{-# LANGUAGE CPP                        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LiberalTypeSynonyms        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types                 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies               #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies     #-}

-- | Types used throughout the ManagedProcess framework
module Control.Distributed.Process.ManagedProcess.Internal.Types
  ( -- * Exported data types
  , GenProcess()
  , runProcess
  , lift
  , liftIO
  , ProcessState(..)
  , State
  , Queue
  , Limit
  , Condition(..)
  , ProcessAction(..)
  , ProcessReply(..)
  , Action
  , Reply
  , ActionHandler
  , CallHandler
  , CastHandler
  , StatelessHandler
  , DeferredCallHandler
  , StatelessCallHandler
  , InfoHandler
  , ChannelHandler
  , StatelessChannelHandler
  , InitHandler
  , ShutdownHandler
  , ExitState(..)
  , isCleanShutdown
  , exitState
  , TimeoutHandler
  , UnhandledMessagePolicy(..)
  , ProcessDefinition(..)
  , Priority(..)
  , DispatchPriority(..)
  , DispatchFilter(..)
  , Filter(..)
--   , Check(..)
  , PrioritisedProcessDefinition(..)
  , RecvTimeoutPolicy(..)
  , ControlChannel(..)
  , newControlChan
  , ControlPort(..)
  , channelControlPort
  , Dispatcher(..)
  , ExternDispatcher(..)
  , DeferredDispatcher(..)
  , ExitSignalDispatcher(..)
  , MessageMatcher(..)
  , ExternMatcher(..)
  , Message(..)
  , CallResponse(..)
  , CallId
  , CallRef(..)
  , CallRejected(..)
  , makeRef
  , caller
  , rejectToCaller
  , recipient
  , tag
  , initCall
  , unsafeInitCall
  , waitResponse
  ) where

import Control.Concurrent.STM (STM)
import Control.Distributed.Process hiding (Message, mask, finally, liftIO)
import qualified Control.Distributed.Process as P (Message, liftIO)
import Control.Distributed.Process.Serializable
import Control.Distributed.Process.Extras
  ( Recipient(..)
  , ExitReason(..)
  , Addressable
  , Resolvable(..)
  , Routable(..)
  , NFSerializable
import Control.Distributed.Process.ManagedProcess.Internal.PriorityQueue
  ( PriorityQ
import Control.Distributed.Process.Extras.Internal.Types
  ( resolveOrDie
import Control.Distributed.Process.Extras.Time
import Control.Distributed.Process.ManagedProcess.Timer (Timer, TimerKey)
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData(..))
import Control.Monad.Fix (MonadFix)
import Control.Monad.Catch
  ( catch
  , throwM
  , uninterruptibleMask
  , mask
  , finally
  , MonadThrow
  , MonadCatch
  , MonadMask(..)
import qualified Control.Monad.Catch as Catch
  ( catch
  , throwM
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO)
import qualified Control.Monad.State.Strict as ST
  ( MonadState
  , StateT
  , get
  , lift
  , runStateT
import Data.Binary hiding (decode)
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Data.IORef (IORef)
import Prelude hiding (init)
import GHC.Generics

-- API                                                                        --

-- | wrapper for a @MonitorRef@
type CallId = MonitorRef

-- | Wraps a consumer of the call API
newtype CallRef a = CallRef { unCaller :: (Recipient, CallId) }
  deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable, Generic)

-- | Retrieve the @Recipient@ for a @CallRef@.
recipient :: CallRef a -> Recipient
recipient = fst . unCaller

-- | Retrieve the @CallId@ for a @CallRef@.
tag :: CallRef a -> CallId
tag = snd . unCaller

instance Binary (CallRef a) where
instance NFData (CallRef a) where rnf (CallRef x) = rnf x `seq` ()

-- | Creates a @CallRef@ for the given @Recipient@ and @CallId@
makeRef :: Recipient -> CallId -> CallRef a
makeRef r c = CallRef (r, c)

-- | @Message@ type used internally by the call, cast, and rpcChan APIs.
data Message a b =
    CastMessage a
  | CallMessage a (CallRef b)
  | ChanMessage a (SendPort b)
  deriving (Typeable, Generic)

-- | Retrieve the @Recipient@ from a @Message@. If the supplied message is
-- a /cast/ or /chan/ message will evaluate to @Nothing@, otherwise @Just ref@.
caller :: forall a b . Message a b -> Maybe Recipient
caller (CallMessage _ ref) = Just $ recipient ref
caller _                   = Nothing

-- | Reject a /call/ message with the supplied string. Sends @CallRejected@ to
-- the recipient if the input is a @CallMessage@, otherwise has no side effects.
rejectToCaller :: forall a b .
                  Message a b -> String -> Process ()
rejectToCaller (CallMessage _ ref) m = sendTo ref (CallRejected m (tag ref))
rejectToCaller _                   _ = return ()

instance (Serializable a, Serializable b) => Binary (Message a b) where
instance (NFSerializable a, NFSerializable b) => NFData (Message a b) where
  rnf (CastMessage a) = rnf a `seq` ()
  rnf (CallMessage a b) = rnf a `seq` rnf b `seq` ()
  rnf (ChanMessage a b) = rnf a `seq` rnf b `seq` ()
deriving instance (Eq a, Eq b) => Eq (Message a b)
deriving instance (Show a, Show b) => Show (Message a b)

-- | Response type for the call API
data CallResponse a = CallResponse a CallId
  deriving (Typeable, Generic)

instance Serializable a => Binary (CallResponse a)
instance NFSerializable a => NFData (CallResponse a) where
  rnf (CallResponse a c) = rnf a `seq` rnf c `seq` ()
deriving instance Eq a => Eq (CallResponse a)
deriving instance Show a => Show (CallResponse a)

-- | Sent to a consumer of the /call/ API when a server filter expression
-- explicitly rejects an incoming call message.
data CallRejected = CallRejected String CallId
  deriving (Typeable, Generic, Show, Eq)
instance Binary CallRejected where
instance NFData CallRejected where

instance Resolvable (CallRef a) where
  resolve (CallRef (r, _)) = resolve r

instance Routable (CallRef a) where
  sendTo (CallRef (c, _)) = sendTo c
  unsafeSendTo (CallRef (c, _)) = unsafeSendTo c

-- | Return type for and 'InitHandler' expression.
data InitResult s =
    InitOk s Delay {-
        ^ a successful initialisation, initial state and timeout -}
  | InitStop String {-
        ^ failed initialisation and the reason, this will result in an error -}
  | InitIgnore {-
        ^ the process has decided not to continue starting - this is not an error -}
  deriving (Typeable)

-- | Represent a max-backlog from RecvTimeoutPolicy
type Limit = Maybe Int

-- | Internal priority queue, used by prioritised processes.
type Queue = PriorityQ Int P.Message

-- | Map from @TimerKey@ to @(Timer, Message)@.
type TimerMap = Map TimerKey (Timer, P.Message)

-- | Internal state of a prioritised process loop.
data ProcessState s = ProcessState { timeoutSpec :: RecvTimeoutPolicy
                                   , procDef     :: ProcessDefinition s
                                   , procPrio    :: [DispatchPriority s]
                                   , procFilters :: [DispatchFilter s]
                                   , usrTimeout  :: Delay
                                   , sysTimeout  :: Timer
                                   , usrTimers   :: TimerMap
                                   , internalQ   :: Queue
                                   , procState   :: s

-- | Prioritised process state, held as an @IORef@.
type State s = IORef (ProcessState s)

-- | StateT based monad for prioritised process loops.
newtype GenProcess s a = GenProcess {
   unManaged :: ST.StateT (State s) Process a
 deriving ( Functor
          , Monad
          , ST.MonadState (State s)
          , MonadIO
          , MonadFix
          , Typeable
          , Applicative

instance forall s . MonadThrow (GenProcess s) where
  throwM = lift . Catch.throwM

instance forall s . MonadCatch (GenProcess s) where
  catch p h = do
    pSt <- ST.get
    -- we can throw away our state since it is always accessed via an IORef
    (a, _) <- lift $ Catch.catch (runProcess pSt p) (runProcess pSt . h)
    return a

instance forall s . MonadMask (GenProcess s) where
  mask p = do
      pSt <- ST.get
      lift $ mask $ \restore -> do
        (a, _) <- runProcess pSt (p (liftRestore restore))
        return a
      liftRestore restoreP = \p2 -> do
        ourSTate <- ST.get
        (a', _) <- lift $ restoreP $ runProcess ourSTate p2
        return a'

  uninterruptibleMask p = do
      pSt <- ST.get
      (a, _) <- lift $ uninterruptibleMask $ \restore ->
        runProcess pSt (p (liftRestore restore))
      return a
      liftRestore restoreP = \p2 -> do
        ourSTate <- ST.get
        (a', _) <- lift $ restoreP $ runProcess ourSTate p2
        return a'

#if MIN_VERSION_exceptions(0,10,0)
  generalBracket acquire release inner = GenProcess $ 
    generalBracket (unManaged acquire)
                   (\a e -> unManaged $ release a e)
                   (unManaged . inner)

-- | Run an action in the @GenProcess@ monad.
runProcess :: State s -> GenProcess s a -> Process (a, State s)
runProcess state proc = ST.runStateT (unManaged proc) state

-- | Lift an action in the @Process@ monad to @GenProcess@.
lift :: Process a -> GenProcess s a
lift p = GenProcess $ ST.lift p

-- | Lift an IO action directly into @GenProcess@, @liftIO = lift . Process.LiftIO@.
liftIO :: IO a -> GenProcess s a
liftIO = lift . P.liftIO

-- | The action taken by a process after a handler has run and its updated state.
-- See "Control.Distributed.Process.ManagedProcess.Server.continue"
--     "Control.Distributed.Process.ManagedProcess.Server.timeoutAfter"
--     "Control.Distributed.Process.ManagedProcess.Server.hibernate"
--     "Control.Distributed.Process.ManagedProcess.Server.stop"
--     "Control.Distributed.Process.ManagedProcess.Server.stopWith"
-- Also see "Control.Distributed.Process.Management.Priority.act" and
-- "Control.Distributed.Process.ManagedProcess.Priority.runAfter".
-- And other actions. This type should not be used directly.
data ProcessAction s =
  | ProcessActivity  (GenProcess s ()) -- ^ run the given activity
  | ProcessExpression (GenProcess s (ProcessAction s)) -- ^ evaluate an expression
  | ProcessContinue  s              -- ^ continue with (possibly new) state
  | ProcessTimeout   Delay        s -- ^ timeout if no messages are received
  | ProcessHibernate TimeInterval s -- ^ hibernate for /delay/
  | ProcessStop      ExitReason     -- ^ stop the process, giving @ExitReason@
  | ProcessStopping  s ExitReason   -- ^ stop the process with @ExitReason@, with updated state
  | ProcessBecome    (ProcessDefinition s) s -- ^ changes the current process definition

-- | Returned from handlers for the synchronous 'call' protocol, encapsulates
-- the reply data /and/ the action to take after sending the reply. A handler
-- can return @NoReply@ if they wish to ignore the call.
data ProcessReply r s =
    ProcessReply r (ProcessAction s)
  | ProcessReject String (ProcessAction s)  -- TODO: can we use a functional dependency here?
  | NoReply (ProcessAction s)

-- | Wraps a predicate that is used to determine whether or not a handler
-- is valid based on some combination of the current process state, the
-- type and/or value of the input message or both.
data Condition s m =
    Condition (s -> m -> Bool)  -- ^ predicated on the process state /and/ the message
  | State     (s -> Bool)       -- ^ predicated on the process state only
  | Input     (m -> Bool)       -- ^ predicated on the input message only


class Check c s m | s m -> c where
  -- data Checker c :: * -> * -> *
  -- apply :: s -> m -> Checker c s m -> Bool
  apply :: s -> m -> c -> Bool

instance Check (Condition s m) s m where
  -- data Checker (Condition s m) s m = CheckCond (Condition s m)
  apply s m (Condition f) = f s m
  apply s _ (State f)     = f s
  apply _ m (Input f)     = f m

instance Check (s -> m -> Bool) s m where
   -- data Checker (s -> m -> Bool) s m = CheckF (s -> m -> Bool)
   apply s m f = f s m

-- | Informs a /shutdown handler/ of whether it is running due to a clean
-- shutdown, or in response to an unhandled exception.
data ExitState s = CleanShutdown s -- ^ given when an ordered shutdown is underway
                 | LastKnown s     {-
                  ^ given due to an unhandled exception, passing the last known state -}

-- | @True@ if the @ExitState@ is @CleanShutdown@, otherwise @False@.
isCleanShutdown :: ExitState s -> Bool
isCleanShutdown (CleanShutdown _) = True
isCleanShutdown _                 = False

-- | Evaluates to the @s@ state datum in the given @ExitState@.
exitState :: ExitState s -> s
exitState (CleanShutdown s) = s
exitState (LastKnown s)     = s

-- | An action (server state transition) in the @Process@ monad
type Action s = Process (ProcessAction s)

-- | An action (server state transition) causing a reply to a  caller, in the
-- @Process@ monad
type Reply b s = Process (ProcessReply b s)

-- | An expression used to handle a message
type ActionHandler s a = s -> a -> Action s

-- | An expression used to handle a message and providing a reply
type CallHandler s a b = s -> a -> Reply b s

-- | An expression used to ignore server state during handling
type StatelessHandler s a = a -> (s -> Action s)

-- | An expression used to handle a /call/ message where the reply is deferred
-- via the 'CallRef'
type DeferredCallHandler s a b = CallRef b -> CallHandler s a b

-- | An expression used to handle a /call/ message ignoring server state
type StatelessCallHandler s a b = CallRef b -> a -> Reply b s

-- | An expression used to handle a /cast/ message
type CastHandler s a = ActionHandler s a

-- | An expression used to handle an /info/ message
type InfoHandler s a = ActionHandler s a

-- | An expression used to handle a /channel/ message
type ChannelHandler s a b = SendPort b -> ActionHandler s a

-- | An expression used to handle a /channel/ message in a stateless process
type StatelessChannelHandler s a b = SendPort b -> StatelessHandler s a

-- | An expression used to initialise a process with its state
type InitHandler a s = a -> Process (InitResult s)

-- | An expression used to handle process termination
type ShutdownHandler s = ExitState s -> ExitReason -> Process ()

-- | An expression used to handle process timeouts
type TimeoutHandler s = ActionHandler s Delay

-- dispatching to implementation callbacks

-- | Provides a means for servers to listen on a separate, typed /control/
-- channel, thereby segregating the channel from their regular
-- (and potentially busy) mailbox.
newtype ControlChannel m =
  ControlChannel {
      unControl :: (SendPort (Message m ()), ReceivePort (Message m ()))

-- | Creates a new 'ControlChannel'.
newControlChan :: (Serializable m) => Process (ControlChannel m)
newControlChan = fmap ControlChannel newChan

-- | The writable end of a 'ControlChannel'.
newtype ControlPort m =
  ControlPort {
      unPort :: SendPort (Message m ())
    } deriving (Show)
deriving instance (Serializable m) => Binary (ControlPort m)
instance Eq (ControlPort m) where
  a == b = unPort a == unPort b

-- | Obtain an opaque expression for communicating with a 'ControlChannel'.
channelControlPort :: ControlChannel m
                   -> ControlPort m
channelControlPort cc = ControlPort $ fst $ unControl cc

-- | Given as the result of evaluating a "DispatchFilter". This type is intended
-- for internal use. For an API for working with filters,
-- see "Control.Distributed.Process.ManagedProcess.Priority".
data Filter s = FilterOk s
              | FilterSafe s
              | forall m . (Show m) => FilterReject m s
              | FilterSkip s
              | FilterStop s ExitReason

-- | Provides dispatch from a variety of inputs to a typed filter handler.
data DispatchFilter s =
    forall a b . (Serializable a, Serializable b) =>
      apiFilter :: s -> Message a b -> Process (Filter s)
  | forall a . (Serializable a) =>
      anyFilter :: s -> a -> Process (Filter s)
  | FilterRaw
      rawFilter :: s -> P.Message -> Process (Maybe (Filter s))
  | FilterState
      stateFilter :: s -> Process (Maybe (Filter s))

-- | Provides dispatch from cast and call messages to a typed handler.
data Dispatcher s =
    forall a b . (Serializable a, Serializable b) =>
      dispatch :: s -> Message a b -> Process (ProcessAction s)
  | forall a b . (Serializable a, Serializable b) =>
      dispatch   :: s -> Message a b -> Process (ProcessAction s)
    , dispatchIf :: s -> Message a b -> Bool

-- | Provides dispatch for channels and STM actions
data ExternDispatcher s =
    forall a b . (Serializable a, Serializable b) =>
    DispatchCC  -- control channel dispatch
      channel      :: ReceivePort (Message a b)
    , dispatchChan :: s -> Message a b -> Process (ProcessAction s)
  | forall a . (Serializable a) =>
    DispatchSTM -- arbitrary STM actions
      stmAction   :: STM a
    , dispatchStm :: s -> a -> Process (ProcessAction s)
    , matchStm    :: Match P.Message
    , matchAnyStm :: forall m . (P.Message -> m) -> Match m

-- | Provides dispatch for any input, returns 'Nothing' for unhandled messages.
data DeferredDispatcher s =
    dispatchInfo :: s
                 -> P.Message
                 -> Process (Maybe (ProcessAction s))

-- | Provides dispatch for any exit signal - returns 'Nothing' for unhandled exceptions
data ExitSignalDispatcher s =
    dispatchExit :: s
                 -> ProcessId
                 -> P.Message
                 -> Process (Maybe (ProcessAction s))

-- | Defines the means of dispatching inbound messages to a handler
class MessageMatcher d where
  matchDispatch :: UnhandledMessagePolicy -> s -> d s -> Match (ProcessAction s)

instance MessageMatcher Dispatcher where
  matchDispatch _ s (Dispatch         d)      = match   (d s)
  matchDispatch _ s (DispatchIf       d cond) = matchIf (cond s) (d s)

instance MessageMatcher ExternDispatcher where
  matchDispatch _ s (DispatchCC  c d)     = matchChan c (d s)
  matchDispatch _ s (DispatchSTM c d _ _) = matchSTM  c (d s)

-- | Defines the means of dispatching messages from external channels (e.g.
-- those defined in terms of "ControlChannel", and STM actions) to a handler.
class ExternMatcher d where
  matchExtern :: UnhandledMessagePolicy -> s -> d s -> Match P.Message

  matchMapExtern :: forall m s . UnhandledMessagePolicy
                 -> s -> (P.Message -> m) -> d s -> Match m

instance ExternMatcher ExternDispatcher where
  matchExtern _ _ (DispatchCC  c _)     = matchChan c (return . unsafeWrapMessage)
  matchExtern _ _ (DispatchSTM _ _ m _) = m

  matchMapExtern _ _ f (DispatchCC c _)      = matchChan c (return . f . unsafeWrapMessage)
  matchMapExtern _ _ f (DispatchSTM _ _ _ p) = p f

-- | Priority of a message, encoded as an @Int@
newtype Priority a = Priority { getPrio :: Int }

-- | Dispatcher for prioritised handlers
data DispatchPriority s =
      prioritise :: s -> P.Message -> Process (Maybe (Int, P.Message))
  | PrioritiseCast
      prioritise :: s -> P.Message -> Process (Maybe (Int, P.Message))
  | PrioritiseInfo
      prioritise :: s -> P.Message -> Process (Maybe (Int, P.Message))

-- | For a 'PrioritisedProcessDefinition', this policy determines for how long
-- the /receive loop/ should continue draining the process' mailbox before
-- processing its received mail (in priority order).
-- If a prioritised /managed process/ is receiving a lot of messages (into its
-- /real/ mailbox), the server might never get around to actually processing its
-- inputs. This (mandatory) policy provides a guarantee that eventually (i.e.,
-- after a specified number of received messages or time interval), the server
-- will stop removing messages from its mailbox and process those it has already
-- received.
data RecvTimeoutPolicy = RecvMaxBacklog Int | RecvTimer TimeInterval
  deriving (Typeable)

-- | A @ProcessDefinition@ decorated with @DispatchPriority@ for certain
-- input domains.
data PrioritisedProcessDefinition s =
    processDef  :: ProcessDefinition s
  , priorities  :: [DispatchPriority s]
  , filters     :: [DispatchFilter s]
  , recvTimeout :: RecvTimeoutPolicy

-- | Policy for handling unexpected messages, i.e., messages which are not
-- sent using the 'call' or 'cast' APIs, and which are not handled by any of the
-- 'handleInfo' handlers.
data UnhandledMessagePolicy =
    Terminate  -- ^ stop immediately, giving @ExitOther "UnhandledInput"@ as the reason
  | DeadLetter ProcessId -- ^ forward the message to the given recipient
  | Log                  -- ^ log messages, then behave identically to @Drop@
  | Drop                 -- ^ dequeue and then drop/ignore the message
  deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | Stores the functions that determine runtime behaviour in response to
-- incoming messages and a policy for responding to unhandled messages.
data ProcessDefinition s = ProcessDefinition {
    apiHandlers    :: [Dispatcher s]       -- ^ functions that handle call/cast messages
  , infoHandlers   :: [DeferredDispatcher s] -- ^ functions that handle non call/cast messages
  , externHandlers :: [ExternDispatcher s] -- ^ functions that handle control channel and STM inputs
  , exitHandlers   :: [ExitSignalDispatcher s] -- ^ functions that handle exit signals
  , timeoutHandler :: TimeoutHandler s   -- ^ a function that handles timeouts
  , shutdownHandler :: ShutdownHandler s -- ^ a function that is run just before the process exits
  , unhandledMessagePolicy :: UnhandledMessagePolicy -- ^ how to deal with unhandled messages

-- note [rpc calls]
-- One problem with using plain expect/receive primitives to perform a
-- synchronous (round trip) call is that a reply matching the expected type
-- could come from anywhere! The Call.hs module uses a unique integer tag to
-- distinguish between inputs but this is easy to forge, and forces all callers
-- to maintain a tag pool, which is quite onerous.
-- Here, we use a private (internal) tag based on a 'MonitorRef', which is
-- guaranteed to be unique per calling process (in the absence of mallicious
-- peers). This is handled throughout the roundtrip, such that the reply will
-- either contain the CallId (i.e., the ame 'MonitorRef' with which we're
-- tracking the server process) or we'll see the server die.
-- Of course, the downside to all this is that the monitoring and receiving
-- clutters up your mailbox, and if your mailbox is extremely full, could
-- incur delays in delivery. The callAsync function provides a neat
-- work-around for that, relying on the insulation provided by Async.

-- TODO: Generify this /call/ API and use it in Call.hs to avoid tagging

-- TODO: the code below should be moved elsewhere. Maybe to Client.hs?

-- | The send part of the /call/ client-server interaction. The resulting
-- "CallRef" can be used to identify the corrolary response message (if one is
-- sent by the server), and is unique to this /call-reply/ pair.
initCall :: forall s a b . (Addressable s, Serializable a, Serializable b)
         => s -> a -> Process (CallRef b)
initCall sid msg = do
  pid <- resolveOrDie sid "initCall: unresolveable address "
  mRef <- monitor pid
  self <- getSelfPid
  let cRef = makeRef (Pid self) mRef in do
    sendTo pid (CallMessage msg cRef :: Message a b)
    return cRef

-- | Version of @initCall@ that utilises "unsafeSendTo".
unsafeInitCall :: forall s a b . ( Addressable s
                                 , NFSerializable a
                                 , NFSerializable b
         => s -> a -> Process (CallRef b)
unsafeInitCall sid msg = do
  pid <- resolveOrDie sid "unsafeInitCall: unresolveable address "
  mRef <- monitor pid
  self <- getSelfPid
  let cRef = makeRef (Pid self) mRef in do
    unsafeSendTo pid (CallMessage msg cRef  :: Message a b)
    return cRef

-- | Wait on the server's response after an "initCall" has been previously been sent.
-- This function does /not/ trap asynchronous exceptions.
waitResponse :: forall b. (Serializable b)
             => Maybe TimeInterval
             -> CallRef b
             -> Process (Maybe (Either ExitReason b))
waitResponse mTimeout cRef =
  let (_, mRef) = unCaller cRef
      matchers  = [ matchIf (\((CallResponse _ ref) :: CallResponse b) -> ref == mRef)
                            (\((CallResponse m _) :: CallResponse b) -> return (Right m))
                  , matchIf (\((CallRejected _ ref)) -> ref == mRef)
                            (\(CallRejected s _) -> return (Left $ ExitOther $ s))
                  , matchIf (\(ProcessMonitorNotification ref _ _) -> ref == mRef)
                      (\(ProcessMonitorNotification _ _ r) -> return (Left (err r)))
      err r     = ExitOther $ show r in
    case mTimeout of
      (Just ti) -> finally (receiveTimeout (asTimeout ti) matchers) (unmonitor mRef)
      Nothing   -> finally (fmap Just (receiveWait matchers)) (unmonitor mRef)