enumerator-0.4.6: Reliable, high-performance processing with left-fold enumerators





This module is intended to be imported qualified:

 import qualified Data.Enumerator.Text as ET

Since: 0.2


Text IO

enumHandle :: MonadIO m => Handle -> Enumerator Text m bSource

Read lines of text from the handle, and stream them to an Iteratee. If an exception occurs during file IO, enumeration will stop and Error will be returned. Exceptions from the iteratee are not caught.

The handle should be opened with an appropriate text encoding, and in ReadMode or ReadWriteMode.

Since: 0.2

enumFile :: FilePath -> Enumerator Text IO bSource

Opens a file path in text mode, and passes the handle to enumHandle. The file will be closed when the Iteratee finishes.

Since: 0.2

iterHandle :: MonadIO m => Handle -> Iteratee Text m ()Source

Read text from a stream and write it to a handle. If an exception occurs during file IO, enumeration will stop and Error will be returned.

The handle should be opened with an appropriate text encoding, and in WriteMode or ReadWriteMode.

Since: 0.2

List analogues

head :: Monad m => Iteratee Text m (Maybe Char)Source

Get the next character from the stream, or Nothing if the stream has ended.

Since: 0.4.5

drop :: Monad m => Integer -> Iteratee Text m ()Source

drop n ignores n characters of input from the stream.

Since: 0.4.5

dropWhile :: Monad m => (Char -> Bool) -> Iteratee Text m ()Source

dropWhile p ignores input from the stream until the first character which does not match the predicate.

Since: 0.4.5

take :: Monad m => Integer -> Iteratee Text m TextSource

take n extracts the next n characters from the stream, as a lazy Text.

Since: 0.4.5

takeWhile :: Monad m => (Char -> Bool) -> Iteratee Text m TextSource

takeWhile p extracts input from the stream until the first character which does not match the predicate.

Since: 0.4.5

consume :: Monad m => Iteratee Text m TextSource

Read all remaining input from the stream, and return as a lazy Text.

Since: 0.4.5

require :: Monad m => Integer -> Iteratee Text m ()Source

require n buffers input until at least n characters are available, or throws an error if the stream ends early.

Since: 0.4.5

isolate :: Monad m => Integer -> Enumeratee Text Text m bSource

isolate n reads at most n characters from the stream, and passes them to its iteratee. If the iteratee finishes early, characters continue to be consumed from the outer stream until n have been consumed.

Since: 0.4.5


data Codec Source


encode :: Monad m => Codec -> Enumeratee Text ByteString m bSource

Convert text into bytes, using the provided codec. If the codec is not capable of representing an input character, an error will be thrown.

Since: 0.2

decode :: Monad m => Codec -> Enumeratee ByteString Text m bSource

Convert bytes into text, using the provided codec. If the codec is not capable of decoding an input byte sequence, an error will be thrown.

Since: 0.2