{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}

-- | This module extends extends the /di logging ecosystem/ with support for the
-- [df1](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/df1) hierarchical structured
-- logging format.
-- Particularly, it exports 'df1' for rendering /df1/-formatted logs, an
-- extension to the "Di.Core" API with vocabulary specific to /df1/, and
-- functions like 'fromDiLog' or 'fromDf1Log' to convert back and forth between
-- /di/ and /df1/ types.
-- The "Di.Df1.Monad" module belonging to this same package exports an extension
-- to the "Di.Monad" API, rather than to "Di.Core".
-- Consider this a preview release: The API is likely to stay stable, but
-- extensive testing, formalization and tooling is due.
module Di.Df1
 ( Df1

   -- * Hierarchy
 , push
   -- * Metadata
 , attr
 , attr_
   -- * Logging from @IO@
 , debug
 , info
 , notice
 , warning
 , error
 , alert
 , critical
 , emergency
   -- ** Type-inference helpers
 , debug_
 , info_
 , notice_
 , warning_
 , error_
 , alert_
 , critical_
 , emergency_
   -- ** Logging from @STM@
 , debug'
 , info'
 , notice'
 , warning'
 , error'
 , alert'
 , critical'
 , emergency'

   -- * Support for @Di.Handle@
 , df1
   -- * Conversion
 , fromDiLog
 , fromDf1Log

   -- * Types from @Df1@
 , Df1.Level
 , Df1.Path
 , Df1.Segment
 , Df1.ToSegment(segment)
 , Df1.Key
 , Df1.ToKey(key)
 , Df1.Value
 , Df1.ToValue(value)
 , Df1.Message
 , Df1.ToMessage(message)
 ) where

import Control.Concurrent.STM (STM)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO)
import Prelude hiding (error)
import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)

import qualified Di.Core as Di (Di, Log(Log), log, log', push)
import qualified Di.Handle as Di (LineRenderer(LineRendererUtf8))
import qualified Df1
import qualified Df1.Render


-- | Convenience type-synonym for a 'Di.Di' restricted to all the /df1/
-- monomorphic types.
-- @
-- 'Df1' == 'Di.Di' 'Df1.Level' 'Df1.Path' 'Df1.Message'
--    :: *
-- @
-- This type-synonym is not used within the @di-df1@ library itself because
-- all functions exposed in the library have more general types. However,
-- users are encouraged to use 'Df1' if they find it useful to reduce
-- boilerplate and improve type inference.
type Df1 = Di.Di Df1.Level Df1.Path Df1.Message


-- | Push a new 'Df1.Segment' to the 'Di.Di'
  :: Df1.Segment
  -> Di.Di level Df1.Path msg
  -> Di.Di level Df1.Path msg   -- ^
push s = Di.push (Df1.Push s)
{-# INLINE push #-}

-- | Push a new attribute 'Df1.Key' and 'Df1.Value' to the 'Di.Di'.
  :: Df1.ToValue value
  => Df1.Key
  -> value
  -> Di.Di level Df1.Path msg
  -> Di.Di level Df1.Path msg   -- ^
attr k v = attr_ k (Df1.value v)
{-# INLINE attr #-}

-- | Like 'attr', but takes a 'Df1.Value' rather than any 'Df1.ToValue'.
-- This helps with type inference in case you are trying to
-- log a literal string and have the @OverloadedStrings@ GHC extension enabled.
  :: Df1.Key
  -> Df1.Value
  -> Di.Di level Df1.Path msg
  -> Di.Di level Df1.Path msg   -- ^
attr_ k v = Di.push (Df1.Attr k v)
{-# INLINE attr_ #-}

-- MonadIO variants.

-- | Log a message stating that the system is unusable.
  :: (MonadIO m, Df1.ToMessage msg)
  => Di.Di Df1.Level path Df1.Message
  -> msg
  -> m ()
emergency di = emergency_ di . Df1.message
{-# INLINE emergency #-}

-- | Log a condition that should be corrected immediately, such as a corrupted
-- database.
  :: (MonadIO m, Df1.ToMessage msg)
  => Di.Di Df1.Level path Df1.Message
  -> msg
  -> m ()
alert di = alert_ di . Df1.message
{-# INLINE alert #-}

-- | Log a critical condition that could result in system failure, such as a
-- disk running out of space.
  :: (MonadIO m, Df1.ToMessage msg)
  => Di.Di Df1.Level path Df1.Message
  -> msg
  -> m ()
critical di = critical_ di . Df1.message
{-# INLINE critical #-}

-- | Log an error condition, such as an unhandled exception.
  :: (MonadIO m, Df1.ToMessage msg)
  => Di.Di Df1.Level path Df1.Message
  -> msg
  -> m ()
error di = error_ di . Df1.message
{-# INLINE error #-}

-- | Log a warning condition, such as an exception being gracefully handled or
-- some missing configuration setting being assigned a default value.
  :: (MonadIO m, Df1.ToMessage msg)
  => Di.Di Df1.Level path Df1.Message
  -> msg
  -> m ()
warning di = warning_ di . Df1.message
{-# INLINE warning #-}

-- | Log a condition that is not an error, but should possibly be handled
-- specially.
  :: (MonadIO m, Df1.ToMessage msg)
  => Di.Di Df1.Level path Df1.Message
  -> msg
  -> m ()
notice di = notice_ di . Df1.message
{-# INLINE notice #-}

-- | Log an informational message.
  :: (MonadIO m, Df1.ToMessage msg)
  => Di.Di Df1.Level path Df1.Message
  -> msg
  -> m ()
info di = info_ di . Df1.message
{-# INLINE info #-}

-- | Log a message intended to be useful only when deliberately debugging a
-- program.
  :: (MonadIO m, Df1.ToMessage msg)
  => Di.Di Df1.Level path Df1.Message
  -> msg
  -> m ()
debug di = debug_ di . Df1.message
{-# INLINE debug #-}

-- MonadIO variants with better type inference

-- | Like 'emergency', but takes a 'Df1.Message' rather than any 'Df1.ToMessage'.
-- This helps with type inference in case you are trying to
-- log a literal string and have the @OverloadedStrings@ GHC extension enabled.
  :: MonadIO m
  => Di.Di Df1.Level path Df1.Message
  -> Df1.Message
  -> m ()
emergency_ di = Di.log di Df1.Emergency
{-# INLINE emergency_ #-}

-- | Like 'critical', but takes a 'Df1.Message' rather than any 'Df1.ToMessage'.
-- This helps with type inference in case you are trying to
-- log a literal string and have the @OverloadedStrings@ GHC extension enabled.
  :: MonadIO m
  => Di.Di Df1.Level path Df1.Message
  -> Df1.Message
  -> m ()
critical_ di = Di.log di Df1.Critical
{-# INLINE critical_ #-}

-- | Like 'alert', but takes a 'Df1.Message' rather than any 'Df1.ToMessage'.
-- This helps with type inference in case you are trying to
-- log a literal string and have the @OverloadedStrings@ GHC extension enabled.
  :: MonadIO m
  => Di.Di Df1.Level path Df1.Message
  -> Df1.Message
  -> m ()
alert_ di = Di.log di Df1.Alert
{-# INLINE alert_ #-}

-- | Like 'error', but takes a 'Df1.Message' rather than any 'Df1.ToMessage'.
-- This helps with type inference in case you are trying to
-- log a literal string and have the @OverloadedStrings@ GHC extension enabled.
  :: MonadIO m
  => Di.Di Df1.Level path Df1.Message
  -> Df1.Message
  -> m ()
error_ di = Di.log di Df1.Error
{-# INLINE error_ #-}

-- | Like 'warning', but takes a 'Df1.Message' rather than any 'Df1.ToMessage'.
-- This helps with type inference in case you are trying to
-- log a literal string and have the @OverloadedStrings@ GHC extension enabled.
  :: MonadIO m
  => Di.Di Df1.Level path Df1.Message
  -> Df1.Message
  -> m ()
warning_ di = Di.log di Df1.Warning
{-# INLINE warning_ #-}

-- | Like 'notice', but takes a 'Df1.Message' rather than any 'Df1.ToMessage'.
-- This helps with type inference in case you are trying to
-- log a literal string and have the @OverloadedStrings@ GHC extension enabled.
  :: MonadIO m
  => Di.Di Df1.Level path Df1.Message
  -> Df1.Message
  -> m ()
notice_ di = Di.log di Df1.Notice
{-# INLINE notice_ #-}

-- | Like 'info', but takes a 'Df1.Message' rather than any 'Df1.ToMessage'.
-- This helps with type inference in case you are trying to
-- log a literal string and have the @OverloadedStrings@ GHC extension enabled.
  :: MonadIO m
  => Di.Di Df1.Level path Df1.Message
  -> Df1.Message
  -> m ()
info_ di = Di.log di Df1.Info
{-# INLINE info_ #-}

-- | Like 'debug', but takes a 'Df1.Message' rather than any 'Df1.ToMessage'.
-- This helps with type inference in case you are trying to
-- log a literal string and have the @OverloadedStrings@ GHC extension enabled.
  :: MonadIO m
  => Di.Di Df1.Level path Df1.Message
  -> Df1.Message
  -> m ()
debug_ di = Di.log di Df1.Debug
{-# INLINE debug_ #-}

-- STM variants

-- | Like 'emergency', but can be used from any 'Monad' supporting 'STM'.
  :: (Monad m, Df1.ToMessage msg)
  => (forall x. STM x -> m x)
  -> Di.Di Df1.Level path Df1.Message
  -> msg
  -> m ()
emergency' natSTM di = Di.log' natSTM di Df1.Emergency . Df1.message
{-# INLINE emergency' #-}

-- | Like 'critical', but can be used from any 'Monad' supporting 'STM'.
  :: (Monad m, Df1.ToMessage msg)
  => (forall x. STM x -> m x)
  -> Di.Di Df1.Level path Df1.Message
  -> msg
  -> m ()
critical' natSTM di = Di.log' natSTM di Df1.Critical . Df1.message
{-# INLINE critical' #-}

-- | Like 'alert', but can be used from any 'Monad' supporting 'STM'.
  :: (Monad m, Df1.ToMessage msg)
  => (forall x. STM x -> m x)
  -> Di.Di Df1.Level path Df1.Message
  -> msg
  -> m ()
alert' natSTM di = Di.log' natSTM di Df1.Alert . Df1.message
{-# INLINE alert' #-}

-- | Like 'error', but can be used from any 'Monad' supporting 'STM'.
  :: (Monad m, Df1.ToMessage msg)
  => (forall x. STM x -> m x)
  -> Di.Di Df1.Level path Df1.Message
  -> msg
  -> m ()
error' natSTM di = Di.log' natSTM di Df1.Error . Df1.message
{-# INLINE error' #-}

-- | Like 'warning', but can be used from any 'Monad' supporting 'STM'.
  :: (Monad m, Df1.ToMessage msg)
  => (forall x. STM x -> m x)
  -> Di.Di Df1.Level path Df1.Message
  -> msg
  -> m ()
warning' natSTM di = Di.log' natSTM di Df1.Warning . Df1.message
{-# INLINE warning' #-}

-- | Like 'notice', but can be used from any 'Monad' supporting 'STM'.
  :: (Monad m, Df1.ToMessage msg)
  => (forall x. STM x -> m x)
  -> Di.Di Df1.Level path Df1.Message
  -> msg
  -> m ()
notice' natSTM di = Di.log' natSTM di Df1.Notice . Df1.message
{-# INLINE notice' #-}

-- | Like 'info', but can be used from any 'Monad' supporting 'STM'.
  :: (Monad m, Df1.ToMessage msg)
  => (forall x. STM x -> m x)
  -> Di.Di Df1.Level path Df1.Message
  -> msg
  -> m ()
info' natSTM di = Di.log' natSTM di Df1.Info . Df1.message
{-# INLINE info' #-}

-- | Like 'debug', but can be used from any 'Monad' supporting 'STM'.
  :: (Monad m, Df1.ToMessage msg)
  => (forall x. STM x -> m x)
  -> Di.Di Df1.Level path Df1.Message
  -> msg
  -> m ()
debug' natSTM di = Di.log' natSTM di Df1.Debug . Df1.message
{-# INLINE debug' #-}


-- | A 'LineRenderer' to be used with tools like 'Di.Handle.handle' or
-- 'Di.Handle.stderr' from the "Di.Handle" module.
df1 :: Di.LineRenderer Df1.Level Df1.Path Df1.Message
{-# INLINE df1 #-}
df1 = Di.LineRendererUtf8 (\x ->
  if x then Df1.Render.logColorANSI . fromDiLog
       else Df1.Render.log . fromDiLog)


-- | Convert a 'Df1.Log' from "Df1" to a 'Di.Log' from "Di.Core".
-- @
-- 'fromDiLog' . 'fromDf1Log'  ==  'id'
-- @
-- @
-- 'fromDf1Log' . 'fromDiLog'  ==  'id'
-- @
fromDiLog :: Di.Log Df1.Level Df1.Path Df1.Message -> Df1.Log
{-# INLINE fromDiLog #-}
fromDiLog = unsafeCoerce  -- see _fromDiLog

-- | Unused. Just type-checking that the order of arguments didn't change.
_fromDiLog :: Di.Log Df1.Level Df1.Path Df1.Message -> Df1.Log
_fromDiLog (Di.Log a b c d) = Df1.Log a b c d


-- | Convert a 'Di.Log' from "Di.Core" to a 'Df1.Log' from "Df1".
-- @
-- 'fromDiLog' . 'fromDf1Log'  ==  'id'
-- @
-- @
-- 'fromDf1Log' . 'fromDiLog'  ==  'id'
-- @
fromDf1Log :: Df1.Log -> Di.Log Df1.Level Df1.Path Df1.Message
{-# INLINE fromDf1Log #-}
fromDf1Log = unsafeCoerce  -- see _fromDf1Log

-- | Unused. Just type-checking that the order of arguments didn't change.
_fromDf1Log :: Df1.Log -> Di.Log Df1.Level Df1.Path Df1.Message
_fromDf1Log (Df1.Log a b c d) = Di.Log a b c d