{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}

module Megadeth where

import Data.List
import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import qualified Data.Graph as G

import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Class as TC
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Lazy

import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

-- TH 2.11 introduced kind type
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
#    define TH211MBKIND _maybe_kind
#    define TH211MBKIND

-- | View Pattern for Types
data ConView = SimpleCon
     { nm :: Name
     , recursive :: Bool
     , tt :: [Type]
     } deriving Show

isRecursive :: Name -> Type -> Bool
isRecursive target (ForallT _ _ t) = isRecursive target t
isRecursive target (AppT l r) = isRecursive target l || isRecursive target r
isRecursive target (SigT t _) = isRecursive target t
isRecursive target (ConT t) = t == target
isRecursive _ _ = False

varNames = map (mkName . ('a':) . show) [0..]

paramNames :: [TyVarBndr] -> [Name]
paramNames = map f
  where f (PlainTV n) = n
        f (KindedTV n _) = n

applyTo :: TypeQ -> [TypeQ] -> TypeQ
applyTo = foldl appT

fixAppl :: Exp -> Exp
fixAppl (UInfixE e1@UInfixE {} op e2) = UInfixE (fixAppl e1) op e2
fixAppl (UInfixE con op e) = UInfixE con (VarE '(<$>)) e
fixAppl e = AppE (VarE 'return) e

-- | Look up  the first type name in a type structure.
-- This function is not complete, so it could fail and it will
-- with an error message with the case that is missing
headOf :: Type -> Name
headOf (AppT ArrowT e) = headOf e
headOf (AppT ty1 _) = headOf ty1
headOf (SigT ty _) = headOf ty
headOf (ConT n) = n
headOf (VarT n) = n
headOf (TupleT n) = tupleTypeName n
headOf ListT = ''[]
headOf e = error ("Missing :" ++ show e)

-- | Check whether a type is a Primitive Type.
-- Something like Int#, Bool#, etc.
isPrim :: Info -> Bool
isPrim PrimTyConI {} = True
isPrim _ = False

-- | View Pattern for Constructors
simpleConView :: Name -> Con -> ConView
simpleConView tyName c =
  let anyRec = any (isRecursive tyName)
      proj3 (_,_,z) = z
  in case c of

    NormalC n sts -> let ts = map snd sts in SimpleCon n (anyRec ts) ts
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
    GadtC [n] sts _ -> let ts = map snd sts in SimpleCon n (anyRec ts) ts
    RecC n vsts -> let ts = map proj3 vsts in SimpleCon n (anyRec ts) ts

    InfixC (_,t1) n (_,t2) -> SimpleCon n (anyRec [t1] || anyRec [t2]) [t1,t2]

    ForallC _ _ innerCon -> simpleConView tyName innerCon

    _ -> error $ "simpleConView: failed on " ++ show c

-- | Get the first type in a type application.
-- Maybe we should improve this one
getTy :: Type -> Type
getTy (AppT t _) = getTy t
getTy t = t

isVarT (VarT _) = True
isVarT _ = False

isUnit (TupleT 0) = True
isUnit _ = False

-- | Find all simple Types that are part of another Type.
findLeafTypes :: Type -> [Type]
findLeafTypes (AppT ListT ty) = findLeafTypes ty
findLeafTypes (AppT (TupleT n) ty) = findLeafTypes ty
findLeafTypes (AppT p@(ConT _) ty) = p : findLeafTypes ty
findLeafTypes (AppT ty1 ty2) = findLeafTypes ty1 ++ findLeafTypes ty2
findLeafTypes (VarT _) = []
findLeafTypes (ForallT _ _ ty) = findLeafTypes ty
findLeafTypes ArrowT = []
findLeafTypes ListT = []
findLeafTypes StarT = []
findLeafTypes ty = [ty]

type StQ s a = StateT s Q a
type Names = [Name]

member :: Name -> StQ (M.Map Name Names) Bool
member t = do
  mk <- get
  return $ M.member t mk

addDep :: Name -> Names -> StQ (M.Map Name Names) ()
addDep n ns = do
  mapp <- get
  let newmapp = M.insert n ns mapp
  put newmapp

headOfNoVar :: Type -> [Name]
headOfNoVar (ConT n) = [n]
headOfNoVar (VarT _) = []
headOfNoVar (SigT t _ ) = headOfNoVar t
headOfNoVar (AppT ty1 ty2) = headOfNoVar ty1 ++ headOfNoVar ty2
headOfNoVar _ = []

getDeps :: Name -> (Name -> Q Bool) -> StQ (M.Map Name Names) ()
getDeps t ban = do

  visited <- member t
  b <- TC.lift (ban t)

  let cond = b || visited || hasArbIns t

  unless cond $ do

    TC.lift $ runIO (putStrLn ("Visiting:" ++ show t))
    tip <- TC.lift (reify t)

    case tip of

      TyConI (DataD _ _ _ TH211MBKIND cons _) -> do

        let inner = nub $ concat
              [ findLeafTypes ty
              | (simpleConView t -> SimpleCon _ _ tys) <- cons
              , ty <- tys
              , not (isVarT ty) ]
            hof = map headOf (filter (not . isUnit) inner)

        addDep t hof
        mapM_ getDeps' hof

      TyConI (NewtypeD _ nm _ TH211MBKIND con _) -> do

        let (SimpleCon _ _ ts) = simpleConView nm con
            inner = nub (concatMap findLeafTypes (filter (not . isVarT) ts))
            hof = map headOf (filter (not . isUnit) inner)

        addDep t hof
        mapM_ getDeps' hof

      TyConI (TySynD _ _ m) -> do
        addDep t (headOfNoVar m)
        mapM_ getDeps' (headOfNoVar m)

      _ -> return ()

    where getDeps' = flip getDeps ban

tocheck :: [TyVarBndr] -> Name -> Type
tocheck bndrs nm = foldl AppT (ConT nm) ns
  where ns = map VarT (paramNames bndrs)

hasArbIns :: Name -> Bool
hasArbIns n = let sn = show n in
      isPrefixOf "GHC." sn
  ||  isPrefixOf "Data.Text" sn
  ||  isPrefixOf "Data.Vector" sn
  ||  isPrefixOf "Data.ByteString" sn
  ||  isPrefixOf "Codec.Picture.Types" sn
  ||  isPrefixOf "Codec.Picture.Metadata.Elem" sn
  ||  isPrefixOf "Codec.Picture.Metadata.Keys" sn
--  ||  isPrefixOf "Data.Time" sn

doPreq :: Name -> Name -> [TyVarBndr] -> Q Bool
doPreq classname n [] = fmap not (isInstance classname [ConT n])
doPreq classname n xs = fmap not (isInstance classname [tocheck xs n])

isInsName :: Name -> Name -> Q Bool
isInsName className n = do
  inf <- reify n
  case inf of
    TyConI (DataD _ _ preq TH211MBKIND _ _) -> doPreq className n preq
    TyConI (NewtypeD _ _ preq TH211MBKIND _ _) -> doPreq className n preq
    TyConI (TySynD _ preq _ ) -> doPreq className n preq
    d -> do
      runIO $ print $ "Weird case:: " ++ show d
      doPreq className n []

prevDev :: Name -> (Name -> Q Bool) -> Q [Name]
prevDev t ban = do
  mapp <- execStateT (getDeps t ban) M.empty
  let rs = M.foldrWithKey (\ k d ds -> (k,k,d) : ds) [] mapp
  let (graph, v2ter, f) = G.graphFromEdges rs
  let topsorted = reverse $ G.topSort graph
  return (map (\p -> (let (n,_,_) = v2ter p in n)) topsorted)

megaderivePrim :: (Name -> Q [Dec]) -- ^ Instance generator
               -> (Name -> Q Bool)  -- ^ Blacklist dependences before
               -> (Name -> Q Bool)  -- ^ Instance name
               ->  Name -> Q [Dec]
megaderivePrim inst prefil filt t = do
    ts' <- prevDev t prefil
    ts'' <- filterM filt ts' -- Remove already known instances
    ts <- mapM inst ts''
    return $ concat ts

megaderive :: (Name -> Q [Dec]) -> (Name -> Q Bool) -> Name -> Q [Dec]
megaderive inst = megaderivePrim inst (const $ return False)