distributed-process-client-server- The Cloud Haskell Application Platform
Copyright(c) Tim Watson 2012 - 2017
LicenseBSD3 (see the file LICENSE)
MaintainerTim Watson <watson.timothy@gmail.com>
Portabilitynon-portable (requires concurrency)
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



The Server Portion of the Managed Process API, as presented by the GenProcess monad. These functions are generally intended for internal use, but the API is relatively stable and therefore they have been re-exported here for general use. Note that if you modify a process' internal state (especially that of the internal priority queue) then you are responsible for any alteratoin that makes to the semantics of your processes behaviour.

See Control.Distributed.Process.ManagedProcess.Internal.GenProcess


Server actions

reply :: forall r s. Serializable r => r -> GenProcess s (ProcessReply r s) Source #

Instructs the process to send a reply and continue running.

replyWith :: forall r s. Serializable r => r -> ProcessAction s -> GenProcess s (ProcessReply r s) Source #

Instructs the process to send a reply and evaluate the ProcessAction.

noReply :: Serializable r => ProcessAction s -> GenProcess s (ProcessReply r s) Source #

Instructs the process to skip sending a reply and evaluate a ProcessAction

continue :: GenProcess s (ProcessAction s) Source #

Instructs the process to continue running and receiving messages.

timeoutAfter :: Delay -> GenProcess s (ProcessAction s) Source #

Instructs the process loop to wait for incoming messages until Delay is exceeded. If no messages are handled during this period, the timeout handler will be called. Note that this alters the process timeout permanently such that the given Delay will remain in use until changed.

Note that timeoutAfter NoDelay will cause the timeout handler to execute immediately if no messages are present in the process' mailbox.

hibernate :: TimeInterval -> GenProcess s (ProcessAction s) Source #

Instructs the process to hibernate for the given TimeInterval. Note that no messages will be removed from the mailbox until after hibernation has ceased. This is equivalent to calling threadDelay.

stop :: ExitReason -> GenProcess s (ProcessAction s) Source #

Instructs the process to terminate, giving the supplied reason. If a valid shutdownHandler is installed, it will be called with the ExitReason returned from this call, along with the process state.

reject :: forall r s. String -> GenProcess s (ProcessReply r s) Source #

Reject the message we're currently handling.

rejectWith :: forall r m s. Show r => r -> GenProcess s (ProcessReply m s) Source #

Reject the message we're currently handling, giving an explicit reason.

become :: forall s. ProcessDefinition s -> GenProcess s (ProcessAction s) Source #

The server loop will execute against the supplied ProcessDefinition, allowing the process to change its behaviour (in terms of message handlers, exit handling, termination, unhandled message policy, etc)

haltNoReply :: forall s r. Serializable r => ExitReason -> GenProcess s (ProcessReply r s) Source #

Halt process execution during a call handler, without paying any attention to the expected return type.

lift :: Process a -> GenProcess s a Source #

Lift an action in the Process monad to GenProcess.

recvLoop :: ProcessDefinition s -> s -> Delay -> Process ExitReason Source #

Managed process loop.

Evaluating this function will cause the caller to enter a server loop, constantly reading messages from its mailbox (and/or other supplied control planes) and passing these to handler functions in the supplied process definition. Only when it is determined that the server process should terminate - either by the handlers deciding to stop the process, or by an unhandled exit signal or other form of failure condition (e.g. synchronous or asynchronous exceptions).

precvLoop :: PrioritisedProcessDefinition s -> s -> Delay -> Process ExitReason Source #

Prioritised process loop.

Evaluating this function will cause the caller to enter a server loop, constantly reading messages from its mailbox (and/or other supplied control planes) and passing these to handler functions in the supplied process definition. Only when it is determined that the server process should terminate - either by the handlers deciding to stop the process, or by an unhandled exit signal or other form of failure condition (e.g. synchronous or asynchronous exceptions).

ensureIOManagerIsRunning before evaluating this loop...

currentTimeout :: GenProcess s Delay Source #

The current (user supplied) timeout.

systemTimeout :: GenProcess s Timer Source #

The Timer for the system timeout. See drainTimeout.

drainTimeout :: GenProcess s Delay Source #

The Delay for the drainTimeout.

processState :: GenProcess s s Source #

Evaluates to the user defined state for the currently executing server loop.

processDefinition :: GenProcess s (ProcessDefinition s) Source #

The ProcessDefinition for the current loop.

processFilters :: GenProcess s [DispatchFilter s] Source #

The list of filters for the current loop.

processUnhandledMsgPolicy :: GenProcess s UnhandledMessagePolicy Source #

Evaluates to the UnhandledMessagePolicy for the current loop.

processQueue :: GenProcess s [Message] Source #

Returns a read only view on the internal priority queue.

gets :: forall s a. (ProcessState s -> a) -> GenProcess s a Source #

Evaluate the given function over the ProcessState s for the caller, and return the result.

getAndModifyState :: (ProcessState s -> (ProcessState s, a)) -> GenProcess s a Source #

Modify our state and return a value (potentially from it).

modifyState :: (ProcessState s -> ProcessState s) -> GenProcess s () Source #

Modify our state.

setUserTimeout :: Delay -> GenProcess s () Source #

Set the user timeout applied whilst a prioritised process loop is in a blocking receive.

setProcessState :: s -> GenProcess s () Source #

Set the current process state.

data GenProcess s a Source #

StateT based monad for prioritised process loops.


Instances details
MonadFix (GenProcess s) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Distributed.Process.ManagedProcess.Internal.Types


mfix :: (a -> GenProcess s a) -> GenProcess s a #

MonadIO (GenProcess s) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Distributed.Process.ManagedProcess.Internal.Types


liftIO :: IO a -> GenProcess s a #

Applicative (GenProcess s) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Distributed.Process.ManagedProcess.Internal.Types


pure :: a -> GenProcess s a #

(<*>) :: GenProcess s (a -> b) -> GenProcess s a -> GenProcess s b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> GenProcess s a -> GenProcess s b -> GenProcess s c #

(*>) :: GenProcess s a -> GenProcess s b -> GenProcess s b #

(<*) :: GenProcess s a -> GenProcess s b -> GenProcess s a #

Functor (GenProcess s) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Distributed.Process.ManagedProcess.Internal.Types


fmap :: (a -> b) -> GenProcess s a -> GenProcess s b #

(<$) :: a -> GenProcess s b -> GenProcess s a #

Monad (GenProcess s) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Distributed.Process.ManagedProcess.Internal.Types


(>>=) :: GenProcess s a -> (a -> GenProcess s b) -> GenProcess s b #

(>>) :: GenProcess s a -> GenProcess s b -> GenProcess s b #

return :: a -> GenProcess s a #

MonadCatch (GenProcess s) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Distributed.Process.ManagedProcess.Internal.Types


catch :: (HasCallStack, Exception e) => GenProcess s a -> (e -> GenProcess s a) -> GenProcess s a #

MonadMask (GenProcess s) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Distributed.Process.ManagedProcess.Internal.Types


mask :: HasCallStack => ((forall a. GenProcess s a -> GenProcess s a) -> GenProcess s b) -> GenProcess s b #

uninterruptibleMask :: HasCallStack => ((forall a. GenProcess s a -> GenProcess s a) -> GenProcess s b) -> GenProcess s b #

generalBracket :: HasCallStack => GenProcess s a -> (a -> ExitCase b -> GenProcess s c) -> (a -> GenProcess s b) -> GenProcess s (b, c) #

MonadThrow (GenProcess s) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Distributed.Process.ManagedProcess.Internal.Types


throwM :: (HasCallStack, Exception e) => e -> GenProcess s a #

MonadState (State s) (GenProcess s) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Distributed.Process.ManagedProcess.Internal.Types


get :: GenProcess s (State s) #

put :: State s -> GenProcess s () #

state :: (State s -> (a, State s)) -> GenProcess s a #

peek :: GenProcess s (Maybe Message) Source #

Peek at the next available message in the internal priority queue, without removing it.

push :: forall s. Message -> GenProcess s () Source #

Push a message to the head of the internal priority queue.

enqueue :: forall s. Message -> GenProcess s () Source #

Enqueue a message to the back of the internal priority queue.

dequeue :: GenProcess s (Maybe Message) Source #

Dequeue a message from the internal priority queue.

addUserTimer :: Timer -> Message -> GenProcess s TimerKey Source #

Add a user timer, bound to the given datum.

removeUserTimer :: TimerKey -> GenProcess s () Source #

Remove a user timer, for the given key.

eval :: forall s. GenProcess s (ProcessAction s) -> Action s Source #

Evaluate an expression in the GenProcess monad.

act :: forall s. GenProcess s () -> Action s Source #

Warning: This interface is intended for internal use only

Produce an Action s that, if it is the result of a handler, will cause the server loop to evaluate the supplied expression. This is given in the GenProcess monad, which is intended for internal use only.

runAfter :: forall s m. Serializable m => TimeInterval -> m -> GenProcess s () Source #

Warning: This interface is intended for internal use only

Starts a timer and adds it as a user timeout.

evalAfter :: forall s m. Serializable m => TimeInterval -> m -> s -> Action s Source #

Evaluate any matching info handler with the supplied datum after waiting for at least TimeInterval. The process state (for the resulting Action s) is also given and the process loop will go on as per Server.continue.

Informally, evaluating this expression (such that the Action is given as the result of a handler or filter) will ensure that the supplied message (datum) is availble for processing no sooner than TimeInterval.

Currently, this expression creates an Action that triggers immediate evaluation in the process loop before continuing with the given state. The process loop stores a user timeout for the given time interval, which is trigerred like a wait/drain timeout. This implementation is subject to change.