digestive-functors-heist- Heist frontend for the digestive-functors library

Safe HaskellNone




This module provides a compiled Heist frontend for the digestive-functors library.

Disclaimer: this documentation requires very basic familiarity with digestive-functors. You might want to take a quick look at this tutorial first:


This module exports the formSplice function, and most users will not require anything else.

These splices are used to create HTML for different form elements. This way, the developer doesn't have to care about setting e.g. the previous values in a text field when something goes wrong.

For documentation on the different splices, see the different functions exported by this module. All splices have the same name as given in digestiveSplices.

You can give arbitrary attributes to most of the elements (i.e. where it makes sense). This means you can do e.g.:

 <dfInputTextArea ref="description" cols="20" rows="3" />


Core methods

formSplice :: Monad m => m (View Text) -> Splice mSource

A compiled splice for a specific form. You pass in a runtime action that gets the form's view and this function returns a splice that creates a form tag. In your HeistConfig you might have a compiled splice like this:

`(customerForm, formSplice (liftM fst $ runForm customer custForm))`

Then you can use the customerForm tag just like you would use the dfForm tag in interpreted templates anywhere you want to have a customer form.

formSplice' :: Monad m => [(Text, Splice m)] -> [(Text, AttrSplice m)] -> m (View Text) -> Splice mSource

A compiled splice for a specific form. You pass in a runtime action that gets the form's view and this function returns a splice that creates a form tag. In your HeistConfig you might have a compiled splice like this:

`(customerForm, formSplice (liftM fst $ runForm customer custForm))`

Then you can use the customerForm tag just like you would use the dfForm tag in interpreted templates anywhere you want to have a customer form. formSplice' :: Monad m => m (View Text) -> Splice m

Main splices

dfInput :: Monad m => Promise (View v) -> Splice mSource

Generate an input field with a supplied type. Example:

 <dfInput type="date" ref="date" />

dfInputList :: Monad m => Promise (View Text) -> Splice mSource

This splice allows variable length lists. It binds several attribute splices providing functionality for dynamically manipulating the list. The following descriptions will use the example of a form named "foo" with a list subform named "items".

Splices: dfListItem - This tag must surround the markup for a single list item. It surrounds all of its children with a div with id "foo.items" and class "inputList".

Attribute Splices: itemAttrs - Attribute you should use on div, span, etc that surrounds all the markup for a single list item. This splice expands to an id of "foo.items.ix" (where ix is the index of the current item) and a class of "inputListItem". addControl - Use this attribute on the tag you use to define a control for adding elements to the list (usually a button or anchor). It adds an onclick attribute that calls a javascript function addInputListItem. removeControl - Use this attribute on the control for removing individual items. It adds an onclick attribute that calls removeInputListItem.

dfInputText :: Monad m => Promise (View v) -> Splice mSource

Generate a text input field. Example:

 <dfInputText ref="user.name" />

dfInputTextArea :: Monad m => Promise (View v) -> Splice mSource

Generate a text area. Example:

 <dfInputTextArea ref="user.about" />

dfInputPassword :: Monad m => Promise (View v) -> Splice mSource

Generate a password field. Example:

 <dfInputPassword ref="user.password" />

dfInputHidden :: Monad m => Promise (View v) -> Splice mSource

Generate a hidden input field. Example:

 <dfInputHidden ref="user.forgery" />

dfInputSelect :: Monad m => Promise (View Text) -> Splice mSource

Generate a select button (also known as a combo box). Example:

 <dfInputSelect ref="user.sex" />

dfInputSelectGroup :: Monad m => Promise (View Text) -> Splice mSource

Generate a select button (also known as a combo box). Example:

 <dfInputSelectGroup ref="user.sex" />

dfInputRadio :: Monad m => Promise (View Text) -> Splice mSource

Generate a number of radio buttons. Example:

 <dfInputRadio ref="user.sex" />

dfInputCheckbox :: Monad m => Promise (View v) -> Splice mSource

Generate a checkbox. Example:

 <dfInputCheckbox ref="user.married" />

dfInputSubmit :: Monad m => Splice mSource

Generate a submit button. Example:

 <dfInputSubmit />

dfLabel :: Monad m => Promise (View v) -> Splice mSource

Generate a label for a field. Example:

 <dfLabel ref="user.married">Married: </dfLabel>
 <dfInputCheckbox ref="user.married" />

dfErrorList :: Monad m => Promise (View Text) -> Splice mSource

Display the list of errors for a certain field. Example:

 <dfErrorList ref="user.name" />
 <dfInputText ref="user.name" />

dfChildErrorList :: Monad m => Promise (View Text) -> Splice mSource

Display the list of errors for a certain form and all forms below it. E.g., if there is a subform called "user":

 <dfChildErrorList ref="user" />

Or display all errors for the form:

 <dfChildErrorList ref="" />

Which is more conveniently written as:

 <dfChildErrorList />

dfSubView :: Monad m => Promise (View Text) -> Splice mSource

This splice allows reuse of templates by selecting some child of a form tree. While this may sound complicated, it's pretty straightforward and practical. Suppose we have:

 <dfInputText ref="user.name" />
 <dfInputText ref="user.password" />

 <dfInputTextArea ref="comment.body" />

You may want to abstract the "user" parts in some other template so you Don't Repeat Yourself (TM). If you create a template called "user-form" with the following contents:

 <dfInputText ref="name" />
 <dfInputText ref="password" />

You will be able to use:

 <dfSubView ref="user">
     <apply template="user-form" />

 <dfInputTextArea ref="comment.body" />

Utility splices

dfIfChildErrors :: Monad m => Promise (View v) -> Splice mSource

Render some content only if there are any errors. This is useful for markup purposes.

 <dfIfChildErrors ref="user">
     Content to be rendered if there are any errors...

The ref attribute can be omitted if you want to check the entire form.

digestiveSplices :: Monad m => Promise (View Text) -> [(Text, Splice m)]Source

List of splices defined for forms. For most uses the formSplice function will be fine and you won't need to use this directly. But this is available if you need more customization.