{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  ELynx.Data.Sequence
-- Description :  Hereditary sequences
-- Copyright   :  (c) Dominik Schrempf 2018
-- License     :  GPL-3.0-or-later
-- Maintainer  :  dominik.schrempf@gmail.com
-- Stability   :  unstable
-- Portability :  portable
-- Creation date: Thu Oct  4 18:54:51 2018.
-- This module is to be imported qualified.
module ELynx.Data.Sequence.Sequence
  ( -- * Types
    Sequence (..),

    -- * Input

    -- * Output

    -- * Analysis

    -- * Manipulation

    -- * Filtering

import Control.Parallel.Strategies
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BL
import Data.List (maximumBy)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as V
import qualified ELynx.Data.Alphabet.Alphabet as A
import ELynx.Data.Alphabet.Character
import ELynx.Data.Sequence.Defaults
import qualified Text.Printf as P
import Prelude hiding
  ( concat,
import qualified Prelude as Pr
  ( length,

-- | For now, 'Name's are just 'BL.ByteString's.
type Name = BL.ByteString

-- | The description of a sequence.
type Description = BL.ByteString

-- | The vector of characters of a sequence.
type Characters = V.Vector Character

-- | Convert byte string to sequence characters.
fromByteString :: BL.ByteString -> Characters
fromByteString = V.fromList . map fromChar . BL.unpack

-- | Convert sequence characters to byte string.
toByteString :: Characters -> BL.ByteString
toByteString = BL.pack . map toChar . V.toList

-- | Sequences have a name, a possibly empty description, a code and hopefully a
-- lot of data.
data Sequence = Sequence
  { name :: Name,
    description :: Description,
    alphabet :: A.Alphabet,
    characters :: Characters
  deriving (Show, Eq)

alignRight :: Int -> BL.ByteString -> BL.ByteString
alignRight n s =
  BL.replicate (fromIntegral n - l) ' ' <> BL.take (fromIntegral n) s
    l = BL.length s

alignLeft :: Int -> BL.ByteString -> BL.ByteString
alignLeft n s =
  BL.take (fromIntegral n) s <> BL.replicate (fromIntegral n - l) ' '
    l = BL.length s

getInfo :: Sequence -> BL.ByteString
getInfo s =
    [ alignLeft nameWidth (name s),
      alignRight fieldWidth (BL.pack $ show $ alphabet s),
      alignRight fieldWidth (BL.pack . show $ len),
      alignRight fieldWidth (BL.pack $ P.printf "%2.2f" pGaps)
    len = length s
    nGaps = countGaps s
    pGaps = 100 * fromIntegral nGaps / fromIntegral len :: Double

-- If a string is longer than a given value, trim it and add some dots.
summarizeByteString :: Int -> BL.ByteString -> BL.ByteString
summarizeByteString l s
  | BL.length s >= fromIntegral l = BL.take (fromIntegral l) s <> BL.pack "..."
  | otherwise = s

-- | Trim and show a 'Sequence'.
summarize :: Sequence -> BL.ByteString
summarize s =
    [getInfo s, summarizeByteString summaryLength $ toByteString (characters s)]

-- | Trim and show a list of 'Sequence's.
summarizeSequences :: [Sequence] -> BL.ByteString
summarizeSequences ss = header ss <> body (take summaryNSequences ss)

-- | Header printed before 'Sequence' list.
tableHeader :: BL.ByteString
tableHeader =
    [ alignLeft nameWidth "Name",
      alignRight fieldWidth "Code",
      alignRight fieldWidth "Length",
      alignRight fieldWidth "Gaps [%]",

-- | A short description of the sequence.
header :: [Sequence] -> BL.ByteString
header ss =
  BL.unlines $
      ++ [ BL.pack $
             "For each sequence, the "
               ++ show summaryLength
               ++ " first bases are shown.",
           BL.pack $ "List contains " ++ show (Pr.length ss) ++ " sequences.",
    l = Pr.length ss
    s =
      show summaryNSequences
        ++ " out of "
        ++ show (Pr.length ss)
        ++ " sequences are shown."
      | l > summaryNSequences = [BL.pack s]
      | otherwise = []

-- | Trim and show a list of 'Sequence's.
body :: [Sequence] -> BL.ByteString
body ss = BL.unlines (map summarize ss `using` parListChunk 5 rdeepseq)

-- | Calculate length of 'Sequence'.
length :: Sequence -> Int
length = fromIntegral . V.length . characters

-- | Check if all 'Sequence's have equal length.
equalLength :: [Sequence] -> Bool
equalLength = allEqual . map length
    allEqual [] = True
    allEqual xs = all (== head xs) $ tail xs

-- | Find the longest 'Sequence' in a list.
longest :: [Sequence] -> Sequence
longest = maximumBy (comparing length)

-- | Count number of gaps or unknown characters in sequence.
countGaps :: Sequence -> Int
countGaps s = V.length . V.filter (A.isGap $ alphabet s) $ characters s

-- | Trim to given length.
trim :: Int -> Sequence -> Sequence
trim n (Sequence nm d a cs) = Sequence nm d a (V.take (fromIntegral n) cs)

-- | Concatenate two sequences. 'Name's have to match.
concat :: Sequence -> Sequence -> Sequence
concat (Sequence i d c cs) (Sequence j f k ks)
  | i /= j =
    error $
      "concatenate: Sequences do not have equal names: "
        ++ BL.unpack i
        ++ ", "
        ++ BL.unpack j
        ++ "."
  | d /= f =
    error $
      "concatenate: Sequences do not have equal descriptions: "
        ++ BL.unpack d
        ++ ", "
        ++ BL.unpack f
        ++ "."
  | c /= k =
    error $
      "concatenate: Sequences do not have equal alphabets: "
        ++ show c
        ++ ", "
        ++ show k
        ++ "."
  | otherwise =
    Sequence i d c (cs <> ks)

-- | Concatenate a list of sequences, see 'concat'.
concatSequences :: [[Sequence]] -> [Sequence]
concatSequences [] = error "concatenateSequences: Nothing to concatenate."
concatSequences [ss] = ss
concatSequences sss = foldl1 (zipWith concat) sss

-- | Only take 'Sequence's that are shorter than a given number.
filterShorterThan :: Int -> [Sequence] -> [Sequence]
filterShorterThan n = filter (\x -> length x < n)

-- | Only take 'Sequence's that are longer than a given number.
filterLongerThan :: Int -> [Sequence] -> [Sequence]
filterLongerThan n = filter (\x -> length x > n)

-- | Only take 'Sequence's that contain at least on non-IUPAC character.
filterStandard :: [Sequence] -> [Sequence]
filterStandard = filter (\s -> anyStandard (alphabet s) s)

-- Are all characters IUPAC characters?
anyStandard :: A.Alphabet -> Sequence -> Bool
anyStandard a s = V.any (A.isStd a) cs where cs = characters s