module Database.Esqueleto.Compat.Operators where
import Database.Esqueleto.Experimental (SqlExpr, Value)
import qualified Database.Esqueleto.Experimental as Esqueleto
import qualified Database.Esqueleto.Internal.Internal as Esqueleto
import Database.Persist.Sql (Entity, EntityField, PersistEntity, PersistField, Filter)
import qualified Database.Persist.Sql as Persist
import GHC.TypeLits
import Data.Kind
class SqlAssignment a b c where
(=.) :: a -> b -> c
(-=.) :: a -> b -> c
(+=.) :: a -> b -> c
(*=.) :: a -> b -> c
infixr 3 =.
( PersistField typ
, field ~ EntityField rec typ'
, typ ~ typ'
) =>
SqlAssignment field typ (Persist.Update rec)
=. :: field -> typ -> Update rec
(=.) = forall v typ.
PersistField typ =>
EntityField v typ -> typ -> Update v
-=. :: field -> typ -> Update rec
(-=.) = forall v typ.
PersistField typ =>
EntityField v typ -> typ -> Update v
+=. :: field -> typ -> Update rec
(+=.) = forall v typ.
PersistField typ =>
EntityField v typ -> typ -> Update v
*=. :: field -> typ -> Update rec
(*=.) = forall v typ.
PersistField typ =>
EntityField v typ -> typ -> Update v
(PersistEntity rec, PersistField typ, field ~ EntityField rec typ) =>
SqlAssignment field (SqlExpr (Value typ)) (SqlExpr (Entity rec) -> SqlExpr Esqueleto.Update)
=. :: field
-> SqlExpr (Value typ) -> SqlExpr (Entity rec) -> SqlExpr Update
(=.) = forall val typ.
(PersistEntity val, PersistField typ) =>
EntityField val typ
-> SqlExpr (Value typ) -> SqlExpr (Entity val) -> SqlExpr Update
-=. :: field
-> SqlExpr (Value typ) -> SqlExpr (Entity rec) -> SqlExpr Update
(-=.) = forall val typ.
(PersistEntity val, PersistField typ) =>
EntityField val typ
-> SqlExpr (Value typ) -> SqlExpr (Entity val) -> SqlExpr Update
+=. :: field
-> SqlExpr (Value typ) -> SqlExpr (Entity rec) -> SqlExpr Update
(+=.) = forall val typ.
(PersistEntity val, PersistField typ) =>
EntityField val typ
-> SqlExpr (Value typ) -> SqlExpr (Entity val) -> SqlExpr Update
*=. :: field
-> SqlExpr (Value typ) -> SqlExpr (Entity rec) -> SqlExpr Update
(*=.) = forall val typ.
(PersistEntity val, PersistField typ) =>
EntityField val typ
-> SqlExpr (Value typ) -> SqlExpr (Entity val) -> SqlExpr Update
class SqlBoolean a where
true_ :: a
false_ :: a
(||.) :: a -> a -> a
(&&.) :: a -> a -> a
infixr 3 &&.
infixr 2 ||.
class SqlBoolean a => SqlBooleanNot a where
not_ :: a -> a
instance (a ~ Bool) => SqlBoolean (SqlExpr (Value a)) where
true_ :: SqlExpr (Value a)
true_ = forall typ. PersistField typ => typ -> SqlExpr (Value typ)
Esqueleto.val Bool
false_ :: SqlExpr (Value a)
false_ = forall typ. PersistField typ => typ -> SqlExpr (Value typ)
Esqueleto.val Bool
||. :: SqlExpr (Value a) -> SqlExpr (Value a) -> SqlExpr (Value a)
(||.) = SqlExpr (Value Bool)
-> SqlExpr (Value Bool) -> SqlExpr (Value Bool)
&&. :: SqlExpr (Value a) -> SqlExpr (Value a) -> SqlExpr (Value a)
(&&.) = SqlExpr (Value Bool)
-> SqlExpr (Value Bool) -> SqlExpr (Value Bool)
instance (a ~ Bool) => SqlBooleanNot (SqlExpr (Value a)) where
not_ :: SqlExpr (Value a) -> SqlExpr (Value a)
not_ = SqlExpr (Value Bool) -> SqlExpr (Value Bool)
instance SqlBoolean [Persist.Filter k] where
true_ :: [Filter k]
true_ = []
false_ :: [Filter k]
false_ = [forall record. [Filter record] -> Filter record
Persist.FilterOr []]
||. :: [Filter k] -> [Filter k] -> [Filter k]
(||.) = forall k. [Filter k] -> [Filter k] -> [Filter k]
&&. :: [Filter k] -> [Filter k] -> [Filter k]
(&&.) = forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
( TypeError
( 'Text "`persistent` does not have a `not_` operator for filters. Instead, use the "
':$$: 'Text "inverse operator, like `<.` instead of `>=.`."
) =>
SqlBooleanNot [Persist.Filter t]
not_ :: [Filter t] -> [Filter t]
not_ = forall a. HasCallStack => [Char] -> a
error [Char]
class SqlComparison a b c | c a -> b, c b -> a, a b -> c where
(==.) :: a -> b -> c
(!=.) :: a -> b -> c
(>.) :: a -> b -> c
(>=.) :: a -> b -> c
(<.) :: a -> b -> c
(<=.) :: a -> b -> c
infix 4 ==., !=., /=., >=., >., <=., <.
type family NotSqlExprEq rec typ' typ :: Constraint where
NotSqlExprEq rec typ' (SqlExpr (Value _)) =
TypeError (NotSqlExprEqMessage rec typ')
NotSqlExprEq _ _ _ =
type NotSqlExprEqMessage rec typ =
'Text "You used a bare `"
':<>: 'ShowType (EntityField rec typ)
':<>: 'Text "` field."
':$$: 'Text "If you're writing a Persistent expression, you don't need to use `val`."
':$$: 'Text "If you're writing an esqueleto expression, you need to project from a "
':$$: 'Text "table variable, like: e ^. FooName"
(lhs ~ EntityField rec typ, PersistField typ, typ ~ typ', NotSqlExprEq rec typ typ', rec ~ rec') =>
SqlComparison (EntityField rec typ) typ' (Filter rec')
==. :: EntityField rec typ -> typ' -> Filter rec'
(==.) = forall v typ.
PersistField typ =>
EntityField v typ -> typ -> Filter v
!=. :: EntityField rec typ -> typ' -> Filter rec'
(!=.) = forall v typ.
PersistField typ =>
EntityField v typ -> typ -> Filter v
>. :: EntityField rec typ -> typ' -> Filter rec'
(>.) = forall v typ.
PersistField typ =>
EntityField v typ -> typ -> Filter v
>=. :: EntityField rec typ -> typ' -> Filter rec'
(>=.) = forall v typ.
PersistField typ =>
EntityField v typ -> typ -> Filter v
<. :: EntityField rec typ -> typ' -> Filter rec'
(<.) = forall v typ.
PersistField typ =>
EntityField v typ -> typ -> Filter v
<=. :: EntityField rec typ -> typ' -> Filter rec'
(<=.) = forall v typ.
PersistField typ =>
EntityField v typ -> typ -> Filter v
(PersistField a, a ~ b, lhs ~ SqlExpr (Value a), c ~ Bool) =>
SqlComparison (SqlExpr (Value a)) (SqlExpr (Value b)) (SqlExpr (Value c))
==. :: SqlExpr (Value a) -> SqlExpr (Value b) -> SqlExpr (Value c)
(==.) = forall typ.
PersistField typ =>
SqlExpr (Value typ) -> SqlExpr (Value typ) -> SqlExpr (Value Bool)
!=. :: SqlExpr (Value a) -> SqlExpr (Value b) -> SqlExpr (Value c)
(!=.) = forall typ.
PersistField typ =>
SqlExpr (Value typ) -> SqlExpr (Value typ) -> SqlExpr (Value Bool)
>. :: SqlExpr (Value a) -> SqlExpr (Value b) -> SqlExpr (Value c)
(>.) = forall typ.
PersistField typ =>
SqlExpr (Value typ) -> SqlExpr (Value typ) -> SqlExpr (Value Bool)
>=. :: SqlExpr (Value a) -> SqlExpr (Value b) -> SqlExpr (Value c)
(>=.) = forall typ.
PersistField typ =>
SqlExpr (Value typ) -> SqlExpr (Value typ) -> SqlExpr (Value Bool)
<. :: SqlExpr (Value a) -> SqlExpr (Value b) -> SqlExpr (Value c)
(<.) = forall typ.
PersistField typ =>
SqlExpr (Value typ) -> SqlExpr (Value typ) -> SqlExpr (Value Bool)
<=. :: SqlExpr (Value a) -> SqlExpr (Value b) -> SqlExpr (Value c)
(<=.) = forall typ.
PersistField typ =>
SqlExpr (Value typ) -> SqlExpr (Value typ) -> SqlExpr (Value Bool)
(/=.) :: SqlComparison a b c => a -> b -> c
/=. :: forall a b c. SqlComparison a b c => a -> b -> c
(/=.) = forall a b c. SqlComparison a b c => a -> b -> c