{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskellQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
module Each.Transform where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.DList (DList, singleton, toList)
import Data.Monoid
import Language.Haskell.TH
import qualified Each.Invoke
data Result a
= Impure (DList Stmt) a
| Pure a
instance Functor Result where
f `fmap` Impure bs x = Impure bs (f x)
f `fmap` Pure a = Pure (f a)
instance Applicative Result where
pure = Pure
Pure f <*> Pure x = Pure (f x)
Pure f <*> Impure xbs x = Impure xbs (f x)
Impure fbs f <*> Pure x = Impure fbs (f x)
Impure fbs f <*> Impure xbs x = Impure (fbs <> xbs) (f x)
instance Monad Result where
Impure bs x >>= k = case k x of
Impure ks r -> Impure (bs <> ks) r
Pure r -> Impure bs r
Pure x >>= k = k x
addBind :: Name -> Exp -> Result ()
addBind n e = Impure (singleton (BindS (VarP n) e)) ()
each :: ExpQ -> ExpQ
each inp = generate <$> (inp >>= transform)
generate :: Result Exp -> Exp
generate (Pure x) = AppE (VarE 'Control.Applicative.pure) x
generate (Impure xs x) = DoE $ toList (xs <> singleton (
NoBindS (AppE (VarE 'Control.Monad.return) x)))
transform :: Exp -> Q (Result Exp)
transform (InfixE Nothing (VarE v) (Just x))
| v == '(Each.Invoke.~!) = impurify x
transform (AppE (VarE v) x)
| v == 'Each.Invoke.bind = impurify x
transform (InfixE (Just (VarE vf)) (VarE vo) (Just x))
| vf == 'Each.Invoke.bind && vo == '(Prelude.$) = impurify x
transform (VarE n) = pure $ pure (VarE n)
transform (ConE n) = pure $ pure (ConE n)
transform (LitE l) = pure $ pure (LitE l)
transform (AppE f x) =
liftA2 (liftA2 AppE) (transform f) (transform x)
transform (InfixE lhs mid rhs) = do
tl <- traverse transform lhs
tm <- transform mid
tr <- traverse transform rhs
pure (liftA3 InfixE (sequence tl) tm (sequence tr))
transform (LamE ps x) = fmap (LamE ps) <$> transform x
transform (TupE ps) = fmap TupE . sequence <$> (traverse transform ps)
transform (CondE c t f) = do
tc <- transform c
tt <- transform t
tf <- transform f
case liftA2 (,) tt tf of
Pure (et, ef) -> pure $ (\z -> CondE z et ef) <$> tc
res -> do
var <- newName "bind"
pure $ do
ec <- tc
addBind var (CondE ec (generate tt) (generate tf))
pure (VarE var)
transform (MultiIfE bs) = case desugarMultiIf bs of
Right x -> transform x
Left err -> fail err
desugarMultiIf :: [(Guard, Exp)] -> Either String Exp
desugarMultiIf [] = pure (AppE
(VarE 'Prelude.error)
(LitE $ StringL errNonExhaustiveGuard))
desugarMultiIf ((NormalG c, t) : bs) = go <$> desugarMultiIf bs
where go f = CondE c t f
desugarMultiIf ((PatG _, _) : _) =
Left errPatternGuard
transform (LetE [] e) = transform e
transform (LetE (ValD p v [] : ds) e) =
transform (CaseE (bodyToExp v) [Match p (NormalB $ LetE ds e) []])
transform (LetE (ValD _ _ _ : _) _) = fail errWhere
transform (LetE _ _) = fail errComplexLet
transform (CaseE s ma) = do
ts <- transform s
tm <- traverse transformMatch ma
case traverse getPureMatch tm of
Just pes -> pure $ (\z -> CaseE z (toMatch <$> pes)) <$> ts
Nothing -> do
var <- newName "bind"
pure $ do
es <- ts
addBind var (CaseE es (generateMatch <$> tm))
pure (VarE var)
generateMatch :: (Pat, Result Exp) -> Match
generateMatch (p, e) = toMatch (p, generate e)
toMatch :: (Pat, Exp) -> Match
toMatch (p, e) = Match p (NormalB e) []
getPureMatch :: (Pat, Result Exp) -> Maybe (Pat, Exp)
getPureMatch (pat, Pure e) = Just (pat, e)
getPureMatch _ = Nothing
transformMatch :: Match -> Q (Pat, Result Exp)
transformMatch (Match pat body []) =
(\x -> (pat, x)) <$> transform (bodyToExp body)
transformMatch _ = fail errWhere
transform (ArithSeqE z) =
fmap ArithSeqE <$> case z of
FromR a -> fmap FromR <$> transform a
FromThenR a b -> liftA2 (liftA2 FromThenR) (transform a) (transform b)
FromToR a b -> liftA2 (liftA2 FromToR) (transform a) (transform b)
FromThenToR a b c -> liftA3 (liftA3 FromThenToR)
(transform a) (transform b) (transform c)
transform (ListE xs) = fmap ListE . sequence <$> (traverse transform xs)
transform (SigE e t) = fmap (\te -> SigE te t) <$> transform e
transform (RecConE name fes) =
fmap (RecConE name) . sequence
<$> (traverse transformFieldExp fes)
transform (RecUpdE x fes) =
liftA2 (liftA2 RecUpdE)
(transform x)
(sequence <$> traverse transformFieldExp fes)
transform (UnboundVarE n) = pure $ pure (UnboundVarE n)
transform x = fail (errUnsupported <> pprint x)
bodyToExp :: Body -> Exp
bodyToExp (NormalB x) = x
bodyToExp (GuardedB x) = MultiIfE x
transformFieldExp :: FieldExp -> Q (Result FieldExp)
transformFieldExp (nm, e) = fmap (\x -> (nm, x)) <$> transform e
impurify :: Exp -> Q (Result Exp)
impurify e = liftA2 go (transform e) (newName "bind")
go te nm = te >>= \z -> VarE nm <$ addBind nm z
errNonExhaustiveGuard, errUnsupported,
errPatternGuard, errWhere, errComplexLet :: String
errNonExhaustiveGuard = "Non-exhaustive guard"
errUnsupported = "Unsupported syntax in: "
errPatternGuard = "Pattern guards are not supported"
errWhere = "'where' is not supported"
errComplexLet = "Only declarations like 'pattern = value' are supported in let"