{-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-}

-- | Internal pretty-printing helpers for Nix expressions.

module Language.Nix.PrettyPrinting
  ( onlyIf
  , setattr, toAscList
  , listattr
  , boolattr
  , attr
  , string
  , funargs
  -- * Re-exports from other modules
  , module Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJClass

-- Avoid name clash with Prelude.<> exported by post-SMP versions of base.
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0)
import Prelude hiding ( (<>) )
import Data.Char
import Data.Function
import Data.List
import Data.Set ( Set )
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import "pretty" Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJClass

attr :: String -> Doc -> Doc
attr n v = text n <+> equals <+> v <> semi

onlyIf :: Bool -> Doc -> Doc
onlyIf b d = if b then d else empty

boolattr :: String -> Bool -> Bool -> Doc
boolattr n p v = if p then attr n (bool v) else empty

listattr :: String -> Doc -> [String] -> Doc
listattr n prefix vs = onlyIf (not (null vs)) $
                sep [ text n <+> equals <+> prefix <+> lbrack,
                      nest 2 $ fsep $ map text vs,
                      rbrack <> semi

setattr :: String -> Doc -> Set String -> Doc
setattr name prefix set = listattr name prefix (toAscList set)

toAscList :: Set String -> [String]
toAscList = sortBy (compare `on` map toLower) . Set.toList

bool :: Bool -> Doc
bool True  = text "true"
bool False = text "false"

string :: String -> Doc
string = doubleQuotes . text

prepunctuate :: Doc -> [Doc] -> [Doc]
prepunctuate _ []     = []
prepunctuate p (d:ds) = d : map (p <>) ds

funargs :: [Doc] -> Doc
funargs xs = sep [
               lbrace <+> fcat (prepunctuate (comma <> text " ") $ map (nest 2) xs),
               rbrace <> colon