{-# language DeriveFoldable #-}
{-# language DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# language DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# language DeriveTraversable #-}
{-# language LambdaCase #-}
{-# language MultiWayIf #-}
{-# language ScopedTypeVariables #-}

  Recursively list the contents of a directory while avoiding
  symlink loops.

Modeled after the linux @tree@ command (when invoked with the follow-symlinks
option), this module recursively lists the contents of a directory while
avoiding symlink loops. See the documentation of 'buildDirTree' for an example.

In addition to building the directory-contents tree, this module provides
facilities for filtering, displaying, and navigating the directory hierarchy.

module System.Directory.Contents where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Tree as DataTree
import Data.Witherable
import GHC.Generics
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath

-- | The contents of a directory, represented as a tree. See 'Symlink' for
-- special handling of symlinks.
data DirTree a
  = DirTree_Dir FilePath [DirTree a]
  | DirTree_File FilePath a
  | DirTree_Symlink FilePath (Symlink a)
  deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Generic)

-- | Symlink cycles are prevented by separating symlinks into two categories:
-- those that point to paths already within the directory hierarchy being
-- recursively listed, and those that are not. In the former case, rather than
-- following the symlink and listing the target redundantly, we simply store
-- the symlink reference itself. In the latter case, we treat the symlink as we
-- would any other folder and produce a list of its contents.
-- The 'String' argument represents the symlink reference (e.g., "../somefile").
-- In the 'Symlink_Internal' case, the second ('FilePath') argument is the path
-- to the symlink target.
-- In the 'Symlink_External' case, the second (@[DirTree a]@) argument contains
-- the contents of the symlink target.
data Symlink a
  = Symlink_Internal String FilePath
  | Symlink_External String [DirTree a]
  deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Generic)

-- * Constructing a tree
-- | Recursively list the contents of a 'FilePath', representing the results as
-- a hierarchical 'DirTree'. This function should produce results similar to
-- the linux command @tree -l@.
-- For example, given this directory and symlink structure
-- (as shown by @tree -l@):
-- > test
-- > ├── A
-- > │   ├── a
-- > │   ├── A -> ../A  [recursive, not followed]
-- > │   └── B -> ../B
-- > │       ├── A -> ../A  [recursive, not followed]
-- > │       └── b
-- > ├── B
-- > │   ├── A -> ../A  [recursive, not followed]
-- > │   └── b
-- > └── C -> ../C
-- >     └── c
-- this function will produce the following (as rendererd by 'drawDirTree'):
-- > test
-- > |
-- > +- A
-- > |  |
-- > |  +- A -> ../A
-- > |  |
-- > |  +- B -> ../B
-- > |  |
-- > |  `- a
-- > |
-- > +- B
-- > |  |
-- > |  +- A -> ../A
-- > |  |
-- > |  `- b
-- > |
-- > `- C -> ../C
-- >    |
-- >    `- c
buildDirTree :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe (DirTree FilePath))
buildDirTree root = build Map.empty root
    build seen path = do
      canon <- canonicalizePath path
      isPath <- doesPathExist path
      isDir <- doesDirectoryExist path
      isSym <- pathIsSymbolicLink path
      subpaths <- if isDir then listDirectory path else pure []
      subcanons <- mapM canonicalizePath <=<
        filterM (fmap not . pathIsSymbolicLink) $ (path </>) <$> subpaths
      let seen' = Map.union seen $ Map.fromList $ zip subcanons subpaths
          buildSubpaths = catMaybes <$> mapM
            (build (Map.insert canon path seen') . (path </>)) subpaths
      if | not isPath -> pure Nothing
         | isSym -> case Map.lookup canon seen' of
             Nothing -> do
               s <- getSymbolicLinkTarget path
               Just . DirTree_Symlink path . Symlink_External s <$> buildSubpaths
             Just _ -> do
               target <- getSymbolicLinkTarget path
               canonRoot <- canonicalizePath root
               let startingPoint = takeFileName root
               canonSym <- canonicalizePath $ takeDirectory path </> target
               pure $ Just $ DirTree_Symlink path $ Symlink_Internal target $
                startingPoint </> mkRelative canonRoot canonSym
         | isDir -> Just . DirTree_Dir path <$> buildSubpaths
         | otherwise -> pure $ Just $ DirTree_File path path

-- | De-reference one layer of symlinks
{- |
==== __Example__


> tmp
> |
> +- A
> |  |
> |  `- a
> |
> +- a -> A/a
> |
> `- C
>    |
>    `- A -> ../A

This function will follow one level of symlinks, producing:

> tmp
> |
> +- A
> |  |
> |  `- a
> |
> +- a
> |
> `- C
>    |
>    `- A
>       |
>       `- a

dereferenceSymlinks :: DirTree FilePath -> IO (DirTree FilePath)
dereferenceSymlinks toppath = deref toppath toppath
    deref top cur = case cur of
      DirTree_Dir p xs -> DirTree_Dir p <$> mapM (deref top) xs
      DirTree_File p x -> pure $ DirTree_File p x
      DirTree_Symlink p sym -> case sym of
        Symlink_External _ paths -> case paths of
          [] -> do
            isDir <- doesDirectoryExist p
            pure $ if isDir
              then DirTree_Dir p []
              else DirTree_File p p
          ps -> pure $ DirTree_Dir p ps
        Symlink_Internal _ r -> do
          let startingPoint = takeFileName $ filePath top
          let target = walkDirTree (startingPoint </> r) top
          pure $ case target of
            Nothing -> DirTree_Symlink p sym
            Just t -> t

-- * Navigate
-- | Starting from the root directory, try to walk the given filepath and return
-- the 'DirTree' at the end of the route. For example, given the following tree:
-- > src
-- > └── System
-- >     └── Directory
-- >             └── Contents.hs
-- @walkDirTree "src/System"@ should produce
-- > Directory
-- > |
-- > `- Contents.hs
-- This function does not dereference symlinks, nor does it handle the special
-- paths @.@ and @..@.
walkDirTree :: FilePath -> DirTree a -> Maybe (DirTree a)
walkDirTree target p =
  let pathSegments = splitDirectories target
      walk :: [FilePath] -> DirTree a -> Maybe (DirTree a)
      walk [] path = Just path
      walk (c : gc) path = case path of
        DirTree_Dir a xs
          | takeFileName a == c -> alternative $ walk gc <$> xs
        DirTree_File a f
          | takeFileName a == c && null gc -> Just $ DirTree_File a f
        DirTree_Symlink a (Symlink_Internal s t)
          | takeFileName a == c && null gc -> Just $ DirTree_Symlink a
            (Symlink_Internal s t)
        DirTree_Symlink a (Symlink_External _ xs)
          | takeFileName a == c -> alternative $ walk gc <$> xs
        _ -> Nothing
  in walk pathSegments p

-- | Like 'walkDirTree' but skips the outermost containing directory. Useful for
-- walking paths relative from the root directory passed to 'buildDirTree'.
-- Given the following 'DirTree':
-- > src
-- > └── System
-- >     └── Directory
-- >             └── Contents.hs
-- @walkContents "System"@ should produce
-- > Directory
-- > |
-- > `- Contents.hs
walkContents :: FilePath -> DirTree a -> Maybe (DirTree a)
walkContents p = \case
  DirTree_Dir _ xs -> walkSub xs
  DirTree_File _ _ -> Nothing
  DirTree_Symlink _ (Symlink_External _ xs) -> walkSub xs
  DirTree_Symlink _ (Symlink_Internal _ _) -> Nothing
    walkSub :: [DirTree a] -> Maybe (DirTree a)
    walkSub xs = getAlt $ mconcat $ Alt . walkDirTree p <$> xs

-- * Filter
-- | This wrapper really just represents the no-path/empty case so that
-- filtering works
newtype DirTreeMaybe a = DirTreeMaybe { unDirTreeMaybe :: Maybe (DirTree a) }
  deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

instance Filterable DirTreeMaybe where
  catMaybes (DirTreeMaybe Nothing) = DirTreeMaybe Nothing
  catMaybes (DirTreeMaybe (Just x)) = DirTreeMaybe $ do
    let go :: DirTree (Maybe a) -> Writer [FilePath] (Maybe (DirTree a))
        go = \case
          DirTree_Dir p xs -> do
            out <- mapM go xs
            pure $ Just $ DirTree_Dir p $ catMaybes out
          DirTree_File p f -> case f of
            Nothing -> tell [p] >> pure Nothing
            Just f' -> pure $ Just $ DirTree_File p f'
          DirTree_Symlink p (Symlink_External s xs) -> do
            out <- mapM go xs
            pure $ Just $ DirTree_Symlink p (Symlink_External s $ catMaybes out)
          DirTree_Symlink p (Symlink_Internal s r) -> pure $
             Just $ DirTree_Symlink p (Symlink_Internal s r)
        removeStaleSymlinks :: [FilePath] -> DirTree a -> Maybe (DirTree a)
        removeStaleSymlinks xs = \case
          DirTree_Symlink p (Symlink_Internal s r) ->
            let startingPoint = takeDirectory $ filePath x
              if (startingPoint </> r) `elem` xs
              then Nothing
              else Just $ DirTree_Symlink p (Symlink_Internal s r)
          DirTree_Symlink p s -> Just $ DirTree_Symlink p s
          DirTree_File p f -> Just $ DirTree_File p f
          DirTree_Dir p fs -> Just $ DirTree_Dir p $
            catMaybes $ removeStaleSymlinks xs <$> fs
    let (out, removals) = runWriter $ go x
    removeStaleSymlinks removals =<< out

instance Witherable DirTreeMaybe

-- | Map a function that could produce an empty result over a 'DirTree'
  :: (DirTreeMaybe a -> DirTreeMaybe b)
  -> DirTree a
  -> Maybe (DirTree b)
withDirTreeMaybe f = unDirTreeMaybe . f . DirTreeMaybe . Just

-- | Map a function that could produce an empty result in the given functor
  :: Functor f
  => (DirTreeMaybe a -> f (DirTreeMaybe b))
  -> DirTree a
  -> f (Maybe (DirTree b))
withDirTreeMaybeF f = fmap unDirTreeMaybe . f . DirTreeMaybe . Just

-- | 'wither' for 'DirTree'. This represents the case of no paths left after
-- filtering with 'Nothing' (something that the 'DirTree' type can't represent on
-- its own).  NB: Filtering does not remove directories, only files. The
-- directory structure remains intact. To remove empty directories, see
-- 'pruneDirTree'.
  :: Applicative f
  => (a -> f (Maybe b))
  -> DirTree a
  -> f (Maybe (DirTree b))
witherDirTree = withDirTreeMaybeF . wither

-- | 'filterA' for 'DirTree'. See 'witherDirTree'.
  :: Applicative f
  => (a -> f Bool)
  -> DirTree a
  -> f (Maybe (DirTree a))
filterADirTree = withDirTreeMaybeF . filterA

-- | 'mapMaybe' for 'DirTree'. See 'witherDirTree'.
mapMaybeDirTree :: (a -> Maybe b) -> DirTree a -> Maybe (DirTree b)
mapMaybeDirTree = withDirTreeMaybe . mapMaybe

-- | 'catMaybes' for 'DirTree'. See 'witherDirTree'.
catMaybesDirTree :: DirTree (Maybe a) -> Maybe (DirTree a)
catMaybesDirTree = withDirTreeMaybe catMaybes

-- | 'Data.Witherable.filter' for 'DirTree'. See 'witherDirTree'.
filterDirTree :: (a -> Bool) -> DirTree a -> Maybe (DirTree a)
filterDirTree = withDirTreeMaybe . Data.Witherable.filter

-- | Remove empty directories from the 'DirTree'
pruneDirTree :: DirTree a -> Maybe (DirTree a)
pruneDirTree = \case
  DirTree_Dir a xs ->
    sub (DirTree_Dir a) xs
  DirTree_File a f ->
    Just $ DirTree_File a f
  DirTree_Symlink a (Symlink_External s xs) ->
    sub (DirTree_Symlink a . Symlink_External s) xs
  DirTree_Symlink a (Symlink_Internal s t) ->
    Just $ DirTree_Symlink a (Symlink_Internal s t)
    sub c xs = case mapMaybe pruneDirTree xs of
      [] -> Nothing
      ys -> Just $ c ys

-- * Display
-- | Produces a tree drawing (using only text) of a 'DirTree' hierarchy.
drawDirTree :: DirTree a -> Text
drawDirTree = T.pack . drawDirTreeWith const

-- | Apply a rendering function to each file when drawing the directory hierarchy
drawDirTreeWith :: (String -> a -> String) -> DirTree a -> String
drawDirTreeWith f = DataTree.drawTree . pathToTree
    pathToTree = \case
      DirTree_File p a ->
        DataTree.Node (f (takeFileName p) a) []
      DirTree_Dir p ps ->
        DataTree.Node (takeFileName p) $ pathToTree <$> ps
      DirTree_Symlink p (Symlink_Internal s _) ->
        DataTree.Node (showSym p s) []
      DirTree_Symlink p (Symlink_External s xs) ->
        DataTree.Node (showSym p s) $ pathToTree <$> xs
    showSym p s = takeFileName p <> " -> " <> s

-- | Print the 'DirTree' as a tree. For example:
-- @
-- System
-- |
-- `- Directory
--    |
--    `- Contents.hs
-- @
printDirTree :: DirTree a -> IO ()
printDirTree = putStrLn . T.unpack . drawDirTree

-- * Utilities

-- | Make one filepath relative to another
mkRelative :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
mkRelative root fp = case stripPrefix (dropTrailingPathSeparator root) fp of
  Nothing -> []
  Just r ->
    -- Remove the leading slash - we know it'll be there because
    -- we removed the trailing slash (if it was there) from the root
    drop 1 r

-- | Get the first 'Alternative'
alternative :: Alternative f => [f a] -> f a
alternative = getAlt . mconcat . fmap Alt

-- | Extract the 'FilePath' from a 'DirTree' node
filePath :: DirTree a -> FilePath
filePath = \case
  DirTree_Dir f _ -> f
  DirTree_File f _ -> f
  DirTree_Symlink f _ -> f