)
import System.IO                 (Handle)
import Text.Dot                  ((.->.))

import Dhall.Core
    ( Expr (Annot)
    , Import (..)
    , ImportHashed (..)
    , ImportType (..)
    , URL (..)
    , pretty
import Dhall.Util
    ( Censor (..)
    , CheckFailed (..)
    , Header (..)
    , Input (..)
    , Output (..)
    , OutputMode (..)
    , PossiblyTransitiveInput (..)
    , Transitivity (..)

import qualified Codec.CBOR.JSON
import qualified Codec.CBOR.Read
import qualified Codec.CBOR.Write
import qualified Control.Exception
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict          as State
import qualified Data.Aeson
import qualified Data.Aeson.Encode.Pretty
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8
import qualified Data.Map
import qualified Data.Text
import qualified Data.Text.IO
import qualified Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc                 as Pretty
import qualified Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.Render.Terminal as Pretty
import qualified Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.Render.Text     as Pretty.Text
import qualified Dhall
import qualified Dhall.Binary
import qualified Dhall.Core
import qualified Dhall.Diff
import qualified Dhall.DirectoryTree                       as DirectoryTree
import qualified Dhall.Format
import qualified Dhall.Freeze
import qualified Dhall.Import
import qualified Dhall.Import.Types
import qualified Dhall.Lint
import qualified Dhall.Map
import qualified Dhall.Pretty
import qualified Dhall.Repl
import qualified Dhall.Schemas
import qualified Dhall.Tags
import qualified Dhall.TypeCheck
import qualified Dhall.Util
import qualified GHC.IO.Encoding
import qualified Options.Applicative
import qualified System.AtomicWrite.Writer.LazyText        as AtomicWrite.LazyText
import qualified System.Console.ANSI
import qualified System.Exit                               as Exit
import qualified System.FilePath
import qualified System.IO
import qualified Text.Dot
import qualified Text.Pretty.Simple

-- | Top-level program options
data Options = Options
    { Options -> Mode
mode    :: Mode
    , Options -> Bool
explain :: Bool
    , Options -> Bool
plain   :: Bool
    , Options -> Bool
ascii   :: Bool
    , Options -> Censor
censor  :: Censor

-- | The subcommands for the @dhall@ executable
data Mode
    = Default
          { Mode -> Input
file :: Input
          , Mode -> Output
output :: Output
          , Mode -> Bool
annotate :: Bool
          , Mode -> Bool
alpha :: Bool
          , Mode -> SemanticCacheMode
semanticCacheMode :: SemanticCacheMode
          , Mode -> Bool
version :: Bool
    | Version
    | Resolve
          { file :: Input
          , Mode -> Maybe ResolveMode
resolveMode :: Maybe ResolveMode
          , semanticCacheMode :: SemanticCacheMode
    | Type
          { file :: Input
          , Mode -> Bool
quiet :: Bool
          , semanticCacheMode :: SemanticCacheMode
    | Normalize { file :: Input , alpha :: Bool }
    | Repl
    | Format { Mode -> PossiblyTransitiveInput
possiblyTransitiveInput :: PossiblyTransitiveInput, Mode -> OutputMode
outputMode :: OutputMode }
    | Freeze { possiblyTransitiveInput :: PossiblyTransitiveInput, Mode -> Bool
all_ :: Bool, Mode -> Bool
cache :: Bool, outputMode :: OutputMode }
    | Hash { file :: Input, cache :: Bool }
    | Diff { Mode -> Text
expr1 :: Text, Mode -> Text
expr2 :: Text }
    | Lint { possiblyTransitiveInput :: PossiblyTransitiveInput, outputMode :: OutputMode }
    | Tags
          { Mode -> Input
input :: Input
          , output :: Output
          , Mode -> Maybe [Text]
suffixes :: Maybe [Text]
          , Mode -> Bool
followSymlinks :: Bool
    | Encode { file :: Input, Mode -> Bool
json :: Bool }
    | Decode { file :: Input, json :: Bool, quiet :: Bool }
    | Text { file :: Input, output :: Output }
    | DirectoryTree { file :: Input, Mode -> FilePath
path :: FilePath }
    | Schemas { file :: Input, outputMode :: OutputMode, Mode -> Text
schemas :: Text }
    | SyntaxTree { file :: Input, Mode -> Bool
noted :: Bool }

-- | This specifies how to resolve transitive dependencies
data ResolveMode
    = Dot
    -- ^ Generate a DOT file for @graphviz@
    | ListTransitiveDependencies
    -- ^ List all transitive dependencies as text, one per line
    | ListImmediateDependencies
    -- ^ List immediate dependencies as text, one per line

-- | Groups of subcommands
data Group
    = Manipulate
    | Generate
    | Interpret
    | Convert
    | Miscellaneous
    | Debugging

groupDescription :: Group -> String
groupDescription :: Group -> FilePath
groupDescription Group
group = case Group
group of
Manipulate -> FilePath
"Manipulate Dhall code"
Generate -> FilePath
"Generate other formats from Dhall"
Interpret -> FilePath
"Interpret Dhall"
Convert -> FilePath
"Convert Dhall to and from its binary representation"
Miscellaneous -> FilePath
Debugging -> FilePath
"Debugging this interpreter"

-- | `Parser` for the `Options` type
parseOptions :: Parser Options
parseOptions :: Parser Options
parseOptions =
        Mode -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Censor -> Options
    (Mode -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Censor -> Options)
-> Parser Mode
-> Parser (Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Censor -> Options)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> Parser Mode
    Parser (Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Censor -> Options)
-> Parser Bool -> Parser (Bool -> Bool -> Censor -> Options)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<*> FilePath -> FilePath -> Parser Bool
switch FilePath
"explain" FilePath
"Explain error messages in more detail"
    Parser (Bool -> Bool -> Censor -> Options)
-> Parser Bool -> Parser (Bool -> Censor -> Options)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<*> FilePath -> FilePath -> Parser Bool
switch FilePath
"plain" FilePath
"Disable syntax highlighting"
    Parser (Bool -> Censor -> Options)
-> Parser Bool -> Parser (Censor -> Options)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<*> FilePath -> FilePath -> Parser Bool
switch FilePath
"ascii" FilePath
"Format code using only ASCII syntax"
    Parser (Censor -> Options) -> Parser Censor -> Parser Options
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<*> Parser Censor
    switch :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Parser Bool
switch FilePath
name FilePath
description =
        Mod FlagFields Bool -> Parser Bool
            (   FilePath -> Mod FlagFields Bool
forall (f :: * -> *) a. HasName f => FilePath -> Mod f a
Options.Applicative.long FilePath
            Mod FlagFields Bool -> Mod FlagFields Bool -> Mod FlagFields Bool
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<>  FilePath -> Mod FlagFields Bool
forall (f :: * -> *) a. FilePath -> Mod f a
Options.Applicative.help FilePath

    parseCensor :: Parser Censor
parseCensor = (Bool -> Censor) -> Parser Bool -> Parser Censor
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap Bool -> Censor
f (FilePath -> FilePath -> Parser Bool
switch FilePath
"censor" FilePath
"Hide source code in error messages")
        f :: Bool -> Censor
f Bool
True  = Censor
        f Bool
False = Censor

subcommand :: Group -> String -> String -> Parser a -> Parser a
subcommand :: Group -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Parser a -> Parser a
subcommand Group
group FilePath
name FilePath
description Parser a
parser =
    Mod CommandFields a -> Parser a
forall a. Mod CommandFields a -> Parser a
        (   FilePath -> ParserInfo a -> Mod CommandFields a
forall a. FilePath -> ParserInfo a -> Mod CommandFields a
Options.Applicative.command FilePath
name ParserInfo a
        Mod CommandFields a -> Mod CommandFields a -> Mod CommandFields a
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<>  FilePath -> Mod CommandFields a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. HasMetavar f => FilePath -> Mod f a
Options.Applicative.metavar FilePath
        Mod CommandFields a -> Mod CommandFields a -> Mod CommandFields a
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<>  FilePath -> Mod CommandFields a
forall a. FilePath -> Mod CommandFields a
Options.Applicative.commandGroup (Group -> FilePath
groupDescription Group
    parserInfo :: ParserInfo a
parserInfo =
        Parser a -> InfoMod a -> ParserInfo a
forall a. Parser a -> InfoMod a -> ParserInfo a
Options.Applicative.info Parser a
            (   InfoMod a
forall a. InfoMod a
            InfoMod a -> InfoMod a -> InfoMod a
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<>  FilePath -> InfoMod a
forall a. FilePath -> InfoMod a
Options.Applicative.progDesc FilePath

parseMode :: Parser Mode
parseMode :: Parser Mode
parseMode =
        Group -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Parser Mode -> Parser Mode
forall a. Group -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Parser a -> Parser a
"Standard code formatter for the Dhall language"
            (PossiblyTransitiveInput -> OutputMode -> Mode
Format (PossiblyTransitiveInput -> OutputMode -> Mode)
-> Parser PossiblyTransitiveInput -> Parser (OutputMode -> Mode)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> Parser PossiblyTransitiveInput
parseInplaceTransitive Parser (OutputMode -> Mode) -> Parser OutputMode -> Parser Mode
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<*> FilePath -> Parser OutputMode
parseCheck FilePath
    Parser Mode -> Parser Mode -> Parser Mode
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Alternative f => f a -> f a -> f a
<|> Group -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Parser Mode -> Parser Mode
forall a. Group -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Parser a -> Parser a
"Add integrity checks to remote import statements of an expression"
            (PossiblyTransitiveInput -> Bool -> Bool -> OutputMode -> Mode
Freeze (PossiblyTransitiveInput -> Bool -> Bool -> OutputMode -> Mode)
-> Parser PossiblyTransitiveInput
-> Parser (Bool -> Bool -> OutputMode -> Mode)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> Parser PossiblyTransitiveInput
parseInplaceTransitive Parser (Bool -> Bool -> OutputMode -> Mode)
-> Parser Bool -> Parser (Bool -> OutputMode -> Mode)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<*> Parser Bool
parseAllFlag Parser (Bool -> OutputMode -> Mode)
-> Parser Bool -> Parser (OutputMode -> Mode)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<*> Parser Bool
parseCacheFlag Parser (OutputMode -> Mode) -> Parser OutputMode -> Parser Mode
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<*> FilePath -> Parser OutputMode
parseCheck FilePath
    Parser Mode -> Parser Mode -> Parser Mode
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Alternative f => f a -> f a -> f a
<|> Group -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Parser Mode -> Parser Mode
forall a. Group -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Parser a -> Parser a
"Improve Dhall code by using newer language features and removing dead code"
            (PossiblyTransitiveInput -> OutputMode -> Mode
Lint (PossiblyTransitiveInput -> OutputMode -> Mode)
-> Parser PossiblyTransitiveInput -> Parser (OutputMode -> Mode)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> Parser PossiblyTransitiveInput
parseInplaceTransitive Parser (OutputMode -> Mode) -> Parser OutputMode -> Parser Mode
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<*> FilePath -> Parser OutputMode
parseCheck FilePath
    Parser Mode -> Parser Mode -> Parser Mode
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Alternative f => f a -> f a -> f a
<|> Group -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Parser Mode -> Parser Mode
forall a. Group -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Parser a -> Parser a
"Simplify Dhall code using a schemas record"
            (Input -> OutputMode -> Text -> Mode
Dhall.Main.Schemas (Input -> OutputMode -> Text -> Mode)
-> Parser Input -> Parser (OutputMode -> Text -> Mode)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> Parser Input
parseInplaceNonTransitive Parser (OutputMode -> Text -> Mode)
-> Parser OutputMode -> Parser (Text -> Mode)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<*> FilePath -> Parser OutputMode
parseCheck FilePath
"rewritten" Parser (Text -> Mode) -> Parser Text -> Parser Mode
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<*> Parser Text
    Parser Mode -> Parser Mode -> Parser Mode
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Alternative f => f a -> f a -> f a
<|> Group -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Parser Mode -> Parser Mode
forall a. Group -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Parser a -> Parser a
"Render a Dhall expression that evaluates to a Text literal"
            (Input -> Output -> Mode
Text (Input -> Output -> Mode)
-> Parser Input -> Parser (Output -> Mode)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> Parser Input
parseFile Parser (Output -> Mode) -> Parser Output -> Parser Mode
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<*> Parser Output
    Parser Mode -> Parser Mode -> Parser Mode
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Alternative f => f a -> f a -> f a
<|> Group -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Parser Mode -> Parser Mode
forall a. Group -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Parser a -> Parser a
"Convert nested records of Text literals into a directory tree"
            (Input -> FilePath -> Mode
DirectoryTree (Input -> FilePath -> Mode)
-> Parser Input -> Parser (FilePath -> Mode)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> Parser Input
parseFile Parser (FilePath -> Mode) -> Parser FilePath -> Parser Mode
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<*> Parser FilePath
    Parser Mode -> Parser Mode -> Parser Mode
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Alternative f => f a -> f a -> f a
<|> Group -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Parser Mode -> Parser Mode
forall a. Group -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Parser a -> Parser a
"Resolve an expression's imports"
            (Input -> Maybe ResolveMode -> SemanticCacheMode -> Mode
Resolve (Input -> Maybe ResolveMode -> SemanticCacheMode -> Mode)
-> Parser Input
-> Parser (Maybe ResolveMode -> SemanticCacheMode -> Mode)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> Parser Input
parseFile Parser (Maybe ResolveMode -> SemanticCacheMode -> Mode)
-> Parser (Maybe ResolveMode) -> Parser (SemanticCacheMode -> Mode)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<*> Parser (Maybe ResolveMode)
parseResolveMode Parser (SemanticCacheMode -> Mode)
-> Parser SemanticCacheMode -> Parser Mode
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<*> Parser SemanticCacheMode
    Parser Mode -> Parser Mode -> Parser Mode
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Alternative f => f a -> f a -> f a
<|> Group -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Parser Mode -> Parser Mode
forall a. Group -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Parser a -> Parser a
"Infer an expression's type"
            (Input -> Bool -> SemanticCacheMode -> Mode
Type (Input -> Bool -> SemanticCacheMode -> Mode)
-> Parser Input -> Parser (Bool -> SemanticCacheMode -> Mode)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> Parser Input
parseFile Parser (Bool -> SemanticCacheMode -> Mode)
-> Parser Bool -> Parser (SemanticCacheMode -> Mode)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<*> Parser Bool
parseQuiet Parser (SemanticCacheMode -> Mode)
-> Parser SemanticCacheMode -> Parser Mode
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<*> Parser SemanticCacheMode
    Parser Mode -> Parser Mode -> Parser Mode
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Alternative f => f a -> f a -> f a
<|> Group -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Parser Mode -> Parser Mode
forall a. Group -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Parser a -> Parser a
"Normalize an expression"
            (Input -> Bool -> Mode
Normalize (Input -> Bool -> Mode) -> Parser Input -> Parser (Bool -> Mode)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> Parser Input
parseFile Parser (Bool -> Mode) -> Parser Bool -> Parser Mode
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<*> Parser Bool
    Parser Mode -> Parser Mode -> Parser Mode
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Alternative f => f a -> f a -> f a
<|> Group -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Parser Mode -> Parser Mode
forall a. Group -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Parser a -> Parser a
"Encode a Dhall expression to binary"
            (Input -> Bool -> Mode
Encode (Input -> Bool -> Mode) -> Parser Input -> Parser (Bool -> Mode)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> Parser Input
parseFile Parser (Bool -> Mode) -> Parser Bool -> Parser Mode
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<*> Parser Bool
    Parser Mode -> Parser Mode -> Parser Mode
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Alternative f => f a -> f a -> f a
<|> Group -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Parser Mode -> Parser Mode
forall a. Group -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Parser a -> Parser a
"Decode a Dhall expression from binary"
            (Input -> Bool -> Bool -> Mode
Decode (Input -> Bool -> Bool -> Mode)
-> Parser Input -> Parser (Bool -> Bool -> Mode)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> Parser Input
parseFile Parser (Bool -> Bool -> Mode)
-> Parser Bool -> Parser (Bool -> Mode)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<*> Parser Bool
parseJSONFlag Parser (Bool -> Mode) -> Parser Bool -> Parser Mode
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<*> Parser Bool
    Parser Mode -> Parser Mode -> Parser Mode
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Alternative f => f a -> f a -> f a
<|> Group -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Parser Mode -> Parser Mode
forall a. Group -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Parser a -> Parser a
"Interpret expressions in a REPL"
            (Mode -> Parser Mode
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure Mode
    Parser Mode -> Parser Mode -> Parser Mode
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Alternative f => f a -> f a -> f a
<|> Group -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Parser Mode -> Parser Mode
forall a. Group -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Parser a -> Parser a
"Render the difference between the normal form of two expressions"
            (Text -> Text -> Mode
Diff (Text -> Text -> Mode) -> Parser Text -> Parser (Text -> Mode)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> FilePath -> Parser Text
argument FilePath
"expr1" Parser (Text -> Mode) -> Parser Text -> Parser Mode
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<*> FilePath -> Parser Text
argument FilePath
    Parser Mode -> Parser Mode -> Parser Mode
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Alternative f => f a -> f a -> f a
<|> Group -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Parser Mode -> Parser Mode
forall a. Group -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Parser a -> Parser a
"Compute semantic hashes for Dhall expressions"
            (Input -> Bool -> Mode
Hash (Input -> Bool -> Mode) -> Parser Input -> Parser (Bool -> Mode)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> Parser Input
parseFile Parser (Bool -> Mode) -> Parser Bool -> Parser Mode
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<*> Parser Bool
    Parser Mode -> Parser Mode -> Parser Mode
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Alternative f => f a -> f a -> f a
<|> Group -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Parser Mode -> Parser Mode
forall a. Group -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Parser a -> Parser a
"Generate etags file"
            (Input -> Output -> Maybe [Text] -> Bool -> Mode
Tags (Input -> Output -> Maybe [Text] -> Bool -> Mode)
-> Parser Input -> Parser (Output -> Maybe [Text] -> Bool -> Mode)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> Parser Input
parseInput Parser (Output -> Maybe [Text] -> Bool -> Mode)
-> Parser Output -> Parser (Maybe [Text] -> Bool -> Mode)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<*> Parser Output
parseTagsOutput Parser (Maybe [Text] -> Bool -> Mode)
-> Parser (Maybe [Text]) -> Parser (Bool -> Mode)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<*> Parser (Maybe [Text])
parseSuffixes Parser (Bool -> Mode) -> Parser Bool -> Parser Mode
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<*> Parser Bool
    Parser Mode -> Parser Mode -> Parser Mode
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Alternative f => f a -> f a -> f a
<|> Group -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Parser Mode -> Parser Mode
forall a. Group -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Parser a -> Parser a
"Display version"
            (Mode -> Parser Mode
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure Mode
    Parser Mode -> Parser Mode -> Parser Mode
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Alternative f => f a -> f a -> f a
<|> Group -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Parser Mode -> Parser Mode
forall a. Group -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Parser a -> Parser a
"Output the parsed syntax tree (for debugging)"
            (Input -> Bool -> Mode
SyntaxTree (Input -> Bool -> Mode) -> Parser Input -> Parser (Bool -> Mode)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> Parser Input
parseFile Parser (Bool -> Mode) -> Parser Bool -> Parser Mode
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<*> Parser Bool
    Parser Mode -> Parser Mode -> Parser Mode
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Alternative f => f a -> f a -> f a
<|> (   Input
-> Output -> Bool -> Bool -> SemanticCacheMode -> Bool -> Mode
 -> Output -> Bool -> Bool -> SemanticCacheMode -> Bool -> Mode)
-> Parser Input
-> Parser
     (Output -> Bool -> Bool -> SemanticCacheMode -> Bool -> Mode)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> Parser Input
  (Output -> Bool -> Bool -> SemanticCacheMode -> Bool -> Mode)
-> Parser Output
-> Parser (Bool -> Bool -> SemanticCacheMode -> Bool -> Mode)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<*> Parser Output
        Parser (Bool -> Bool -> SemanticCacheMode -> Bool -> Mode)
-> Parser Bool
-> Parser (Bool -> SemanticCacheMode -> Bool -> Mode)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<*> Parser Bool
        Parser (Bool -> SemanticCacheMode -> Bool -> Mode)
-> Parser Bool -> Parser (SemanticCacheMode -> Bool -> Mode)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<*> Parser Bool
        Parser (SemanticCacheMode -> Bool -> Mode)
-> Parser SemanticCacheMode -> Parser (Bool -> Mode)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<*> Parser SemanticCacheMode
        Parser (Bool -> Mode) -> Parser Bool -> Parser Mode
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<*> Parser Bool
    argument :: FilePath -> Parser Text
argument =
            (FilePath -> Text) -> Parser FilePath -> Parser Text
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap FilePath -> Text
        (Parser FilePath -> Parser Text)
-> (FilePath -> Parser FilePath) -> FilePath -> Parser Text
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
.   Mod ArgumentFields FilePath -> Parser FilePath
forall s. IsString s => Mod ArgumentFields s -> Parser s
        (Mod ArgumentFields FilePath -> Parser FilePath)
-> (FilePath -> Mod ArgumentFields FilePath)
-> FilePath
-> Parser FilePath
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
.   FilePath -> Mod ArgumentFields FilePath
forall (f :: * -> *) a. HasMetavar f => FilePath -> Mod f a

    parseFile :: Parser Input
parseFile = (Maybe FilePath -> Input)
-> Parser (Maybe FilePath) -> Parser Input
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap Maybe FilePath -> Input
f (Parser FilePath -> Parser (Maybe FilePath)
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Alternative f => f a -> f (Maybe a)
optional Parser FilePath
        f :: Maybe FilePath -> Input
f  Maybe FilePath
Nothing    = Input
        f (Just FilePath
file) = FilePath -> Input
InputFile FilePath

        p :: Parser FilePath
p = Mod OptionFields FilePath -> Parser FilePath
forall s. IsString s => Mod OptionFields s -> Parser s
                (   FilePath -> Mod OptionFields FilePath
forall (f :: * -> *) a. HasName f => FilePath -> Mod f a
Options.Applicative.long FilePath
                Mod OptionFields FilePath
-> Mod OptionFields FilePath -> Mod OptionFields FilePath
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<>  FilePath -> Mod OptionFields FilePath
forall (f :: * -> *) a. FilePath -> Mod f a
Options.Applicative.help FilePath
"Read expression from a file instead of standard input"
                Mod OptionFields FilePath
-> Mod OptionFields FilePath -> Mod OptionFields FilePath
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<>  FilePath -> Mod OptionFields FilePath
forall (f :: * -> *) a. HasMetavar f => FilePath -> Mod f a
Options.Applicative.metavar FilePath
                Mod OptionFields FilePath
-> Mod OptionFields FilePath -> Mod OptionFields FilePath
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<>  FilePath -> Mod OptionFields FilePath
forall (f :: * -> *) a. HasCompleter f => FilePath -> Mod f a
Options.Applicative.action FilePath

    parseOutput :: Parser Output
parseOutput = (Maybe FilePath -> Output)
-> Parser (Maybe FilePath) -> Parser Output
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap Maybe FilePath -> Output
f (Parser FilePath -> Parser (Maybe FilePath)
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Alternative f => f a -> f (Maybe a)
optional Parser FilePath
        f :: Maybe FilePath -> Output
f Maybe FilePath
Nothing = Output
        f (Just FilePath
file) = FilePath -> Output
OutputFile FilePath

        p :: Parser FilePath
p = Mod OptionFields FilePath -> Parser FilePath
forall s. IsString s => Mod OptionFields s -> Parser s
                (   FilePath -> Mod OptionFields FilePath
forall (f :: * -> *) a. HasName f => FilePath -> Mod f a
Options.Applicative.long FilePath
                Mod OptionFields FilePath
-> Mod OptionFields FilePath -> Mod OptionFields FilePath
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<>  FilePath -> Mod OptionFields FilePath
forall (f :: * -> *) a. FilePath -> Mod f a
Options.Applicative.help FilePath
"Write result to a file instead of standard output"
                Mod OptionFields FilePath
-> Mod OptionFields FilePath -> Mod OptionFields FilePath
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<>  FilePath -> Mod OptionFields FilePath
forall (f :: * -> *) a. HasMetavar f => FilePath -> Mod f a
Options.Applicative.metavar FilePath
                Mod OptionFields FilePath
-> Mod OptionFields FilePath -> Mod OptionFields FilePath
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<>  FilePath -> Mod OptionFields FilePath
forall (f :: * -> *) a. HasCompleter f => FilePath -> Mod f a
Options.Applicative.action FilePath

    parseAlpha :: Parser Bool
parseAlpha =
        Mod FlagFields Bool -> Parser Bool
            (   FilePath -> Mod FlagFields Bool
forall (f :: * -> *) a. HasName f => FilePath -> Mod f a
Options.Applicative.long FilePath
            Mod FlagFields Bool -> Mod FlagFields Bool -> Mod FlagFields Bool
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<>  FilePath -> Mod FlagFields Bool
forall (f :: * -> *) a. FilePath -> Mod f a
Options.Applicative.help FilePath
"α-normalize expression"

    parseAnnotate :: Parser Bool
parseAnnotate =
        Mod FlagFields Bool -> Parser Bool
            (   FilePath -> Mod FlagFields Bool
forall (f :: * -> *) a. HasName f => FilePath -> Mod f a
Options.Applicative.long FilePath
            Mod FlagFields Bool -> Mod FlagFields Bool -> Mod FlagFields Bool
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<>  FilePath -> Mod FlagFields Bool
forall (f :: * -> *) a. FilePath -> Mod f a
Options.Applicative.help FilePath
"Add a type annotation to the output"

    parseSemanticCacheMode :: Parser SemanticCacheMode
parseSemanticCacheMode =
-> SemanticCacheMode
-> Mod FlagFields SemanticCacheMode
-> Parser SemanticCacheMode
forall a. a -> a -> Mod FlagFields a -> Parser a
            (   FilePath -> Mod FlagFields SemanticCacheMode
forall (f :: * -> *) a. HasName f => FilePath -> Mod f a
Options.Applicative.long FilePath
            Mod FlagFields SemanticCacheMode
-> Mod FlagFields SemanticCacheMode
-> Mod FlagFields SemanticCacheMode
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<>  FilePath -> Mod FlagFields SemanticCacheMode
forall (f :: * -> *) a. FilePath -> Mod f a
"Handle protected imports as if the cache was empty"

    parseVersion :: Parser Bool
parseVersion =
        Mod FlagFields Bool -> Parser Bool
            (   FilePath -> Mod FlagFields Bool
forall (f :: * -> *) a. HasName f => FilePath -> Mod f a
Options.Applicative.long FilePath
            Mod FlagFields Bool -> Mod FlagFields Bool -> Mod FlagFields Bool
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<>  FilePath -> Mod FlagFields Bool
forall (f :: * -> *) a. FilePath -> Mod f a
Options.Applicative.help FilePath
"Display version"

    parseResolveMode :: Parser (Maybe ResolveMode)
parseResolveMode =
          Maybe ResolveMode
-> Mod FlagFields (Maybe ResolveMode) -> Parser (Maybe ResolveMode)
forall a. a -> Mod FlagFields a -> Parser a
Options.Applicative.flag' (ResolveMode -> Maybe ResolveMode
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just ResolveMode
              (   FilePath -> Mod FlagFields (Maybe ResolveMode)
forall (f :: * -> *) a. HasName f => FilePath -> Mod f a
Options.Applicative.long FilePath
              Mod FlagFields (Maybe ResolveMode)
-> Mod FlagFields (Maybe ResolveMode)
-> Mod FlagFields (Maybe ResolveMode)
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<>  FilePath -> Mod FlagFields (Maybe ResolveMode)
forall (f :: * -> *) a. FilePath -> Mod f a
"Output import dependency graph in dot format"
        Parser (Maybe ResolveMode)
-> Parser (Maybe ResolveMode) -> Parser (Maybe ResolveMode)
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Alternative f => f a -> f a -> f a
          Maybe ResolveMode
-> Mod FlagFields (Maybe ResolveMode) -> Parser (Maybe ResolveMode)
forall a. a -> Mod FlagFields a -> Parser a
Options.Applicative.flag' (ResolveMode -> Maybe ResolveMode
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just ResolveMode
              (   FilePath -> Mod FlagFields (Maybe ResolveMode)
forall (f :: * -> *) a. HasName f => FilePath -> Mod f a
Options.Applicative.long FilePath
              Mod FlagFields (Maybe ResolveMode)
-> Mod FlagFields (Maybe ResolveMode)
-> Mod FlagFields (Maybe ResolveMode)
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<>  FilePath -> Mod FlagFields (Maybe ResolveMode)
forall (f :: * -> *) a. FilePath -> Mod f a
"List immediate import dependencies"
        Parser (Maybe ResolveMode)
-> Parser (Maybe ResolveMode) -> Parser (Maybe ResolveMode)
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Alternative f => f a -> f a -> f a
          Maybe ResolveMode
-> Mod FlagFields (Maybe ResolveMode) -> Parser (Maybe ResolveMode)
forall a. a -> Mod FlagFields a -> Parser a
Options.Applicative.flag' (ResolveMode -> Maybe ResolveMode
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just ResolveMode
              (   FilePath -> Mod FlagFields (Maybe ResolveMode)
forall (f :: * -> *) a. HasName f => FilePath -> Mod f a
Options.Applicative.long FilePath
              Mod FlagFields (Maybe ResolveMode)
-> Mod FlagFields (Maybe ResolveMode)
-> Mod FlagFields (Maybe ResolveMode)
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<>  FilePath -> Mod FlagFields (Maybe ResolveMode)
forall (f :: * -> *) a. FilePath -> Mod f a
"List transitive import dependencies in post-order"
        Parser (Maybe ResolveMode)
-> Parser (Maybe ResolveMode) -> Parser (Maybe ResolveMode)
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Alternative f => f a -> f a -> f a
<|> Maybe ResolveMode -> Parser (Maybe ResolveMode)
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure Maybe ResolveMode
forall a. Maybe a

    parseQuiet :: Parser Bool
parseQuiet =
        Mod FlagFields Bool -> Parser Bool
            (   FilePath -> Mod FlagFields Bool
forall (f :: * -> *) a. HasName f => FilePath -> Mod f a
Options.Applicative.long FilePath
            Mod FlagFields Bool -> Mod FlagFields Bool -> Mod FlagFields Bool
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<>  FilePath -> Mod FlagFields Bool
forall (f :: * -> *) a. FilePath -> Mod f a
Options.Applicative.help FilePath
"Don't print the result"

    parseInplace :: Parser FilePath
parseInplace =
        Mod OptionFields FilePath -> Parser FilePath
forall s. IsString s => Mod OptionFields s -> Parser s
            (   FilePath -> Mod OptionFields FilePath
forall (f :: * -> *) a. HasName f => FilePath -> Mod f a
Options.Applicative.long FilePath
            Mod OptionFields FilePath
-> Mod OptionFields FilePath -> Mod OptionFields FilePath
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<>  FilePath -> Mod OptionFields FilePath
forall (f :: * -> *) a. FilePath -> Mod f a
Options.Applicative.help FilePath
"Modify the specified file in-place"
            Mod OptionFields FilePath
-> Mod OptionFields FilePath -> Mod OptionFields FilePath
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<>  FilePath -> Mod OptionFields FilePath
forall (f :: * -> *) a. HasMetavar f => FilePath -> Mod f a
Options.Applicative.metavar FilePath
            Mod OptionFields FilePath
-> Mod OptionFields FilePath -> Mod OptionFields FilePath
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<>  FilePath -> Mod OptionFields FilePath
forall (f :: * -> *) a. HasCompleter f => FilePath -> Mod f a
Options.Applicative.action FilePath

    parseInplaceNonTransitive :: Parser Input
parseInplaceNonTransitive =
            (FilePath -> Input) -> Parser FilePath -> Parser Input
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap FilePath -> Input
InputFile Parser FilePath
        Parser Input -> Parser Input -> Parser Input
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Alternative f => f a -> f a -> f a
<|> Input -> Parser Input
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure Input

    parseInplaceTransitive :: Parser PossiblyTransitiveInput
parseInplaceTransitive =
            (FilePath -> PossiblyTransitiveInput)
-> Parser FilePath -> Parser PossiblyTransitiveInput
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap (\FilePath
f -> FilePath -> Transitivity -> PossiblyTransitiveInput
PossiblyTransitiveInputFile FilePath
f Transitivity
NonTransitive) Parser FilePath
        Parser PossiblyTransitiveInput
-> Parser PossiblyTransitiveInput -> Parser PossiblyTransitiveInput
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Alternative f => f a -> f a -> f a
<|> (FilePath -> PossiblyTransitiveInput)
-> Parser FilePath -> Parser PossiblyTransitiveInput
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap (\FilePath
f -> FilePath -> Transitivity -> PossiblyTransitiveInput
PossiblyTransitiveInputFile FilePath
f    Transitivity
Transitive) Parser FilePath
        Parser PossiblyTransitiveInput
-> Parser PossiblyTransitiveInput -> Parser PossiblyTransitiveInput
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Alternative f => f a -> f a -> f a
<|> PossiblyTransitiveInput -> Parser PossiblyTransitiveInput
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure PossiblyTransitiveInput
        parseTransitive :: Parser FilePath
parseTransitive = Mod OptionFields FilePath -> Parser FilePath
forall s. IsString s => Mod OptionFields s -> Parser s
            (   FilePath -> Mod OptionFields FilePath
forall (f :: * -> *) a. HasName f => FilePath -> Mod f a
Options.Applicative.long FilePath
            Mod OptionFields FilePath
-> Mod OptionFields FilePath -> Mod OptionFields FilePath
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<>  FilePath -> Mod OptionFields FilePath
forall (f :: * -> *) a. FilePath -> Mod f a
Options.Applicative.help FilePath
"Modify the specified file and its transitive relative imports in-place"
            Mod OptionFields FilePath
-> Mod OptionFields FilePath -> Mod OptionFields FilePath
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<>  FilePath -> Mod OptionFields FilePath
forall (f :: * -> *) a. HasMetavar f => FilePath -> Mod f a
Options.Applicative.metavar FilePath
            Mod OptionFields FilePath
-> Mod OptionFields FilePath -> Mod OptionFields FilePath
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<>  FilePath -> Mod OptionFields FilePath
forall (f :: * -> *) a. HasCompleter f => FilePath -> Mod f a
Options.Applicative.action FilePath

    parseInput :: Parser Input
parseInput = (Maybe FilePath -> Input)
-> Parser (Maybe FilePath) -> Parser Input
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap Maybe FilePath -> Input
f (Parser FilePath -> Parser (Maybe FilePath)
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Alternative f => f a -> f (Maybe a)
optional Parser FilePath
        f :: Maybe FilePath -> Input
f  Maybe FilePath
Nothing    = Input
        f (Just FilePath
path) = FilePath -> Input
InputFile FilePath

        p :: Parser FilePath
p = Mod OptionFields FilePath -> Parser FilePath
forall s. IsString s => Mod OptionFields s -> Parser s
            (   FilePath -> Mod OptionFields FilePath
forall (f :: * -> *) a. HasName f => FilePath -> Mod f a
Options.Applicative.long FilePath
            Mod OptionFields FilePath
-> Mod OptionFields FilePath -> Mod OptionFields FilePath
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<>  FilePath -> Mod OptionFields FilePath
forall (f :: * -> *) a. FilePath -> Mod f a
Options.Applicative.help FilePath
"Index all files in path recursively. Will get list of files from STDIN if omitted."
            Mod OptionFields FilePath
-> Mod OptionFields FilePath -> Mod OptionFields FilePath
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<>  FilePath -> Mod OptionFields FilePath
forall (f :: * -> *) a. HasMetavar f => FilePath -> Mod f a
Options.Applicative.metavar FilePath
            Mod OptionFields FilePath
-> Mod OptionFields FilePath -> Mod OptionFields FilePath
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<>  FilePath -> Mod OptionFields FilePath
forall (f :: * -> *) a. HasCompleter f => FilePath -> Mod f a
Options.Applicative.action FilePath
            Mod OptionFields FilePath
-> Mod OptionFields FilePath -> Mod OptionFields FilePath
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<>  FilePath -> Mod OptionFields FilePath
forall (f :: * -> *) a. HasCompleter f => FilePath -> Mod f a
Options.Applicative.action FilePath

    parseTagsOutput :: Parser Output
parseTagsOutput = (Maybe FilePath -> Output)
-> Parser (Maybe FilePath) -> Parser Output
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap Maybe FilePath -> Output
f (Parser FilePath -> Parser (Maybe FilePath)
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Alternative f => f a -> f (Maybe a)
optional Parser FilePath
        f :: Maybe FilePath -> Output
f  Maybe FilePath
Nothing    = FilePath -> Output
OutputFile FilePath
        f (Just FilePath
file) = FilePath -> Output
OutputFile FilePath

        p :: Parser FilePath
p = Mod OptionFields FilePath -> Parser FilePath
forall s. IsString s => Mod OptionFields s -> Parser s
            (   FilePath -> Mod OptionFields FilePath
forall (f :: * -> *) a. HasName f => FilePath -> Mod f a
Options.Applicative.long FilePath
            Mod OptionFields FilePath
-> Mod OptionFields FilePath -> Mod OptionFields FilePath
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<>  FilePath -> Mod OptionFields FilePath
forall (f :: * -> *) a. FilePath -> Mod f a
Options.Applicative.help FilePath
"The name of the file that the tags are written to. Defaults to \"tags\""
            Mod OptionFields FilePath
-> Mod OptionFields FilePath -> Mod OptionFields FilePath
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<>  FilePath -> Mod OptionFields FilePath
forall (f :: * -> *) a. HasMetavar f => FilePath -> Mod f a
Options.Applicative.metavar FilePath
            Mod OptionFields FilePath
-> Mod OptionFields FilePath -> Mod OptionFields FilePath
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<>  FilePath -> Mod OptionFields FilePath
forall (f :: * -> *) a. HasCompleter f => FilePath -> Mod f a
Options.Applicative.action FilePath

    parseSuffixes :: Parser (Maybe [Text])
parseSuffixes = (Maybe Text -> Maybe [Text])
-> Parser (Maybe Text) -> Parser (Maybe [Text])
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap Maybe Text -> Maybe [Text]
f (Parser Text -> Parser (Maybe Text)
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Alternative f => f a -> f (Maybe a)
optional Parser Text
        f :: Maybe Text -> Maybe [Text]
f  Maybe Text
Nothing    = [Text] -> Maybe [Text]
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just [Text
        f (Just Text
"")   = Maybe [Text]
forall a. Maybe a
        f (Just Text
line) = [Text] -> Maybe [Text]
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just (Text -> Text -> [Text]
Data.Text.splitOn Text
" " Text

        p :: Parser Text
p = Mod OptionFields Text -> Parser Text
forall s. IsString s => Mod OptionFields s -> Parser s
            (   FilePath -> Mod OptionFields Text
forall (f :: * -> *) a. HasName f => FilePath -> Mod f a
Options.Applicative.long FilePath
            Mod OptionFields Text
-> Mod OptionFields Text -> Mod OptionFields Text
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<>  FilePath -> Mod OptionFields Text
forall (f :: * -> *) a. FilePath -> Mod f a
Options.Applicative.help FilePath
"Index only files with suffixes. \"\" to index all files."
            Mod OptionFields Text
-> Mod OptionFields Text -> Mod OptionFields Text
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<>  FilePath -> Mod OptionFields Text
forall (f :: * -> *) a. HasMetavar f => FilePath -> Mod f a
Options.Applicative.metavar FilePath

    parseFollowSymlinks :: Parser Bool
parseFollowSymlinks =
        Mod FlagFields Bool -> Parser Bool
        (   FilePath -> Mod FlagFields Bool
forall (f :: * -> *) a. HasName f => FilePath -> Mod f a
Options.Applicative.long FilePath
        Mod FlagFields Bool -> Mod FlagFields Bool -> Mod FlagFields Bool
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<>  FilePath -> Mod FlagFields Bool
forall (f :: * -> *) a. FilePath -> Mod f a
Options.Applicative.help FilePath
"Follow symlinks when recursing directories"

    parseJSONFlag :: Parser Bool
parseJSONFlag =
        Mod FlagFields Bool -> Parser Bool
        (   FilePath -> Mod FlagFields Bool
forall (f :: * -> *) a. HasName f => FilePath -> Mod f a
Options.Applicative.long FilePath
        Mod FlagFields Bool -> Mod FlagFields Bool -> Mod FlagFields Bool
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<>  FilePath -> Mod FlagFields Bool
forall (f :: * -> *) a. FilePath -> Mod f a
Options.Applicative.help FilePath
"Use JSON representation of CBOR"

    parseAllFlag :: Parser Bool
parseAllFlag =
        Mod FlagFields Bool -> Parser Bool
        (   FilePath -> Mod FlagFields Bool
forall (f :: * -> *) a. HasName f => FilePath -> Mod f a
Options.Applicative.long FilePath
        Mod FlagFields Bool -> Mod FlagFields Bool -> Mod FlagFields Bool
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<>  FilePath -> Mod FlagFields Bool
forall (f :: * -> *) a. FilePath -> Mod f a
Options.Applicative.help FilePath
"Add integrity checks to all imports (not just remote imports)"

    parseCacheFlag :: Parser Bool
parseCacheFlag =
        Mod FlagFields Bool -> Parser Bool
        (   FilePath -> Mod FlagFields Bool
forall (f :: * -> *) a. HasName f => FilePath -> Mod f a
Options.Applicative.long FilePath
        Mod FlagFields Bool -> Mod FlagFields Bool -> Mod FlagFields Bool
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<>  FilePath -> Mod FlagFields Bool
forall (f :: * -> *) a. FilePath -> Mod f a
Options.Applicative.help FilePath
"Add fallback unprotected imports when using integrity checks purely for caching purposes"

    parseCheck :: FilePath -> Parser OutputMode
parseCheck FilePath
processed = (Bool -> OutputMode) -> Parser Bool -> Parser OutputMode
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap Bool -> OutputMode
adapt Parser Bool
        adapt :: Bool -> OutputMode
adapt Bool
True  = OutputMode
        adapt Bool
False = OutputMode

        switch :: Parser Bool
switch =
            Mod FlagFields Bool -> Parser Bool
            (   FilePath -> Mod FlagFields Bool
forall (f :: * -> *) a. HasName f => FilePath -> Mod f a
Options.Applicative.long FilePath
            Mod FlagFields Bool -> Mod FlagFields Bool -> Mod FlagFields Bool
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<>  FilePath -> Mod FlagFields Bool
forall (f :: * -> *) a. FilePath -> Mod f a
Options.Applicative.help (FilePath
"Only check if the input is " FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> FilePath

    parseSchemasRecord :: Parser Text
parseSchemasRecord =
        Mod OptionFields Text -> Parser Text
forall s. IsString s => Mod OptionFields s -> Parser s
            (   FilePath -> Mod OptionFields Text
forall (f :: * -> *) a. HasName f => FilePath -> Mod f a
Options.Applicative.long FilePath
            Mod OptionFields Text
-> Mod OptionFields Text -> Mod OptionFields Text
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<>  FilePath -> Mod OptionFields Text
forall (f :: * -> *) a. FilePath -> Mod f a
Options.Applicative.help FilePath
"A record of schemas"
            Mod OptionFields Text
-> Mod OptionFields Text -> Mod OptionFields Text
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<>  FilePath -> Mod OptionFields Text
forall (f :: * -> *) a. HasMetavar f => FilePath -> Mod f a
Options.Applicative.metavar FilePath

    parseDirectoryTreeOutput :: Parser FilePath
parseDirectoryTreeOutput =
        Mod OptionFields FilePath -> Parser FilePath
forall s. IsString s => Mod OptionFields s -> Parser s
            (   FilePath -> Mod OptionFields FilePath
forall (f :: * -> *) a. HasName f => FilePath -> Mod f a
Options.Applicative.long FilePath
            Mod OptionFields FilePath
-> Mod OptionFields FilePath -> Mod OptionFields FilePath
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<>  FilePath -> Mod OptionFields FilePath
forall (f :: * -> *) a. FilePath -> Mod f a
Options.Applicative.help FilePath
"The destination path to create"
            Mod OptionFields FilePath
-> Mod OptionFields FilePath -> Mod OptionFields FilePath
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<>  FilePath -> Mod OptionFields FilePath
forall (f :: * -> *) a. HasMetavar f => FilePath -> Mod f a
Options.Applicative.metavar FilePath
            Mod OptionFields FilePath
-> Mod OptionFields FilePath -> Mod OptionFields FilePath
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<>  FilePath -> Mod OptionFields FilePath
forall (f :: * -> *) a. HasCompleter f => FilePath -> Mod f a
Options.Applicative.action FilePath

    parseNoted :: Parser Bool
parseNoted =
        Mod FlagFields Bool -> Parser Bool
            (   FilePath -> Mod FlagFields Bool
forall (f :: * -> *) a. HasName f => FilePath -> Mod f a
Options.Applicative.long FilePath
            Mod FlagFields Bool -> Mod FlagFields Bool -> Mod FlagFields Bool
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<>  FilePath -> Mod FlagFields Bool
forall (f :: * -> *) a. FilePath -> Mod f a
Options.Applicative.help FilePath
"Print `Note` constructors"

    parseCache :: Parser Bool
parseCache =
        Mod FlagFields Bool -> Parser Bool
            (   FilePath -> Mod FlagFields Bool
forall (f :: * -> *) a. HasName f => FilePath -> Mod f a
Options.Applicative.long FilePath
            Mod FlagFields Bool -> Mod FlagFields Bool -> Mod FlagFields Bool
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<>  FilePath -> Mod FlagFields Bool
forall (f :: * -> *) a. FilePath -> Mod f a
Options.Applicative.help FilePath
"Cache the hashed expression"

-- | `ParserInfo` for the `Options` type
parserInfoOptions :: ParserInfo Options
parserInfoOptions :: ParserInfo Options
parserInfoOptions =
    Parser Options -> InfoMod Options -> ParserInfo Options
forall a. Parser a -> InfoMod a -> ParserInfo a
        (Parser (Options -> Options)
forall a. Parser (a -> a)
Options.Applicative.helper Parser (Options -> Options) -> Parser Options -> Parser Options
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<*> Parser Options
        (   FilePath -> InfoMod Options
forall a. FilePath -> InfoMod a
Options.Applicative.progDesc FilePath
"Interpreter for the Dhall language"
        InfoMod Options -> InfoMod Options -> InfoMod Options
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<>  InfoMod Options
forall a. InfoMod a

noHeaders :: Import -> Import
noHeaders :: Import -> Import
    (Import { importHashed :: Import -> ImportHashed
importHashed = ImportHashed { importType :: ImportHashed -> ImportType
importType = Remote URL{ Maybe Text
Maybe (Expr Src Import)
headers :: URL -> Maybe (Expr Src Import)
query :: URL -> Maybe Text
path :: URL -> File
authority :: URL -> Text
scheme :: URL -> Scheme
headers :: Maybe (Expr Src Import)
query :: Maybe Text
path :: File
authority :: Text
scheme :: Scheme
.. }, Maybe SHA256Digest
hash :: ImportHashed -> Maybe SHA256Digest
hash :: Maybe SHA256Digest
..}, ImportMode
importMode :: Import -> ImportMode
importMode :: ImportMode
.. }) =
    Import :: ImportHashed -> ImportMode -> Import
Import { importHashed :: ImportHashed
importHashed = ImportHashed :: Maybe SHA256Digest -> ImportType -> ImportHashed
ImportHashed { importType :: ImportType
importType = URL -> ImportType
Remote URL :: Scheme
-> Text -> File -> Maybe Text -> Maybe (Expr Src Import) -> URL
URL{ headers :: Maybe (Expr Src Import)
headers = Maybe (Expr Src Import)
forall a. Maybe a
Nothing, Maybe Text
query :: Maybe Text
path :: File
authority :: Text
scheme :: Scheme
query :: Maybe Text
path :: File
authority :: Text
scheme :: Scheme
.. }, Maybe SHA256Digest
hash :: Maybe SHA256Digest
hash :: Maybe SHA256Digest
.. }, ImportMode
importMode :: ImportMode
importMode :: ImportMode
.. }
noHeaders Import
i =

-- | Run the command specified by the `Options` type
command :: Options -> IO ()
command :: Options -> IO ()
command (Options {Bool
censor :: Censor
ascii :: Bool
plain :: Bool
explain :: Bool
mode :: Mode
censor :: Options -> Censor
ascii :: Options -> Bool
plain :: Options -> Bool
explain :: Options -> Bool
mode :: Options -> Mode
..}) = do
    let characterSet :: CharacterSet
characterSet = case Bool
ascii of
True  -> CharacterSet
False -> CharacterSet

    TextEncoding -> IO ()
GHC.IO.Encoding.setLocaleEncoding TextEncoding

    let rootDirectory :: Input -> FilePath
rootDirectory = \case
            InputFile FilePath
f   -> FilePath -> FilePath
System.FilePath.takeDirectory FilePath
StandardInput -> FilePath

    let toStatus :: Input -> Status
toStatus = FilePath -> Status
Dhall.Import.emptyStatus (FilePath -> Status) -> (Input -> FilePath) -> Input -> Status
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Input -> FilePath

    let getExpression :: Input -> IO (Expr Src Import)
getExpression = Censor -> Input -> IO (Expr Src Import)
Dhall.Util.getExpression Censor

    let handle :: IO a -> IO a
handle IO a
io =
            IO a -> [Handler a] -> IO a
forall a. IO a -> [Handler a] -> IO a
Control.Exception.catches IO a
                [ (TypeError Src X -> IO a) -> Handler a
forall a e. Exception e => (e -> IO a) -> Handler a
Handler TypeError Src X -> IO a
forall a. TypeError Src X -> IO a
                , (Imported (TypeError Src X) -> IO a) -> Handler a
forall a e. Exception e => (e -> IO a) -> Handler a
Handler Imported (TypeError Src X) -> IO a
forall a. Imported (TypeError Src X) -> IO a
                , (ExitCode -> IO a) -> Handler a
forall a e. Exception e => (e -> IO a) -> Handler a
Handler ExitCode -> IO a
forall a. ExitCode -> IO a
            handleAll :: SomeException -> IO b
handleAll SomeException
e = do
                let string :: FilePath
string = SomeException -> FilePath
forall a. Show a => a -> FilePath
show (SomeException
e :: SomeException)

                if Bool -> Bool
not (FilePath -> Bool
forall (t :: * -> *) a. Foldable t => t a -> Bool
null FilePath
                    then Handle -> FilePath -> IO ()
System.IO.hPutStrLn Handle
System.IO.stderr FilePath
                    else () -> IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()

                IO b
forall a. IO a

            handleTypeError :: TypeError Src X -> IO a
handleTypeError TypeError Src X
e = (SomeException -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a
forall e a. Exception e => (e -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a
Control.Exception.handle SomeException -> IO a
forall b. SomeException -> IO b
handleAll (IO a -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
                let TypeError Src X
_ = TypeError Src X
e :: TypeError Src Void
                Handle -> FilePath -> IO ()
System.IO.hPutStrLn Handle
System.IO.stderr FilePath
                if Bool
                        case Censor
censor of
Censor   -> Censored -> IO a
forall e a. Exception e => e -> IO a
Control.Exception.throwIO (DetailedTypeError Src X -> Censored
CensoredDetailed (TypeError Src X -> DetailedTypeError Src X
forall s a. TypeError s a -> DetailedTypeError s a
DetailedTypeError TypeError Src X
NoCensor -> DetailedTypeError Src X -> IO a
forall e a. Exception e => e -> IO a
Control.Exception.throwIO (TypeError Src X -> DetailedTypeError Src X
forall s a. TypeError s a -> DetailedTypeError s a
DetailedTypeError TypeError Src X

                    else do
                        Handle -> Text -> IO ()
Data.Text.IO.hPutStrLn Handle
System.IO.stderr Text
"\ESC[2mUse \"dhall --explain\" for detailed errors\ESC[0m"
                        case Censor
censor of
Censor   -> Censored -> IO a
forall e a. Exception e => e -> IO a
Control.Exception.throwIO (TypeError Src X -> Censored
Censored TypeError Src X
NoCensor -> TypeError Src X -> IO a
forall e a. Exception e => e -> IO a
Control.Exception.throwIO TypeError Src X

            handleImported :: Imported (TypeError Src X) -> IO a
handleImported (Imported NonEmpty Chained
ps TypeError Src X
e) = (SomeException -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a
forall e a. Exception e => (e -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a
Control.Exception.handle SomeException -> IO a
forall b. SomeException -> IO b
handleAll (IO a -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
                let TypeError Src X
_ = TypeError Src X
e :: TypeError Src Void
                Handle -> FilePath -> IO ()
System.IO.hPutStrLn Handle
System.IO.stderr FilePath
                if Bool
                    then Imported (DetailedTypeError Src X) -> IO a
forall e a. Exception e => e -> IO a
Control.Exception.throwIO (NonEmpty Chained
-> DetailedTypeError Src X -> Imported (DetailedTypeError Src X)
forall e. NonEmpty Chained -> e -> Imported e
Imported NonEmpty Chained
ps (TypeError Src X -> DetailedTypeError Src X
forall s a. TypeError s a -> DetailedTypeError s a
DetailedTypeError TypeError Src X
                    else do
                        Handle -> Text -> IO ()
Data.Text.IO.hPutStrLn Handle
System.IO.stderr Text
"\ESC[2mUse \"dhall --explain\" for detailed errors\ESC[0m"
                        Imported (TypeError Src X) -> IO a
forall e a. Exception e => e -> IO a
Control.Exception.throwIO (NonEmpty Chained -> TypeError Src X -> Imported (TypeError Src X)
forall e. NonEmpty Chained -> e -> Imported e
Imported NonEmpty Chained
ps TypeError Src X

            handleExitCode :: ExitCode -> IO a
handleExitCode ExitCode
e =
                ExitCode -> IO a
forall e a. Exception e => e -> IO a
Control.Exception.throwIO (ExitCode
e :: ExitCode)

    let renderDoc :: Handle -> Doc Ann -> IO ()
        renderDoc :: Handle -> Doc Ann -> IO ()
renderDoc Handle
h Doc Ann
doc = do
            let stream :: SimpleDocStream Ann
stream = Doc Ann -> SimpleDocStream Ann
forall ann. Doc ann -> SimpleDocStream ann
Dhall.Pretty.layout Doc Ann

supportsANSI <- Handle -> IO Bool
System.Console.ANSI.hSupportsANSI Handle
            let ansiStream :: SimpleDocStream AnsiStyle
ansiStream =
                    if Bool
supportsANSI Bool -> Bool -> Bool
&& Bool -> Bool
not Bool
                    then (Ann -> AnsiStyle)
-> SimpleDocStream Ann -> SimpleDocStream AnsiStyle
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap Ann -> AnsiStyle
annToAnsiStyle SimpleDocStream Ann
                    else SimpleDocStream Ann -> SimpleDocStream AnsiStyle
forall ann xxx. SimpleDocStream ann -> SimpleDocStream xxx
Pretty.unAnnotateS SimpleDocStream Ann

            Handle -> SimpleDocStream AnsiStyle -> IO ()
Pretty.renderIO Handle
h SimpleDocStream AnsiStyle
            Handle -> Text -> IO ()
Data.Text.IO.hPutStrLn Handle
h Text

    let render :: Pretty a => Handle -> Expr Src a -> IO ()
        render :: Handle -> Expr Src a -> IO ()
render Handle
h Expr Src a
expression = do
            let doc :: Doc Ann
doc = CharacterSet -> Expr Src a -> Doc Ann
forall a. Pretty a => CharacterSet -> Expr Src a -> Doc Ann
Dhall.Pretty.prettyCharacterSet CharacterSet
characterSet Expr Src a

            Handle -> Doc Ann -> IO ()
renderDoc Handle
h Doc Ann

    let writeDocToFile :: FilePath -> Doc ann -> IO ()
        writeDocToFile :: FilePath -> Doc ann -> IO ()
writeDocToFile FilePath
file Doc ann
doc = do
            let stream :: SimpleDocStream ann
stream = Doc ann -> SimpleDocStream ann
forall ann. Doc ann -> SimpleDocStream ann
Dhall.Pretty.layout (Doc ann
doc Doc ann -> Doc ann -> Doc ann
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Doc ann

            FilePath -> Text -> IO ()
AtomicWrite.LazyText.atomicWriteFile FilePath
file (SimpleDocStream ann -> Text
forall ann. SimpleDocStream ann -> Text
Pretty.Text.renderLazy SimpleDocStream ann

    IO () -> IO ()
forall a. IO a -> IO a
handle (IO () -> IO ()) -> IO () -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ case Mode
mode of
Version ->
            FilePath -> IO ()
putStrLn FilePath

        Default {Bool
version :: Bool
semanticCacheMode :: SemanticCacheMode
alpha :: Bool
annotate :: Bool
output :: Output
file :: Input
version :: Mode -> Bool
semanticCacheMode :: Mode -> SemanticCacheMode
alpha :: Mode -> Bool
annotate :: Mode -> Bool
output :: Mode -> Output
file :: Mode -> Input
..} -> do
            if Bool
                then do
                    FilePath -> IO ()
putStrLn FilePath
                    IO ()
forall a. IO a
                else () -> IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()

            Expr Src Import
expression <- Input -> IO (Expr Src Import)
getExpression Input

            Expr Src X
resolvedExpression <-
                FilePath -> SemanticCacheMode -> Expr Src Import -> IO (Expr Src X)
Dhall.Import.loadRelativeTo (Input -> FilePath
rootDirectory Input
file) SemanticCacheMode
semanticCacheMode Expr Src Import

            Expr Src X
inferredType <- Either (TypeError Src X) (Expr Src X) -> IO (Expr Src X)
forall e (io :: * -> *) a.
(Exception e, MonadIO io) =>
Either e a -> io a
Dhall.Core.throws (Expr Src X -> Either (TypeError Src X) (Expr Src X)
forall s. Expr s X -> Either (TypeError s X) (Expr s X)
Dhall.TypeCheck.typeOf Expr Src X

            let normalizedExpression :: Expr t X
normalizedExpression = Expr Src X -> Expr t X
forall a s t. Eq a => Expr s a -> Expr t a
Dhall.Core.normalize Expr Src X

            let alphaNormalizedExpression :: Expr s X
alphaNormalizedExpression =
                    if Bool
                    then Expr s X -> Expr s X
forall s a. Expr s a -> Expr s a
Dhall.Core.alphaNormalize Expr s X
forall t. Expr t X
                    else Expr s X
forall t. Expr t X

            let annotatedExpression :: Expr Src X
annotatedExpression =
                    if Bool
                        then Expr Src X -> Expr Src X -> Expr Src X
forall s a. Expr s a -> Expr s a -> Expr s a
Annot Expr Src X
forall t. Expr t X
alphaNormalizedExpression Expr Src X
                        else Expr Src X
forall t. Expr t X

            case Output
output of
StandardOutput -> Handle -> Expr Src X -> IO ()
forall a. Pretty a => Handle -> Expr Src a -> IO ()
render Handle
System.IO.stdout Expr Src X

                OutputFile FilePath
file_ ->
                    FilePath -> Doc Ann -> IO ()
forall ann. FilePath -> Doc ann -> IO ()
                        (CharacterSet -> Expr Src X -> Doc Ann
forall a. Pretty a => CharacterSet -> Expr Src a -> Doc Ann
Dhall.Pretty.prettyCharacterSet CharacterSet
characterSet Expr Src X

        Resolve { resolveMode :: Mode -> Maybe ResolveMode
resolveMode = Just ResolveMode
Dot, SemanticCacheMode
semanticCacheMode :: SemanticCacheMode
file :: Input
semanticCacheMode :: Mode -> SemanticCacheMode
file :: Mode -> Input
..} -> do
            Expr Src Import
expression <- Input -> IO (Expr Src Import)
getExpression Input

            (Dhall.Import.Types.Status { [Depends]
_graph :: Status -> [Depends]
_graph :: [Depends]
_graph, NonEmpty Chained
_stack :: Status -> NonEmpty Chained
_stack :: NonEmpty Chained
_stack }) <-
                StateT Status IO (Expr Src X) -> Status -> IO Status
forall (m :: * -> *) s a. Monad m => StateT s m a -> s -> m s
State.execStateT (Expr Src Import -> StateT Status IO (Expr Src X)
Dhall.Import.loadWith Expr Src Import
expression) (Input -> Status
toStatus Input
file) { _semanticCacheMode :: SemanticCacheMode
_semanticCacheMode = SemanticCacheMode
semanticCacheMode }

            let (Chained
rootImport :| [Chained]
_) = NonEmpty Chained
                imports :: [Chained]
imports = Chained
rootImport Chained -> [Chained] -> [Chained]
forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
: (Depends -> Chained) -> [Depends] -> [Chained]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map Depends -> Chained
parent [Depends]
_graph [Chained] -> [Chained] -> [Chained]
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ (Depends -> Chained) -> [Depends] -> [Chained]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map Depends -> Chained
child [Depends]
                importIds :: Map Chained NodeId
importIds = [(Chained, NodeId)] -> Map Chained NodeId
forall k a. Ord k => [(k, a)] -> Map k a
Data.Map.fromList ([Chained] -> [NodeId] -> [(Chained, NodeId)]
forall a b. [a] -> [b] -> [(a, b)]
zip [Chained]
imports [Int -> NodeId
Text.Dot.userNodeId Int
i | Int
i <- [Int

            let dotNode :: (Chained, NodeId) -> Dot ()
dotNode (Chained
i, NodeId
nodeId) =
                    NodeId -> [(FilePath, FilePath)] -> Dot ()
                        [ (FilePath
"label", Text -> FilePath
Data.Text.unpack (Text -> FilePath) -> Text -> FilePath
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Import -> Text
forall a. Pretty a => a -> Text
pretty (Chained -> Import
convert Chained
                        , (FilePath
"shape", FilePath
                        , (FilePath
"style", FilePath
                    convert :: Chained -> Import
convert = Import -> Import
noHeaders (Import -> Import) -> (Chained -> Import) -> Chained -> Import
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Chained -> Import

            let dotEdge :: Depends -> Dot ()
dotEdge (Depends Chained
parent Chained
child) =
                    case (Chained -> Map Chained NodeId -> Maybe NodeId
forall k a. Ord k => k -> Map k a -> Maybe a
Data.Map.lookup Chained
parent Map Chained NodeId
importIds, Chained -> Map Chained NodeId -> Maybe NodeId
forall k a. Ord k => k -> Map k a -> Maybe a
Data.Map.lookup Chained
child Map Chained NodeId
importIds) of
                        (Just NodeId
from, Just NodeId
to) -> NodeId
from NodeId -> NodeId -> Dot ()
.->. NodeId
                        (Maybe NodeId, Maybe NodeId)
_                    -> () -> Dot ()
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure ()

            let dot :: Dot ()
dot = do (FilePath, FilePath) -> Dot ()
Text.Dot.attribute (FilePath
"rankdir", FilePath
                         ((Chained, NodeId) -> Dot ()) -> [(Chained, NodeId)] -> Dot ()
forall (t :: * -> *) (m :: * -> *) a b.
(Foldable t, Monad m) =>
(a -> m b) -> t a -> m ()
mapM_ (Chained, NodeId) -> Dot ()
dotNode (Map Chained NodeId -> [(Chained, NodeId)]
forall k a. Map k a -> [(k, a)]
Data.Map.assocs Map Chained NodeId
                         (Depends -> Dot ()) -> [Depends] -> Dot ()
forall (t :: * -> *) (m :: * -> *) a b.
(Foldable t, Monad m) =>
(a -> m b) -> t a -> m ()
mapM_ Depends -> Dot ()
dotEdge [Depends]

            FilePath -> IO ()
putStr (FilePath -> IO ()) -> (Dot () -> FilePath) -> Dot () -> IO ()
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (FilePath
"strict " FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<>) (FilePath -> FilePath)
-> (Dot () -> FilePath) -> Dot () -> FilePath
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Dot () -> FilePath
forall a. Dot a -> FilePath
Text.Dot.showDot (Dot () -> IO ()) -> Dot () -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Dot ()

        Resolve { resolveMode :: Mode -> Maybe ResolveMode
resolveMode = Just ResolveMode
ListImmediateDependencies, SemanticCacheMode
semanticCacheMode :: SemanticCacheMode
file :: Input
semanticCacheMode :: Mode -> SemanticCacheMode
file :: Mode -> Input
..} -> do
            Expr Src Import
expression <- Input -> IO (Expr Src Import)
getExpression Input

            (Import -> IO ()) -> Expr Src Import -> IO ()
forall (t :: * -> *) (m :: * -> *) a b.
(Foldable t, Monad m) =>
(a -> m b) -> t a -> m ()
mapM_ (Doc Any -> IO ()
forall a. Show a => a -> IO ()
print (Doc Any -> IO ()) -> (Import -> Doc Any) -> Import -> IO ()
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Import -> Doc Any
forall a ann. Pretty a => a -> Doc ann
Pretty.pretty (Import -> Doc Any) -> (Import -> Import) -> Import -> Doc Any
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Import -> Import
noHeaders) Expr Src Import

        Resolve { resolveMode :: Mode -> Maybe ResolveMode
resolveMode = Just ResolveMode
ListTransitiveDependencies, SemanticCacheMode
semanticCacheMode :: SemanticCacheMode
file :: Input
semanticCacheMode :: Mode -> SemanticCacheMode
file :: Mode -> Input
..} -> do
            Expr Src Import
expression <- Input -> IO (Expr Src Import)
getExpression Input

            (Dhall.Import.Types.Status { Map Chained ImportSemantics
_cache :: Status -> Map Chained ImportSemantics
_cache :: Map Chained ImportSemantics
_cache }) <-
                StateT Status IO (Expr Src X) -> Status -> IO Status
forall (m :: * -> *) s a. Monad m => StateT s m a -> s -> m s
State.execStateT (Expr Src Import -> StateT Status IO (Expr Src X)
Dhall.Import.loadWith Expr Src Import
expression) (Input -> Status
toStatus Input
file) { _semanticCacheMode :: SemanticCacheMode
_semanticCacheMode = SemanticCacheMode
semanticCacheMode }

            (Doc Any -> IO ()) -> [Doc Any] -> IO ()
forall (t :: * -> *) (m :: * -> *) a b.
(Foldable t, Monad m) =>
(a -> m b) -> t a -> m ()
mapM_ Doc Any -> IO ()
forall a. Show a => a -> IO ()
                 ([Doc Any] -> IO ())
-> (Map Chained ImportSemantics -> [Doc Any])
-> Map Chained ImportSemantics
-> IO ()
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
.   (Chained -> Doc Any) -> [Chained] -> [Doc Any]
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap ( Import -> Doc Any
forall a ann. Pretty a => a -> Doc ann
                          (Import -> Doc Any) -> (Chained -> Import) -> Chained -> Doc Any
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Import -> Import
                          (Import -> Import) -> (Chained -> Import) -> Chained -> Import
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Chained -> Import
                 ([Chained] -> [Doc Any])
-> (Map Chained ImportSemantics -> [Chained])
-> Map Chained ImportSemantics
-> [Doc Any]
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
.   [Chained] -> [Chained]
forall a. [a] -> [a]
                 ([Chained] -> [Chained])
-> (Map Chained ImportSemantics -> [Chained])
-> Map Chained ImportSemantics
-> [Chained]
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
.   Map Chained ImportSemantics -> [Chained]
forall k v. Map k v -> [k]
                 (Map Chained ImportSemantics -> IO ())
-> Map Chained ImportSemantics -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$   Map Chained ImportSemantics

        Resolve { resolveMode :: Mode -> Maybe ResolveMode
resolveMode = Maybe ResolveMode
Nothing, SemanticCacheMode
semanticCacheMode :: SemanticCacheMode
file :: Input
semanticCacheMode :: Mode -> SemanticCacheMode
file :: Mode -> Input
..} -> do
            Expr Src Import
expression <- Input -> IO (Expr Src Import)
getExpression Input

            Expr Src X
resolvedExpression <-
                FilePath -> SemanticCacheMode -> Expr Src Import -> IO (Expr Src X)
Dhall.Import.loadRelativeTo (Input -> FilePath
rootDirectory Input
file) SemanticCacheMode
semanticCacheMode Expr Src Import

            Handle -> Expr Src X -> IO ()
forall a. Pretty a => Handle -> Expr Src a -> IO ()
render Handle
System.IO.stdout Expr Src X

        Normalize {Bool
alpha :: Bool
file :: Input
alpha :: Mode -> Bool
file :: Mode -> Input
..} -> do
            Expr Src Import
expression <- Input -> IO (Expr Src Import)
getExpression Input

            Expr Src X
resolvedExpression <- Expr Src Import -> IO (Expr Src X)
forall (io :: * -> *).
MonadIO io =>
Expr Src Import -> io (Expr Src X)
Dhall.Import.assertNoImports Expr Src Import

            Expr Src X
_ <- Either (TypeError Src X) (Expr Src X) -> IO (Expr Src X)
forall e (io :: * -> *) a.
(Exception e, MonadIO io) =>
Either e a -> io a
Dhall.Core.throws (Expr Src X -> Either (TypeError Src X) (Expr Src X)
forall s. Expr s X -> Either (TypeError s X) (Expr s X)
Dhall.TypeCheck.typeOf Expr Src X

            let normalizedExpression :: Expr t X
normalizedExpression = Expr Src X -> Expr t X
forall a s t. Eq a => Expr s a -> Expr t a
Dhall.Core.normalize Expr Src X

            let alphaNormalizedExpression :: Expr s X
alphaNormalizedExpression =
                    if Bool
                    then Expr s X -> Expr s X
forall s a. Expr s a -> Expr s a
Dhall.Core.alphaNormalize Expr s X
forall t. Expr t X
                    else Expr s X
forall t. Expr t X

            Handle -> Expr Src X -> IO ()
forall a. Pretty a => Handle -> Expr Src a -> IO ()
render Handle
System.IO.stdout Expr Src X
forall t. Expr t X

        Type {Bool
semanticCacheMode :: SemanticCacheMode
quiet :: Bool
file :: Input
quiet :: Mode -> Bool
semanticCacheMode :: Mode -> SemanticCacheMode
file :: Mode -> Input
..} -> do
            Expr Src Import
expression <- Input -> IO (Expr Src Import)
getExpression Input

            Expr Src X
resolvedExpression <-
                FilePath -> SemanticCacheMode -> Expr Src Import -> IO (Expr Src X)
Dhall.Import.loadRelativeTo (Input -> FilePath
rootDirectory Input
file) SemanticCacheMode
semanticCacheMode Expr Src Import

            Expr Src X
inferredType <- Either (TypeError Src X) (Expr Src X) -> IO (Expr Src X)
forall e (io :: * -> *) a.
(Exception e, MonadIO io) =>
Either e a -> io a
Dhall.Core.throws (Expr Src X -> Either (TypeError Src X) (Expr Src X)
forall s. Expr s X -> Either (TypeError s X) (Expr s X)
Dhall.TypeCheck.typeOf Expr Src X

            if Bool
                then () -> IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()
                else Handle -> Expr Src X -> IO ()
forall a. Pretty a => Handle -> Expr Src a -> IO ()
render Handle
System.IO.stdout Expr Src X

Repl ->
            CharacterSet -> Bool -> IO ()
Dhall.Repl.repl CharacterSet
characterSet Bool

        Diff {Text
expr2 :: Text
expr1 :: Text
expr2 :: Mode -> Text
expr1 :: Mode -> Text
..} -> do
            Expr Src X
expression1 <- Text -> IO (Expr Src X)
Dhall.inputExpr Text

            Expr Src X
expression2 <- Text -> IO (Expr Src X)
Dhall.inputExpr Text

            let diff :: Diff
diff = Expr Src X -> Expr Src X -> Diff
forall a s. (Eq a, Pretty a) => Expr s a -> Expr s a -> Diff
Dhall.Diff.diffNormalized Expr Src X
expression1 Expr Src X

            Handle -> Doc Ann -> IO ()
renderDoc Handle
System.IO.stdout (Diff -> Doc Ann
Dhall.Diff.doc Diff

            if Diff -> Bool
Dhall.Diff.same Diff
                then () -> IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()
                else IO ()
forall a. IO a

        Format {OutputMode
outputMode :: OutputMode
possiblyTransitiveInput :: PossiblyTransitiveInput
outputMode :: Mode -> OutputMode
possiblyTransitiveInput :: Mode -> PossiblyTransitiveInput
..} ->
            Format -> IO ()
                Format :: CharacterSet
-> Censor -> PossiblyTransitiveInput -> OutputMode -> Format
Dhall.Format.Format{ input :: PossiblyTransitiveInput
input = PossiblyTransitiveInput
possiblyTransitiveInput, CharacterSet
outputMode :: OutputMode
censor :: Censor
characterSet :: CharacterSet
outputMode :: OutputMode
characterSet :: CharacterSet
censor :: Censor

        Freeze {Bool
outputMode :: OutputMode
cache :: Bool
all_ :: Bool
possiblyTransitiveInput :: PossiblyTransitiveInput
cache :: Mode -> Bool
all_ :: Mode -> Bool
outputMode :: Mode -> OutputMode
possiblyTransitiveInput :: Mode -> PossiblyTransitiveInput
..} -> do
            let scope :: Scope
scope = if Bool
all_ then Scope
AllImports else Scope

            let intent :: Intent
intent = if Bool
cache then Intent
Cache else Intent

-> PossiblyTransitiveInput
-> Scope
-> Intent
-> CharacterSet
-> Censor
-> IO ()
Dhall.Freeze.freeze OutputMode
outputMode PossiblyTransitiveInput
possiblyTransitiveInput Scope
scope Intent
intent CharacterSet
characterSet Censor

        Hash {Bool
cache :: Bool
file :: Input
cache :: Mode -> Bool
file :: Mode -> Input
..} -> do
            Expr Src Import
expression <- Input -> IO (Expr Src Import)
getExpression Input

            Expr Src X
resolvedExpression <-
                FilePath -> SemanticCacheMode -> Expr Src Import -> IO (Expr Src X)
Dhall.Import.loadRelativeTo (Input -> FilePath
rootDirectory Input
file) SemanticCacheMode
UseSemanticCache Expr Src Import

            Expr Src X
_ <- Either (TypeError Src X) (Expr Src X) -> IO (Expr Src X)
forall e (io :: * -> *) a.
(Exception e, MonadIO io) =>
Either e a -> io a
Dhall.Core.throws (Expr Src X -> Either (TypeError Src X) (Expr Src X)
forall s. Expr s X -> Either (TypeError s X) (Expr s X)
Dhall.TypeCheck.typeOf Expr Src X

            let normalizedExpression :: Expr s X
normalizedExpression =
                    Expr s X -> Expr s X
forall s a. Expr s a -> Expr s a
Dhall.Core.alphaNormalize (Expr Src X -> Expr s X
forall a s t. Eq a => Expr s a -> Expr t a
Dhall.Core.normalize Expr Src X

            if Bool
                then Expr X X -> IO ()
Dhall.Import.writeExpressionToSemanticCache Expr X X
forall t. Expr t X
                else () -> IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()

            Text -> IO ()
Data.Text.IO.putStrLn (Expr X X -> Text
Dhall.Import.hashExpressionToCode Expr X X

        Lint { possiblyTransitiveInput :: Mode -> PossiblyTransitiveInput
possiblyTransitiveInput = PossiblyTransitiveInput
input0, OutputMode
outputMode :: OutputMode
outputMode :: Mode -> OutputMode
..} -> PossiblyTransitiveInput -> IO ()
go PossiblyTransitiveInput
            go :: PossiblyTransitiveInput -> IO ()
go PossiblyTransitiveInput
input = do
                let directory :: FilePath
directory = case PossiblyTransitiveInput
input of
NonTransitiveStandardInput         -> FilePath
                        PossiblyTransitiveInputFile file _ -> FilePath -> FilePath
System.FilePath.takeDirectory FilePath

                let status :: Status
status = FilePath -> Status
Dhall.Import.emptyStatus FilePath

originalText, Transitivity
transitivity) <- case PossiblyTransitiveInput
input of
                    PossiblyTransitiveInputFile FilePath
file Transitivity
transitivity -> do
text <- FilePath -> IO Text
Data.Text.IO.readFile FilePath

                        return (Text
text, Transitivity
NonTransitiveStandardInput -> do
text <- IO Text

                        return (Text
text, Transitivity

                (Header Text
header, Expr Src Import
parsedExpression) <-
                    Censor -> Text -> IO (Header, Expr Src Import)
Dhall.Util.getExpressionAndHeaderFromStdinText Censor
censor Text

                case Transitivity
transitivity of
Transitive ->
                        Expr Src Import -> (Import -> IO ()) -> IO ()
forall (t :: * -> *) (f :: * -> *) a b.
(Foldable t, Applicative f) =>
t a -> (a -> f b) -> f ()
for_ Expr Src Import
parsedExpression ((Import -> IO ()) -> IO ()) -> (Import -> IO ()) -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Import
import_ -> do
                            Maybe FilePath
maybeFilepath <- Status -> Import -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
Dhall.Import.dependencyToFile Status
status Import

                            Maybe FilePath -> (FilePath -> IO ()) -> IO ()
forall (t :: * -> *) (f :: * -> *) a b.
(Foldable t, Applicative f) =>
t a -> (a -> f b) -> f ()
for_ Maybe FilePath
maybeFilepath ((FilePath -> IO ()) -> IO ()) -> (FilePath -> IO ()) -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \FilePath
filepath ->
                                PossiblyTransitiveInput -> IO ()
go (FilePath -> Transitivity -> PossiblyTransitiveInput
PossiblyTransitiveInputFile FilePath
filepath Transitivity

NonTransitive ->
                        () -> IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()

                let lintedExpression :: Expr Src Import
lintedExpression = Expr Src Import -> Expr Src Import
forall s. Expr s Import -> Expr s Import
Dhall.Lint.lint Expr Src Import

                let doc :: Doc Ann
doc =   Text -> Doc Ann
forall a ann. Pretty a => a -> Doc ann
Pretty.pretty Text
                        Doc Ann -> Doc Ann -> Doc Ann
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<>  CharacterSet -> Expr Src Import -> Doc Ann
forall a. Pretty a => CharacterSet -> Expr Src a -> Doc Ann
Dhall.Pretty.prettyCharacterSet CharacterSet
characterSet Expr Src Import

                let stream :: SimpleDocStream Ann
stream = Doc Ann -> SimpleDocStream Ann
forall ann. Doc ann -> SimpleDocStream ann
Dhall.Pretty.layout Doc Ann

                let modifiedText :: Text
modifiedText = SimpleDocStream Ann -> Text
forall ann. SimpleDocStream ann -> Text
Pretty.Text.renderStrict SimpleDocStream Ann
stream Text -> Text -> Text
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Text

                case OutputMode
outputMode of
Write ->
                        case PossiblyTransitiveInput
input of
                            PossiblyTransitiveInputFile FilePath
file Transitivity
_ ->
                                if Text
originalText Text -> Text -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== Text
                                    then () -> IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()
                                    else FilePath -> Doc Ann -> IO ()
forall ann. FilePath -> Doc ann -> IO ()
writeDocToFile FilePath
file Doc Ann

NonTransitiveStandardInput ->
                                Handle -> Doc Ann -> IO ()
renderDoc Handle
System.IO.stdout Doc Ann

Check ->
                        if Text
originalText Text -> Text -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== Text
                            then () -> IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()
                            else do
                                let modified :: Text
modified = Text

                                CheckFailed -> IO ()
forall e a. Exception e => e -> IO a
Control.Exception.throwIO CheckFailed :: Text -> Text -> CheckFailed
CheckFailed{ command :: Text
command = Text
"lint", Text
modified :: Text
modified :: Text

        Encode {Bool
json :: Bool
file :: Input
json :: Mode -> Bool
file :: Mode -> Input
..} -> do
            Expr Src Import
expression <- Input -> IO (Expr Src Import)
getExpression Input

            let bytes :: ByteString
bytes = Expr X Import -> ByteString
forall a. Serialise (Expr X a) => Expr X a -> ByteString
Dhall.Binary.encodeExpression (Expr Src Import -> Expr X Import
forall s a t. Expr s a -> Expr t a
Dhall.Core.denote Expr Src Import

            if Bool
                then do
                    let decoder :: Decoder s Value
decoder = Bool -> Decoder s Value
forall s. Bool -> Decoder s Value
Codec.CBOR.JSON.decodeValue Bool

_, Value
value) <- Either DeserialiseFailure (ByteString, Value)
-> IO (ByteString, Value)
forall e (io :: * -> *) a.
(Exception e, MonadIO io) =>
Either e a -> io a
Dhall.Core.throws ((forall s. Decoder s Value)
-> ByteString -> Either DeserialiseFailure (ByteString, Value)
forall a.
(forall s. Decoder s a)
-> ByteString -> Either DeserialiseFailure (ByteString, a)
Codec.CBOR.Read.deserialiseFromBytes forall s. Decoder s Value
decoder ByteString

                    let jsonBytes :: ByteString
jsonBytes = Value -> ByteString
forall a. ToJSON a => a -> ByteString
Data.Aeson.Encode.Pretty.encodePretty Value

                    ByteString -> IO ()
Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8.putStrLn ByteString

                    ByteString -> IO ()
Data.ByteString.Lazy.putStr ByteString

        Decode {Bool
quiet :: Bool
json :: Bool
file :: Input
json :: Mode -> Bool
quiet :: Mode -> Bool
file :: Mode -> Input
..} -> do
bytes <-
                case Input
file of
                    InputFile FilePath
f   -> FilePath -> IO ByteString
Data.ByteString.Lazy.readFile FilePath
StandardInput -> IO ByteString

            Expr X Import
expression <-
                if Bool
                    then do
value <- case ByteString -> Either FilePath Value
forall a. FromJSON a => ByteString -> Either FilePath a
Data.Aeson.eitherDecode' ByteString
bytes of
                            Left  FilePath
string -> FilePath -> IO Value
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadFail m => FilePath -> m a
fail FilePath
                            Right Value
value  -> Value -> IO Value
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Value

                        let encoding :: Encoding
encoding = Value -> Encoding
Codec.CBOR.JSON.encodeValue Value

                        let cborgBytes :: ByteString
cborgBytes = Encoding -> ByteString
Codec.CBOR.Write.toLazyByteString Encoding

                        Either DecodingFailure (Expr X Import) -> IO (Expr X Import)
forall e (io :: * -> *) a.
(Exception e, MonadIO io) =>
Either e a -> io a
Dhall.Core.throws (ByteString -> Either DecodingFailure (Expr X Import)
forall s a.
Serialise (Expr s a) =>
ByteString -> Either DecodingFailure (Expr s a)
Dhall.Binary.decodeExpression ByteString
                        Either DecodingFailure (Expr X Import) -> IO (Expr X Import)
forall e (io :: * -> *) a.
(Exception e, MonadIO io) =>
Either e a -> io a
Dhall.Core.throws (ByteString -> Either DecodingFailure (Expr X Import)
forall s a.
Serialise (Expr s a) =>
ByteString -> Either DecodingFailure (Expr s a)
Dhall.Binary.decodeExpression ByteString

            if Bool
                then () -> IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()
                else do
                    let doc :: Doc Ann
doc =
                            CharacterSet -> Expr Src Import -> Doc Ann
forall a. Pretty a => CharacterSet -> Expr Src a -> Doc Ann
                                (Expr X Import -> Expr Src Import
forall a s. Expr X a -> Expr s a
Dhall.Core.renote Expr X Import
expression :: Expr Src Import)

                    Handle -> Doc Ann -> IO ()
renderDoc Handle
System.IO.stdout Doc Ann

        Text {Output
output :: Output
file :: Input
output :: Mode -> Output
file :: Mode -> Input
..} -> do
            Expr Src Import
expression <- Input -> IO (Expr Src Import)
getExpression Input

            Expr Src X
resolvedExpression <-
                FilePath -> SemanticCacheMode -> Expr Src Import -> IO (Expr Src X)
Dhall.Import.loadRelativeTo (Input -> FilePath
rootDirectory Input
file) SemanticCacheMode
UseSemanticCache Expr Src Import

            Expr Src X
_ <- Either (TypeError Src X) (Expr Src X) -> IO (Expr Src X)
forall e (io :: * -> *) a.
(Exception e, MonadIO io) =>
Either e a -> io a
Dhall.Core.throws (Expr Src X -> Either (TypeError Src X) (Expr Src X)
forall s. Expr s X -> Either (TypeError s X) (Expr s X)
Dhall.TypeCheck.typeOf (Expr Src X -> Expr Src X -> Expr Src X
forall s a. Expr s a -> Expr s a -> Expr s a
Annot Expr Src X
resolvedExpression Expr Src X
forall s a. Expr s a

            let normalizedExpression :: Expr t X
normalizedExpression = Expr Src X -> Expr t X
forall a s t. Eq a => Expr s a -> Expr t a
Dhall.Core.normalize Expr Src X

            case Expr Any X
forall t. Expr t X
normalizedExpression of
                Dhall.Core.TextLit (Dhall.Core.Chunks [] Text
text) ->
                    let write :: Text -> IO ()
write = case Output
output of
StandardOutput -> Text -> IO ()
                          OutputFile FilePath
file_ -> FilePath -> Text -> IO ()
Data.Text.IO.writeFile FilePath
                    in Text -> IO ()
write Text
                Expr Any X
_ -> do
                    let invalidDecoderExpected :: Expr Void Void
                        invalidDecoderExpected :: Expr X X
invalidDecoderExpected = Expr X X
forall s a. Expr s a

                    let invalidDecoderExpression :: Expr Void Void
                        invalidDecoderExpression :: Expr X X
invalidDecoderExpression = Expr X X
forall t. Expr t X

                    InvalidDecoder X X -> IO ()
forall e a. Exception e => e -> IO a
Control.Exception.throwIO (InvalidDecoder :: forall s a. Expr s a -> Expr s a -> InvalidDecoder s a
Dhall.InvalidDecoder {Expr X X
invalidDecoderExpression :: Expr X X
invalidDecoderExpected :: Expr X X
invalidDecoderExpression :: Expr X X
invalidDecoderExpected :: Expr X X

        Tags {Bool
Maybe [Text]
followSymlinks :: Bool
suffixes :: Maybe [Text]
output :: Output
input :: Input
followSymlinks :: Mode -> Bool
suffixes :: Mode -> Maybe [Text]
input :: Mode -> Input
output :: Mode -> Output
..} -> do
tags <- Input -> Maybe [Text] -> Bool -> IO Text
Dhall.Tags.generate Input
input Maybe [Text]
suffixes Bool

            case Output
output of
                OutputFile FilePath
file ->
                    FilePath -> IOMode -> (Handle -> IO ()) -> IO ()
forall r. FilePath -> IOMode -> (Handle -> IO r) -> IO r
System.IO.withFile FilePath
file IOMode
System.IO.WriteMode (Handle -> Text -> IO ()
`Data.Text.IO.hPutStr` Text

StandardOutput -> Text -> IO ()
Data.Text.IO.putStrLn Text

        DirectoryTree {FilePath
path :: FilePath
file :: Input
path :: Mode -> FilePath
file :: Mode -> Input
..} -> do
            Expr Src Import
expression <- Input -> IO (Expr Src Import)
getExpression Input

            Expr Src X
resolvedExpression <-
                FilePath -> SemanticCacheMode -> Expr Src Import -> IO (Expr Src X)
Dhall.Import.loadRelativeTo (Input -> FilePath
rootDirectory Input
file) SemanticCacheMode
UseSemanticCache Expr Src Import

            Expr Src X
_ <- Either (TypeError Src X) (Expr Src X) -> IO (Expr Src X)
forall e (io :: * -> *) a.
(Exception e, MonadIO io) =>
Either e a -> io a
Dhall.Core.throws (Expr Src X -> Either (TypeError Src X) (Expr Src X)
forall s. Expr s X -> Either (TypeError s X) (Expr s X)
Dhall.TypeCheck.typeOf Expr Src X

            let normalizedExpression :: Expr t X
normalizedExpression = Expr Src X -> Expr t X
forall a s t. Eq a => Expr s a -> Expr t a
Dhall.Core.normalize Expr Src X

            FilePath -> Expr X X -> IO ()
DirectoryTree.toDirectoryTree FilePath
path Expr X X
forall t. Expr t X

schemas :: Text
outputMode :: OutputMode
file :: Input
schemas :: Mode -> Text
outputMode :: Mode -> OutputMode
file :: Mode -> Input
..} ->
            Schemas -> IO ()
Dhall.Schemas.schemasCommand Schemas :: CharacterSet -> Censor -> Input -> OutputMode -> Text -> Schemas
Dhall.Schemas.Schemas{ input :: Input
input = Input
file, Text
schemas :: Text
outputMode :: OutputMode
censor :: Censor
characterSet :: CharacterSet
schemas :: Text
outputMode :: OutputMode
characterSet :: CharacterSet
censor :: Censor

        SyntaxTree {Bool
noted :: Bool
file :: Input
noted :: Mode -> Bool
file :: Mode -> Input
..} -> do
            Expr Src Import
expression <- Input -> IO (Expr Src Import)
getExpression Input

            if Bool
noted then
                Expr Src Import -> IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. (MonadIO m, Show a) => a -> m ()
Text.Pretty.Simple.pPrintNoColor Expr Src Import
                let denoted :: Expr Void Import
                    denoted :: Expr X Import
denoted = Expr Src Import -> Expr X Import
forall s a t. Expr s a -> Expr t a
Dhall.Core.denote Expr Src Import
                in Expr X Import -> IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. (MonadIO m, Show a) => a -> m ()
Text.Pretty.Simple.pPrintNoColor Expr X Import

-- | Entry point for the @dhall@ executable
main :: IO ()
main :: IO ()
main = do
options <- ParserInfo Options -> IO Options
forall a. ParserInfo a -> IO a
Options.Applicative.execParser ParserInfo Options

    Options -> IO ()
Dhall.Main.command Options