module Eventloop.Module.StatefulGraphics.StatefulGraphics
    ( setupStatefulGraphicsModuleConfiguration
    , statefulGraphicsModuleIdentifier
    , statefulGraphicsInitializer
    , statefulGraphicsPostProcessor
    ) where

import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Data.Maybe

import Eventloop.Module.StatefulGraphics.Types
import Eventloop.Module.Websocket.Canvas
import Eventloop.Module.BasicShapes
import Eventloop.Types.Common
import Eventloop.Types.Events
import Eventloop.Types.System
import Eventloop.Utility.Vectors

setupStatefulGraphicsModuleConfiguration :: EventloopSetupModuleConfiguration
setupStatefulGraphicsModuleConfiguration = ( EventloopSetupModuleConfiguration
                                              (Just statefulGraphicsInitializer)
                                              (Just statefulGraphicsPostProcessor)

statefulGraphicsModuleIdentifier :: EventloopModuleIdentifier
statefulGraphicsModuleIdentifier = "statefulgraphics"

statefulGraphicsInitializer :: Initializer
statefulGraphicsInitializer sharedConst sharedIO
    = return (sharedConst, sharedIO, NoConstants, StatefulGraphicsState [])

statefulGraphicsPostProcessor :: PostProcessor
statefulGraphicsPostProcessor sharedConst sharedIOT ioConst ioStateT (OutStatefulGraphics canvasId commands)
    = atomically $ do
        -- HACK: (StatefulGraphicsState states) is a failable pattern that GHC-8.6 doesn't want to compile because there is no MonadFail STM instance
        ~(StatefulGraphicsState states) <- readTVar ioStateT
            stateM = findGraphicalState states canvasId
            state = case stateM of
                        Just state_ -> state_
                        Nothing -> []
            (state', newScene) = calculateNewScene canvasId state commands
            states' = replaceGraphicalState states canvasId state'
        writeTVar ioStateT (StatefulGraphicsState states')
        return newScene

statefulGraphicsPostProcessor sharedConst sharedIOT ioConst ioStateT out
    = return [out]

getId :: StatefulBB -> NamedId
getId (StatefulBB (Stateful id _ _) _) = id

getZ :: StatefulBB -> ZIndex
getZ (StatefulBB (Stateful _ z _) _) = z

getShape :: StatefulBB -> Shape
getShape (StatefulBB (Stateful _ _ shape) _) = shape

replaceGraphicalState :: GraphicsStates -> CanvasId -> GraphicsState -> GraphicsStates
replaceGraphicalState [] id state = [(id, state)]
replaceGraphicalState ((id, state):states) canvasId newState
    | id == canvasId = (canvasId, newState):states
    | otherwise = (id, state):(replaceGraphicalState states canvasId newState)

findGraphicalState :: GraphicsStates -> CanvasId -> Maybe GraphicsState
findGraphicalState [] _ = Nothing
findGraphicalState ((id, state):states) canvasId
    | id == canvasId = Just state
    | otherwise =  findGraphicalState states canvasId

calculateNewScene :: CanvasId -> GraphicsState -> [StatefulGraphicsOut] -> (GraphicsState, [Out])
calculateNewScene canvasId state outs
    = (state', [ OutCanvas $ CanvasOperations canvasId (map Clear removes)
               , OutBasicShapes $ DrawShapes canvasId basicShapes
        (state', performed) = foldl foldPerform (state, []) outs
        foldPerform (state_, performed_) statefulOut = (state_', performed_ ++ [performed_'])
                (state_', performed_') = performStatefulGraphicsOut state_ statefulOut
        (toRedraw, toRemove) = calculateRedraws state' performed
        basicShapes = map getShape toRedraw
        removes = map calculateRemove toRemove

Uses yMin as canvas treats rectangle from their lower left corner
calculateRemove :: StatefulBB
                -> ClearPart
calculateRemove (StatefulBB _ bb)
    = ClearRectangle ((floor $ xMin bb) - 1, (floor $ yMin bb) - 1) (ceiling width + 2, ceiling height + 2)
        height = (yMax bb) - (yMin bb)
        width = (xMax bb) - (xMin bb)

calculateRedraws :: GraphicsState
                 -> [GraphicPerformed]
                 -> (GraphicsState, GraphicsState) -- Redraw and Remove state
calculateRedraws _ [] = ([], [])
calculateRedraws state ((Drawn sbb@(StatefulBB (Stateful name _ _) _)):performed)
    = (toRedraw', toRemove')
        id = getId sbb
        (toRedraw, toRemove) = calculateRedraws state performed
        (_, toRedraw', toRemove') = calculateRedrawsForDrawn (state, toRedraw, toRemove) sbb

calculateRedraws state ((Removed sg@(StatefulBB (Stateful name _ _) _)):performed)
    = (toRedraw', toRemove')
        (toRedraw, toRemove) = calculateRedraws state performed
        (_, toRedraw', toRemove') = calculateRedrawsForRemoved (state, toRedraw, toRemove) sg

calculateRedraws state ((Modified old_sg new_sg):performed)
    --  noDimChange oldGraphic newGraphic = calculateDraws toCheck toRedraw (Drawn sg) TODO Modified -> Drawn optimalization
    = calculateRedraws state ((Removed old_sg):(Drawn new_sg):performed)

calculateRedraws state (NoOp:performed)
    = calculateRedraws state performed

Only redraw when a graphic if the drawn graphic overlaps or if a graphic is above and contained by the drawn
graphic. Also add the drawn graphic to redraw.
However, if there is one graphic to be found that completely contains the drawn graphic, nothing has to happen.
Also, all graphics completely behind the drawn graphic, will not be redrawn.
calculateRedrawsForDrawn :: (GraphicsState, GraphicsState, GraphicsState) -- Current check and redraw state
                         -> StatefulBB
                         -> (GraphicsState, GraphicsState, GraphicsState)
calculateRedrawsForDrawn (toCheck, toRedraw, toRemove) new@(StatefulBB (Stateful id _ (Text {})) _)
   = calculateRedrawsForRemoved (toCheck', toRedraw', toRemove) new
       toCheck' = fst $ removeGraphic toCheck id
       toRedraw' = fst $ addOrReplaceGraphic toRedraw new
calculateRedrawsForDrawn (toCheck, toRedraw, toRemove) new
    = foldl calculateRedrawsForDrawn (toCheck', toRedraw', toRemove) checkNow
        id = getId new
        z  = getZ new
        (below, _, above) = splitOn (\sbb -> getId sbb == id) toCheck -- Find which graphics are above and below toProcess

        aboveOverlapped  = filter (overlaps new) above
        aboveContained   = filter (contains new) above
        aboveContainedBy = filter (\sg -> contains sg new) above
        aboveNotTouching = filter (not.(touches new)) above

        toCheck' = fst $ removeGraphic toCheck id
        toRedraw' = fst $ addOrReplaceGraphic toRedraw new

        checkNow = aboveOverlapped ++ aboveContained ++ aboveContainedBy

calculateRedrawsForRemoved :: (GraphicsState, GraphicsState, GraphicsState) -- Current check and redraw state
                           -> StatefulBB
                           -> (GraphicsState, GraphicsState, GraphicsState)
calculateRedrawsForRemoved (toCheck, toRedraw, toRemove) old
    = (toCheck'', toRedraw', toRemove'')
        id = getId old
        z = getZ old

        (below, above) = split (\sbb -> getZ sbb > z) toCheck -- Find which graphics are above and below toProcess

        belowOverlapped  = filter (overlaps old) below
        belowContained   = filter (contains old) below
        belowContainedBy = filter (\sg -> contains sg old) below

        aboveOverlapped  = filter (overlaps old) above
        aboveContained   = filter (contains old) above
        aboveContainedBy = filter (\sg -> contains sg old) above

        checkNow = belowOverlapped
                 ++ belowContained
                 ++ belowContainedBy
                 ++ aboveOverlapped
                 ++ aboveContained
                 ++ aboveContainedBy
        toRemove' = fst $ addOrReplaceGraphic toRemove old
        toCheck' = fst $ removeGraphic toCheck id
        (toCheck'', toRedraw', toRemove'') = foldl calculateRedrawsForDrawn (toCheck', toRedraw, toRemove') checkNow

statefulIds :: GraphicsState -> [NamedId]
statefulIds = map getId

statefulId :: StatefulGraphic -> NamedId
statefulId (Stateful id _ _) = id

split :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a], [a])
split _  []   = ([], [])
split on (x:xs)
    | on x      = ([], x:xs)
    | otherwise = (x:xs', xs'')
        (xs', xs'') = split on xs

splitOn :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a], Maybe a, [a])
splitOn _  []   = ([], Nothing, [])
splitOn on (x:xs)
    | on x      = ([], Just x, xs)
    | otherwise = (x:xs', x', xs'')
        (xs', x', xs'') = splitOn on xs

performStatefulGraphicsOut :: GraphicsState -> StatefulGraphicsOut -> (GraphicsState, GraphicPerformed)
performStatefulGraphicsOut state (Draw statefulGraphic)
    = case oldStatefulGraphicM of
        Just oldStatefulGraphic -> (state', Modified oldStatefulGraphic statefulBB)
        Nothing                 -> (state', Drawn statefulBB)
        statefulBB = (StatefulBB statefulGraphic bb)
        (state', oldStatefulGraphicM) = addOrReplaceGraphic state statefulBB
        bb = toBoundingBox statefulGraphic

performStatefulGraphicsOut state (Remove id)
    = case oldStatefulGraphicM of
        Just oldStatefulGraphic -> (state', Removed oldStatefulGraphic)
        Nothing                 -> (state , NoOp)
        (state', oldStatefulGraphicM) = removeGraphic state id

addGraphic :: GraphicsState -> StatefulBB -> GraphicsState
addGraphic [] new = [new]
addGraphic (graphic:state) new
    | z > z' = new:graphic:state
    | otherwise = graphic:(addGraphic state new)
        z  = getZ graphic
        z' = getZ new

addOrReplaceGraphic :: GraphicsState -> StatefulBB -> (GraphicsState, (Maybe StatefulBB))
addOrReplaceGraphic [] new = ([new], Nothing) -- Add action
addOrReplaceGraphic (graphic:state) new
    | id == id' && z == z' = (new:state, Just graphic)                         -- Simple update

    | id == id' && z /= z' = let                                               -- Update action (must be z <= z')
                                state' = addGraphic state new                  -- Insert new higher up
                             (state', Just graphic)                            -- new is higher, forget current=old

    | id /= id' && z > z'  = let                                               -- Add or update action
                                (state', old) = removeGraphic state id'       -- Search higher state for possible stale
                             (new:graphic:state', old)

    | otherwise            = let                                               -- Search further
                                (state', result) = addOrReplaceGraphic state new
                             (graphic:state', result)
        id  = getId graphic
        z   = getZ graphic
        id' = getId new
        z'  = getZ new

removeGraphic :: GraphicsState -> NamedId -> (GraphicsState, (Maybe StatefulBB))
removeGraphic [] _ = ([], Nothing)
removeGraphic (sg:state) id'
    | id == id' = (state, Just sg)
    | otherwise = (sg:state', result)
        (state', result) = removeGraphic state id'
        id = getId sg