-- |
-- Module      :  ELynx.Data.Tree.Partition
-- Description :  Partitions on rose trees
-- Copyright   :  (c) Dominik Schrempf 2020
-- License     :  GPL-3.0-or-later
-- Maintainer  :  dominik.schrempf@gmail.com
-- Stability   :  unstable
-- Portability :  portable
-- Creation date: Thu Dec 12 12:58:49 2019.
-- A multifurcation induces a 'Partition', similar to branches inducing
-- 'ELynx.Data.Tree.Bipartition's.
module ELynx.Data.Tree.Partition
  ( -- * Data type
    Partition (fromPartition),

    -- * Work with 'Partition's

import Data.List hiding (partition)
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as S
import ELynx.Data.Tree.Bipartition
import ELynx.Data.Tree.Rooted

-- | Each branch of a tree partitions the leaves of the tree into two subsets
-- (see 'ELynx.Data.Tree.Bipartition'). In a similar way, each internal node
-- (excluding the root node) partitions the leaves into three (or more) subsets
-- which is called 'Partition'. If the tree is multifurcating, and a
-- specific node has more than two children, the number of subsets induced by
-- this node is larger than three. Partitions are interesting in that we
-- can use them for calculating incompatible splits, see
-- 'ELynx.Data.Tree.Distance'.
-- The order of the subsets of a 'Partition' is meaningless. We ensure by
-- construction that the subsets are ordered, and hence, that equality checks
-- are meaningful.
newtype Partition a = Partition
  { fromPartition :: Set (Set a)
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)

-- TODO: Check that list is not empty after filtering.

-- TODO: Rename these functions; don't use 'multi'.

-- | Create a partition.
mp :: Ord a => [Set a] -> Either String (Partition a)
mp xs = case filter (not . S.null) xs of
  [] -> Left "mp: Empty list."
  xs' -> Right $ mpUnsafe xs'

-- | Create a partition.
mpUnsafe :: Ord a => [Set a] -> Partition a
mpUnsafe xs = Partition (S.fromList xs)

-- | Convert a bipartition to a partition.
bpToMp :: Ord a => Bipartition a -> Partition a
bpToMp = mpUnsafe . tupleToList . fromBipartition
    -- Be careful with tuples, because 'toList' does something very weird. It only
    -- takes the second element of the tuple!
    -- toList :: Foldable t => t a -> [a]
    tupleToList (x, y) = [x, y]

-- | Show a partition in a human readable form. Use a provided function to
-- extract the valuable information.
mpHuman :: Show a => Partition a -> String
mpHuman (Partition xs) =
  "(" ++ intercalate "|" (map setShow (S.toList xs)) ++ ")"

-- Show the elements of a set in a human readable format.
setShow :: Show a => Set a -> String
setShow = intercalate "," . map show . S.toList

-- | Get partition defined by the root of the tree.
-- Return 'Left' if:
-- - the tree is a leaf;
-- - the tree contains duplicate leaves.
partition :: Ord a => Tree e a -> Either String (Partition a)
partition (Node _ _ []) = Left "partition: Encountered a leaf."
partition t@(Node _ _ ts)
  | duplicateLeaves t = Left "partition: Tree contains duplicate leaves."
  | otherwise = mp $ map (S.fromList . leaves) ts

-- | Get all 'Partition's of a tree.
-- Return 'Left' if tree contains duplicate leaves.
partitions :: Ord a => Tree e a -> Either String (Set (Partition a))
partitions t
  | duplicateLeaves t = Left "partitions: Tree contains duplicate leaves."
  | otherwise = Right $ partitions' S.empty $ S.fromList <$> groups t

-- See 'partitions', but do not check if leaves are unique.
partitions' :: Ord a => Set a -> Tree e (Set a) -> Set (Partition a)
partitions' _ (Node _ _ []) = S.empty
partitions' p t@(Node _ _ ts) =
  S.unions $
    either (const S.empty) S.singleton (mp (p : map label ts)) :
    zipWith partitions' cs ts
    cs = getComplementaryLeaves p t

-- | 'Partition's are compatible if they do not contain conflicting
-- information. This function checks if two partitions are compatible with
-- each other. Thereby, a variation of the following algorithm is used:
-- @
-- mp1 `compatible` mp2
-- for set1 in mp1:
--   for set2 in mp2:
--     if set1 `S.isSubSetOf` set2:
--       remove set1 from mp1
--     if set2 `S.isSubSetOf` set1:
--       remove set2 from mp2
-- if either mp2 or mp2 is empty, they are compatible
-- @
compatible :: (Show a, Ord a) => Partition a -> Partition a -> Bool
compatible l r = S.null (S.filter (`remove` rs) ls) || S.null (S.filter (`remove` ls) rs)
    ls = fromPartition l
    rs = fromPartition r

remove :: Ord a => Set a -> Set (Set a) -> Bool
remove s = not . any (s `S.isSubsetOf`)