{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE CPP                       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds                 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs                     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase                #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash                 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds                 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes                #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RoleAnnotations           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilyDependencies    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeInType                #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableSuperClasses   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns              #-}
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 806
{-# LANGUAGE NoStarIsType              #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  Numeric.Dimensions.Dim
-- Copyright   :  (c) Artem Chirkin
-- License     :  BSD3
-- This module provides `KnownDim` class that is similar to `KnownNat` from `GHC.TypeNats`,
-- but keeps `Word`s instead of `Natural`s;
-- Also it provides `Dim` data type serving as a singleton
-- suitable for recovering an instance of the `KnownDim` class.
-- A set of utility functions provide inference functionality, so
-- that `KnownDim` can be preserved over some type-level operations.
-- Provides a data type @Dims ds@ to keep dimension sizes
-- for multiple-dimensional data.
-- Higher indices go first, i.e. assumed enumeration
--          is i = i1*n1*n2*...*n(k-1) + ... + i(k-2)*n1*n2 + i(k-1)*n1 + ik
-- This corresponds to row-first layout of matrices and multidimenional arrays.

module Numeric.Dimensions.Dim
  ( -- * @Dim@ -- a @Nat@-indexed dimension
    -- ** Type level numbers that can be unknown.
    XNat (..), XN, N, XNatType (..)
    -- ** Term level dimension
  , Dim ( D, Dn, Dx
        , D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D10, D11, D12, D13
        , D14, D15, D16, D17, D18, D19, D20, D21, D22, D23, D24, D25
  , SomeDim
  , KnownDim (..), BoundedDim (..), minDim, KnownXNatType (..), FixedDim
  , dimVal, dimVal', typeableDim, someDimVal
  , sameDim, sameDim'
  , compareDim, compareDim'
  , constrainBy, relax
    -- * Simple Dim arithmetics
    --   The functions below create singleton values that work as a witness
    --   of `KnownDim` instance for type-level Nat operations.
    --   For example, to show that @(a + b)@ is a @KnownDim@, one writes:
    --   > case plusDim dA dB of
    --   >   D -> ... -- here we know KnownDim ( a + b )
    --   There is a bug and a feature in these functions though:
    --   they are implemented in terms of @Num Word@, which means that
    --   their results are subject to integer overflow.
    --   The good side is the confidence that they behave exactly as
    --   their @Word@ counterparts.
  , plusDim, minusDim, minusDimM, timesDim, powerDim, divDim, modDim, log2Dim
    -- ** Re-export part of `Data.Type.Lits` for convenience
  , Nat, CmpNat, SOrdering (..), type (+), type (-), type (*), type (^), type (<=)
    -- ** Inferring kind of type-level dimension
  , KnownDimKind (..), DimKind (..)
    -- * @Dims@ -- a list of dimensions
  , Dims, SomeDims (..), Dimensions (..), BoundedDims (..), minDims
  , TypedList ( Dims, XDims, AsXDims, KnownDims
              , U, (:*), Empty, TypeList, Cons, Snoc, Reverse)
  , typeableDims, inferTypeableDims
  , listDims, someDimsVal, totalDim, totalDim'
  , sameDims, sameDims'
  , inSpaceOf, asSpaceOf
  , xDims, xDims'
  , stripPrefixDims, stripSuffixDims
    -- ** Type-level programming
    --   Provide type families to work with lists of dimensions (`[Nat]` or `[XNat]`)
  , AsXDims, AsDims, FixedDims, KnownXNatTypes
    -- ** Re-export type list
  , RepresentableList (..), TypeList, types
  , order, order'
  ) where

import           Data.Bits         (countLeadingZeros, finiteBitSize)
import           Data.Coerce
import           Data.Constraint
import           Data.Data         hiding (TypeRep, typeRep, typeRepTyCon)
import           Data.Kind         (Constraint, Type)
import qualified Data.List         (stripPrefix)
import           Data.Type.List
import           Data.Type.Lits
import           GHC.Exts          (Proxy#, proxy#, unsafeCoerce#)
import qualified GHC.Generics      as G
import           Numeric.Natural   (Natural)
import           Numeric.TypedList
import qualified Text.Read         as Read
import qualified Text.Read.Lex     as Read
import           Type.Reflection

-- | Either known or unknown at compile-time natural number
data XNat = XN Nat | N Nat
-- | Unknown natural number, known to be not smaller than the given Nat
type XN (n::Nat) = 'XN n
-- | Known natural number
type N (n::Nat) = 'N n

-- | Find out whether @XNat@ is of known or constrained type.
data XNatType :: XNat -> Type where
    -- | Given @XNat@ is known
    Nt  :: XNatType ('N n)
    -- | Given @XNat@ is constrained unknown
    XNt :: XNatType ('XN m)

-- | Same as `SomeNat`
type SomeDim = Dim ('XN 0)

-- | Singleton type to store type-level dimension value.
--   On the one hand, it can be used to let type-inference system know
--   relations between type-level naturals.
--   On the other hand, this is just a newtype wrapper on the @Word@ type.
--   Usually, the type parameter of @Dim@ is either @Nat@ or @XNat@.
--   If dimensionality of your data is known in advance, use @Nat@;
--   if you know the size of some dimensions, but do not know the size
--   of others, use @XNat@s to represent them.
newtype Dim (x :: k) = DimSing Word
  deriving ( Typeable )

-- | Type-level dimensionality.
type Dims (xs :: [k]) = TypedList Dim xs

-- | Match against this pattern to bring `KnownDim` instance into scope.
pattern D :: forall (n :: Nat) . () => KnownDim n => Dim n
pattern D <- (dimEv -> Dict)
    D = dim @n
{-# COMPLETE D #-}

-- | Statically known `XNat`
pattern Dn :: forall (xn :: XNat) . KnownXNatType xn
           => forall (n :: Nat) . (KnownDim n, xn ~ 'N n) => Dim n -> Dim xn
pattern Dn k <- (dimXNEv (xNatType @xn) -> PatN k)
    Dn k = coerce k

-- | `XNat` that is unknown at compile time.
--   Same as `SomeNat`, but for a dimension:
--   Hide dimension size inside, but allow specifying its minimum possible value.
pattern Dx :: forall (xn :: XNat) . KnownXNatType xn
           => forall (n :: Nat) (m :: Nat)
            . (KnownDim n, m <= n, xn ~ 'XN m) => Dim n -> Dim xn
pattern Dx k <- (dimXNEv (xNatType @xn) -> PatXN k)
    Dx k = coerce k
{-# COMPLETE Dn, Dx #-}

-- | This class provides the `Dim` associated with a type-level natural.
--   Note, kind of the @KnownDim@ argument is always @Nat@, because
--     it is impossible to create a unique @KnownDim (XN m)@ instance.
class KnownDim (n :: Nat) where
    -- | Get value of type-level dim at runtime.
    --   Note, this function is supposed to be used with @TypeApplications@.
    --   For example, you can type:
    --   >>>:set -XTypeApplications
    --   >>>:set -XDataKinds
    --   >>>:t dim @3
    --   dim @3 :: Dim 3
    --   >>>:set -XTypeOperators
    --   >>>:t dim @(13 - 6)
    --   dim @(13 - 6) :: Dim 7
    dim :: Dim n

-- | Get a minimal or exact bound of a @Dim@.
--   To satisfy the @BoundedDim@ means to be equal to @N n@ or be not less than @XN m@.
class KnownDimKind k => BoundedDim (n :: k) where
    -- | Minimal or exact bound of a @Dim@.
    --   Useful for indexing: it is safe to index something by an index less than
    --   @DimBound n@ (for both @Nat@ and @Xnat@ indexed dims).
    type family DimBound n :: Nat
    -- | Get such a minimal @Dim (DimBound n)@, that @Dim n@ is guaranteed
    --   to be not less than @dimBound@ if @n ~ XN a@,
  --     otherwise, the return @Dim@ is the same as @n@.
    dimBound :: Dim (DimBound n)
    -- | If the runtime value of @Dim y@ satisfies @dimBound @k @x@,
    --   then coerce to @Dim x@. Otherwise, return @Nothing@.
    --   To satisfy the @dimBound@ means to be equal to @N n@ or be not less than @XN m@.
    constrainDim :: forall (l :: Type) (y :: l) . Dim y -> Maybe (Dim n)

instance KnownDim n => BoundedDim (n :: Nat) where
    type DimBound n = n
    dimBound = dim @n
    {-# INLINE dimBound #-}
    constrainDim (DimSing y)
       | dimVal' @n == y = Just (DimSing y)
       | otherwise       = Nothing
    {-# INLINE constrainDim #-}

instance KnownDim n => BoundedDim ('N n) where
    type DimBound ('N n) = n
    dimBound = dim @n
    {-# INLINE dimBound #-}
    constrainDim (DimSing y)
       | dimVal' @n == y = Just (DimSing y)
       | otherwise       = Nothing
    {-# INLINE constrainDim #-}

instance KnownDim m => BoundedDim ('XN m) where
    type DimBound ('XN m) = m
    dimBound = dim @m
    {-# INLINE dimBound #-}
    constrainDim (DimSing y)
       | dimVal' @m <= y = Just (DimSing y)
       | otherwise       = Nothing
    {-# INLINE constrainDim #-}

minDim :: forall (k :: Type) (d :: k) . BoundedDim d => Dim d
minDim = coerce (dimBound @k @d)

-- | Find out the type of `XNat` constructor
class KnownXNatType (n :: XNat) where
    -- | Pattern-match against this to out the type of `XNat` constructor
    xNatType :: XNatType n

instance KnownXNatType ('N n) where
    xNatType = Nt
    {-# INLINE xNatType #-}

instance KnownXNatType ('XN n) where
    xNatType = XNt
    {-# INLINE xNatType #-}

-- | Similar to `natVal` from `GHC.TypeNats`, but returns `Word`.
dimVal :: forall (k :: Type) (x :: k) . Dim (x :: k) -> Word
dimVal = coerce
{-# INLINE dimVal #-}

-- | Similar to `natVal` from `GHC.TypeNats`, but returns `Word`.
dimVal' :: forall (n :: Nat) . KnownDim n => Word
dimVal' = coerce (dim @n)
{-# INLINE dimVal' #-}

-- | Construct a @Dim n@ if there is an instance of @Typeable n@ around.
typeableDim :: forall (n :: Nat) . Typeable n => Dim n
{- YES, that's right. TyCon of a Nat is a string containing the Nat value.
   There simply no place in a TyCon to keep the Nat as a number
     (check GHC.Types for the definition of TyCon).

  Here is an excert from Data.Typeable.Internal:

  -- | Used to make `'Typeable' instance for things of kind Nat
  typeNatTypeRep :: KnownNat a => Proxy# a -> TypeRep a
  typeNatTypeRep p = typeLitTypeRep (show (natVal' p)) tcNat

typeableDim = DimSing . read . tyConName . typeRepTyCon $ typeRep @n
{-# INLINE typeableDim #-}

-- | Constraints given by an XNat type on possible values of a Nat hidden inside.
type family FixedDim (x :: XNat) (n :: Nat) :: Constraint where
    FixedDim ('N a)  b = a ~ b
    FixedDim ('XN m) b = m <= b

instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} KnownNat n => KnownDim n where
    {-# INLINE dim #-}
    dim = DimSing (fromIntegral (natVal' (proxy# :: Proxy# n)))

instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} KnownDim 0  where
  { {-# INLINE dim #-}; dim = DimSing 0 }
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} KnownDim 1  where
  { {-# INLINE dim #-}; dim = DimSing 1 }
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} KnownDim 2  where
  { {-# INLINE dim #-}; dim = DimSing 2 }
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} KnownDim 3  where
  { {-# INLINE dim #-}; dim = DimSing 3 }
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} KnownDim 4  where
  { {-# INLINE dim #-}; dim = DimSing 4 }
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} KnownDim 5  where
  { {-# INLINE dim #-}; dim = DimSing 5 }
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} KnownDim 6  where
  { {-# INLINE dim #-}; dim = DimSing 6 }
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} KnownDim 7  where
  { {-# INLINE dim #-}; dim = DimSing 7 }
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} KnownDim 8  where
  { {-# INLINE dim #-}; dim = DimSing 8 }
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} KnownDim 9  where
  { {-# INLINE dim #-}; dim = DimSing 9 }
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} KnownDim 10 where
  { {-# INLINE dim #-}; dim = DimSing 10 }
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} KnownDim 11 where
  { {-# INLINE dim #-}; dim = DimSing 11 }
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} KnownDim 12 where
  { {-# INLINE dim #-}; dim = DimSing 12 }
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} KnownDim 13 where
  { {-# INLINE dim #-}; dim = DimSing 13 }
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} KnownDim 14 where
  { {-# INLINE dim #-}; dim = DimSing 14 }
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} KnownDim 15 where
  { {-# INLINE dim #-}; dim = DimSing 15 }
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} KnownDim 16 where
  { {-# INLINE dim #-}; dim = DimSing 16 }
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} KnownDim 17 where
  { {-# INLINE dim #-}; dim = DimSing 17 }
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} KnownDim 18 where
  { {-# INLINE dim #-}; dim = DimSing 18 }
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} KnownDim 19 where
  { {-# INLINE dim #-}; dim = DimSing 19 }
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} KnownDim 20 where
  { {-# INLINE dim #-}; dim = DimSing 20 }
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} KnownDim 21 where
  { {-# INLINE dim #-}; dim = DimSing 21 }
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} KnownDim 22 where
  { {-# INLINE dim #-}; dim = DimSing 22 }
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} KnownDim 23 where
  { {-# INLINE dim #-}; dim = DimSing 23 }
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} KnownDim 24 where
  { {-# INLINE dim #-}; dim = DimSing 24 }
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} KnownDim 25 where
  { {-# INLINE dim #-}; dim = DimSing 25 }

instance Class (KnownNat n) (KnownDim n) where
    cls = Sub $ reifyNat @_ @n (fromIntegral $ dimVal' @n) Dict

-- | Similar to `someNatVal` from `GHC.TypeNats`.
someDimVal :: Word -> SomeDim
someDimVal = coerce
{-# INLINE someDimVal #-}

-- | `constrainDim` with explicitly-passed constraining @Dim@
--   to avoid @AllowAmbiguousTypes@.
constrainBy :: forall (k :: Type) (x :: k) (p :: k -> Type) (l :: Type) (y :: l)
             . BoundedDim x => p x -> Dim y -> Maybe (Dim x)
constrainBy = const (constrainDim @k @x @l @y)
{-# INLINE constrainBy #-}

-- | Decrease minimum allowed size of a @Dim (XN x)@.
relax :: forall (m :: Nat) (n :: Nat) . (<=) m n => Dim (XN n) -> Dim (XN m)
relax = coerce
{-# INLINE relax #-}

-- | We either get evidence that this function
--   was instantiated with the same type-level numbers, or Nothing.
--   Note, this function works on @Nat@-indexed dimensions only,
--   because @Dim (XN x)@ does not have runtime evidence to infer @x@
--   and `KnownDim x` does not imply `KnownDim (XN x)`.
sameDim :: forall (x :: Nat) (y :: Nat)
         . Dim x -> Dim y -> Maybe (Dict (x ~ y))
sameDim (DimSing a) (DimSing b)
  | a == b    = Just (unsafeCoerceDict @(x ~ x) Dict)
  | otherwise = Nothing
{-# INLINE sameDim #-}

-- | We either get evidence that this function
--   was instantiated with the same type-level numbers, or Nothing.
sameDim' :: forall (x :: Nat) (y :: Nat) (p :: Nat -> Type) (q :: Nat -> Type)
          . (KnownDim x, KnownDim y)
         => p x -> q y -> Maybe (Dict (x ~ y))
sameDim' = const . const $ sameDim (dim @x) (dim @y)
{-# INLINE sameDim' #-}

-- | Ordering of dimension values.
--   Note: `CmpNat` forces type parameters to kind `Nat`;
--         if you want to compare unknown `XNat`s, use `Ord` instance of `Dim`.
compareDim :: forall (a :: Nat) (b :: Nat)
            . Dim a -> Dim b -> SOrdering (CmpNat a b)
compareDim a b
  = case coerce (compare :: Word -> Word -> Ordering) a b of
    LT -> unsafeCoerce# SLT
    EQ -> unsafeCoerce# SEQ
    GT -> unsafeCoerce# SGT
{-# INLINE compareDim #-}

-- | Ordering of dimension values.
--   Note: `CmpNat` forces type parameters to kind `Nat`;
--         if you want to compare unknown `XNat`s, use `Ord` instance of `Dim`.
compareDim' :: forall (a :: Nat) (b :: Nat) (p :: Nat -> Type) (q :: Nat -> Type)
             . (KnownDim a, KnownDim b) => p a -> q b -> SOrdering (CmpNat a b)
compareDim' = const . const $ compareDim (dim @a)  (dim @b)
{-# INLINE compareDim' #-}

plusDim :: forall (n :: Nat) (m :: Nat) . Dim n -> Dim m -> Dim (n + m)
plusDim = coerce ((+) :: Word -> Word -> Word)
{-# INLINE plusDim #-}

minusDim :: forall (n :: Nat) (m :: Nat) . (<=) m n => Dim n -> Dim m -> Dim (n - m)
minusDim = coerce ((-) :: Word -> Word -> Word)
{-# INLINE minusDim #-}

minusDimM :: forall (n :: Nat) (m :: Nat) . Dim n -> Dim m -> Maybe (Dim (n - m))
minusDimM (DimSing a) (DimSing b)
  | a >= b    = Just (coerce (a - b))
  | otherwise = Nothing
{-# INLINE minusDimM #-}

timesDim :: forall (n :: Nat) (m :: Nat) . Dim n -> Dim m -> Dim ((*) n m)
timesDim = coerce ((*) :: Word -> Word -> Word)
{-# INLINE timesDim #-}

powerDim :: forall (n :: Nat) (m :: Nat) . Dim n -> Dim m -> Dim ((^) n m)
powerDim = coerce ((^) :: Word -> Word -> Word)
{-# INLINE powerDim #-}

divDim :: forall (n :: Nat) (m :: Nat) . Dim n -> Dim m -> Dim (Div n m)
divDim = coerce (div :: Word -> Word -> Word)

modDim :: forall (n :: Nat) (m :: Nat) . Dim n -> Dim m -> Dim (Mod n m)
modDim = coerce (mod :: Word -> Word -> Word)

log2Dim :: forall (n :: Nat) . Dim n -> Dim (Log2 n)
log2Dim (DimSing 0) = undefined
log2Dim (DimSing x) = DimSing . fromIntegral $ finiteBitSize x - 1 - countLeadingZeros x

-- | GADT to support `KnownDimKind` type class.
--   Match against its constructors to know if @k@ is @Nat@ or @XNat@
data DimKind :: Type -> Type where
    -- | Working on @Nat@.
    DimNat  :: DimKind Nat
    -- | Working on @XNat@.
    DimXNat :: DimKind XNat

-- | Figure out whether the type-level dimension is `Nat` or `XNat`.
--   Useful for generalized inference functions.
class KnownDimKind (k :: Type) where
    dimKind :: DimKind k

instance KnownDimKind Nat where
    dimKind = DimNat

instance KnownDimKind XNat where
    dimKind = DimXNat

-- | Match @Dim n@ against a concrete @Nat@
pattern D0 :: forall (n :: Nat) . () => n ~ 0 => Dim n
pattern D0 <- (sameDim (D @0) -> Just Dict)
  where D0 = DimSing 0

-- | Match @Dim n@ against a concrete @Nat@
pattern D1 :: forall (n :: Nat) . () => n ~ 1 => Dim n
pattern D1 <- (sameDim (D @1) -> Just Dict)
  where D1 = DimSing 1

-- | Match @Dim n@ against a concrete @Nat@
pattern D2 :: forall (n :: Nat) . () => n ~ 2 => Dim n
pattern D2 <- (sameDim (D @2) -> Just Dict)
  where D2 = DimSing 2

-- | Match @Dim n@ against a concrete @Nat@
pattern D3 :: forall (n :: Nat) . () => n ~ 3 => Dim n
pattern D3 <- (sameDim (D @3) -> Just Dict)
  where D3 = DimSing 3

-- | Match @Dim n@ against a concrete @Nat@
pattern D4 :: forall (n :: Nat) . () => n ~ 4 => Dim n
pattern D4 <- (sameDim (D @4) -> Just Dict)
  where D4 = DimSing 4

-- | Match @Dim n@ against a concrete @Nat@
pattern D5 :: forall (n :: Nat) . () => n ~ 5 => Dim n
pattern D5 <- (sameDim (D @5) -> Just Dict)
  where D5 = DimSing 5

-- | Match @Dim n@ against a concrete @Nat@
pattern D6 :: forall (n :: Nat) . () => n ~ 6 => Dim n
pattern D6 <- (sameDim (D @6) -> Just Dict)
  where D6 = DimSing 6

-- | Match @Dim n@ against a concrete @Nat@
pattern D7 :: forall (n :: Nat) . () => n ~ 7 => Dim n
pattern D7 <- (sameDim (D @7) -> Just Dict)
  where D7 = DimSing 7

-- | Match @Dim n@ against a concrete @Nat@
pattern D8 :: forall (n :: Nat) . () => n ~ 8 => Dim n
pattern D8 <- (sameDim (D @8) -> Just Dict)
  where D8 = DimSing 8

-- | Match @Dim n@ against a concrete @Nat@
pattern D9 :: forall (n :: Nat) . () => n ~ 9 => Dim n
pattern D9 <- (sameDim (D @9) -> Just Dict)
  where D9 = DimSing 9

-- | Match @Dim n@ against a concrete @Nat@
pattern D10 :: forall (n :: Nat) . () => n ~ 10 => Dim n
pattern D10 <- (sameDim (D @10) -> Just Dict)
  where D10 = DimSing 10

-- | Match @Dim n@ against a concrete @Nat@
pattern D11 :: forall (n :: Nat) . () => n ~ 11 => Dim n
pattern D11 <- (sameDim (D @11) -> Just Dict)
  where D11 = DimSing 11

-- | Match @Dim n@ against a concrete @Nat@
pattern D12 :: forall (n :: Nat) . () => n ~ 12 => Dim n
pattern D12 <- (sameDim (D @12) -> Just Dict)
  where D12 = DimSing 12

-- | Match @Dim n@ against a concrete @Nat@
pattern D13 :: forall (n :: Nat) . () => n ~ 13 => Dim n
pattern D13 <- (sameDim (D @13) -> Just Dict)
  where D13 = DimSing 13

-- | Match @Dim n@ against a concrete @Nat@
pattern D14 :: forall (n :: Nat) . () => n ~ 14 => Dim n
pattern D14 <- (sameDim (D @14) -> Just Dict)
  where D14 = DimSing 14

-- | Match @Dim n@ against a concrete @Nat@
pattern D15 :: forall (n :: Nat) . () => n ~ 15 => Dim n
pattern D15 <- (sameDim (D @15) -> Just Dict)
  where D15 = DimSing 15

-- | Match @Dim n@ against a concrete @Nat@
pattern D16 :: forall (n :: Nat) . () => n ~ 16 => Dim n
pattern D16 <- (sameDim (D @16) -> Just Dict)
  where D16 = DimSing 16

-- | Match @Dim n@ against a concrete @Nat@
pattern D17 :: forall (n :: Nat) . () => n ~ 17 => Dim n
pattern D17 <- (sameDim (D @17) -> Just Dict)
  where D17 = DimSing 17

-- | Match @Dim n@ against a concrete @Nat@
pattern D18 :: forall (n :: Nat) . () => n ~ 18 => Dim n
pattern D18 <- (sameDim (D @18) -> Just Dict)
  where D18 = DimSing 18

-- | Match @Dim n@ against a concrete @Nat@
pattern D19 :: forall (n :: Nat) . () => n ~ 19 => Dim n
pattern D19 <- (sameDim (D @19) -> Just Dict)
  where D19 = DimSing 19

-- | Match @Dim n@ against a concrete @Nat@
pattern D20 :: forall (n :: Nat) . () => n ~ 20 => Dim n
pattern D20 <- (sameDim (D @20) -> Just Dict)
  where D20 = DimSing 20

-- | Match @Dim n@ against a concrete @Nat@
pattern D21 :: forall (n :: Nat) . () => n ~ 21 => Dim n
pattern D21 <- (sameDim (D @21) -> Just Dict)
  where D21 = DimSing 21

-- | Match @Dim n@ against a concrete @Nat@
pattern D22 :: forall (n :: Nat) . () => n ~ 22 => Dim n
pattern D22 <- (sameDim (D @22) -> Just Dict)
  where D22 = DimSing 22

-- | Match @Dim n@ against a concrete @Nat@
pattern D23 :: forall (n :: Nat) . () => n ~ 23 => Dim n
pattern D23 <- (sameDim (D @23) -> Just Dict)
  where D23 = DimSing 23

-- | Match @Dim n@ against a concrete @Nat@
pattern D24 :: forall (n :: Nat) . () => n ~ 24 => Dim n
pattern D24 <- (sameDim (D @24) -> Just Dict)
  where D24 = DimSing 24

-- | Match @Dim n@ against a concrete @Nat@
pattern D25 :: forall (n :: Nat) . () => n ~ 25 => Dim n
pattern D25 <- (sameDim (D @25) -> Just Dict)
  where D25 = DimSing 25

-- | @O(1)@ Pattern-matching against this constructor brings a `Dimensions`
--   instance into the scope.
--   Thus, you can do arbitrary operations on your dims and use this pattern
--   at any time to reconstruct the class instance at runtime.
pattern Dims :: forall (ds :: [Nat]) . () => Dimensions ds => Dims ds
pattern Dims <- (dimsEv -> Dict)
    Dims = dims @ds
{-# COMPLETE Dims #-}

-- | @O(Length ds)@ A heavy weapon against all sorts of type errors
pattern KnownDims :: forall (ds :: [Nat]) . ()
                  => ( All KnownDim ds, All BoundedDim ds
                     , RepresentableList ds, Dimensions ds)
                     => Dims ds
pattern KnownDims <- (patKDims -> PatKDims)
    KnownDims = dims @ds
{-# COMPLETE KnownDims #-}

-- | Pattern-matching against this constructor reveals Nat-kinded list of dims,
--   pretending the dimensionality is known at compile time within the scope
--   of the pattern match.
--   This is the main recommended way to get `Dims` at runtime;
--   for example, reading a list of dimensions from a file.
--   In order to use this pattern, one must know @XNat@ type constructors in
--   each dimension at compile time.
pattern XDims :: forall (xns :: [XNat]) . KnownXNatTypes xns
              => forall (ns :: [Nat]) . (FixedDims xns ns, Dimensions ns)
              => Dims ns -> Dims xns
pattern XDims ns <- (patXDims -> PatXDims ns)
    XDims ns = unsafeCoerce# ns
{-# COMPLETE XDims #-}

-- | An easy way to convert Nat-indexed dims into XNat-indexed dims.
pattern AsXDims :: forall (ns :: [Nat]) . ()
                => (KnownXNatTypes (AsXDims ns), RepresentableList (AsXDims ns))
                => Dims (AsXDims ns) -> Dims ns
pattern AsXDims xns <- (patAsXDims -> PatAsXDims xns)
    AsXDims xns = unsafeCoerce# xns
{-# COMPLETE AsXDims #-}

-- | Same as SomeNat, but for Dimensions:
--   Hide all information about Dimensions inside
data SomeDims = forall (ns :: [Nat]) . SomeDims (Dims ns)

-- | Put runtime evidence of `Dims` value inside function constraints.
--   Similar to `KnownDim` or `KnownNat`, but for lists of numbers.
--   Note, kind of the @Dimensions@ list is always @Nat@, restricted by
--   @KnownDim@ being also @Nat@-indexed
--     (it is impossible to create a unique @KnownDim (XN m)@ instance).
class Dimensions (ds :: [Nat]) where
    -- | Get dimensionality of a space at runtime,
    --   represented as a list of `Dim`.
    --   Note, this function is supposed to be used with @TypeApplications@.
    --   For example, you can type:
    --   >>>:set -XTypeApplications
    --   >>>:set -XDataKinds
    --   >>>:t dims @'[17, 12]
    --   dims @'[17, 12] :: Dims '[17, 12]
    --   >>>:t dims @'[]
    --   dims @'[] :: Dims '[]
    --   >>>:t dims @(Tail '[3,2,5,7])
    --   dims @(Tail '[3,2,5,7]) :: Dims '[2, 5, 7]
    dims :: Dims ds

instance Dimensions '[] where
    dims = U
    {-# INLINE dims #-}

instance (KnownDim d, Dimensions ds) => Dimensions (d ': ds) where
    dims = dim :* dims
    {-# INLINE dims #-}

-- | Get a minimal or exact bound of @Dims@.
--   This is a plural form of `BoundedDim`.
--   @BoundedDims@ is a somewhat weaker form of @Dimensions@:
--    * It is defined for both @[Nat]@ and @[XNat]@;
--    * Instance of @Dimensions ds@ always implies @BoundedDims ds@.
class KnownDimKind k => BoundedDims (ds :: [k]) where
    -- | Minimal or exact bound of @Dims@.
    --   This is a plural form of `DimBound`.
    type family DimsBound ds :: [Nat]
    -- | Plural form for `dimBound`
    dimsBound :: Dims (DimsBound ds)
    -- | Plural form for `constrainDim`.
    --   Given a @Dims ys@, test if its runtime value satisfies constraints imposed by
    --   @BoundedDims ds@, and returns it back coerced to @Dims ds@ on success.
    --   This function allows to guess safely individual dimension values,
    --   as well as the length of the dimension list.
    --   It returns @Nothing@ if @ds@ and @xds@ have different length or if any
    --   of the values in @ys@ are less than the corresponding values of @ds@.
    constrainDims :: forall (l :: Type) (ys :: [l]) . Dims ys -> Maybe (Dims ds)
    -- | BoundedDims means every element dim is @BoundedDim@ and also
    --   the length of a dim list is known.
    --   Enforcing this as a superclass would complicate instance relations,
    --   so it is better to provide these dictionaries on-demand.
    inferAllBoundedDims :: Dict (All BoundedDim ds, RepresentableList ds)

instance Dimensions ns => BoundedDims (ns :: [Nat]) where
    type DimsBound ns = ns
    dimsBound = dims @ns
    {-# INLINE dimsBound #-}
    constrainDims ys
      | listDims ys == listDims (dims @ns)
                  = Just (unsafeCoerce# ys)
      | otherwise = Nothing
    {-# INLINE constrainDims #-}
    inferAllBoundedDims = go (dims @ns)
        go :: forall (ds :: [Nat]) . Dims ds
           -> Dict (All BoundedDim ds, RepresentableList ds)
        go  U             = Dict
        go (D :* ds)
          | Dict <- go ds = Dict

instance BoundedDims ('[] :: [XNat]) where
    type DimsBound '[] = '[]
    dimsBound = U
    constrainDims = const $ Just U
    inferAllBoundedDims = Dict

instance (BoundedDim n, BoundedDims ns) => BoundedDims ((n ': ns) :: [XNat]) where
    type DimsBound (n ': ns) = DimBound n ': DimsBound ns
    dimsBound = dimBound @XNat @n :* dimsBound @XNat @ns
    constrainDims U         = Nothing
    constrainDims (y :* ys) = (:*) <$> constrainDim y <*> constrainDims ys
    inferAllBoundedDims = case inferAllBoundedDims @XNat @ns of Dict -> Dict

-- | Minimal runtime @Dims ds@ value that satifies the constraints imposed by
--   the type signature of @Dims ds@.
minDims :: forall (k :: Type) (ds :: [k])
         . BoundedDims ds => Dims ds
minDims = unsafeCoerce# (dimsBound @k @ds)

-- | Construct a @Dims ds@ if there is an instance of @Typeable ds@ around.
typeableDims :: forall (ds :: [Nat]) . Typeable ds => Dims ds
typeableDims = case typeRep @ds of
    App (App _ (tx :: TypeRep (n :: k1))) (txs :: TypeRep (ns :: k2))
      -> case unsafeCoerceDict @(Nat ~ Nat, [Nat] ~ [Nat])
                               @(Nat ~ k1 , [Nat] ~ k2) Dict of
          Dict -> case unsafeCoerceDict @(ds ~ ds)
                                        @(ds ~ (n ': ns)) Dict of
            Dict -> withTypeable tx (typeableDim @n)
                 :* withTypeable txs (typeableDims @ns)
    Con _
      -> unsafeCoerce# U
    r -> error ("typeableDims -- impossible typeRep: " ++ show r)
{-# INLINE typeableDims #-}

-- | @Dims (ds :: [Nat])@ is always @Typeable@.
inferTypeableDims :: forall (ds :: [Nat]) . Dims ds -> Dict (Typeable ds)
inferTypeableDims U         = Dict
inferTypeableDims ((D :: Dim d) :* ds)
  | Dict <- mapDict cls (Dict @(KnownDim d))
  , Dict <- inferTypeableDims ds
    = Dict

-- | Convert `Dims xs` to a plain haskell list of dimension sizes @O(1)@.
--   Note, for @XNat@-indexed list it returns actual content dimensions,
--   not the constraint numbers (@XN m@)
listDims :: forall (k :: Type) (xs :: [k]) . Dims xs -> [Word]
listDims = unsafeCoerce#
{-# INLINE listDims #-}

-- | Convert a plain haskell list of dimension sizes into an unknown
--   type-level dimensionality  @O(1)@.
someDimsVal :: [Word] -> SomeDims
someDimsVal = SomeDims . unsafeCoerce#
{-# INLINE someDimsVal #-}

-- | Product of all dimension sizes @O(Length xs)@.
totalDim :: forall (k :: Type) (xs :: [k]) . Dims xs -> Word
totalDim = product . listDims
{-# INLINE totalDim #-}

-- | Product of all dimension sizes @O(Length xs)@.
totalDim' :: forall (xs :: [Nat]) . Dimensions xs => Word
totalDim' = totalDim (dims @xs)
{-# INLINE totalDim' #-}

-- | Get XNat-indexed dims given their fixed counterpart.
xDims :: forall (xns :: [XNat]) (ns :: [Nat])
       . FixedDims xns ns => Dims ns -> Dims xns
xDims = unsafeCoerce#
{-# INLINE xDims #-}

-- | Get XNat-indexed dims given their fixed counterpart.
xDims' :: forall (xns :: [XNat]) (ns :: [Nat])
        . (FixedDims xns ns, Dimensions ns) => Dims xns
xDims' = xDims @xns (dims @ns)
{-# INLINE xDims' #-}

-- | Drop the given prefix from a Dims list.
--   It returns Nothing if the list did not start with the prefix given,
--    or Just the Dims after the prefix, if it does.
stripPrefixDims :: forall (xs :: [Nat]) (ys :: [Nat])
                 . Dims xs -> Dims ys
                -> Maybe (Dims (StripPrefix xs ys))
stripPrefixDims = unsafeCoerce# (Data.List.stripPrefix :: [Word] -> [Word] -> Maybe [Word])
{-# INLINE stripPrefixDims #-}

-- | Drop the given suffix from a Dims list.
--   It returns Nothing if the list did not end with the suffix given,
--    or Just the Dims before the suffix, if it does.
stripSuffixDims :: forall (xs :: [Nat]) (ys :: [Nat])
                 . Dims xs -> Dims ys
                -> Maybe (Dims (StripSuffix xs ys))
stripSuffixDims = unsafeCoerce# stripSuf
    stripSuf :: [Word] -> [Word] -> Maybe [Word]
    stripSuf suf whole = go pref whole
        pref = getPref suf whole
        getPref (_:as) (_:bs) = getPref as bs
        getPref [] bs         = zipWith const whole bs
        getPref _  []         = []
        go (_:as) (_:bs) = go as bs
        go  []     bs    = if suf == bs then Just pref else Nothing
        go  _      []    = Nothing
{-# INLINE stripSuffixDims #-}

-- | We either get evidence that this function was instantiated with the
--   same type-level Dimensions, or 'Nothing' @O(Length xs)@.
sameDims :: forall (as :: [Nat]) (bs :: [Nat])
          . Dims as -> Dims bs -> Maybe (Dict (as ~ bs))
sameDims as bs
  | listDims as == listDims bs
    = Just (unsafeCoerceDict @(as ~ as) Dict)
  | otherwise = Nothing
{-# INLINE sameDims #-}

-- | We either get evidence that this function was instantiated with the
--   same type-level Dimensions, or 'Nothing' @O(Length xs)@.
sameDims' :: forall (as :: [Nat]) (bs :: [Nat]) (p :: [Nat] -> Type) (q :: [Nat] -> Type)
           . (Dimensions as, Dimensions bs)
          => p as -> q bs -> Maybe (Dict (as ~ bs))
sameDims' = const . const $ sameDims (dims @as) (dims @bs)
{-# INLINE sameDims' #-}

-- | Similar to `const` or `asProxyTypeOf`;
--   to be used on such implicit functions as `dim`, `dimMax`, etc.
inSpaceOf :: forall (k :: Type) (ds :: [k]) (p :: [k] -> Type) (q :: [k] -> Type)
           . p ds -> q ds -> p ds
inSpaceOf = const
{-# INLINE inSpaceOf #-}

-- | Similar to `asProxyTypeOf`,
--   Give a hint to type checker to fix the type of a function argument.
asSpaceOf :: forall (k :: Type) (ds :: [k])
                    (p :: [k] -> Type) (q :: [k] -> Type) (r :: Type)
           . p ds -> (q ds -> r) -> (q ds -> r)
asSpaceOf = const id
{-# INLINE asSpaceOf #-}

-- | Map Dims onto XDims (injective)
type family AsXDims (ns :: [Nat]) = (xns :: [XNat]) | xns -> ns where
    AsXDims '[] = '[]
    AsXDims (n ': ns) = N n ': AsXDims ns

-- | Map XDims onto Dims (injective)
type family AsDims (xns::[XNat]) = (ns :: [Nat]) | ns -> xns where
    AsDims '[] = '[]
    AsDims (N x ': xs) = x ': AsDims xs

-- | Constrain @Nat@ dimensions hidden behind @XNat@s.
type family FixedDims (xns::[XNat]) (ns :: [Nat]) :: Constraint where
    FixedDims '[] ns = (ns ~ '[])
    FixedDims (xn ': xns) ns
      = ( ns ~ (Head ns ': Tail ns)
        , FixedDim xn (Head ns)
        , FixedDims xns (Tail ns))

-- | Know the structure of each dimension
type KnownXNatTypes xns = All KnownXNatType xns

instance Typeable d => Data (Dim (d :: Nat)) where
    gfoldl _ = id
    gunfold _ z = const (z (typeableDim @d))
    toConstr = const $ dimNatConstr (dimVal (typeableDim @d))
    dataTypeOf = const $ dimDataType (dimVal (typeableDim @d))

dimDataType :: Word -> DataType
dimDataType = mkDataType "Numeric.Dim.Dim" . (:[]) . dimNatConstr

dimNatConstr :: Word -> Constr
dimNatConstr d = mkConstr (dimDataType d) ("D" ++ show d) [] Prefix

instance KnownDim d => G.Generic (Dim (d :: Nat)) where
    type Rep (Dim d) = G.D1
          ('G.MetaData "Dim" "Numeric.Dim" "dimensions" 'False)
          (G.C1 ('G.MetaCons (AppendSymbol "D" (ShowNat d)) 'G.PrefixI 'False) G.U1)
    from D = G.M1 (G.M1 G.U1)
    to = const (dim @d)

instance Eq (Dim (n :: Nat)) where
    (==) = const (const True)
    {-# INLINE (==) #-}
    (/=) = const (const False)
    {-# INLINE (/=) #-}

instance Eq (Dim (x :: XNat)) where
    (==) = coerce ((==) :: Word -> Word -> Bool)
    {-# INLINE (==) #-}
    (/=) = coerce ((/=) :: Word -> Word -> Bool)
    {-# INLINE (/=) #-}

instance Eq (Dims (ds :: [Nat])) where
    (==) = const (const True)
    {-# INLINE (==) #-}
    (/=) = const (const False)
    {-# INLINE (/=) #-}

instance Eq (Dims (ds :: [XNat])) where
    (==) = unsafeCoerce# ((==) :: [Word] -> [Word] -> Bool)
    {-# INLINE (==) #-}
    (/=) = unsafeCoerce# ((/=) :: [Word] -> [Word] -> Bool)
    {-# INLINE (/=) #-}

instance Eq SomeDims where
    SomeDims as == SomeDims bs = listDims as == listDims bs
    {-# INLINE (==) #-}
    SomeDims as /= SomeDims bs = listDims as /= listDims bs
    {-# INLINE (/=) #-}

instance Ord (Dim (n :: Nat)) where
    compare = const (const EQ)
    {-# INLINE compare #-}

instance Ord (Dim (x :: XNat)) where
    compare = coerce (compare :: Word -> Word -> Ordering)
    {-# INLINE compare #-}

instance Ord (Dims (ds :: [Nat])) where
    compare = const (const EQ)
    {-# INLINE compare #-}

instance Ord (Dims (ds :: [XNat])) where
    compare = unsafeCoerce# (compare :: [Word] -> [Word] -> Ordering)
    {-# INLINE compare #-}

instance Ord SomeDims where
    compare (SomeDims as) (SomeDims bs) = compare (listDims as) (listDims bs)
    {-# INLINE compare #-}

instance Show (Dim (x :: k)) where
    showsPrec _ d = showChar 'D' . shows (dimVal d)
    {-# INLINE showsPrec #-}

instance Show (Dims (xs :: [k])) where
    showsPrec = typedListShowsPrec @k @Dim @xs showsPrec

instance Show SomeDims where
    showsPrec p (SomeDims ds)
      = showParen (p >= 10)
      $ showString "SomeDims " . showsPrec 10 ds

instance BoundedDim x => Read (Dim (x :: k)) where
    readPrec = Read.lexP >>= \case
      Read.Ident ('D':s)
        | Just d <- Read.readMaybe s
            >>= constrainDim @k @x @XNat @(XN 0) . DimSing
          -> return d
      _  -> Read.pfail
    readList = Read.readListDefault
    readListPrec = Read.readListPrecDefault

instance BoundedDims xs => Read (Dims (xs :: [k])) where
    readPrec = case inferAllBoundedDims @k @xs of
        Dict -> typedListReadPrec @k @BoundedDim ":*" Read.readPrec (tList @k @xs)
    readList = Read.readListDefault
    readListPrec = Read.readListPrecDefault

instance Read SomeDims where
    readPrec = Read.parens . Read.prec 10 $ do
      Read.lift . Read.expect $ Read.Ident "SomeDims"
      withTypedListReadPrec @Nat @Dim @SomeDims
        (\g -> (\(Dx d) -> g d) <$> Read.readPrec @(Dim (XN 0)))

-- | This function does GHC's magic to convert user-supplied `dim` function
--   to create an instance of `KnownDim` typeclass at runtime.
--   The trick is taken from Edward Kmett's reflection library explained
--   in https://www.schoolofhaskell.com/user/thoughtpolice/using-reflection
reifyDim :: forall (r :: Type) (d :: Nat) . Dim d -> (KnownDim d => r) -> r
reifyDim d k = unsafeCoerce# (MagicDim k :: MagicDim d r) d
{-# INLINE reifyDim #-}
newtype MagicDim (d :: Nat) (r :: Type) = MagicDim (KnownDim d => r)

reifyNat :: forall (r :: Type) (d :: Nat) . Natural -> (KnownNat d => r) -> r
reifyNat d k = unsafeCoerce# (MagicNat k :: MagicNat d r) d
{-# INLINE reifyNat #-}
newtype MagicNat (d :: Nat) (r :: Type) = MagicNat (KnownNat d => r)

dimEv :: forall (d :: Nat) . Dim d -> Dict (KnownDim d)
dimEv d = reifyDim d Dict
{-# INLINE dimEv #-}

reifyDims :: forall (r :: Type) (ds :: [Nat]) . Dims ds -> (Dimensions ds => r) -> r
reifyDims ds k = unsafeCoerce# (MagicDims k :: MagicDims ds r) ds
{-# INLINE reifyDims #-}
newtype MagicDims (ds :: [Nat]) (r :: Type) = MagicDims (Dimensions ds => r)

dimsEv :: forall (ds :: [Nat]) . Dims ds -> Dict (Dimensions ds)
dimsEv ds = reifyDims ds Dict
{-# INLINE dimsEv #-}

data PatXDim (xn :: XNat) where
  PatN :: KnownDim n => Dim n -> PatXDim ('N n)
  PatXN :: (KnownDim n, m <= n) => Dim n -> PatXDim ('XN m)

dimXNEv :: forall (xn :: XNat) . XNatType xn -> Dim xn -> PatXDim xn
dimXNEv Nt (DimSing k) = reifyDim dd (PatN dd)
    dd = DimSing @Nat @_ k
dimXNEv XNt xn@(DimSing k) = reifyDim dd (f dd xn)
    dd = DimSing @Nat @_ k
    f :: forall (d :: Nat) (m :: Nat)
       . KnownDim d => Dim d -> Dim ('XN m) -> PatXDim ('XN m)
    f d = case unsafeCoerceDict @(m <= m) @(m <= d) Dict of
      Dict -> const (PatXN d)
{-# INLINE dimXNEv #-}

data PatXDims (xns :: [XNat])
  = forall (ns :: [Nat])
  . (FixedDims xns ns, Dimensions ns) => PatXDims (Dims ns)

patXDims :: forall (xns :: [XNat])
          . All KnownXNatType xns => Dims xns -> PatXDims xns
patXDims U = PatXDims U
patXDims (Dn n :* xns) = case patXDims xns of
  PatXDims ns -> PatXDims (n :* ns)
patXDims (Dx n :* xns) = case patXDims xns of
  PatXDims ns -> PatXDims (n :* ns)
{-# INLINE patXDims #-}

data PatAsXDims (ns :: [Nat])
  = (KnownXNatTypes (AsXDims ns), RepresentableList (AsXDims ns))
  => PatAsXDims (Dims (AsXDims ns))

patAsXDims :: forall (ns :: [Nat]) . Dims ns -> PatAsXDims ns
patAsXDims U = PatAsXDims U
patAsXDims (n@D :* ns) = case patAsXDims ns of
  PatAsXDims xns -> PatAsXDims (Dn n :* xns)
{-# INLINE patAsXDims #-}

data PatKDims (ns :: [Nat])
  = (All KnownDim ns, All BoundedDim ns, RepresentableList ns, Dimensions ns) => PatKDims

patKDims :: forall (ns :: [Nat]) . Dims ns -> PatKDims ns
patKDims U = PatKDims
patKDims (D :* ns) = case patKDims ns of
  PatKDims -> PatKDims
{-# INLINE patKDims #-}

unsafeCoerceDict :: forall (a :: Constraint) (b :: Constraint)
                  . Dict a -> Dict b
unsafeCoerceDict = unsafeCoerce#