{-# LANGUAGE GADTs                #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase           #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-}

module Text.Enum.Text
  ( EnumText(..)
  , UsingEnumText(..)
  , TextParsable(..)
  , EnumTextConfig(..)
  , defaultEnumTextConfig
  ) where

import           Control.Monad.Fail             as CMF
import           Data.Array
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8          as B
import           Data.Coerce
import           Data.Hashable
import           Data.Possibly
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict            as HM
import qualified Data.Text                      as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding             as TE
import           Data.Text.Read
import           Data.Time
import           Fmt
import           Text.Read

{- | Our toolkit for enumerated types which should be defined as follows:

import Fmt
import Text.Enum.Text

data Foo = FOO_bar | FOO_bar_baz
  deriving (Bounded,Enum,Eq,Ord,Show)

instance EnumText     Foo
instance Buildable    Foo where build     = buildEnumText
instance TextParsable Foo where parseText = parseEnumText

With the @DeriveAnyClass@ language extension you can list @EnumText@ in the
@deriving@ clause, and with @DerivingVia@ (available from GHC 8.6.1) you can
derive @via@ @UsingEnumText@ as follows:

{\-\# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass    #-\}
{\-\# LANGUAGE DerivingVia       #-\}

import Fmt
import Text.Enum.Text

data Foo = FOO_bar | FOO_bar_baz
  deriving (Bounded,Enum,EnumText,Eq,Ord,Show)
  deriving (Buildable,TextParsable) via UsingEnumText Foo

class ( Buildable     e
      , Bounded       e
      , Enum          e
      , Eq            e
      , Ord           e
      , Show          e
      , TextParsable  e
      ) => EnumText e where

  -- | Configures the textual representation of @e@ generated by renderEnumText.
  configEnumText :: e -> EnumTextConfig
  configEnumText _ = defaultEnumTextConfig

  -- | Generate the standard textual representation according to
  -- 'configEnumText' by default.
  renderEnumText :: e -> T.Text
  renderEnumText e = enumTextArray ! I e

  -- | Sames as 'renderEnumText', but generating a 'Builder'.
  buildEnumText :: e -> Builder
  buildEnumText = build . renderEnumText

  -- | Parses an @e@ according to the 'renderEnumText' render.
  parseEnumText :: T.Text -> Possibly e
  parseEnumText txt = maybe (Left msg) Right $ HM.lookup txt hashmap_t
      msg = "parseEnumText: enumeration not recognised: "++show txt

  -- | A cassava field encoder, using 'the renderEnumText' format.
  toFieldEnumText :: e -> B.ByteString
  toFieldEnumText e = enumByteStringArray ! I e

  -- | A cassava field parser using the 'renderEnumText' format.
  fromFieldEnumText_ :: MonadFail m => B.ByteString -> m e
  fromFieldEnumText_ bs = maybe (CMF.fail msg) return $ HM.lookup bs hashmap_b
      msg = "fromFieldEnumText_: enumeration not recognised: "++show bs

  -- | For hashing @e@ with the 'renderEnumText' representation.
  hashWithSaltEnumText :: Int -> e -> Int
  hashWithSaltEnumText n = hashWithSalt n . toFieldEnumText

newtype UsingEnumText a = UsingEnumText { _UsingEnumText :: a }

instance EnumText a => Buildable (UsingEnumText a) where
  build (UsingEnumText x) = buildEnumText x

instance EnumText a => TextParsable (UsingEnumText a) where
  parseText x = UsingEnumText <$> parseEnumText x

-- EnumTextConfig, defaultEnumTextConfig

-- | Configures the default implementation of 'renderEnumText'
data EnumTextConfig =
    { _etc_text_prep :: T.Text -> T.Text  -- ^ applied to the output of 'show'
                                          -- once converted to 'T.Text'; by
                                          -- default strips each data
                                          -- constructor up to and including
                                          -- the first '_'
    , _etc_char_prep :: Char -> Char      -- ^ applied to each character of
                                          -- the outpout of '_etc_text_prep'
                                          -- (by default flips underscores (@_@)
                                          -- to dashes (@-@)

-- | The default 'configEnumText' for 'EnumText':
--   *  '_etc_text_prep' removes the prefix up to and including the first
--      underscore ('_')
--   *  '_etc_char_prep' flips the underscores  (@_@) to dashes (@-@)
defaultEnumTextConfig :: EnumTextConfig
defaultEnumTextConfig =
    { _etc_text_prep = defaultTextPrep
    , _etc_char_prep = defaultCharPrep

defaultTextPrep :: T.Text -> T.Text
defaultTextPrep txt = case T.uncons $ T.dropWhile (/='_') txt of
    Just (_,rst) | not $ T.null rst -> rst
    _ -> error $ "defaultTextPrep: bad data constructor: "++T.unpack txt

defaultCharPrep :: Char -> Char
defaultCharPrep c = case c of
    '_' -> '-'
    _   -> c

-- TextParsable

-- | a class for 'T.Text' parsers.
class TextParsable a where
  parseText :: T.Text -> Possibly a

instance TextParsable T.Text          where parseText = return
instance TextParsable UTCTime         where parseText = parseTextRead "UTCTime"
instance TextParsable Day             where parseText = parseTextRead "Day"
instance TextParsable Int             where parseText = parseDecimal
instance a ~ Char => TextParsable [a] where parseText = return . T.unpack

instance TextParsable a => TextParsable (Maybe a) where
  parseText = \case
    "" -> Right Nothing
    s  -> Just <$> parseText s

-- arrays

newtype I a = I { _I :: a }
  deriving (Eq,Ord)

instance EnumText e => Ix (I e) where
  range   (l,h)   = coerce [_I l.._I h]
  index   (l,_) x = fromEnum (_I x) - fromEnum (_I l)
  inRange (l,h) x = _I l <= _I x && _I x <= _I h

-- | array of texts constructed with 'configEnumText'
enumTextArray :: forall e . EnumText e => Array (I e) T.Text
enumTextArray =
    listArray (I minBound,I maxBound)
      [ T.map _etc_char_prep $ _etc_text_prep $ T.pack $ show e
        | e <- [minBound..maxBound :: e]
    EnumTextConfig{..} = configEnumText (minBound :: e)

-- | array of 'B.ByteString' generated from 'renderEnumText'
enumByteStringArray :: forall e . EnumText e => Array (I e) B.ByteString
enumByteStringArray = listArray (I minBound,I maxBound)
    [ TE.encodeUtf8 $ renderEnumText e
      | e <- [minBound..maxBound :: e]

-- hashmaps

-- | 'T.Text' 'HM.HashMap' based on 'renderEnumText' representation
hashmap_t :: EnumText e => HM.HashMap T.Text e
hashmap_t = HM.fromList
    [ (renderEnumText c,c)
      | c <- [minBound..maxBound]

-- | 'B.ByteString' 'HM.HashMap' based on 'renderEnumText' representation
hashmap_b :: EnumText e => HM.HashMap B.ByteString e
hashmap_b = HM.fromList
    [ (TE.encodeUtf8 $ renderEnumText c,c)
      | c <- [minBound..maxBound]

-- internal parsers

-- | parse a decimal integer using the "Text.Read" toolkit
parseDecimal :: T.Text -> Possibly Int
parseDecimal txt = either (Left . typeError "integer") return $ do
    (x,r) <- signed decimal txt
    case T.null r of
      True  -> return x
      False -> Left $ "residual input: " ++ T.unpack r

-- | Convert a 'Read' parser into a 'TextParsable'
parseTextRead :: Read a
              => String   -- ^ name of type bing parsed (for failure message)
              -> T.Text   -- ^ 'T.Text' to be parsed
              -> Possibly a
parseTextRead ty_s txt =
    maybe (Left $ typeError ty_s $ show str) Right $ readMaybe str
    str = T.unpack txt

typeError :: String -> String -> String
typeError ty_s msg = "failed to parse "++ty_s++": "++msg