-- |
-- Module      :  DobutokO.Sound.Keyboard
-- Copyright   :  (c) OleksandrZhabenko 2020
-- License     :  MIT
-- Stability   :  Experimental
-- Maintainer  :  olexandr543@yahoo.com
-- A program and a library to create experimental music
-- from a mono audio and a Ukrainian text. Can work with both WAV and FLAC files if
-- your SoX installation supports FLAC.

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -threaded #-}

module DobutokO.Sound.Keyboard where

import CaseBi (getBFst')
import Data.Char (isAsciiLower)
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BL (ByteString,map,zipWith,tail,filter,getContents,readFile)

-- | Converts a lazy 'BL.ByteString' into a 'V.Vector' of 'Int' using 'hashStr2'. 
takeDoubles :: BL.ByteString -> V.Vector Int
takeDoubles xs = V.fromList . BL.zipWith hashStr2 xs $ BL.tail xs

-- | Converts a string of lowercase ASCII letters being typed on the QWERTY keyboard layout into corresponding Dvorak keyboard layout.
qwerty2dvorak :: BL.ByteString -> BL.ByteString
qwerty2dvorak = BL.map (getBFst' (' ',V.fromList . zip ("/;<>" ++ ['a'..'z']) $ "wvszaxje.uidchtnmbrl'poygk,qf;"))

-- | Vice versa to 'qwerty2dvorak'.
dvorak2qwerty :: BL.ByteString -> BL.ByteString
dvorak2qwerty = BL.map (getBFst' (' ',V.fromList . zip ("',.;" ++ ['a'..'z']) $ "qwezanihdyujgcvpmlsrxo;kf.,bt/"))

-- | Hashes two lower case ascii characters. Is used for controlling frequencies and operators.
hashStr2 :: Char -> Char -> Int
hashStr2 x y = getBFst' (57, V.fromList . zip ['a'..'z'] . map (\t -> getBFst' (26 * t + 18, V.fromList . zip ['a'..'z'] $ [(26 * t + 4)..]) y) .
  concat $ [[0],[6..8],[1],[9..11],[4],[12..16],[2],[17..21],[3],[22..24],[5,25]]) x -- 679 is the greatest value ~ \"zz\"; there are 572 effectful val.

-- | Get contents into lazy 'BL.ByteString' with filtering of all characters that are not a lower case ascii letters.
input2BL :: IO (BL.ByteString)
input2BL = fmap (convH [] (BL.filter isAsciiLower)) BL.getContents

-- | Reads a given file into a lazy 'BL.ByteString' with filtering of all characters that are not a lower case ascii letters. It has additional 
-- first command line argument to control the way of treating letters: as being typed (entered) properly (null 'String'), or needed to be converted 
-- from qwerty to dvorak layout (\"q\" 'String'), or vice versa (otherwise).
readFile2BLGen :: String -> FilePath -> IO (BL.ByteString)
readFile2BLGen ys = fmap (convH ys (BL.filter isAsciiLower)) . BL.readFile

-- | Auxiliary function to define how is a 'BL.ByteString' treated, see 'readFile2BLGen'.
convH :: String -> (BL.ByteString -> BL.ByteString) -> (BL.ByteString -> BL.ByteString)
convH ys f
 | null ys = f
 | ys == "q" = qwerty2dvorak . f
 | otherwise = dvorak2qwerty . f

-- | Usual way the function 'readFile2BLGen' is used. The text in a file being read is treated as a properly typed (entered) one. So there is no 
-- keyboard layout conversion at all.
readFile2BL :: FilePath -> IO (BL.ByteString)
readFile2BL = readFile2BLGen []

-- | After reading a file into a filtered lazy 'BL.ByteString' (see, 'readFile2BLGen') converts the resulting 'BL.ByteString' into a 'V.Vector' 
-- of 'Int'. The arguments have the same meaning as for 'readFile2BLGen'.
readFileDoublesGen :: String -> FilePath -> IO (V.Vector Int)
readFileDoublesGen ys = fmap (takeDoubles . convH ys (BL.filter isAsciiLower)) . BL.readFile

-- | Usual way the function 'readFileDoublesGen' is used. The text in a file being read is treated as a properly typed (entered) one. So there is no 
-- keyboard layout conversion at all.
readFileDoubles :: FilePath -> IO (V.Vector Int)
readFileDoubles = readFileDoublesGen []