diagrams-lib- Embedded domain-specific language for declarative graphics

Copyright(c) 2011-2015 diagrams-lib team (see LICENSE)
LicenseBSD-style (see LICENSE)
Safe HaskellNone




Diagrams may have attributes which affect the way they are rendered. This module defines some common attributes; particular backends may also define more backend-specific attributes.

Every attribute type must have a semigroup structure, that is, an associative binary operation for combining two attributes into one. Unless otherwise noted, all the attributes defined here use the Last structure, that is, combining two attributes simply keeps the second one and throws away the first. This means that child attributes always override parent attributes.


Standard measures

Line width

data LineWidth n Source

Line widths specified on child nodes always override line widths specified at parent nodes.

_LineWidthM :: (Typeable n, OrderedField n) => Iso' (LineWidthM n) (Measure n) Source

lineWidth :: (N a ~ n, HasStyle a, Typeable n) => Measure n -> a -> a Source

Set the line (stroke) width.

lineWidthM :: (N a ~ n, HasStyle a, Typeable n) => LineWidthM n -> a -> a Source

Apply a LineWidth attribute.

_lineWidth :: (Typeable n, OrderedField n) => Lens' (Style v n) (Measure n) Source

Lens onto a measured line width in a style.

_lw :: (Typeable n, OrderedField n) => Lens' (Style v n) (Measure n) Source

Lens onto a measured line width in a style.

_lineWidthU :: (Typeable n, OrderedField n) => Lens' (Style v n) (Maybe n) Source

Lens onto the unmeasured linewith attribute. This is useful for backends to use on styles once they have been unmeasured. Using on a diagram style could lead to unexpected results.

lw :: (N a ~ n, HasStyle a, Typeable n) => Measure n -> a -> a Source

Default for lineWidth.

lwN :: (N a ~ n, HasStyle a, Typeable n, Num n) => n -> a -> a Source

A convenient synonym for 'lineWidth (normalized w)'.

lwO :: (N a ~ n, HasStyle a, Typeable n, Num n) => n -> a -> a Source

A convenient synonym for 'lineWidth (output w)'.

lwL :: (N a ~ n, HasStyle a, Typeable n, Num n) => n -> a -> a Source

A convenient sysnonym for 'lineWidth (local w)'.

lwG :: (N a ~ n, HasStyle a, Typeable n, Num n) => n -> a -> a Source

A convenient synonym for 'lineWidth (global w)'.


data Dashing n Source

Create lines that are dashing... er, dashed.


Dashing [n] n 

dashing Source


:: (N a ~ n, HasStyle a, Typeable n) 
=> [Measure n]

A list specifying alternate lengths of on and off portions of the stroke. The empty list indicates no dashing.

-> Measure n

An offset into the dash pattern at which the stroke should start.

-> a 
-> a 

Set the line dashing style.

dashingN :: (N a ~ n, HasStyle a, Typeable n, Num n) => [n] -> n -> a -> a Source

A convenient synonym for 'dashing (normalized w)'.

dashingO :: (N a ~ n, HasStyle a, Typeable n, Num n) => [n] -> n -> a -> a Source

A convenient synonym for 'dashing (output w)'.

dashingL :: (N a ~ n, HasStyle a, Typeable n, Num n) => [n] -> n -> a -> a Source

A convenient sysnonym for 'dashing (local w)'.

dashingG :: (N a ~ n, HasStyle a, Typeable n, Num n) => [n] -> n -> a -> a Source

A convenient synonym for 'dashing (global w)'.

_dashing :: (Typeable n, OrderedField n) => Lens' (Style v n) (Maybe (Measured n (Dashing n))) Source

Lens onto a measured dashing attribute in a style.

_dashingU :: (Typeable n, OrderedField n) => Lens' (Style v n) (Maybe (Dashing n)) Source

Lens onto the unmeasured Dashing attribute. This is useful for backends to use on styles once they have been unmeasured. Using on a diagram style could lead to unexpected results.


Diagrams outsources all things color-related to Russell O'Connor's very nice colour package (http://hackage.haskell.org/package/colour). For starters, it provides a large collection of standard color names. However, it also provides a rich set of combinators for combining and manipulating colors; see its documentation for more information.

class Color c where Source

The Color type class encompasses color representations which can be used by the Diagrams library. Instances are provided for both the Colour and AlphaColour types from the Data.Colour library.


toAlphaColour :: c -> AlphaColour Double Source

Convert a color to its standard representation, AlphaColour.

fromAlphaColour :: AlphaColour Double -> c Source

Convert from an AlphaColour Double. Note that this direction may lose some information. For example, the instance for Colour drops the alpha channel.


data SomeColor Source

An existential wrapper for instances of the Color class.


forall c . Color c => SomeColor c 


data Opacity Source

Although the individual colors in a diagram can have transparency, the opacity/transparency of a diagram as a whole can be specified with the Opacity attribute. The opacity is a value between 1 (completely opaque, the default) and 0 (completely transparent). Opacity is multiplicative, that is, opacity o1 . opacity o2 === opacity (o1 * o2). In other words, for example, opacity 0.8 means "decrease this diagram's opacity to 80% of its previous opacity".

opacity :: HasStyle a => Double -> a -> a Source

Multiply the opacity (see Opacity) by the given value. For example, opacity 0.8 means "decrease this diagram's opacity to 80% of its previous opacity".

_opacity :: Lens' (Style v n) Double Source

Lens onto the opacity in a style.

Converting colors

colorToSRGBA :: Color c => c -> (Double, Double, Double, Double) Source

Convert to sRGBA.

colorToRGBA :: Color c => c -> (Double, Double, Double, Double) Source

Deprecated: Renamed to colorToSRGBA.

Convert to sRGBA.

Line stuff

Cap style

data LineCap Source

What sort of shape should be placed at the endpoints of lines?



Lines end precisely at their endpoints.


Lines are capped with semicircles centered on endpoints.


Lines are capped with a squares centered on endpoints.

lineCap :: HasStyle a => LineCap -> a -> a Source

Set the line end cap attribute.

_lineCap :: Lens' (Style v n) LineCap Source

Lens onto the line cap in a style.

Join style

data LineJoin Source

How should the join points between line segments be drawn?



Use a "miter" shape (whatever that is).


Use rounded join points.


Use a "bevel" shape (whatever that is). Are these... carpentry terms?

lineJoin :: HasStyle a => LineJoin -> a -> a Source

Set the segment join style.

_lineJoin :: Lens' (Style v n) LineJoin Source

Lens onto the line join type in a style.

Miter limit

newtype LineMiterLimit Source

Miter limit attribute affecting the LineJoinMiter joins. For some backends this value may have additional effects.


LineMiterLimit (Last Double) 

lineMiterLimit :: HasStyle a => Double -> a -> a Source

Set the miter limit for joins with LineJoinMiter.

lineMiterLimitA :: HasStyle a => LineMiterLimit -> a -> a Source

Apply a LineMiterLimit attribute.

_lineMiterLimit :: Lens' (Style v n) Double Source

Lens onto the line miter limit in a style.

Recommend optics

_Commit :: Prism' (Recommend a) a Source

Prism onto a Commit.

_recommend :: Lens (Recommend a) (Recommend b) a b Source

Lens onto the value inside either a Recommend or Commit. Unlike committed, this is a valid lens.

isCommitted :: Lens' (Recommend a) Bool Source

Lens onto whether something is committed or not.

committed :: Iso (Recommend a) (Recommend b) a b Source

Commit a value for any Recommend. This is *not* a valid Iso because the resulting Recommend b is always a Commit. This is useful because it means any Recommend styles set with a lens will not be accidentally overridden. If you want a valid lens onto a recommend value use _recommend.

Other lenses that use this are labeled with a warning.