eliminators-0.5.1: Dependently typed elimination functions using singletons

Copyright(C) 2017 Ryan Scott
LicenseBSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
MaintainerRyan Scott
Safe HaskellUnsafe




Generate dependently typed elimination functions using Template Haskell.


Eliminator generation

deriveElim and deriveElimNamed provide a way to automate the creation of eliminator functions, which are mostly boilerplate. Here is a complete example showing how one might use deriveElim:

$(singletons [d| data MyList a = MyNil | MyCons a (MyList a) |])
$(deriveElim ''MyList)

This will produce an eliminator function that looks roughly like the following:

elimMyList :: forall (a :: Type) (p :: MyList a ~> Type) (l :: MyList a).
              Sing l
           -> Apply p MyNil
           -> (forall (x :: a). Sing x
                -> forall (xs :: MyList a). Sing xs -> Apply p xs
                -> Apply p (MyCons x xs))
           -> Apply p l
elimMyList SMyNil pMyNil _ = pMyNil
elimMyList (SMyCons (x' :: Sing x) (xs' :: Sing xs)) pMyNil pMyCons
  = pMyCons x' xs' (elimMyList @a @p @xs pMyNil pMyCons)

There are some important things to note here:

  • Because these eliminators use Sing under the hood, in order for deriveElim to work, the Sing instance for the data type given as an argument must be in scope. Moreover, deriveElim assumes the naming conventions for singled constructors used by the singletons library. (This is why the singletons function is used in the example above).
  • There is a convention for the order in which the arguments appear. The quantified type variables appear in this order:

    1. First, the type variables of the data type itself (a, in the above example).
    2. Second, a predicate type variable of kind <Datatype> ~> Type (p, in the above example).
    3. Finally, a type variable of kind <Datatype> (l, in the above example).

The function arguments appear in this order:

  1. First, a Sing argument (Sing l, in the above example).
  2. Next, there are arguments that correspond to each constructor. More on this in a second.

The return type is the predicate type variable applied to the data type (Apply p (MyCons x xs), the above example).

The type of each constructor argument also follows certain conventions:

  1. For each field, there will be a rank-2 type variable whose kind matches the type of the field, followed by a matching Sing type. For instance, in the above example, forall (x :: a). Sing x corresponds to the first field of MyCons.
  2. In addition, if the field is a recursive occurrence of the data type, an additional argument will follow the Sing type. This is best explained using the above example. In the MyCons constructor, the second field (of type MyCons a) is a recursive occurrence of MyCons, so that corresponds to the type forall (xs :: MyList a). Sing xs -> Apply p xs, where Apply p xs is only present due to the recursion.
  3. Finally, the return type will be the predicate type variable applied to a saturated occurrence of the data constructor (Apply p (MyCons x xs), in the above example).
  • You'll need to enable lots of GHC extensions in order for the code generated by deriveElim to typecheck. You'll need at least the following:

    • AllowAmbiguousTypes
    • DataKinds
    • GADTs
    • PolyKinds
    • RankNTypes
    • ScopedTypeVariables
    • TemplateHaskell
    • TypeApplications
  • deriveElim doesn't support every possible data type at the moment. It is known not to work for the following:

    • Data types defined using GADTs or ExistentialQuantification
    • Data family instances
    • Data types which use polymorphic recursion (e.g., data Foo a = Foo (Foo a))

deriveElim :: Name -> Q [Dec] Source #

deriveElim dataName generates a top-level elimination function for the datatype dataName. The eliminator will follow these naming conventions: The naming conventions are:

  • If the datatype has an alphanumeric name, its eliminator will have that name with elim prepended.
  • If the datatype has a symbolic name, its eliminator will have that name with ~> prepended.

deriveElimNamed :: String -> Name -> Q [Dec] Source #

deriveElimNamed funName dataName generates a top-level elimination function named funName for the datatype dataName.