{- | This module defines prettyprinter for 'ElmDefinition' type.
and exports the function to represent it in the convenient way.

module Elm.Print
       ( prettyShowDefinition
       , prettyShowEncoder
       , prettyShowDecoder

         -- * Standard missing encoders
       , encodeMaybe
       , encodeEither
       , encodePair

         -- * Standard missing decoders
       , decodeEnum
       , decodeChar
       , decodeEither
       , decodePair

         -- * Internal functions
       , elmAliasDoc
       , elmTypeDoc
       ) where

import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty ((:|)), toList)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc (Doc, align, brackets, colon, comma, concatWith, dquotes, emptyDoc,
                                  equals, lbrace, lbracket, line, lparen, nest, parens, pipe,
                                  pretty, prettyList, rbrace, rbracket, rparen, sep, space,
                                  surround, vsep, (<+>))

import Elm.Ast (ElmAlias (..), ElmConstructor (..), ElmDefinition (..), ElmPrim (..),
                ElmRecordField (..), ElmType (..), TypeName (..), TypeRef (..), getConstructorNames,

import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import qualified Data.Text as T

{- | Pretty shows Elm types.

* See 'elmAliasDoc' for examples of generated @type alias@.
* See 'elmTypeDoc' for examples of generated @type@.
prettyShowDefinition :: ElmDefinition -> Text
prettyShowDefinition = showDoc . elmDoc

showDoc :: Doc ann -> Text
showDoc = T.pack . show

elmDoc :: ElmDefinition -> Doc ann
elmDoc = \case
    DefAlias elmAlias -> elmAliasDoc elmAlias
    DefType elmType -> elmTypeDoc elmType
    DefPrim _ -> emptyDoc

-- | Pretty printer for type reference.
elmTypeRefDoc :: TypeRef -> Doc ann
elmTypeRefDoc = \case
    RefPrim elmPrim -> elmPrimDoc elmPrim
    RefCustom (TypeName typeName) -> pretty typeName

{- | Pretty printer for primitive Elm types. This pretty printer is used only to
display types of fields.
elmPrimDoc :: ElmPrim -> Doc ann
elmPrimDoc = \case
    ElmUnit       -> "()"
    ElmNever      -> "Never"
    ElmBool       -> "Bool"
    ElmChar       -> "Char"
    ElmInt        -> "Int"
    ElmFloat      -> "Float"
    ElmString     -> "String"
    ElmTime       -> "Posix"
    ElmMaybe t    -> "Maybe" <+> elmTypeParenDoc t
    ElmResult l r -> "Result" <+> elmTypeParenDoc l <+> elmTypeParenDoc r
    ElmPair a b   -> lparen <> elmTypeRefDoc a <> comma <+> elmTypeRefDoc b <> rparen
    ElmList l     -> "List" <+> elmTypeParenDoc l

{- | Pretty-printer for types. Adds parens for both sides when needed (when type
contains of multiple words).
elmTypeParenDoc :: TypeRef -> Doc ann
elmTypeParenDoc = wrapParens . elmTypeRefDoc

{- | Wraps given document in parens if it contains more than single word.
wrapParens :: Doc ann -> Doc ann
wrapParens = wordsDoc . T.words . showDoc
    wordsDoc :: [Text] -> Doc ann
    wordsDoc = \case
        []  -> ""
        [x] -> pretty x
        xs  -> lparen <> pretty (T.unwords xs) <> rparen

{- | Pretty printer for Elm aliases:

type alias User =
    { userHeh : String
    , userMeh : Int
elmAliasDoc :: ElmAlias -> Doc ann
elmAliasDoc ElmAlias{..} = nest 4 $
    vsep $ ("type alias" <+> pretty elmAliasName <+> equals)
         : fieldsDoc elmAliasFields
    fieldsDoc :: NonEmpty ElmRecordField -> [Doc ann]
    fieldsDoc (fstR :| rest) =
        lbrace <+> recordFieldDoc fstR
      : map ((comma <+>) . recordFieldDoc) rest
     ++ [rbrace]

    recordFieldDoc :: ElmRecordField -> Doc ann
    recordFieldDoc ElmRecordField{..} =
            pretty elmRecordFieldName
        <+> colon
        <+> elmTypeRefDoc elmRecordFieldType

{- | Pretty printer for Elm types with one or more constructors:

type Status a
    = Foo String Int
    | Bar a
    | Baz

If the type is a newtype then additionally @unTYPENAME@ function is generated:

type Id a
    = Id String

unId : Id a -> String
unId (Id x) = x

If the type is Enum this function will add enum specific functions:

type Status
    = Approved
    | Yoyoyo
    | Wow

showStatus : Status -> String
showStatus x = case x of
    Approved -> "Approved"
    Yoyoyo -> "Yoyoyo"
    Wow -> "Wow"

readStatus : String -> Maybe Status
readStatus x = case x of
    "Approved" -> Just Approved
    "Yoyoyo" -> Just Yoyoyo
    "Wow" -> Just Wow
    _ -> Nothing

universeStatus : List Status
universeStatus = [Approved, Yoyoyo, Wow]
elmTypeDoc :: ElmType -> Doc ann
elmTypeDoc t@ElmType{..} =
    nest 4 ( vsep $ ("type" <+> pretty elmTypeName <> sepVars)
                  : constructorsDoc elmTypeConstructors
    <> unFunc
    <> enumFuncs
    sepVars :: Doc ann
    sepVars = case elmTypeVars of
        []   -> emptyDoc
        vars -> space <> sep (map pretty vars)

    constructorsDoc :: NonEmpty ElmConstructor -> [Doc ann]
    constructorsDoc (fstC :| rest) =
        equals <+> constructorDoc fstC
        : map ((pipe <+>) . constructorDoc) rest

    constructorDoc :: ElmConstructor -> Doc ann
    constructorDoc ElmConstructor{..} = sep $
        pretty elmConstructorName : map elmTypeRefDoc elmConstructorFields

    -- Generates 'unTYPENAME' function for newtype
    unFunc :: Doc ann
    unFunc =
        if elmTypeIsNewtype
        then line <> elmUnFuncDoc t
        else emptyDoc

    enumFuncs :: Doc ann
    enumFuncs =
        if isEnum t
        then vsep $ map (line <>) [elmEnumShowDoc t, elmEnumReadDoc t, elmEnumUniverse t]
        else emptyDoc

elmUnFuncDoc :: ElmType -> Doc ann
elmUnFuncDoc ElmType{..} = line <> vsep
    [ unName <+> colon <+> typeWithVarsDoc elmTypeName elmTypeVars <+> arrow <+> result
    , unName <+> parens (ctorName <+> "x") <+> equals <+> "x"
    unName :: Doc ann
    unName = "un" <> pretty elmTypeName

    ctor :: ElmConstructor
    ctor = NE.head elmTypeConstructors

    result :: Doc ann
    result = case elmConstructorFields ctor of
        []      -> "ERROR"
        fld : _ -> elmTypeRefDoc fld

    ctorName :: Doc ann
    ctorName = pretty $ elmConstructorName ctor

elmEnumShowDoc :: forall ann . ElmType -> Doc ann
elmEnumShowDoc t@ElmType{..} =
    -- function type
    <> (showName <+> colon <+> pretty elmTypeName <+> arrow <+> "String")
    <> line
    -- function body
    <> nest 4
        ( vsep $ (showName <+> "x" <+> equals <+> "case x of")
        -- pattern matching
        : map patternMatch (getConstructorNames t)
    showName :: Doc ann
    showName = "show" <> pretty elmTypeName

    patternMatch :: Text -> Doc ann
    patternMatch (pretty -> c) = c <+> arrow <+> dquotes c

elmEnumReadDoc :: ElmType -> Doc ann
elmEnumReadDoc t@ElmType{..} =
    -- function type
    (readName <+> colon <+> "String" <+> arrow <+> "Maybe" <+> pretty elmTypeName)
    <> line
    -- function body
    <> nest 4
        ( vsep $ (readName <+> "x" <+> equals <+> "case x of")
        -- pattern matching
        : map patternMatch (getConstructorNames t)
       ++ ["_" <+> arrow <+> "Nothing"]
    readName :: Doc ann
    readName = "read" <> pretty elmTypeName

    patternMatch :: Text -> Doc ann
    patternMatch (pretty -> c) = dquotes c <+> arrow <+> "Just" <+> c

elmEnumUniverse :: ElmType -> Doc ann
elmEnumUniverse t@ElmType{..} = vsep
    -- function type
    [ universeName <+> colon <+> "List" <+> pretty elmTypeName
    , universeName <+> equals <+> align (prettyList $ getConstructorNames t)
    universeName :: Doc ann
    universeName = "universe" <> pretty elmTypeName

arrow :: Doc ann
arrow = "->"

-- Encode

{- | Returns the encoder for the given type.

 |    Haskell Type   |     Eml Type     |     Encoder     |       JSON          |
 |   'Int'           |      'Int'       | standard encoder |                    |

prettyShowEncoder :: ElmDefinition -> Text
prettyShowEncoder def = showDoc $ case def of
    DefAlias elmAlias -> aliasEncoderDoc elmAlias
    DefType elmType   -> typeEncoderDoc elmType
    DefPrim _         -> emptyDoc

-- | Encoder for 'ElmType' (which is either enum or the Sum type).
typeEncoderDoc :: ElmType -> Doc ann
typeEncoderDoc t@ElmType{..} =
    -- function defenition: @encodeTypeName : TypeName -> Value@.
       encoderDef elmTypeName elmTypeVars
    <> line
    <> if isEnum t
       -- if this is Enum just using the show instance we wrote.
       then enumEncoder
       else if elmTypeIsNewtype
            -- if this is type with one constructor and one field then it should just call encoder for wrapped type
            then newtypeEncoder
            -- If it sum type then it should look like: @{"tag": "Foo", "contents" : ["string", 1]}@
            else sumEncoder
    enumEncoder :: Doc ann
    enumEncoder = name <+> equals <+> "E.string << show" <> pretty elmTypeName

    newtypeEncoder :: Doc ann
    newtypeEncoder =
        name <+> equals <+> fieldEncoderDoc <+> "<< un" <> pretty elmTypeName
        fieldEncoderDoc :: Doc ann
        fieldEncoderDoc = case elmConstructorFields $ NE.head elmTypeConstructors of
            []    -> "ERROR"
            f : _ -> typeRefEncoder f

    sumEncoder :: Doc ann
    sumEncoder = nest 4
        $ vsep
        $ (name <+> "x" <+> equals <+> "E.object <| case x of")
        : map mkCase (toList elmTypeConstructors)

    -- | Encoder function name
    name :: Doc ann
    name = encoderName elmTypeName

    -- | Create case clouse for each of the sum Constructors.
    mkCase :: ElmConstructor -> Doc ann
    mkCase ElmConstructor{..} =
        conName <+> vars <+> arrow
            <+> brackets (parens (dquotes "tag" <> comma <+> "E.string" <+> dquotes conName) <> contents)
        -- | Constructor name
        conName :: Doc ann
        conName = pretty elmConstructorName

        -- | Creates variables: @x1@ to @xN@, where N is the number of the constructor fields.
        fields :: [Doc ann]
        fields = take (length elmConstructorFields) $
            map (pretty . mkText "x") [1..]

        contents :: Doc ann
        contents = "," <+> parens (dquotes "contents" <> comma <+> contentsEnc)

        -- JSON encoder for the "contents" key
        contentsEnc :: Doc ann
        contentsEnc = case elmConstructorFields of
            [_] -> fieldEncs
            _   -> "E.list identity" <+> brackets fieldEncs

        -- | @encoderA x1@
        fieldEncs :: Doc ann
        fieldEncs = concatWith (surround ", ") $
            zipWith (<+>) (map typeRefEncoder elmConstructorFields) fields

        -- | Makes variable like: @x11@ etc.
        mkText :: Text -> Int -> Text
        mkText x i = x <> T.pack (show i)

        vars :: Doc ann
        vars =  concatWith (surround " ") fields

aliasEncoderDoc :: ElmAlias -> Doc ann
aliasEncoderDoc ElmAlias{..} =
    encoderDef elmAliasName []
    <> line
    <> if elmAliasIsNewtype
       then newtypeEncoder
       else recordEncoder
    newtypeEncoder :: Doc ann
    newtypeEncoder = leftPart <+> fieldEncoderDoc (NE.head elmAliasFields)

    recordEncoder :: Doc ann
    recordEncoder = nest 4
        $ vsep
        $ (leftPart <+> "E.object")
        : fieldsEncode elmAliasFields

    leftPart :: Doc ann
    leftPart = encoderName elmAliasName <+> "x" <+> equals

    fieldsEncode :: NonEmpty ElmRecordField -> [Doc ann]
    fieldsEncode (fstR :| rest) =
        lbracket <+> recordFieldDoc fstR
      : map ((comma <+>) . recordFieldDoc) rest
     ++ [rbracket]

    recordFieldDoc :: ElmRecordField -> Doc ann
    recordFieldDoc field@ElmRecordField{..} = parens $
            dquotes (pretty elmRecordFieldName)
         <> comma
        <+> fieldEncoderDoc field

    fieldEncoderDoc :: ElmRecordField -> Doc ann
    fieldEncoderDoc ElmRecordField{..} =
        typeRefEncoder elmRecordFieldType <+> "x." <> pretty elmRecordFieldName

-- | The definition of the @encodeTYPENAME@ function.
    :: Text  -- ^ Type name
    -> [Text] -- ^ List of type variables
    -> Doc ann
encoderDef typeName vars =
    encoderName typeName <+> colon <+> typeWithVarsDoc typeName vars <+> arrow <+> "Value"

    :: Text  -- ^ Type name
    -> [Text] -- ^ List of type variables
    -> Doc ann
typeWithVarsDoc typeName = \case
    []   -> pretty typeName
    vars -> pretty typeName <+> typeVarsDoc vars
    typeVarsDoc :: [Text] -> Doc ann
    typeVarsDoc = concatWith (surround " ") . map pretty

-- | Create the name of the encoder function.
encoderName :: Text -> Doc ann
encoderName typeName = "encode" <> pretty typeName

-- | Converts the reference to the existing type to the corresponding encoder.
typeRefEncoder :: TypeRef -> Doc ann
typeRefEncoder (RefCustom TypeName{..}) = "encode" <> pretty (T.takeWhile (/= ' ') unTypeName)
typeRefEncoder (RefPrim elmPrim) = case elmPrim of
    ElmUnit       -> "(always <| E.list identity [])"
    ElmNever      -> "never"
    ElmBool       -> "E.bool"
    ElmChar       -> parens "E.string << String.fromChar"
    ElmInt        -> "E.int"
    ElmFloat      -> "E.float"
    ElmString     -> "E.string"
    ElmTime       -> "Iso.encode"
    ElmMaybe t    -> parens $ "elmStreetEncodeMaybe" <+> typeRefEncoder t
    ElmResult l r -> parens $ "elmStreetEncodeEither" <+> typeRefEncoder l <+> typeRefEncoder r
    ElmPair a b   -> parens $ "elmStreetEncodePair" <+> typeRefEncoder a <+> typeRefEncoder b
    ElmList l     -> "E.list" <+> typeRefEncoder l

encodeMaybe :: Text
encodeMaybe = T.unlines
    [ "elmStreetEncodeMaybe : (a -> Value) -> Maybe a -> Value"
    , "elmStreetEncodeMaybe enc = Maybe.withDefault E.null << Maybe.map enc"

encodeEither :: Text
encodeEither = T.unlines
    [ "elmStreetEncodeEither : (a -> Value) -> (b -> Value) -> Result a b -> Value"
    , "elmStreetEncodeEither encA encB res = E.object <| case res of"
    , "    Err a -> [(\"Left\",  encA a)]"
    , "    Ok b  -> [(\"Right\", encB b)]"

encodePair :: Text
encodePair = T.unlines
    [ "elmStreetEncodePair : (a -> Value) -> (b -> Value) -> (a, b) -> Value"
    , "elmStreetEncodePair encA encB (a, b) = E.list identity [encA a, encB b]"

-- Decode

{- |

**Sum Types:**

Haskell type

type User
    = Foo
    | Bar String Int

Encoded JSON on Haskell side

    [ { "tag" : "Foo"
    , { "tag" : "Bar"
      , "contents" : ["asd", 42, "qwerty"]

Elm decoder

userDecoder : Decoder User
userDecoder =
    let decide : String -> Decoder User
        decide x = case x of
            "Foo" -> D.succeed Foo
            "Bar" -> D.field "contents" <| D.map2 Bar (D.index 0 D.string) (D.index 1 D.int)
            x -> D.fail <| "There is no constructor for User type:" ++ x
    in D.andThen decide (D.field "tag" D.string)

prettyShowDecoder :: ElmDefinition -> Text
prettyShowDecoder def = showDoc $ case def of
    DefAlias elmAlias -> aliasDecoderDoc elmAlias
    DefType elmType   -> typeDecoderDoc elmType
    DefPrim _         -> emptyDoc

aliasDecoderDoc :: ElmAlias -> Doc ann
aliasDecoderDoc ElmAlias{..} =
    decoderDef elmAliasName []
    <> line
    <> if elmAliasIsNewtype
       then newtypeDecoder
       else recordDecoder
    newtypeDecoder :: Doc ann
    newtypeDecoder = name <+> "D.map" <+> aliasName
        <+> typeRefDecoder (elmRecordFieldType $ NE.head elmAliasFields)

    recordDecoder :: Doc ann
    recordDecoder = nest 4
        $ vsep
        $ (name <+> "D.succeed" <+> aliasName)
        : map fieldDecode (toList elmAliasFields)

    name :: Doc ann
    name = decoderName elmAliasName <+> equals

    aliasName :: Doc ann
    aliasName = pretty elmAliasName

    fieldDecode :: ElmRecordField -> Doc ann
    fieldDecode ElmRecordField{..} = case elmRecordFieldType of
        RefPrim ElmUnit -> "|> D.hardcoded ()"
        t -> "|> required"
            <+> dquotes (pretty elmRecordFieldName)
            <+> typeRefDecoder t

typeDecoderDoc :: ElmType -> Doc ann
typeDecoderDoc  t@ElmType{..} =
    -- function defenition: @encodeTypeName : TypeName -> Value@.
       decoderDef elmTypeName elmTypeVars
    <> line
    <> if isEnum t
       -- if this is Enum just using the read instance we wrote.
       then enumDecoder
       else if elmTypeIsNewtype
            -- if it newtype then wrap decoder for the field
            then newtypeDecoder
            -- If it sum type then it should look like: @{"tag": "Foo", "contents" : ["string", 1]}@
            else sumDecoder
    name :: Doc ann
    name = decoderName elmTypeName <+> equals

    typeName :: Doc ann
    typeName = pretty elmTypeName

    enumDecoder :: Doc ann
    enumDecoder = name <+> "elmStreetDecodeEnum read" <> typeName

    newtypeDecoder :: Doc ann
    newtypeDecoder = name <+> "D.map" <+> typeName <+> fieldDecoderDoc
        fieldDecoderDoc :: Doc ann
        fieldDecoderDoc = case elmConstructorFields $ NE.head elmTypeConstructors of
            []    -> "(D.fail \"Unknown field type of the newtype constructor\")"
            f : _ -> typeRefDecoder f

    sumDecoder :: Doc ann
    sumDecoder = nest 4 $ vsep
        [ name
        , nest 4 (vsep $ ("let decide : String -> Decoder" <+> typeName) :
            [ nest 4
                ( vsep $ "decide x = case x of"
                : map cases (toList elmTypeConstructors)
               ++ ["c -> D.fail <|" <+> dquotes (typeName <+> "doesn't have such constructor: ") <+> "++ c"]
        , "in D.andThen decide (D.field \"tag\" D.string)"

    cases :: ElmConstructor -> Doc ann
    cases ElmConstructor{..} = dquotes cName <+> arrow <+>
        case elmConstructorFields of
            []  -> "D.succeed" <+> cName
            [f] -> "D.field \"contents\" <| D.map" <+> cName <+> typeRefDecoder f
            l   -> "D.field \"contents\" <| D.map" <> mapNum (length l) <+> cName <+> createIndexes
        cName :: Doc ann
        cName = pretty elmConstructorName

        -- Use function map, map2, map3 etc.
        mapNum :: Int -> Doc ann
        mapNum 1 = emptyDoc
        mapNum i = pretty i

        createIndexes :: Doc ann
        createIndexes = concatWith (surround " ") $ zipWith oneField [0..] elmConstructorFields

        -- create @(D.index 0 D.string)@ etc.
        oneField :: Int -> TypeRef -> Doc ann
        oneField i typeRef = parens $ "D.index" <+> pretty i <+> typeRefDecoder typeRef

-- | Converts the reference to the existing type to the corresponding decoder.
typeRefDecoder :: TypeRef -> Doc ann
typeRefDecoder (RefCustom TypeName{..}) = "decode" <> pretty (T.takeWhile (/= ' ') unTypeName)
typeRefDecoder (RefPrim elmPrim) = case elmPrim of
    ElmUnit       -> "(D.hardcoded ())"
    ElmNever      -> "(D.fail \"Never is not possible\")"
    ElmBool       -> "D.bool"
    ElmChar       -> "elmStreetDecodeChar"
    ElmInt        -> "D.int"
    ElmFloat      -> "D.float"
    ElmString     -> "D.string"
    ElmTime       -> "Iso.decoder"
    ElmMaybe t    -> parens $ "nullable" <+> typeRefDecoder t
    ElmResult l r -> parens $ "elmStreetDecodeEither" <+> typeRefDecoder l <+> typeRefDecoder r
    ElmPair a b   -> parens $ "elmStreetDecodePair" <+> typeRefDecoder a <+> typeRefDecoder b
    ElmList l     -> parens $ "D.list" <+> typeRefDecoder l

-- | The definition of the @encodeTYPENAME@ function.
    :: Text  -- ^ Type name
    -> [Text] -- ^ List of type variables
    -> Doc ann
decoderDef typeName vars =
    decoderName typeName <+> colon <+> "Decoder" <+> wrapParens (typeWithVarsDoc typeName vars)

-- | Create the name of the decoder function.
decoderName :: Text -> Doc ann
decoderName typeName = "decode" <> pretty typeName

decodeEnum :: Text
decodeEnum = T.unlines
    [ "decodeStr : (String -> Maybe a) -> String -> Decoder a"
    , "decodeStr readX x = case readX x of"
    , "    Just a  -> D.succeed a"
    , "    Nothing -> D.fail \"Constructor not matched\""
    , ""
    , "elmStreetDecodeEnum : (String -> Maybe a) -> Decoder a"
    , "elmStreetDecodeEnum r = D.andThen (decodeStr r) D.string"

decodeChar :: Text
decodeChar = T.unlines
    [ "elmStreetDecodeChar : Decoder Char"
    , "elmStreetDecodeChar = D.andThen (decodeStr (Maybe.map Tuple.first << String.uncons)) D.string"

decodeEither :: Text
decodeEither = T.unlines
    [ "elmStreetDecodeEither : Decoder a -> Decoder b -> Decoder (Result a b)"
    , "elmStreetDecodeEither decA decB = D.oneOf "
    , "    [ D.field \"Left\"  (D.map Err decA)"
    , "    , D.field \"Right\" (D.map Ok decB)"
    , "    ]"

decodePair :: Text
decodePair = T.unlines
    [ "elmStreetDecodePair : Decoder a -> Decoder b -> Decoder (a, b)"
    , "elmStreetDecodePair decA decB = D.map2 Tuple.pair (D.index 0 decA) (D.index 1 decB)"

putStrLn $ T.unpack $ prettyShowDefinition $ DefAlias $ ElmAlias "User" $ (ElmRecordField (TypeName "String") "userHeh") :| [ElmRecordField (TypeName "Int") "userMeh"]

putStrLn $ T.unpack $ prettyShowDefinition $ DefType $ ElmType "Status" [] $ (ElmConstructor "Approved" []) :| [ElmConstructor  "Yoyoyo" [], ElmConstructor "Wow" []]
putStrLn $ T.unpack $ prettyShowEncoder $ DefType $ ElmType "Status" [] $ (ElmConstructor "Approved" []) :| [ElmConstructor  "Yoyoyo" [], ElmConstructor "Wow" []]

putStrLn $ T.unpack $ prettyShowDefinition $ DefType $ ElmType "Status" [] $ (ElmConstructor "Approved" [TypeName "String", TypeName "Int"]) :| [ElmConstructor  "Yoyoyo" [], ElmConstructor "Wow" [TypeName "a"]]

putStrLn $ T.unpack $ prettyShowDefinition $ DefType $ ElmType "Status" ["a"] $ (ElmConstructor "Approved" [TypeName "String", TypeName "Int"]) :| [ElmConstructor  "Yoyoyo" [], ElmConstructor "Wow" [TypeName "a"]]

putStrLn $ T.unpack $ prettyShowDefinition $ DefType $ ElmType "Status" [] ((ElmConstructor "Approved" []) :| [ElmConstructor  "Yoyoyo" [], ElmConstructor "Wow" [], ElmConstructor "OneMore" [], ElmConstructor "AndAnother" []])
