Revision history for dns-patterns
- Correctly reject domains with labels longer than 63 octets
- Add GHC 9.4 support
- Add text-2.0 support
- Removed pprDomain_ from public API
- Fix memory bug in pprLabelUtf16
- Add GHC 9.2 support
- Added the following functions:
- Correctly exposed 'Domain' type and data constructors
0.2.2 -- 2022-09-08
- Support older bytestring versions
0.2.1 -- 2022-08-24
- Export missing 'LabelPattern' and 'DomainPattern' constructors
- Correctly allow asterisk in domain labels
- Correctly allow escaped asterisk in literal domain label patterns
0.2.0 -- 2022-08-24
- Reversed CHANGELOG item order
- Added the following functions:
- 'pprDomainCF'
- 'pprDomainLabelCF'
- 'unsafeMkDomainLabel'
- 'unsafeSingletonDomainLabel'
- 'mkDomainLabel' (smart constructor)
- 'pprPatternCF'
- 'pprLabelPattern'
- 'pprLabelPatternCF'
- 'mkDomain'
- 'getDomainLabel'
- 'getDomainLabelCF'
- Moved following data constructors and fields to an internal module:
- 'DomainLabel'
- 'Domain'
- 'LabelPattern'
- 'DomainPattern'
- Added case-insensitive Eq/Ord for LabelPattern and DomainPattern
- Drastic performance optimizations for pretty printing
- Domain labels and domain label patterns now may only contain '[a-zA-Z0-0_-]', '.', '\' and '\OCTAL'
- Split 'Network.DNS.Pattern' into the following modules:
- 'Network.DNS'
- 'Network.DNS.Internal'
- 'Network.DNS.Pattern.Internal'
- 'Network.DNS.Pattern.Internal'
0.1.3 -- 2022-08-19
- Fix incorrect Ord instance for 'Domain' and 'DomainLabel'
0.1.2 -- 2022-08-18
- Add 'foldCase' and 'foldCaseLabel'
0.1.1 -- 2022-07-06
- Allow parseAbsDomainRelax for absolute domains
0.1 -- 2022-02-09