docopt- A command-line interface parser that will make you smile

Safe HaskellNone





{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
module Main where

import Control.Monad (when)
import Data.Char (toUpper)
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import System.Console.Docopt

patterns :: Docopt
patterns = [docopt|
docopt-sample version 0.1.0

  docopt-sample cat <file>
  docopt-sample echo [--caps] <string>

  -c, --caps    Caps-lock the echoed argument

getArgOrExit = getArgOrExitWith patterns

main :: IO ()
main = do
  args <- parseArgsOrExit patterns =<< getArgs

  when (args `isPresent` (command "cat")) $ do
    file <- args `getArgOrExit` (argument "file")
    putStr =<< readFile file

  when (args `isPresent` (command "echo")) $ do
    let charTransform = if args `isPresent` (longOption "caps")
                        then toUpper
                        else id
    string <- args `getArgOrExit` (argument "string")
    putStrLn $ map charTransform string


QuasiQuoter usage parsers

docopt :: QuasiQuoter Source #

A QuasiQuoter which parses a usage string and returns a Docopt.

Example usage:

patterns :: Docopt
patterns = [docopt|
docopt-sample version 0.1.0

  docopt-sample cat <file>
  docopt-sample echo [--caps] <string>

  -c, --caps    Caps-lock the echoed argument

For help with the docopt usage format, see the readme on github.

docoptFile :: QuasiQuoter Source #

Same as docopt, but parses the given file instead of a literal string.


patterns :: Docopt
patterns = [docoptFile|USAGE|]

where USAGE is the name of a file which contains the usage string (relative to the directory from which ghc is invoked).

Command line arguments parsers

parseArgs :: Docopt -> [String] -> Either ParseError Arguments Source #

Parse command line arguments.

parseArgsOrExit :: Docopt -> [String] -> IO Arguments Source #

Same as parseArgs, but exitWithUsage on parse failure. E.g.

args <- parseArgsOrExit patterns =<< getArgs

Re-exported from Parsec

data ParseError :: * #

The abstract data type ParseError represents parse errors. It provides the source position (SourcePos) of the error and a list of error messages (Message). A ParseError can be returned by the function parse. ParseError is an instance of the Show and Eq classes.

Parsed usage string

data Docopt Source #

An abstract data type which represents Docopt usage patterns.

usage :: Docopt -> String Source #

Retrieve the original usage string.

exitWithUsage :: Docopt -> IO a Source #

Exit after printing usage text.

exitWithUsageMessage :: Docopt -> String -> IO a Source #

Exit after printing a custom message followed by usage text. Intended for convenience when more context can be given about what went wrong.

Argument lookup

data Option Source #

A named leaf node of the usage pattern tree

type Arguments = Map Option ArgValue Source #

Maps each Option to all of the valued parsed from the command line (in order of last to first, if multiple values encountered)

Query functions

isPresent :: Arguments -> Option -> Bool Source #

True if an option was present at all in an invocation.

Useful with longOptions and shortOptions, and in conjunction with when.

getArg :: Arguments -> Option -> Maybe String Source #

Just the value of the argument supplied, or Nothing if one was not given.

If the option's presence is required by your Docopt usage text (e.g. a positional argument), as in

  prog <required>

then getArg args (argument 'required') is guaranteed to be a Just.

getArgOrExitWith :: Docopt -> Arguments -> Option -> IO String Source #

Same as getArg, but exitWithUsage if Nothing.

As in getArg, if your usage pattern required the option, getArgOrExitWith will not exit.

getArgWithDefault :: Arguments -> String -> Option -> String Source #

Same as getArg, but eliminate Nothing with a default argument.

getAllArgs :: Arguments -> Option -> [String] Source #

Returns all occurrences of a repeatable option, e.g. <file>....

getArgCount :: Arguments -> Option -> Int Source #

Return the number of occurrences of an option in an invocation.

Useful with repeatable flags, e.g. [ -v | -vv | -vvv].

Option constructors

command :: String -> Option Source #

For Usage: prog cmd, ask for command "cmd".

For Usage: prog - or Usage: prog [-], ask for command "-". Same for --.

argument :: String -> Option Source #

For Usage: prog <file>, ask for argument "file".

Note: A Usage: prog --output=<file> is not matched by argument "file". See longOption.

shortOption :: Char -> Option Source #

For Usage: prog -h, ask for shortOption 'h'.

For Usage: prog -o=<file>, ask for shortOption 'o'.

longOption :: String -> Option Source #

For Usage: prog --version, ask for longOption "version".

For Usage: prog --output=<file>, ask for longOption "output".


getAllArgsM :: Monad m => Arguments -> Option -> m [String] Source #

Deprecated: Monadic query functions will soon be removed

notPresentM :: Monad m => Arguments -> Option -> m Bool Source #

Deprecated: Monadic query functions will soon be removed

isPresentM :: Monad m => Arguments -> Option -> m Bool Source #

Deprecated: Monadic query functions will soon be removed

getFirstArg :: Monad m => Arguments -> Option -> m String Source #

Deprecated: Use getAllArgs instead