egison: Programming language with non-linear pattern-matching against non-free data
An interpreter for Egison, a **pattern-matching-oriented**, purely functional programming language. We can directly represent pattern-matching against lists, multisets, sets, trees, graphs and any kind of data types.
We can find Egison programs in lib
and sample
This package also include Emacs Lisp file elisp/egison-mode.el
We can do non-linear pattern-matching against non-free data types in Egison. An non-free data type is a data type whose data have no canonical form, a standard way to represent that object. It enables us to write elegant programs.
Twin Primes
We can use pattern-matching for enumeration. The following code enumerates all twin primes from the infinite list of prime numbers with pattern-matching!
Poker Hands
The following code is the program that determines poker-hands written in Egison. All hands are expressed in a single pattern.
We can write a pattern even against mahjong tiles. We modularize patterns to represent complex mahjong hands.
We can pattern-match against graphs. We can write program to solve the travelling salesman problem in a single pattern-matching expression.
Aren't thsese exciting? We can run these demonstrations on our website! Please view and try more demonstrations!
Egison makes programming dramatically simple. Please enjoy Egison!
- egison-3.7.6.tar.gz [browse] (Cabal source package)
- Package description (as included in the package)
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