{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE CPP                       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds                 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash                 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds                 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UnboxedSums               #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UnboxedTuples             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances      #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans  #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  Numeric.Matrix
-- Copyright   :  (c) Artem Chirkin
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  chirkin@arch.ethz.ch

module Numeric.Matrix
  ( MatrixTranspose (..)
  , SquareMatrix (..)
  , MatrixDeterminant (..)
  , MatrixInverse (..)
  , MatrixLU (..), LUFact (..)
  , Matrix
  , HomTransform4 (..)
  , Mat22f, Mat23f, Mat24f
  , Mat32f, Mat33f, Mat34f
  , Mat42f, Mat43f, Mat44f
  , Mat22d, Mat23d, Mat24d
  , Mat32d, Mat33d, Mat34d
  , Mat42d, Mat43d, Mat44d
  , mat22, mat33, mat44
  , (%*)
  , pivotMat, luSolve
  ) where

import           Control.Monad                           (foldM)
import           Data.Foldable                           (forM_, foldl')
import           Data.List                               (delete)
import           GHC.Base
import           Numeric.DataFrame.Contraction           ((%*))
import           Numeric.DataFrame.Internal.Array.Class
import           Numeric.DataFrame.Internal.Array.Family as AFam
import           Numeric.DataFrame.Shape
import           Numeric.DataFrame.SubSpace
import           Numeric.DataFrame.Type
import           Numeric.Dimensions
import           Numeric.Matrix.Class
import           Numeric.Matrix.Mat44d ()
import           Numeric.Matrix.Mat44f ()
import           Numeric.PrimBytes
import           Numeric.Scalar
import           Numeric.Vector

import           Control.Monad.ST
import           Numeric.DataFrame.ST

-- | Compose a 2x2D matrix
mat22 :: ( PrimBytes (Vector (t :: Type) 2)
         , PrimBytes (Matrix t 2 2)
      => Vector t 2 -> Vector t 2 -> Matrix t 2 2
mat22 = (<::>)

-- | Compose a 3x3D matrix
mat33 :: ( PrimBytes (t :: Type)
         , PrimBytes (Vector t 3)
         , PrimBytes (Matrix t 3 3)
      => Vector t 3 -> Vector t 3 -> Vector t 3 -> Matrix t 3 3
mat33 a b c = runST $ do
  mmat <- newDataFrame
  copyDataFrame a (1:*1:*U) mmat
  copyDataFrame b (1:*2:*U) mmat
  copyDataFrame c (1:*3:*U) mmat
  unsafeFreezeDataFrame mmat

-- | Compose a 4x4D matrix
mat44 :: forall (t :: Type)
       . ( PrimBytes t
         , PrimBytes (Vector t (4 :: Nat))
         , PrimBytes (Matrix t (4 :: Nat) (4 :: Nat))
      => Vector t (4 :: Nat)
      -> Vector t (4 :: Nat)
      -> Vector t (4 :: Nat)
      -> Vector t (4 :: Nat)
      -> Matrix t (4 :: Nat) (4 :: Nat)
mat44 a b c d = runST $ do
  mmat <- newDataFrame
  copyDataFrame a (1:*1:*U) mmat
  copyDataFrame b (1:*2:*U) mmat
  copyDataFrame c (1:*3:*U) mmat
  copyDataFrame d (1:*4:*U) mmat
  unsafeFreezeDataFrame mmat

instance ( KnownDim n, KnownDim m
         , PrimArray t (Matrix t n m)
         , PrimArray t (Matrix t m n)
         ) => MatrixTranspose t (n :: Nat) (m :: Nat) where
    transpose df = case elemSize0 df of
      0# -> broadcast (ix# 0# df)
      nm | I# m <- fromIntegral $ dimVal' @m
         , I# n <- fromIntegral $ dimVal' @n
         -> let f ( I# j,  I# i )
                  | isTrue# (j ==# m) = f ( 0 , I# (i +# 1#) )
                  | otherwise         = (# ( I# (j +# 1#), I# i )
                                         , ix# (j *# n +# i) df
            in case gen# nm f (0,0) of
              (# _, r #) -> r

instance MatrixTranspose (t :: Type) (xn :: XNat) (xm :: XNat) where
    transpose (XFrame (df :: DataFrame t ns))
      | ((D :: Dim n) :* (D :: Dim m) :* U) <- dims @Nat @ns
      , E <- AFam.inferPrimElem @t @n @'[m]
      = XFrame (transpose df :: Matrix t m n)
    transpose _ = error "MatrixTranspose/transpose: impossible argument"

instance (KnownDim n, PrimArray t (Matrix t n n), Num t)
      => SquareMatrix t n where
      | n@(I# n#) <- fromIntegral $ dimVal' @n
      = let f 0 = (# n, 1 #)
            f k = (# k - 1, 0 #)
        in case gen# (n# *# n#) f 0 of
            (# _, r #) -> r
    diag se
      | n@(I# n#) <- fromIntegral $ dimVal' @n
      , e <- unScalar se
      = let f 0 = (# n, e #)
            f k = (# k - 1, 0 #)
        in case gen# (n# *# n#) f 0 of
            (# _, r #) -> r
    trace df
      | I# n <- fromIntegral $ dimVal' @n
      , n1 <- n +# 1#
      = let f 0# = ix# 0# df
            f k  = ix# k  df + f (k -# n1)
        in scalar $ f (n *# n -# 1#)

instance ( KnownDim n, Ord t, Fractional t
         , PrimBytes t
         , PrimArray t (Matrix t n n)
         , PrimArray t (Vector t n)
         , PrimBytes (Vector t n)
         , PrimBytes (Matrix t n n)
         => MatrixInverse t n where
  inverse m = ewmap (luSolve (lu m)) eye

instance ( KnownDim n, Ord t, Fractional t
         , PrimBytes t, PrimArray t (Matrix t n n))
         => MatrixDeterminant t n where
  det m = prodF (luUpper f) * prodF (luLower f) * luPermSign f
      f = lu m
      !(I# n) = fromIntegral $ dimVal' @n
      n1 = n +# 1#
      nn1 = n *# n -# 1#
      prodF a = scalar $ prodF' nn1 a
      prodF' 0# a = ix# 0# a
      prodF' k  a = ix# k a * prodF' (k -# n1) a

instance ( KnownDim n, Ord t, Fractional t
         , PrimBytes t, PrimArray t (Matrix t n n))
         => MatrixLU t n where
    lu m' = case runRW# go of
        (# _, (# bu, bl #) #) -> LUFact
            { luLower    = fromElems 0# nn bl
            , luUpper    = fromElems 0# nn bu
            , luPerm     = p
            , luPermSign = si
        (m, p, si) = pivotMat m'
        !(I# n) = fromIntegral $ dimVal' @n
        nn = n *# n
        tbs = byteSize @t undefined
        bsize = nn *# tbs
        ixm i j = ix# (i +# n *# j) m
        loop :: (Int# -> a -> State# s -> (# State# s, a #))
             -> Int# -> Int# -> a -> State# s -> (# State# s, a #)
        loop f i k x s
          | isTrue# (i ==# k) = (# s, x #)
          | otherwise = case f i x s of
              (# s', y #) -> loop f ( i +# 1# ) k y s'
        go s0
          | (# s1, mbl #) <- newByteArray# bsize s0
          , (# s2, mbu #) <- newByteArray# bsize s1
          , s3 <- setByteArray# mbl 0# bsize 0# s2
          , s4 <- setByteArray# mbu 0# bsize 0# s3
          , readL <- \i j -> readArray @t mbl (i +# n *# j)
          , readU <- \i j -> readArray @t mbu (i +# n *# j)
          , writeL <- \i j -> writeArray @t mbl (i +# n *# j)
          , writeU <- \i j -> writeArray @t mbu (i +# n *# j)
          , computeU <- \i j ->
              let f k x s
                    | (# s' , ukj #) <- readU k j s
                    , (# s'', lik #) <- readL i k s'
                    = (# s'', x - ukj * lik #)
              in loop f 0# i (ixm i j)
          , computeL' <- \i j ->
              let f k x s
                    | (# s' , ukj #) <- readU k j s
                    , (# s'', lik #) <- readL i k s'
                    = (# s'', x - ukj * lik #)
              in loop f 0# j (ixm i j)
          , (# sr, () #) <-
                ( \j _ sj -> case sj of
                      | sj1 <- writeL j j 1 sj0
                      , (# sj2, () #) <- loop
                          ( \i _ sij0 -> case computeU i j sij0 of
                               (# sij1, uij #) -> (# writeU i j uij sij1, () #)
                          ) 0# j () sj1
                      , (# sj3, ujj #) <- computeU j j sj2
                      , sj4 <- writeU j j ujj sj3
                        -> case ujj of
                          0 -> loop
                            ( \i _ sij -> (# writeL i j 0 sij, () #)
                            ) (j +# 1#) n () sj4
                          x -> loop
                            ( \i _ sij0 -> case computeL' i j sij0 of
                                (# sij1, lij #) -> (# writeL i j (lij / x) sij1, () #)
                            ) (j +# 1#) n () sj4
                ) 0# n () s4
          , (# sf0, bl #) <- unsafeFreezeByteArray# mbl sr
          , (# sf1, bu #) <- unsafeFreezeByteArray# mbu sf0
          = (# sf1, (# bu, bl #) #)

-- | Solve @Ax = b@ problem given LU decomposition of A.
luSolve :: forall (t :: Type) (n :: Nat)
         . ( KnownDim n, Ord t, Fractional t
           , PrimBytes t, PrimArray t (Matrix t n n), PrimArray t (Vector t n))
        => LUFact t n -> Vector t n -> Vector t n
luSolve LUFact {..} b = x
    -- Pb = LUx
    pb = luPerm %* b
    !n@(I# n#) = fromIntegral $ dimVal' @n
    -- Ly = Pb
    y :: Vector t n
    y = runST $ do
      my <- newDataFrame
      let ixA (I# i) (I# j) = scalar $ ix# (i +# n# *# j) luLower
          ixB (I# i) = scalar $ ix# i pb
      forM_ [0..n-1] $ \i -> do
        v <- foldM ( \v j -> do
                      dj <- readDataFrameOff my j
                      return $ v - dj * ixA i j
                   ) (ixB i) [0..i-1]
        writeDataFrameOff my i v
      unsafeFreezeDataFrame my
    -- Ux = y
    x = runST $ do
      mx <- newDataFrame
      let ixA (I# i) (I# j) = scalar $ ix# (i +# n# *# j) luUpper
          ixB (I# i) = scalar $ ix# i y
      forM_ [n-1, n-2 .. 0] $ \i -> do
        v <- foldM ( \v j -> do
                      dj <- readDataFrameOff mx j
                      return $ v - dj * ixA i j
                   ) (ixB i) [i+1..n-1]
        writeDataFrameOff mx i (v / ixA i i)
      unsafeFreezeDataFrame mx

-- | Permute rows that the largest magnitude elements in columns are on diagonals.
--   Invariants of result matrix:
--     * forall j >= i: |M[i,i]| >= M[j,i]
--     * if M[i,i] == 0 then forall j >= i: |M[i+1,i+1]| >= M[j,i+1]
pivotMat :: forall (t :: Type) (n :: k)
          . (KnownDim n, PrimArray t (Matrix t n n), Ord t, Num t)
         => Matrix t n n -> ( Matrix t n n -- permutated matrix
                            , Matrix t n n -- permutation matrix
                            , Scalar t -- sign of permutation matrix
pivotMat m
    = ( let f ( j, [] )   = f (j+1, rowOrder)
            f ( j, i:is ) = (# (j, is), ix i j #)
        in case gen# nn f (0,rowOrder) of
            (# _, r #) -> r
      , let f ( j, [] ) = f (j+1, rowOrder)
            f ( j, x:xs )
               | j == x    = (# ( j, xs), 1 #)
               | otherwise = (# ( j, xs), 0 #)
        in case gen# nn f (0,rowOrder) of
            (# _, r #) -> r
      , if countMisordered rowOrder `rem` 2 == 1
        then -1 else 1
    -- permuted row ordering
    rowOrder = uncurry fillPass $ searchPass 0 [0..n-1]
    -- matrix size
    !n@(I# n#) = fromIntegral $ dimVal' @n
    -- sign of permutations
    countMisordered :: [Int] -> Int
    countMisordered [] = 0
    countMisordered (i:is) = foldl' (\c j -> if i > j then succ c else c) 0 is
                           + countMisordered is
    nn = n# *# n#
    ix (I# i) (I# j) = ix# (i +# j *# n#) m
    findMax :: Int -> [Int] -> (t, Int)
    findMax j = foldl' (\(ox, oi) i -> let x = abs (ix i j)
                                       in if x > ox then (x, i)
                                                    else (ox, oi)
                      ) (0, 0)
    -- search maximums, leaving Nothing where all rows are 0
    searchPass :: Int -> [Int] -> ([Int], [Maybe Int])
    searchPass j is
      | j == n    = (is, [])
      | otherwise = case findMax j is of
          (0, _) -> (Nothing:) <$> searchPass (j+1) is
          (_, i) -> (Just i:) <$> searchPass (j+1) (delete i is)
    -- replace Nothings with remaining row numbers
    fillPass :: [Int] -> [Maybe Int] -> [Int]
    fillPass _ []                  = []
    fillPass js (Just i : is)      = i : fillPass js is
    fillPass (j:js) (Nothing : is) = j : fillPass js is
    fillPass [] (Nothing : is)     = 0 : fillPass [] is