{- |
Module      :  ELynx.Data.Character.Codon
Description :  Codons are triplets of nucleotides
Copyright   :  (c) Dominik Schrempf 2019
License     :  GPL-3

Maintainer  :  dominik.schrempf@gmail.com
Stability   :  unstable
Portability :  portable

Creation date: Thu May 16 07:58:50 2019.

The different universal codes.
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Taxonomy/Utils/wprintgc.cgi?mode=c
- http://www.bioinformatics.org/sms2/genetic_code.html
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genetic_code


module ELynx.Data.Character.Codon
  ( Codon (Codon)
  , unsafeFromList
  , unsafeFromVec
  , UniversalCode (..)
  , translate
  , translateX
  , translateI
  ) where

import           Data.List
import qualified Data.Map                         as M
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic              as V

import qualified ELynx.Data.Character.AminoAcidI  as AI
import           ELynx.Data.Character.AminoAcidS
import qualified ELynx.Data.Character.Character   as C
import qualified ELynx.Data.Character.Nucleotide  as N
import qualified ELynx.Data.Character.NucleotideI as NI
import qualified ELynx.Data.Character.NucleotideX as NX

-- | Codons are triplets of characters.
newtype Codon a = Codon (a, a, a)
  deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord)

convert :: (C.Character a, C.Character b) => Codon a -> Codon b
convert (Codon (x, y, z)) = Codon (C.convert x, C.convert y, C.convert z)

-- | Unsafe conversion from list with three elements.
unsafeFromList :: [a] -> Codon a
unsafeFromList xs = Codon (head xs, head . tail $ xs, head . tail . tail $ xs)

-- | Unsafe conversion from vector with three elements.
unsafeFromVec :: V.Vector v a => v a -> Codon a
unsafeFromVec xs = Codon (V.head xs, V.head . V.tail $ xs, V.head . V.tail . V.tail $ xs)

-- | Universal codes.
data UniversalCode = Standard | VertebrateMitochondrial
  deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded)

-- It is important that the map is lazy, because some keys have errors as values.
mapFromLists :: Ord a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
             -> [b] -> M.Map (Codon a) b
mapFromLists xs ys zs as = M.fromList $
  zipWith4 (\f s t a -> (Codon (f, s, t), a)) xs ys zs as

nucs :: Enum a => [a]
nucs = map toEnum [3,1,0,2]     -- Order T, C, A , G.

-- Permutation of the triplets PLUS GAPS! I avoid 'Z' because I do not want to
-- translate DNAI.
base1, base2, base3 :: Enum a => [a]
base1 = [n | n <- nucs
           , _ <- [0..3 :: Int]
           , _ <- [0..3 :: Int]]
base2 = [n | _ <- [0..3 :: Int]
           , n <- nucs
           , _ <- [0..3 :: Int]]
base3 = [n | _ <- [0..3 :: Int]
           , _ <- [0..3 :: Int]
           , n <- nucs]

-- The actual codes.
standard :: [AminoAcidS]
standard = [ F, F, L, L, S, S, S, S, Y, Y, Stop, Stop, C, C, Stop, W, L, L, L,
             L, P, P, P, P, H, H, Q, Q, R, R, R, R, I, I, I, M, T, T, T, T, N,
             N, K, K, S, S, R, R, V, V, V, V, A, A, A, A, D, D, E, E, G, G, G,

vertebrateMitochondrial :: [AminoAcidS]
vertebrateMitochondrial = [F, F, L, L, S, S, S, S, Y, Y, Stop, Stop, C, C, W, W,
                           L, L, L, L, P, P, P, P, H, H, Q, Q, R, R, R, R, I, I,
                           M, M, T, T, T, T, N, N, K, K, S, S, Stop, Stop, V, V,
                           V, V, A, A, A, A, D, D, E, E, G, G, G, G]

-- | Translate a codon to amino acids including translation stops.
translate :: UniversalCode -> Codon N.Nucleotide -> AminoAcidS
translate code = (M.!) (universalCode code)

-- | Translate a codon to amino acids including translation stops. Translate
-- codons including gaps to amino acid gaps. XXX: Be careful, single or two
-- character gaps could have led to a reading frame shift and hence, the
-- translated sequence may be bogus.
translateX :: UniversalCode -> Codon NX.NucleotideX -> AminoAcidS
-- translateX _ (Codon (NX.Gap, NX.Gap, NX.Gap)) = Gap
-- translateX code codon                         = C.convert . translate code . convert $ codon
translateX code codon@(Codon (x,y,z)) | C.isGap x || C.isGap y || C.isGap z = Gap
                                      | otherwise = C.convert . translate code . convert $ codon

-- | Translate a codon to amino acids including translation stops. Translate gap
-- triplets to amino acid gaps, and triplets including unknowns to amino acid
-- unknowns. XXX: Be careful, also translates other IUPAC characters at the
-- moment (to amino acid Xs)!
-- translateI :: UniversalCode -> Codon NI.NucleotideI -> AI.AminoAcidI
-- translateI _ (Codon (NI.N, _,    _   )) = AI.X
-- translateI _ (Codon (_   , NI.N, _   )) = AI.X
-- translateI _ (Codon (_,    _,    NI.N)) = AI.X
-- translateI code codon                   = C.convert . translateX code . convert $ codon
translateI :: UniversalCode -> Codon NI.NucleotideI -> AI.AminoAcidI
translateI code codon@(Codon (x,y,z)) | C.isIUPAC x || C.isIUPAC y || C.isIUPAC z = AI.X
                                      | otherwise = C.convert . translateX code . convert $ codon

-- Map from 'Codon' to amino acid character.
universalCode :: UniversalCode -> M.Map (Codon N.Nucleotide) AminoAcidS
universalCode Standard                = mapFromLists base1 base2 base3 standard
universalCode VertebrateMitochondrial = mapFromLists base1 base2 base3 vertebrateMitochondrial