endo- Endomorphism utilities.

Copyright(c) 2015-2016, Peter Trško
PortabilityCPP, DeriveFoldable, DeriveFunctor, DeriveDataTypeable, DeriveGeneric, DeriveTraversable, FlexibleInstances, NoImplicitPrelude, TypeFamilies
Safe HaskellNone




ApplyEndo provides easier endomorphism evaluation in cases when there is an "obvious" default value.



newtype ApplyEndo t f a Source

There are cases when it is "obvious" what is the default value, which should be modified by the endomorphism. This type is a result of such endomorphism application and it uses phantom type t as distinguishing property, which decides what is the correct "default value".




applyEndo :: f a


Monad f => Monad (ApplyEndo t f) Source 
Functor f => Functor (ApplyEndo t f) Source 
Applicative f => Applicative (ApplyEndo t f) Source 
Foldable f => Foldable (ApplyEndo t f) Source 
Traversable f => Traversable (ApplyEndo t f) Source 
Generic1 (ApplyEndo t f) Source 
(Data (f a), Typeable (* -> *) f, Typeable * t, Typeable * a) => Data (ApplyEndo t f a) Source 
Generic (ApplyEndo t f a) Source 
MonadState s m => FromEndo (ApplyEndo Modify' m s) Source

Evaluates ApplyEndo in terms of state operation:

fromEndo (Endo f) = ApplyEndo . state $ \s ->
    let s' = f s in s' `seq` (s', s')
MonadState s m => FromEndo (ApplyEndo Modify m s) Source

Evaluates ApplyEndo in terms of state operation:

fromEndo e = ApplyEndo . state $ \s ->
    let s' = appEndo e s in (s', s')
MonadReader r m => FromEndo (ApplyEndo Reader m r) Source

Evaluates ApplyEndo in terms of asks operation:

fromEndo = ApplyEndo . asks . appEndo
(Applicative f, Default a) => FromEndo (ApplyEndo Def f a) Source 
(Applicative f, Monoid a) => FromEndo (ApplyEndo Mempty f a) Source 
type Rep1 (ApplyEndo t f) Source 
type Rep (ApplyEndo t f a) Source 
type EndoOperatedOn (ApplyEndo Modify' m s) = s Source 
type EndoOperatedOn (ApplyEndo Modify m s) = s Source 
type EndoOperatedOn (ApplyEndo Reader m r) = r Source 
type EndoOperatedOn (ApplyEndo Def f a) = a Source 
type EndoOperatedOn (ApplyEndo Mempty f a) = a Source 

apply :: Applicative f => a -> Endo a -> ApplyEndo t f a Source

Apply endomorphism using provided "default" value.

applyF :: Functor f => a -> f (Endo a) -> ApplyEndo t f a Source

Similar as apply, but expects Endo to be wrapped by a Functor.

ApplyEndo Mempty

data Mempty Source

Type tag identifying usage of mempty from Monoid.

applyMempty :: Monoid a => ApplyEndo Mempty f a -> f a Source

Constrained version of applyEndo. Usage example:

applyMempty . fromEndo :: (Applicative f, Monoid a) => Endo a -> f a

applyMempty_ :: Monoid a => ApplyEndo Mempty Identity a -> a Source

Same as applyMempty, but Applicative functor is specialized to Identity functor and evaluated.


>>> fromEndoWith applyMempty_ $ foldEndo (+1) [(*10), (+42)] :: Int
>>> fromEndoWith applyMempty_ $ dualFoldEndo (+1) [(*10), (+42)] :: Int

joinApplyMempty :: (Monad m, Monoid a) => m (ApplyEndo Mempty m a) -> m a Source

Evaluates ApplyEndo in a Monad by joining it with the monad it contains. It can be also viewed as a variant of applyMempty defined as:

joinApplyMempty = (>>= applyMempty)

ApplyEndo Def

Apply endomorphism to a default value def from Default. See also following packages:

Both of those packages provide additional instances to Default type class.

data Def Source

Type tag identifying usage of def from Default.

applyDef :: (Applicative f, Default a) => ApplyEndo Def f a -> f a Source

Constrained version of applyEndo. Usage example:

applyDef . fromEndo :: (Applicative f, Default a) => Endo a -> f a

applyDef_ :: Default a => ApplyEndo Def Identity a -> a Source

Same as applyDef, but Applicative functor is specialized to Identity functor and evaluated.


>>> fromEndoWith applyDef_ $ foldEndo (+1) [(*10), (+42)] :: Int
>>> fromEndoWith applyDef_ $ dualFoldEndo (+1) [(*10), (+42)] :: Int

joinApplyDef :: (Monad m, Default a) => m (ApplyEndo Def m a) -> m a Source

Evaluates ApplyEndo in a Monad by joining it with the monad it contains. It can be also viewed as a variant of applyDef defined as:

joinApplyDef = (>>= applyDef)

ApplyEndo Reader

data Reader Source

Type tag identifying usage of asks operation in FromEndo instance of ApplyEndo.


applyReader :: MonadReader r m => ApplyEndo Reader m r -> m r Source

Evaluates ApplyEndo in terms of asks operation.

This (->) r is a valid MonadReader instance, therefore, this is a valid use case:

>>> (applyReader . fromEndo $ foldEndo (*10) (+1)) 0 :: Int

applyReaderWith :: MonadReader r m => (m r -> a) -> ApplyEndo Reader m r -> a Source

Evaluates ApplyEndo in terms of asks operation and then evaluates the resalt using provided function.

This (->) r is a valid MonadReader instance, therefore, this is a valid use case:

>>> applyReaderWith ($ 0) . fromEndo $ foldEndo (*10) (+1) :: Int

joinApplyReader :: MonadReader r m => m (ApplyEndo Reader m r) -> m r Source

Evaluates ApplyEndo in a Monad by joining it with the monad it contains. It can be also viewed as a variant of applyReader defined as:

joinApplyReader = (>>= applyReader)

ApplyEndo Modify

data Modify Source

Type tag identifying usage of state operation in FromEndo instance of ApplyEndo.


Generic Modify Source 
MonadState s m => FromEndo (ApplyEndo Modify m s) Source

Evaluates ApplyEndo in terms of state operation:

fromEndo e = ApplyEndo . state $ \s ->
    let s' = appEndo e s in (s', s')
type Rep Modify Source 
type EndoOperatedOn (ApplyEndo Modify m s) = s Source 

applyModify :: MonadState s m => ApplyEndo Modify m s -> m s Source

Evaluates ApplyEndo in terms of state operation.

joinApplyModify :: MonadState s m => m (ApplyEndo Modify m s) -> m s Source

Evaluates ApplyEndo in a Monad by joining it with the monad it contains. It can be also viewed as a variant of applyModify defined as:

joinApplyModify = (>>= applyModify)

ApplyEndo Modify'

data Modify' Source

Same as Modify, but strictness is implied.


Generic Modify' Source 
MonadState s m => FromEndo (ApplyEndo Modify' m s) Source

Evaluates ApplyEndo in terms of state operation:

fromEndo (Endo f) = ApplyEndo . state $ \s ->
    let s' = f s in s' `seq` (s', s')
type Rep Modify' Source 
type EndoOperatedOn (ApplyEndo Modify' m s) = s Source 

applyModify' :: MonadState r m => ApplyEndo Modify' m () -> m () Source

Evaluates ApplyEndo in terms of state operation.

joinApplyModify' :: MonadState r m => m (ApplyEndo Modify' m r) -> m r Source

Evaluates ApplyEndo in a Monad by joining it with the monad it contains. It can be also viewed as a variant of applyModify' defined as:

joinApplyModify' = (>>= applyModify')