This is the core module of Elerea, which contains the signal implementation and the atomic constructors.
The basic idea is to create a dataflow network whose structure closely
resembles the user's definitions by turning each combinator into a
mutable variable (an IORef
). In other words, each signal is
represented by a variable. Such a variable contains information about
the operation to perform and (depending on the operation) references
to other signals. For instance, a pointwise function application
created by the <*>
operator contains an SNA
node, which holds two
references: one to the function signal and another to the argument
In order to have a pure(-looking) applicative interface for the most
part, the library relies on unsafePerformIO
to create the references
of stateless signals, while stateful signals have to be obtained from
a special SignalMonad
, which is just a wrapping of IO
that doesn't
allow any other action to be performed.
The execution of the network is explicitly marked as an IO operation.
The core library exposes a single function to animate the network
called superstep
, which takes a signal and a time interval, and
mutates all the variables the signal depends on. It is supposed to be
called repeatedly in a loop that also takes care of user input.
To ensure consistency, a superstep has three phases: sampling, aging
and finalisation. Each signal reachable from the top-level signal
passed to superstep
is sampled at the current point of time
), and the sample is stored along with the old signal in its
reference. If the value of a signal is requested multiple times, the
sample is simply reused. After successfully sampling the top-level
signal, the network is traversed again to advance by the desired time
), and when that's completed, the finalisation process
throws away the intermediate samples and marks the aged signals as the
current ones, ready to be sampled again. If there is a dependency
loop, the system tries to use the sampleDelayed
function instead of
to get a useful value at the problematic spot instead of
entering an infinite loop. Evaluation is initiated by the
function (which is used in both the sampling and the
aging phase to calculate samples and retrieve the cached values if
they are requested again), aging is performed by age
, while
finalisation is done by commit
. Since these functions are invoked
recursively on a data structure with existential types, their types
also need to be explicity quantified.
As a bonus, applicative nodes are automatically collapsed into lifted functions of up to five arguments. This optimisation significantly reduces the number of nodes in the network.
- type DTime = Double
- type Sink a = a -> IO ()
- newtype SignalMonad a = SM {
- createSignal :: IO a
- signalDebug :: Show a => a -> SignalMonad ()
- newtype Signal a = S (IORef (SignalTrans a))
- data SignalTrans a
- = Ready (SignalNode a)
- | Sampling (SignalNode a)
- | Sampled a (SignalNode a)
- | Aged a (SignalNode a)
- data SignalNode a
- = SNK a
- | SNS a (DTime -> a -> a)
- | forall t . SNT (Signal t) a (DTime -> t -> a -> a)
- | forall t . SNA (Signal (t -> a)) (Signal t)
- | SNH (Signal (Signal a)) (IORef (Signal a))
- | SNM (Signal Bool) (Signal (SignalMonad a))
- | SNE (IORef a)
- | SND a (Signal a)
- | forall t . SNKA (Signal a) (Signal t)
- | forall t . SNF1 (t -> a) (Signal t)
- | forall t1 t2 . SNF2 (t1 -> t2 -> a) (Signal t1) (Signal t2)
- | forall t1 t2 t3 . SNF3 (t1 -> t2 -> t3 -> a) (Signal t1) (Signal t2) (Signal t3)
- | forall t1 t2 t3 t4 . SNF4 (t1 -> t2 -> t3 -> t4 -> a) (Signal t1) (Signal t2) (Signal t3) (Signal t4)
- | forall t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 . SNF5 (t1 -> t2 -> t3 -> t4 -> t5 -> a) (Signal t1) (Signal t2) (Signal t3) (Signal t4) (Signal t5)
- debugLog :: String -> IO a -> IO a
- unimp :: String -> a
- makeSignal :: SignalNode a -> SignalMonad (Signal a)
- makeSignalUnsafe :: SignalNode a -> Signal a
- signalValue :: forall a. Signal a -> DTime -> IO a
- age :: forall a. Signal a -> DTime -> IO ()
- commit :: forall a. Signal a -> IO ()
- advance :: SignalNode a -> a -> DTime -> IO (SignalNode a)
- sample :: SignalNode a -> DTime -> IO a
- sampleDelayed :: SignalNode a -> DTime -> IO a
- superstep :: Signal a -> DTime -> IO a
- stateful :: a -> (DTime -> a -> a) -> SignalMonad (Signal a)
- transfer :: a -> (DTime -> t -> a -> a) -> Signal t -> SignalMonad (Signal a)
- sampler :: Signal (Signal a) -> Signal a
- generator :: Signal Bool -> Signal (SignalMonad a) -> Signal (Maybe a)
- toMaybe :: Bool -> a -> Maybe a
- external :: a -> IO (Signal a, Sink a)
- delay :: a -> Signal a -> SignalMonad (Signal a)
- keepAlive :: Signal a -> Signal t -> Signal a
Some type synonyms
The data structures behind signals
newtype SignalMonad a Source
A restricted monad to create stateful signals in.
SM | |
signalDebug :: Show a => a -> SignalMonad ()Source
A printing function that can be used in the SignalMonad
Provided for debugging purposes.
A signal is conceptually a time-varying value.
S (IORef (SignalTrans a)) |
Functor Signal | |
Applicative Signal | The |
Bounded t => Bounded (Signal t) | |
Enum t => Enum (Signal t) | |
Eq (Signal a) | The equality test checks whether two signals are physically the same. |
Floating t => Floating (Signal t) | |
Fractional t => Fractional (Signal t) | |
Integral t => Integral (Signal t) | |
Num t => Num (Signal t) | |
Ord t => Ord (Signal t) | |
Real t => Real (Signal t) | |
Show (Signal a) | The |
data SignalTrans a Source
A node can have four states that distinguish various stages of sampling and aging.
Ready (SignalNode a) |
Sampling (SignalNode a) |
Sampled a (SignalNode a) |
Aged a (SignalNode a) |
data SignalNode a Source
The possible structures of a node are defined by the SignalNode
type. Note that the SNFx
nodes are only needed to optimise
applicatives, they can all be expressed in terms of SNK
SNK a |
SNS a (DTime -> a -> a) |
forall t . SNT (Signal t) a (DTime -> t -> a -> a) |
forall t . SNA (Signal (t -> a)) (Signal t) |
SNH (Signal (Signal a)) (IORef (Signal a)) |
SNM (Signal Bool) (Signal (SignalMonad a)) |
SNE (IORef a) |
SND a (Signal a) |
forall t . SNKA (Signal a) (Signal t) |
forall t . SNF1 (t -> a) (Signal t) |
forall t1 t2 . SNF2 (t1 -> t2 -> a) (Signal t1) (Signal t2) |
forall t1 t2 t3 . SNF3 (t1 -> t2 -> t3 -> a) (Signal t1) (Signal t2) (Signal t3) |
forall t1 t2 t3 t4 . SNF4 (t1 -> t2 -> t3 -> t4 -> a) (Signal t1) (Signal t2) (Signal t3) (Signal t4) |
forall t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 . SNF5 (t1 -> t2 -> t3 -> t4 -> t5 -> a) (Signal t1) (Signal t2) (Signal t3) (Signal t4) (Signal t5) |
debugLog :: String -> IO a -> IO aSource
You can uncomment the verbose version of this function to see the applicative optimisations in action.
Internal functions to run the network
makeSignal :: SignalNode a -> SignalMonad (Signal a)Source
Creating a reference within the SignalMonad
. Used for stateful
makeSignalUnsafe :: SignalNode a -> Signal aSource
Creating a reference as a pure value. Used for stateless signals.
signalValue :: forall a. Signal a -> DTime -> IO aSource
Sampling the signal and all of its dependencies, at the same time. We don't need the aged signal in the current superstep, only the current value, so we sample before propagating the changes, which might require the fresh sample because of recursive definitions.
age :: forall a. Signal a -> DTime -> IO ()Source
Aging the network of signals the given signal depends on.
advance :: SignalNode a -> a -> DTime -> IO (SignalNode a)Source
Aging the signal. Stateful signals have their state forced to prevent building up big thunks. The other nodes are structurally static.
sample :: SignalNode a -> DTime -> IO aSource
Sampling the signal at the current moment. This is where static
nodes propagate changes to those they depend on. Transfer functions
) work without delay, i.e. the effects of their input signals
can be observed in the same superstep.
sampleDelayed :: SignalNode a -> DTime -> IO aSource
Sampling the signal with some kind of delay in order to resolve
dependency loops. Transfer functions simply return their previous
output (delays can be considered a special case, because they always
do that, so sampleDelayed
is never called with them), while other
types of signals are always handled by the sample
function, so it is
not possible to create a working stateful loop composed of solely
stateless combinators.
Userland combinators
:: Signal a | the top-level signal |
-> DTime | the amount of time to advance |
-> IO a | the current value of the signal |
Advancing the whole network that the given signal depends on by the amount of time given in the second argument.
:: a | initial state |
-> (DTime -> a -> a) | state transformation |
-> SignalMonad (Signal a) |
A pure stateful signal. The initial state is the first output.
:: a | initial internal state |
-> (DTime -> t -> a -> a) | state updater function |
-> Signal t | input signal |
-> SignalMonad (Signal a) |
A stateful transfer function. The current input affects the
current output, i.e. the initial state given in the first argument is
considered to appear before the first output, and can only be directly
observed by the sampleDelayed
A continuous sampler that flattens a higher-order signal by outputting its current snapshots.
:: Signal Bool | control (trigger) signal |
-> Signal (SignalMonad a) | a stream of monads to potentially run |
-> Signal (Maybe a) |
A reactive signal that takes the value to output from a monad
carried by its input when a boolean control signal is true, otherwise
it outputs Nothing
. It is possible to create new signals in the
monad and also to print debug messages.
toMaybe :: Bool -> a -> Maybe aSource
A helper function to wrap any value in a Maybe
depending on a
boolean condition.
A signal that can be directly fed through the sink function returned. This can be used to attach the network to the outer world.
:: a | initial output |
-> Signal a | the signal to delay |
-> SignalMonad (Signal a) |
The delay
transfer function emits the value of a signal from the
previous superstep, starting with the filler value given in the first
argument. It has to be a primitive, otherwise it could not be used to
prevent automatic delays.
:: Signal a | the actual output |
-> Signal t | a signal guaranteed to age when this one is sampled |
-> Signal a |
Dependency injection to allow aging signals whose output is not
necessarily needed to produce the current sample of the first
argument. It's equivalent to (flip . liftA2 . flip) const
, as it
evaluates its second argument first.