{-# LANGUAGE CPP                 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude   #-}

{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module System.Etc.Spec (
    module Types
  , module Errors
  , parseConfigSpec
  , readConfigSpecTH
  , readConfigSpec
  ) where

import qualified Data.Text.IO as Text (readFile)
import           RIO
import qualified RIO.Text     as Text

import Data.Proxy (Proxy)

import Language.Haskell.TH        (ExpQ)
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Lift)

import System.Etc.Internal.Errors     as Errors
import System.Etc.Internal.Spec.Types as Types (ConfigSpec, ConfigValue)

import qualified Data.Aeson as JSON

#ifdef WITH_YAML
import qualified System.Etc.Internal.Spec.YAML    as YAML
import qualified System.Etc.Internal.Spec.YAML.TH as YAML
import qualified System.Etc.Internal.Spec.JSON    as JSONSpec
import qualified System.Etc.Internal.Spec.JSON.TH as JSONSpec


Parses a text input into a @ConfigSpec@, input can be JSON or YAML (if cabal
flag is set).

#ifdef WITH_CLI
  :: (MonadThrow m, JSON.FromJSON cmd)
    => Text               -- ^ Text to be parsed
    -> m (ConfigSpec cmd) -- ^ returns ConfigSpec
  :: (MonadThrow m)
  => Text               -- ^ Text to be parsed
  -> m (ConfigSpec ()) -- ^ returns ConfigSpec

#ifdef WITH_YAML
parseConfigSpec = YAML.parseConfigSpec
parseConfigSpec = JSONSpec.parseConfigSpec


Reads contents of a file and parses into a @ConfigSpec@, file contents can be
either JSON or YAML (if cabal flag is set).

#ifdef WITH_CLI
  :: JSON.FromJSON cmd
  => Text -- ^ Filepath where contents are going to be read from and parsed
  -> IO (ConfigSpec cmd) -- ^ returns ConfigSpec
  :: Text -- ^ Filepath where contents are going to be read from and parsed
  -> IO (ConfigSpec ()) -- ^ returns ConfigSpec
readConfigSpec filepath = do
  contents <- Text.readFile $ Text.unpack filepath
  parseConfigSpec contents

-- | Reads a specified 'FilePath' and parses a 'ConfigSpec' at compilation time.
readConfigSpecTH :: (Lift k, JSON.FromJSON k) => Proxy k -> Text -> ExpQ
#ifdef WITH_YAML
readConfigSpecTH = YAML.readConfigSpecTH
readConfigSpecTH = JSONSpec.readConfigSpecTH