dhall-1.42.0: A configuration language guaranteed to terminate
Safe HaskellNone



Create a package.dhall from files and directory contents.



writePackage :: CharacterSet -> Maybe String -> NonEmpty FilePath -> IO () Source #

Create a package.dhall from files and directory contents. For a description of how the package file is constructed see getPackagePathAndContent.

getPackagePathAndContent :: Maybe String -> NonEmpty FilePath -> IO (FilePath, Expr s Import) Source #

Get the path and the Dhall expression for a package file.

The location of the resulting package file is determined by the first path of the second argument:

  • If it is a directory, it is also the output directory and the package file will be placed there.
  • If it is a file, then the directory that file resides in is the output directory and the package file will be placed there.

All inputs provided as the second argument must be either in the output directory or below it. They are processed depending on whether the path points to a directory or a file:

  • If the path points to a directory, all files with a .dhall extensions in that directory are included in the package.
  • If the path points to a regular file, it is included in the package unless it is the path of the package file itself.