diagrams-lib-1.4.4: Embedded domain-specific language for declarative graphics
Copyright(c) 2011 diagrams-lib team (see LICENSE)
LicenseBSD-style (see LICENSE)
Safe HaskellNone



Diagram combinators specialized to two dimensions. For more general combinators, see Diagrams.Combinators.


Binary combinators

(===) :: (InSpace V2 n a, Juxtaposable a, Semigroup a) => a -> a -> a infixl 6 Source #

Place two diagrams (or other objects) vertically adjacent to one another, with the first diagram above the second. Since Haskell ignores whitespace in expressions, one can thus write


to place c above d. The local origin of the resulting combined diagram is the same as the local origin of the first. (===) is associative and has mempty as an identity. See the documentation of beside for more information.

(|||) :: (InSpace V2 n a, Juxtaposable a, Semigroup a) => a -> a -> a infixl 6 Source #

Place two diagrams (or other juxtaposable objects) horizontally adjacent to one another, with the first diagram to the left of the second. The local origin of the resulting combined diagram is the same as the local origin of the first. (|||) is associative and has mempty as an identity. See the documentation of beside for more information.

n-ary combinators

hcat :: (InSpace V2 n a, Floating n, Juxtaposable a, HasOrigin a, Monoid' a) => [a] -> a Source #

Lay out a list of juxtaposable objects in a row from left to right, so that their local origins lie along a single horizontal line, with successive envelopes tangent to one another.

  • For more control over the spacing, see hcat'.
  • To align the diagrams vertically (or otherwise), use alignment combinators (such as alignT or alignB) from Diagrams.TwoD.Align before applying hcat.
  • For non-axis-aligned layout, see cat.

hcat' :: (InSpace V2 n a, Floating n, Juxtaposable a, HasOrigin a, Monoid' a) => CatOpts n -> [a] -> a Source #

A variant of hcat taking an extra CatOpts record to control the spacing. See the cat' documentation for a description of the possibilities. For the common case of setting just a separation amount, see hsep.

hsep :: (InSpace V2 n a, Floating n, Juxtaposable a, HasOrigin a, Monoid' a) => n -> [a] -> a Source #

A convenient synonym for horizontal concatenation with separation: hsep s === hcat' (with & sep .~ s).

vcat :: (InSpace V2 n a, Floating n, Juxtaposable a, HasOrigin a, Monoid' a) => [a] -> a Source #

Lay out a list of juxtaposable objects in a column from top to bottom, so that their local origins lie along a single vertical line, with successive envelopes tangent to one another.

  • For more control over the spacing, see vcat'.
  • To align the diagrams horizontally (or otherwise), use alignment combinators (such as alignL or alignR) from Diagrams.TwoD.Align before applying vcat.
  • For non-axis-aligned layout, see cat.

vcat' :: (InSpace V2 n a, Floating n, Juxtaposable a, HasOrigin a, Monoid' a) => CatOpts n -> [a] -> a Source #

A variant of vcat taking an extra CatOpts record to control the spacing. See the cat' documentation for a description of the possibilities. For the common case of setting just a separation amount, see vsep.

vsep :: (InSpace V2 n a, Floating n, Juxtaposable a, HasOrigin a, Monoid' a) => n -> [a] -> a Source #

A convenient synonym for vertical concatenation with separation: vsep s === vcat' (with & sep .~ s).


strutR2 :: (RealFloat n, Monoid' m) => V2 n -> QDiagram b V2 n m Source #

strutR2 v is a two-dimensional diagram which produces no output, but with respect to alignment, envelope, and trace acts like a 1-dimensional segment oriented along the vector v, with local origin at its center. If you don't care about the trace then there's no difference between strutR2 and the more general strut.

strutX :: (Metric v, R1 v, OrderedField n) => n -> QDiagram b v n m Source #

strutX w is an empty diagram with width w, height 0, and a centered local origin. Note that strutX (-w) behaves the same as strutX w.

strutY :: (Metric v, R2 v, OrderedField n) => n -> QDiagram b v n m Source #

strutY h is an empty diagram with height h, width 0, and a centered local origin. Note that strutY (-h) behaves the same as strutY h.

padX :: (Metric v, R2 v, OrderedField n, Monoid' m) => n -> QDiagram b v n m -> QDiagram b v n m Source #

padX s "pads" a diagram in the x-direction, expanding its envelope horizontally by a factor of s (factors between 0 and 1 can be used to shrink the envelope). Note that the envelope will expand with respect to the local origin, so if the origin is not centered horizontally the padding may appear "uneven". If this is not desired, the origin can be centered (using centerX) before applying padX.

padY :: (Metric v, R2 v, Monoid' m, OrderedField n) => n -> QDiagram b v n m -> QDiagram b v n m Source #

padY s "pads" a diagram in the y-direction, expanding its envelope vertically by a factor of s (factors between 0 and 1 can be used to shrink the envelope). Note that the envelope will expand with respect to the local origin, so if the origin is not centered vertically the padding may appear "uneven". If this is not desired, the origin can be centered (using centerY) before applying padY.

extrudeLeft :: (OrderedField n, Monoid' m) => n -> QDiagram b V2 n m -> QDiagram b V2 n m Source #

extrudeLeft s "extrudes" a diagram in the negative x-direction, offsetting its envelope by the provided distance. When s < 0 , the envelope is inset instead.

See the documentation for extrudeEnvelope for more information.

extrudeRight :: (OrderedField n, Monoid' m) => n -> QDiagram b V2 n m -> QDiagram b V2 n m Source #

extrudeRight s "extrudes" a diagram in the positive x-direction, offsetting its envelope by the provided distance. When s < 0 , the envelope is inset instead.

See the documentation for extrudeEnvelope for more information.

extrudeBottom :: (OrderedField n, Monoid' m) => n -> QDiagram b V2 n m -> QDiagram b V2 n m Source #

extrudeBottom s "extrudes" a diagram in the negative y-direction, offsetting its envelope by the provided distance. When s < 0 , the envelope is inset instead.

See the documentation for extrudeEnvelope for more information.

extrudeTop :: (OrderedField n, Monoid' m) => n -> QDiagram b V2 n m -> QDiagram b V2 n m Source #

extrudeTop s "extrudes" a diagram in the positive y-direction, offsetting its envelope by the provided distance. When s < 0 , the envelope is inset instead.

See the documentation for extrudeEnvelope for more information.

rectEnvelope :: forall b n m. (OrderedField n, Monoid' m) => Point V2 n -> V2 n -> QDiagram b V2 n m -> QDiagram b V2 n m Source #

rectEnvelope p v sets the envelope of a diagram to a rectangle whose lower-left corner is at p and whose upper-right corner is at p .+^ v. Useful for selecting the rectangular portion of a diagram which should actually be "viewed" in the final render, if you don't want to see the entire diagram.

crop :: forall b n m. (OrderedField n, Monoid' m) => Point V2 n -> V2 n -> QDiagram b V2 n m -> QDiagram b V2 n m Source #

A synonym for rectEnvelope.

boundingRect :: (InSpace V2 n a, SameSpace a t, Enveloped t, Transformable t, TrailLike t, Monoid t, Enveloped a) => a -> t Source #

Construct a bounding rectangle for an enveloped object, that is, the smallest axis-aligned rectangle which encloses the object.

bg :: (TypeableFloat n, Renderable (Path V2 n) b, Monoid' q) => Colour Double -> QDiagram b V2 n q -> QDiagram b V2 n q Source #

"Set the background color" of a diagram. That is, place a diagram atop a bounding rectangle of the given color. The background does not change the result of queries.

bgFrame :: (TypeableFloat n, Renderable (Path V2 n) b, Monoid' q) => n -> Colour Double -> QDiagram b V2 n q -> QDiagram b V2 n q Source #

Similar to bg but makes the colored background rectangle larger than the diagram. The first parameter is used to set how far the background extends beyond the diagram. The background does not change the result of queries.