dobutokO2- A program and a library to create experimental music from a mono audio and a Ukrainian text

Copyright(c) OleksandrZhabenko 2020
Safe HaskellNone




Maintainer :

A program and a library to create experimental music from a mono audio and a Ukrainian text.


Basic functions for the executable

dobutokO2 :: IO () Source #

Function that actually makes processing in the dobutokO2 executable. Please, check before executing whether there is no "x.wav", "test*", "result*" and "end*" files in the current directory, because they can be overwritten.

recAndProcess :: FilePath -> Int -> IO String Source #

Function records and processes the sound data needed to generate the "end.wav" file in the dobutokO2 function. Please, check before executing whether there is no "x.wav" file in the current directory, because it can be overwritten.

dobutokO2H7 :: Bool -> String -> FilePath -> IO () Source #

Used to obtain one multiline specially formatted textual input and do the full processment for the sound. The function generates overtones using additional String and allows maximum control over the parameters. Besides, all the needed information it obtains from the singular formatted input, which can be ended with a keyboard keys combination that means an end of input (e. g. for Unices, that is probably Ctrl + D). '@' are separators for the input parts for their respective parts. For more information about the format of the single input, see:


The file is also provided with the package as text.dat.txt. The last two or three inputs (an input just here means a textual input between two '@') can be omitted, the program will work also but with less control for the user possible.

dobutokO2H9 :: Bool -> String -> FilePath -> IO () Source #

Actually works as pAnR_ function.