-- |
-- Module      : Test.DocTest.Gen
-- Copyright   : (c) 2017 Hexirp
-- License     : BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License
-- Maintainer  : https://github.com/Hexirp/doctest-driver-gen/issues
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : portable
-- Provide doctest-driver-gen's functions.
module Test.DocTest.Gen where
 import Prelude

 -- | Run doctest-driver-gen with given list of arguments.
 ddgen :: [String] -> IO ()
 ddgen (src : inp : out : opts) = ddgen_run src inp out opts
 ddgen _                        = ddgen_usage

 -- | Run doctest-driver-gen with correct arguments.
  :: String -- ^ Name of the original source file.
  -> String -- ^ Name of the file holding the input.
  -> String -- ^ Name of the file where this should write its output to.
  -> [String] -- ^ Options for doctest.
  -> IO ()
 ddgen_run _ _ out opts = ddgen_output out opts

 -- | Output driver file.
 ddgen_output :: String -> [String] -> IO ()
 ddgen_output out opts = writeFile out $ unlines [
  "import Prelude",
  "import Test.DocTest",
  "main :: IO ()",
  "main = doctest " ++ show opts]

 -- | Print doctest-driver-gen's usage.
 ddgen_usage :: IO ()
 ddgen_usage = putStrLn $ unlines [
  "  {-# OPTIONS_GHC -F -pgmF doctest-driver-gen [-optF DOCTEST_OPTION]... #-}",
  "Make your driver file with the content."]