{-# LANGUAGE CPP                    #-}
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 800
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-redundant-constraints #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs                  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns           #-}

-- |
module Database.DynamoDB.Types (
    -- * Exceptions
    -- * Marshalling
  , DynamoEncodable(..)
  , DynamoScalar(..)
  , ScalarValue(..)
  , IsText(..), IsNumber
    -- * Query datatype
  , RangeOper(..)
    -- * Utility functions
  , dType
  , dScalarEncode
) where

import           Control.Exception           (Exception)
import           Control.Lens                ((.~), (^.))
import qualified Data.Aeson                  as AE
import           Data.Bifunctor              (first)
import qualified Data.ByteString             as BS
import           Data.ByteString.Lazy        (toStrict)
import           Data.Double.Conversion.Text (toShortest)
import           Data.Foldable               (toList)
import           Data.Function               ((&))
import           Data.Hashable               (Hashable)
import           Data.HashMap.Strict         (HashMap)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict         as HMap
import           Data.Maybe                  (mapMaybe)
import           Data.Monoid                 ((<>))
import           Data.Proxy
import           Data.UUID.Types             (UUID)
import qualified Data.UUID.Types             as UUID
import           Data.Scientific             (Scientific, floatingOrInteger,
                                              fromFloatDigits, toBoundedInteger,
import qualified Data.Set                    as Set
import           Data.Tagged                 (Tagged (..), unTagged)
import qualified Data.Text                   as T
import           Data.Text.Encoding          (decodeUtf8, encodeUtf8)
import qualified Data.Vector                 as V
import           Network.AWS.DynamoDB.Types  (AttributeValue,
import qualified Network.AWS.DynamoDB.Types  as D
import           Text.Read                   (readMaybe)
import Data.Int (Int16, Int32, Int64)

-- | Exceptions thrown by some dynamodb-simple actions.
data DynamoException = DynamoException T.Text
  deriving (Show)
instance Exception DynamoException

-- | Datatype for encoding scalar values
data ScalarValue (v :: D.ScalarAttributeType) where
    ScS :: !T.Text -> ScalarValue 'D.S
    ScN :: !Scientific -> ScalarValue 'D.N
    ScB :: !BS.ByteString -> ScalarValue 'D.B

class ScalarAuto (v :: D.ScalarAttributeType) where
  dTypeV :: Proxy v -> ScalarAttributeType
  dSetEncodeV :: [ScalarValue v] -> AttributeValue
  dSetDecodeV :: AttributeValue -> Maybe [ScalarValue v]
instance ScalarAuto 'D.S where
  dTypeV _ = D.S
  dSetEncodeV lst = attributeValue & D.avSS .~ map (\(ScS txt) -> txt) lst
  dSetDecodeV attr = Just $ map ScS $ attr ^. D.avSS
instance ScalarAuto 'D.N where
  dTypeV _ = D.N
  dSetEncodeV lst = attributeValue & D.avNS .~ map (\(ScN num) -> decodeUtf8 (toStrict $ AE.encode num)) lst
  dSetDecodeV attr = traverse (\n -> ScN <$> AE.decodeStrict (encodeUtf8 n)) (attr ^. D.avSS)
instance ScalarAuto 'D.B where
  dTypeV _ = D.B
  dSetEncodeV lst = attributeValue & D.avBS .~ map (\(ScB txt) -> txt) lst
  dSetDecodeV attr = Just $ map ScB $ attr ^. D.avBS

dType :: forall a v. DynamoScalar v a => Proxy a -> ScalarAttributeType
dType _ = dTypeV (Proxy :: Proxy v)

dScalarEncode :: DynamoScalar v a => a -> AttributeValue
dScalarEncode a =
  case scalarEncode a of
    ScS txt -> attributeValue & D.avS .~ Just txt
    ScN num -> attributeValue & D.avN .~ Just (decodeUtf8 (toStrict $ AE.encode num))
    ScB bs -> attributeValue & D.avB .~ Just bs

dSetEncode :: DynamoScalar v a => Set.Set a -> AttributeValue
dSetEncode vset = dSetEncodeV $ map scalarEncode $ toList vset

dSetDecode :: (Ord a, DynamoScalar v a) => AttributeValue -> Maybe (Set.Set a)
dSetDecode attr = dSetDecodeV attr >>= traverse scalarDecode >>= pure . Set.fromList

-- | Typeclass signifying that this is a scalar attribute and can be used as a hash/sort key.
-- > instance DynamoScalar Network.AWS.DynamoDB.Types.S T.Text where
-- >    scalarEncode = ScS
-- >    scalarDecode (ScS txt) = Just txt
class ScalarAuto v => DynamoScalar (v :: D.ScalarAttributeType) a | a -> v where
  -- | Scalars must have total encoding function
  scalarEncode :: a -> ScalarValue v
  default scalarEncode :: (Show a, Read a, v ~ 'D.S) => a -> ScalarValue v
  scalarEncode = ScS . T.pack . show

  scalarDecode :: ScalarValue v -> Maybe a
  default scalarDecode :: (Show a, Read a, v ~ 'D.S) => ScalarValue v -> Maybe a
  scalarDecode (ScS txt) = readMaybe (T.unpack txt)

instance DynamoScalar 'D.N Integer where
  scalarEncode = ScN . fromIntegral
  scalarDecode (ScN num) =
    case floatingOrInteger num :: Either Double Integer of
        Right x -> Just x
        Left _  -> Nothing

instance DynamoScalar 'D.N Int where
  scalarEncode = ScN . fromIntegral
  scalarDecode (ScN num) = toBoundedInteger num
instance DynamoScalar 'D.N Int16 where
  scalarEncode = ScN . fromIntegral
  scalarDecode (ScN num) = toBoundedInteger num
instance DynamoScalar 'D.N Int32 where
  scalarEncode = ScN . fromIntegral
  scalarDecode (ScN num) = toBoundedInteger num
instance DynamoScalar 'D.N Int64 where
  scalarEncode = ScN . fromIntegral
  scalarDecode (ScN num) = toBoundedInteger num

instance DynamoScalar 'D.N Word where
  scalarEncode = ScN . fromIntegral
  scalarDecode (ScN num) = toBoundedInteger num

-- | Helper for tagged values
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} DynamoScalar v a => DynamoScalar v (Tagged x a) where
  scalarEncode = scalarEncode . unTagged
  scalarDecode a = Tagged <$> scalarDecode a

-- | Double as a primary key isn't generally a good thing as equality on double
-- is sometimes a little dodgy. Use scientific instead.
instance DynamoScalar 'D.N Scientific where
  scalarEncode = ScN
  scalarDecode (ScN num) = Just num

-- | Don't use Double as a part of primary key in a table. It is included here
-- for convenience to be used as a range key in indexes.
instance DynamoScalar 'D.N Double where
  scalarEncode = ScN . fromFloatDigits
  scalarDecode (ScN num) = Just $ toRealFloat num

instance DynamoScalar 'D.S T.Text where
  scalarEncode = ScS
  scalarDecode (ScS txt) = Just txt

instance DynamoScalar 'D.B BS.ByteString where
  scalarEncode = ScB
  scalarDecode (ScB bs) = Just bs

-- | Typeclass showing that this datatype can be saved to DynamoDB.
class DynamoEncodable a where
  -- | Encode data. Return 'Nothing' if attribute should be omitted.
  dEncode :: a -> Maybe AttributeValue
  default dEncode :: (Show a, Read a) => a -> Maybe AttributeValue
  dEncode val = Just $ attributeValue & D.avS .~ (Just $ T.pack $ show val)
  -- | Decode data. Return 'Nothing' on parsing error, gets
  --  'Nothing' on input if the attribute was missing in the database.
  dDecode :: Maybe AttributeValue -> Maybe a
  default dDecode :: (Show a, Read a) => Maybe AttributeValue -> Maybe a
  dDecode (Just attr) = attr ^. D.avS >>= (readMaybe . T.unpack)
  dDecode Nothing = Nothing

  -- | Decode data. Return (Left err) on parsing error, gets
  --  'Nothing' on input if the attribute was missing in the database.
  -- The default instance uses dDecode, define this just for better errors
  dDecodeEither :: Maybe AttributeValue -> Either T.Text a
  dDecodeEither = maybe (Left "Decoding error") Right . dDecode

  -- | Aid for searching for empty list and hashmap; these can be represented
  -- both by empty list and by missing value, if this returns true, enhance search.
  -- Also used by joins to weed out empty foreign keys
  dIsMissing :: a -> Bool
  dIsMissing _ = False

instance DynamoEncodable Scientific where
  dEncode = Just . dScalarEncode
  dDecode = either (const Nothing) Just . dDecodeEither
  dDecodeEither (Just attr) =
      maybe (Left "Missing value") Right (attr ^. D.avN)
      >>= first T.pack . AE.eitherDecodeStrict . encodeUtf8
  dDecodeEither Nothing = Left "Missing attr"
instance DynamoEncodable Integer where
  dEncode = Just . dScalarEncode
  dDecode = either (const Nothing) Just . dDecodeEither
  dDecodeEither (Just attr) =
      maybe (Left "Missing value") Right (attr ^. D.avN)
      >>= first T.pack . AE.eitherDecodeStrict . encodeUtf8
  dDecodeEither Nothing = Left "Missing attr"
instance DynamoEncodable Int where
  dEncode = Just . dScalarEncode
  dDecode = either (const Nothing) Just . dDecodeEither
  dDecodeEither (Just attr) =
      maybe (Left "Missing value") Right (attr ^. D.avN)
      >>= first T.pack . AE.eitherDecodeStrict . encodeUtf8
  dDecodeEither Nothing = Left "Missing attr"
instance DynamoEncodable Word where
  dEncode = Just . dScalarEncode
  dDecode = either (const Nothing) Just . dDecodeEither
  dDecodeEither (Just attr) =
      maybe (Left "Missing value") Right (attr ^. D.avN)
      >>= first T.pack . AE.eitherDecodeStrict . encodeUtf8
  dDecodeEither Nothing = Left "Missing attr"
instance DynamoEncodable Int16 where
  dEncode = Just . dScalarEncode
  dDecode = either (const Nothing) Just . dDecodeEither
  dDecodeEither (Just attr) =
      maybe (Left "Missing value") Right (attr ^. D.avN)
      >>= first T.pack . AE.eitherDecodeStrict . encodeUtf8
  dDecodeEither Nothing = Left "Missing attr"
instance DynamoEncodable Int32 where
  dEncode = Just . dScalarEncode
  dDecode = either (const Nothing) Just . dDecodeEither
  dDecodeEither (Just attr) =
      maybe (Left "Missing value") Right (attr ^. D.avN)
      >>= first T.pack . AE.eitherDecodeStrict . encodeUtf8
  dDecodeEither Nothing = Left "Missing attr"
instance DynamoEncodable Int64 where
  dEncode = Just . dScalarEncode
  dDecode = either (const Nothing) Just . dDecodeEither
  dDecodeEither (Just attr) =
      maybe (Left "Missing value") Right (attr ^. D.avN)
      >>= first T.pack . AE.eitherDecodeStrict . encodeUtf8
  dDecodeEither Nothing = Left "Missing attr"
instance DynamoEncodable Double where
  dEncode num = Just $ attributeValue & D.avN .~ (Just $ toShortest num)
  dDecode = either (const Nothing) Just . dDecodeEither
  dDecodeEither (Just attr) =
      maybe (Left "Missing value") Right (attr ^. D.avN)
      >>= first T.pack . AE.eitherDecodeStrict . encodeUtf8
  dDecodeEither Nothing = Left "Missing attr"
instance DynamoEncodable Bool where
  dEncode b = Just $ attributeValue & D.avBOOL .~ Just b
  dDecode = either (const Nothing) Just . dDecodeEither
  dDecodeEither (Just attr) = maybe (Left "Missing value") Right (attr ^. D.avBOOL)
  dDecodeEither Nothing = Left "Missing attr"

instance DynamoEncodable T.Text where
  dEncode "" = Nothing
  dEncode txt = Just (dScalarEncode txt)
  dDecode (Just attr)
    | Just True <- attr ^. D.avNULL = Just ""
    | otherwise = attr ^. D.avS
  dDecode Nothing = Just ""
  dIsMissing "" = True
  dIsMissing _ = False
instance DynamoEncodable BS.ByteString where
  dEncode "" = Nothing
  dEncode bs = Just (dScalarEncode bs)
  dDecode (Just attr) = attr ^. D.avB
  dDecode Nothing = Just ""
  dIsMissing "" = True
  dIsMissing _ = False

instance DynamoEncodable UUID where
  dEncode uuid = dEncode (UUID.toText uuid)
  dDecode attr = attr >>= dDecode . Just >>= UUID.fromText
instance DynamoScalar 'D.S UUID where
  scalarEncode = ScS . UUID.toText
  scalarDecode (ScS txt) = UUID.fromText txt

-- | 'Maybe' ('Maybe' a) will not work well; it will 'join' the value in the database.
instance DynamoEncodable a => DynamoEncodable (Maybe a) where
  dEncode Nothing = Nothing
  dEncode (Just key) = dEncode key
  dDecode = either (const Nothing) Just . dDecodeEither
  dDecodeEither Nothing = Right Nothing
  dDecodeEither (Just attr) = Just <$> dDecodeEither (Just attr)
  dIsMissing Nothing = True
  dIsMissing _ = False
instance (Ord a, DynamoScalar v a) => DynamoEncodable (Set.Set a) where
  dEncode (Set.null -> True) = Nothing
  dEncode dta = Just $ dSetEncode dta
  dDecode (Just attr) = dSetDecode attr
  dDecode Nothing = Just Set.empty
  dDecodeEither (Just attr) = maybe (Left "Error decoding set") Right (dSetDecode attr)
  dDecodeEither Nothing = Right Set.empty
instance (IsText t, DynamoEncodable a) => DynamoEncodable (HashMap t a) where
  dEncode dta =
      let textmap = HMap.fromList $ mapMaybe (\(key, val) -> (toText key,) <$> dEncode val) $ HMap.toList dta
      in Just $ attributeValue & D.avM .~ textmap
  dDecode = either (const Nothing) Just . dDecodeEither
  dDecodeEither (Just attr) =
    let attrlist = traverse (\(key, val) -> (fromText key,) <$> dDecodeEither (Just val)) $ HMap.toList (attr ^. D.avM)
    in HMap.fromList <$> attrlist
  dDecodeEither Nothing = Right mempty
  dIsMissing = null
-- | DynamoDB cannot represent empty items; ['Maybe' a] will lose Nothings.
instance DynamoEncodable a => DynamoEncodable [a] where
  dEncode lst = Just $ attributeValue & D.avL .~ mapMaybe dEncode lst
  dDecode = either (const Nothing) Just . dDecodeEither
  dDecodeEither (Just attr) = traverse (dDecodeEither . Just) (attr ^. D.avL)
  dDecodeEither Nothing = Right mempty
  dIsMissing = null

instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} DynamoEncodable a => DynamoEncodable (Tagged v a) where
  dEncode = dEncode . unTagged
  dDecode a = Tagged <$> dDecode a
  dDecodeEither a = Tagged <$> dDecodeEither a
  dIsMissing = dIsMissing . unTagged

-- | Partial encoding/decoding Aeson values. Empty strings get converted to NULL.
instance DynamoEncodable AE.Value where
  dEncode (AE.Object obj) = dEncode obj
  dEncode (AE.Array lst) = dEncode (toList lst)
  dEncode (AE.String txt) = dEncode txt
  dEncode num@(AE.Number _) = Just $ attributeValue & D.avN .~ Just (decodeUtf8 (toStrict $ AE.encode num))
  dEncode (AE.Bool b) = dEncode b
  dEncode AE.Null = Just $ attributeValue & D.avNULL .~ Just True
  dDecode = either (const Nothing) Just . dDecodeEither

  dDecodeEither Nothing = Right AE.Null
  dDecodeEither (Just attr) = -- Ok, this is going to be very hacky...
    case AE.toJSON attr of
      AE.Object obj -> case HMap.toList obj of
          [("BOOL", AE.Bool val)] -> Right (AE.Bool val)
          [("L", _)] -> (AE.Array .V.fromList) <$> mapM (dDecodeEither . Just) (attr ^. D.avL)
          [("M", _)] -> AE.Object <$> mapM (dDecodeEither . Just) (attr ^. D.avM)
          [("N", AE.String num)] -> first T.pack (AE.eitherDecodeStrict (encodeUtf8 num))
          [("N", num@(AE.Number _))] -> Right num -- Just in case, this is usually not returned
          [("S", AE.String val)] -> Right (AE.String val)
          [("NULL", _)] -> Right AE.Null
          _ -> Left ("Undecodable json value: " <> decodeUtf8 (toStrict (AE.encode obj)))
      _ -> Left "Wrong dynamo data" -- This shouldn't happen
  dIsMissing AE.Null = True
  dIsMissing _ = False

-- | Class to limit +=. and -=. for updates.
class IsNumber a
instance IsNumber Int
instance IsNumber Double
instance IsNumber Integer
instance IsNumber a => IsNumber (Tagged t a)

-- | Class to limit certain operations to text-like only in queries.
-- Members of this class can be keys to 'HashMap'.
class (Eq a, Hashable a) => IsText a where
  toText :: a -> T.Text
  fromText :: T.Text -> a
instance IsText T.Text where
  toText = id
  fromText = id
instance (Hashable (Tagged t a), IsText a) => IsText (Tagged t a) where
  toText (Tagged txt) = toText txt
  fromText tg = Tagged (fromText tg)

-- | Operation on range key for 'Database.DynamoDB.query'.
data RangeOper a where
  RangeEquals :: a -> RangeOper a
  RangeLessThan :: a -> RangeOper a
  RangeLessThanE :: a -> RangeOper a
  RangeGreaterThan :: a -> RangeOper a
  RangeGreaterThanE :: a -> RangeOper a
  RangeBetween :: a -> a -> RangeOper a
  RangeBeginsWith :: (IsText a) => a -> RangeOper a