diagrams- An EDSL for creating simple diagrams




Attributes which can be added as annotations to a Diagram, implemented via instances of AttrClass.



defaultAttributes :: Diagram -> DiagramSource

Apply all the default attributes to a Diagram.

fillColor :: Color c => c -> Diagram -> DiagramSource

Draw a diagram using the given fill color. Note that the new color only applies to parts of the diagram which are not otherwise colored; subdiagrams which already have an explicit fill color will not be affected. The default fill color is completely transparent.

fc :: Color c => c -> Diagram -> DiagramSource

fc is provided as a convenient short synonym for fillColor.

lineColor :: Color c => c -> Diagram -> DiagramSource

Draw a diagram using the given color for lines. Note that the new color only applies to parts of the diagram which are not otherwise colored; subdiagrams which already have an explicit line color will not be affected. The default line color is black.

lc :: Color c => c -> Diagram -> DiagramSource

lc is provided as a convenient short synonym for lineColor.

lineWidth :: Double -> Diagram -> DiagramSource

Draw shape outlines and lines with the given width. Note that the line width is invariant under uniform scaling, although under non-uniform scaling (scaling by different amounts in the x and y axes) lines can become distorted. The default line width is 1.

lw :: Double -> Diagram -> DiagramSource

lw is provided as a convenient short synonym for lineWidth.

lineCap :: LineCap -> Diagram -> DiagramSource

Set the line cap style. Valid values for LineCap are LineCapButt, LineCapRound, and LineCapSquare.

data LineCap

Specify line endings.

Start(stop) the line exactly at the start(end) point.
Use a round ending, the center of the circle is the end point.
Use squared ending, the center of the square is the end point

lineJoin :: LineJoin -> Diagram -> DiagramSource

Set the line join style. Valid values for LineJoin are LineJoinMiter, LineJoinRound, and LineJoinBevel.

data LineJoin

Specify how lines join.



:: [Double]

a list specifying alternate lengths of on and off portions of the stroke. The empty list indicates no dashing.

-> Double

an offset into the dash pattern at which the stroke should start

-> Diagram 
-> Diagram 

Set the line dashing pattern.

typeface :: String -> Diagram -> DiagramSource

Change the default typeface to one named.

tf :: String -> Diagram -> DiagramSource

Convenience function to change the typeface.

stretch :: Double -> Double -> Diagram -> DiagramSource

Stretch a diagram by a separate scaling factor for each axis. stretch w h scales by a factor of w in the x direction and a factor of h in the y direction.

scale :: Double -> Diagram -> DiagramSource

Scale by the same scaling factor in both dimensions, so the diagram retains its aspect ratio.

scaleX :: Double -> Diagram -> DiagramSource

Scale a diagram along the x-axis only. scaleX s is equivalent to stretch s 1.

scaleY :: Double -> Diagram -> DiagramSource

Scale a diagram along the y-axis only. scaleY s is equivalent to stretch 1 s.

translate :: Double -> Double -> Diagram -> DiagramSource

Translate a diagram by the given relative offsets in the x and y directions. Note that the positive x-axis is to the right, while the positive y-axis points downwards.

translateX :: Double -> Diagram -> DiagramSource

Translate a diagram along the x-axis only. translateX x is equivalent to translate x 0.

translateY :: Double -> Diagram -> DiagramSource

Translate a diagram along the y-axis only. translateY y is equivalent to translate 0 y.

rotate :: Double -> Diagram -> DiagramSource

rotate f rotates a diagram clockwise by fraction f of a complete revolution. rotate f is equivalent to rotateR (2*pi*f).

rotateR :: Double -> Diagram -> DiagramSource

rotateR r rotates a diagram clockwise by r radians.