effect-handlers- A library for writing extensible algebraic effects and handlers. Similar to extensible-effects but with deep handlers.

Safe HaskellNone




data State s a Source

The functor representing the effect. You shouldn't need to create this manually, just use get, put or state.


SGet (s -> a) 
SPut s a 


Functor (State s) 
Typeable (* -> * -> *) State 

get :: (Member (State a) r, Typeable a) => Eff r a Source

Read from state

put :: (Member (State s) r, Typeable s) => s -> Eff r () Source

Write to state

state :: (Member (State s) r, Typeable s) => (s -> (a, s)) -> Eff r a Source

Lift a function into state

stateHandler :: Handler (State s) r a (s -> Eff r a) Source

Handle state into a function. Note that applying the resulting function you get out another program that you have to bind over.