dvda- Efficient automatic differentiation and code generation

Safe HaskellSafe-Infered




This is the top level module which exports the API



sym :: String -> Expr aSource

symbolic scalar

symDependent :: String -> Expr a -> Expr aSource

Symbolic scalar which is a function of some independent variable, like time. . This lets you do d(f(g(t)))/dt == f'(g(t))*g'(t)

symDependentN :: String -> Expr a -> Int -> Expr aSource

same as symDependent but it can start as the Nth derivative


rad :: (Num a, Ord a, Hashable a) => Expr a -> [Expr a] -> [Expr a]Source

symbolic expression type

data Expr a Source


Typeable1 Expr 
Eq a => Eq (Expr a) 
(Floating a, Ord a) => Floating (Expr a) 
(Fractional a, Ord a) => Fractional (Expr a) 
(Data a, Floating a) => Data (Expr a) 
(Num a, Ord a) => Num (Expr a) 
Show a => Show (Expr a) 
Hashable a => Hashable (Expr a) 
MuRef (Expr a) 
ToFunGraph [[Expr a]] 
ToFunGraph [Expr a] 
ToFunGraph (Expr a) 

construct FunGraphs

toFunGraph :: (Eq a, Hashable a, Show a, ToFunGraph b, ToFunGraph c, NumT b ~ a, NumT c ~ a) => b -> c -> IO (FunGraph a)Source

Take inputs and outputs which are of classes ToFunGraph (heterogenous lists of Expr a) and traverse the outputs reifying all expressions and creating a hashmap of StableNames (stable pointers). Once the hashmap is created, lookup the provided inputs and return a FunGraph which contains an expression graph, input/output indices, and other useful functions. StableNames is non-deterministic so this function may return graphs with more or fewer CSE's eliminated. If CSE is then performed on the graph, the result is deterministic.

cse :: (Eq a, Hashable a) => FunGraph a -> FunGraph aSource

show/summarize FunGraphs

previewGraph :: (Ord a, Show a) => FunGraph a -> IO ()Source

show a nice Dot graph

previewGraph' :: (Ord a, Show a) => FunGraph a -> IO ()Source

show a nice Dot graph with labeled edges

compile and link function

Heterogenous inputs/outputs

data a :* b Source


a :* b 


(Show a, Show b) => Show (:* a b) 
(ToFunGraph a, ToFunGraph b, ~ * (NumT a) (NumT b)) => ToFunGraph (:* a b)