{- | Defines the 'Params' datatype which Dyre uses to define all program-specific configuration data. Shouldn't be imported directly, as 'Config.Dyre' re-exports it. -} module Config.Dyre.Params ( Params(..), RTSOptionHandling(..) ) where -- | This structure is how all kinds of useful data is fed into Dyre. Of -- course, only the 'projectName', 'realMain', and 'showError' fields -- are really necessary. By using the set of default values provided -- as 'Config.Dyre.newParams', you can get all the benefits of -- using Dyre to configure your program in only five or six lines of -- code. data Params cfgType a = Params { forall cfgType a. Params cfgType a -> String projectName :: String -- ^ The name of the project. This needs to also be the name of -- the executable, and the name of the configuration file. , forall cfgType a. Params cfgType a -> Bool configCheck :: Bool -- ^ Should Dyre look for and attempt to compile custom configurations? -- Useful for creating program entry points that bypass Dyre's -- recompilation, for testing purposes. , forall cfgType a. Params cfgType a -> Maybe (IO String) configDir :: Maybe (IO FilePath) -- ^ The directory to look for a configuration file in. , forall cfgType a. Params cfgType a -> Maybe (IO String) cacheDir :: Maybe (IO FilePath) -- ^ The directory to store build files in, including the final -- generated executable. , forall cfgType a. Params cfgType a -> cfgType -> IO a realMain :: cfgType -> IO a -- ^ The main function of the program. When Dyre has completed -- all of its recompilation, it passes the configuration data -- to this function and gets out of the way. , forall cfgType a. Params cfgType a -> cfgType -> String -> cfgType showError :: cfgType -> String -> cfgType -- ^ This function is used to display error messages that occur -- during recompilation, by allowing the program to modify its -- initial configuration. , forall cfgType a. Params cfgType a -> [String] includeDirs :: [FilePath] -- ^ Optional extra include dirs to use during compilation. -- To support installation via cabal-install, include the -- path returned from @Paths_\<appName\>.getLibDir@. , forall cfgType a. Params cfgType a -> [String] hidePackages :: [String] -- ^ Packages that need to be hidden during compilation , forall cfgType a. Params cfgType a -> [String] ghcOpts :: [String] -- ^ Miscellaneous GHC compilation settings go here , forall cfgType a. Params cfgType a -> Bool forceRecomp :: Bool -- ^ Should GHC be given the -fforce-recomp flag? , forall cfgType a. Params cfgType a -> String -> IO () statusOut :: String -> IO () -- ^ A status output function. Will be called with messages -- when Dyre recompiles or launches anything. A good value -- is 'hPutStrLn stderr', assuming there is no pressing -- reason to not put messages on stderr. , forall cfgType a. Params cfgType a -> RTSOptionHandling rtsOptsHandling :: RTSOptionHandling -- ^ Whether to append, or replace GHC runtime system options -- with others. , forall cfgType a. Params cfgType a -> Bool includeCurrentDirectory :: Bool -- ^ Whether to add current directory to include list (set False to -- prevent name shadowing within project directory.) -- } -- | Specify additional or replacement GHC runtime system options data RTSOptionHandling = RTSReplace [String] -- ^ replaces RTS options with given list | RTSAppend [String] -- ^ merges given list with RTS options from command line (so that nothing is lost)