eventstore- EventStore TCP Client

Copyright(C) 2014 Yorick Laupa
License(see the file LICENSE)
MaintainerYorick Laupa <>
Safe HaskellNone







data Event Source

Contains event information like its type and data. Only used for write queries.

data EventData Source

Holds event data.

createEvent Source


:: Text

Event type

-> EventData

Event data

-> Event 

withJson :: Value -> EventData Source

Creates a event using JSON format

withJsonAndMetadata :: Value -> Value -> EventData Source

Create a event with metadata using JSON format


data Connection Source

Represents a connection to a single EventStore node.

data Credentials Source

Holds login and password information.


data Retry Source

Represents reconnection strategy.

atMost :: Int -> Retry Source

Indicates how many times we should try to reconnect to the server. A value less than or equal to 0 means no retry.

keepRetrying :: Retry Source

Indicates we should try to reconnect to the server until the end of the Universe.

credentials Source


:: ByteString


-> ByteString


-> Credentials 

defaultSettings :: Settings Source

Default global settings.

connect Source


:: Settings 
-> String


-> Int


-> IO Connection 

Creates a new Connection to a single node. It maintains a full duplex connection to the EventStore. An EventStore Connection operates quite differently than say a SQL connection. Normally when you use a SQL connection you want to keep the connection open for a much longer of time than when you use a SQL connection.

Another difference is that with the EventStore Connection all operation are handled in a full async manner (even if you call the synchronous behaviors). Many threads can use an EvenStore Connection at the same time or a single thread can make many asynchronous requests. To get the most performance out of the connection it is generally recommend to use it in this way.

shutdown :: Connection -> IO () Source

Asynchronously closes the Connection.

Read Operations

readEvent Source


:: Connection 
-> Text

Stream name

-> Int32

Event number

-> Bool

Resolve Link Tos

-> IO (Async ReadResult) 

Reads a single event from given stream.

readAllEventsBackward Source


:: Connection 
-> Position 
-> Int32

Batch size

-> Bool

Resolve Link Tos

-> IO (Async AllEventsSlice) 

Reads events from the $all stream backward

readAllEventsForward Source


:: Connection 
-> Position 
-> Int32

Batch size

-> Bool

Resolve Link Tos

-> IO (Async AllEventsSlice) 

Reads events from the $all stream forward.

readStreamEventsBackward Source


:: Connection 
-> Text

Stream name

-> Int32

From event number

-> Int32

Batch size

-> Bool

Resolve Link Tos

-> IO (Async StreamEventsSlice) 

Reads events from a given stream backward.

readStreamEventsForward Source


:: Connection 
-> Text

Stream name

-> Int32

From event number

-> Int32

Batch size

-> Bool

Resolve Link Tos

-> IO (Async StreamEventsSlice) 

Reads events from a given stream forward.

Write Operations

deleteStream Source


:: Connection 
-> Text

Stream name

-> ExpectedVersion 
-> Maybe Bool

Hard delete

-> IO (Async DeleteResult) 

Deletes given stream.

sendEvent Source


:: Connection 
-> Text

Stream name

-> ExpectedVersion 
-> Event 
-> IO (Async WriteResult) 

Sends a single Event to given stream.

sendEvents Source


:: Connection 
-> Text

Stream name

-> ExpectedVersion 
-> [Event] 
-> IO (Async WriteResult) 

Sends a list of Event to given stream.


data Transaction Source

Represents a multi-request transaction with the EventStore.

transactionStart Source


:: Connection 
-> Text

Stream name

-> ExpectedVersion 
-> IO (Async Transaction) 

Starts a transaction on given stream.

transactionCommit :: Transaction -> IO (Async WriteResult) Source

Asynchronously commits this transaction.

transactionRollback :: Transaction -> IO () Source

Rollback this transaction.

transactionSendEvents :: Transaction -> [Event] -> IO (Async ()) Source

Asynchronously writes to a transaction in the EventStore.

Volatile Subscription

data DropReason Source

Represents the reason subscription drop happened.

data Subscription Source

Represents a subscription to a single stream or $all stream in the EventStore.

subscribe Source


:: Connection 
-> Text

Stream name

-> Bool

Resolve Link Tos

-> IO (Async Subscription) 

Subcribes to given stream.

subscribeToAll Source


:: Connection 
-> Bool

Resolve Link Tos

-> IO (Async Subscription) 

Subcribes to $all stream.

subId :: Subscription -> UUID Source

ID of the subscription.

subStream :: Subscription -> Text Source

The name of the stream to which the subscription is subscribed.

subResolveLinkTos :: Subscription -> Bool Source

Determines whether or not any link events encontered in the stream will be resolved.

subLastCommitPos :: Subscription -> Int64 Source

The last commit position seen on the subscription (if this a subscription to $all stream).

subLastEventNumber :: Subscription -> Maybe Int32 Source

The last event number seen on the subscription (if this is a subscription to a single stream).

subUnsubscribe :: Subscription -> IO () Source

Asynchronously unsubscribe from the the stream.

Catch-up Subscription

data Catchup Source

Representing catch-up subscriptions.

data CatchupError Source

Errors that could arise during a catch-up subscription. Text value represents the stream name.

subscribeFrom Source


:: Connection 
-> Text

Stream name

-> Bool

Resolve Link Tos

-> Maybe Int32

Last checkpoint

-> Maybe Int32

Batch size

-> IO Catchup 

Subscribes to given stream. If last checkpoint is defined, this will readStreamEventsForward from that event number, otherwise from the beginning. Once last stream event reached up, a subscription request will be sent using subscribe.

subscribeToAllFrom Source


:: Connection 
-> Bool

Resolve Link Tos

-> Maybe Position

Last checkpoint

-> Maybe Int32

Batch size

-> IO Catchup 

Same as subscribeFrom but applied to $all stream.

catchupStream :: Catchup -> Text Source

The name of the stream to which the subscription is subscribed.

catchupUnsubscribe :: Catchup -> IO () Source

Asynchronously unsubscribes from the stream.

waitTillCatchup :: Catchup -> IO () Source

Waits until Catchup subscription catch-up its stream.

hasCaughtUp :: Catchup -> IO Bool Source

Non blocking version of waitTillCatchup.


data AllEventsSlice Source

The result of a read operation from the $all stream.




allEventsSliceResult :: !ReadAllResult

Representing the status of the read attempt.

allEventsSliceFrom :: !Position

Representing the position where the next slice should be read from.

allEventsSliceNext :: !Position

Representing the position where the next slice should be read from.

allEventsSliceIsEOS :: !Bool

Representing whether or not this is the end of the $all stream.

allEventsSliceEvents :: ![ResolvedEvent]

The events read.

allEventsSliceDirection :: !ReadDirection

The direction of read request.


newtype DeleteResult Source

Returned after deleting a stream. Position of the write.


data WriteResult Source

Returned after writing to a stream.




writeNextExpectedVersion :: !Int32

Next expected version of the stream.

writePosition :: !Position

Position of the write.


data ReadResult Source

Result of a single event read operation to the EventStore.


data RecordedEvent Source

Represents a previously written event.




recordedEventStreamId :: !Text

The event stream that this event belongs to.

recordedEventId :: !UUID

Unique identifier representing this event.

recordedEventNumber :: !Int32

Number of this event in the stream.

recordedEventType :: !Text

Type of this event.

recordedEventData :: !ByteString

Representing the data of this event.

recordedEventMetadata :: !(Maybe ByteString)

Representing the metadada associated with this event.

recordedEventIsJson :: !Bool

Indicates whether the content is internally marked as json.

recordedEventCreated :: !(Maybe UTCTime)

Representing when this event was created in the system.


data StreamEventsSlice Source

Represents the result of a single read operation to the EventStore.




streamEventsSliceResult :: !ReadStreamResult

Representing the status of the read attempt.

streamEventsSliceStreamId :: !Text

The name of the stream read.

streamEventsSliceStart :: !Int32

The starting point (represented as a sequence number) of the read operation.

streamEventsSliceNext :: !Int32

The next event number that can be read.

streamEventsSliceLast :: !Int32

The last event number in the stream.

streamEventsSliceIsEOS :: !Bool

Representing whether or not this is the end of the stream.

streamEventsSliceEvents :: ![ResolvedEvent]

The events read represented as ResolvedEvent

streamEventsSliceDirection :: !ReadDirection

The direction of the read request.

data Position Source

A structure referring to a potential logical record position in the EventStore transaction file.




positionCommit :: !Int64

Commit position of the record

positionPrepare :: !Int64

Prepare position of the record


data ReadDirection Source

Represents the direction of read operation (both from $all an usual streams).



From beginning to end


From end to beginning


data ReadAllResult Source

Enumeration detailing the possible outcomes of reading a slice of $all stream.

data ReadEventResult Source

Enumeration representing the status of a single event read operation.

data ResolvedEvent Source

A structure representing a single event or an resolved link event.




resolvedEventRecord :: !(Maybe RecordedEvent)

The event, or the resolved link event if this ResolvedEvent is a link event.

resolvedEventLink :: !(Maybe RecordedEvent)

The link event if this ResolvedEvent is a link event.


data ReadStreamResult Source

Enumeration detailing the possible outcomes of reading a slice of a stream

eventResolved :: ResolvedEvent -> Bool Source

Indicates whether this ResolvedEvent is a resolved link event.

resolvedEventOriginal :: ResolvedEvent -> Maybe RecordedEvent Source

Returns the event that was read or which triggered the subscription.

If this ResolvedEvent represents a link event, the link will be the original event, otherwise it will be the event.

resolvedEventOriginalStreamId :: ResolvedEvent -> Maybe Text Source

The stream name of the original event.

positionStart :: Position Source

Representing the start of the transaction file.

positionEnd :: Position Source

Representing the end of the transaction file.


data ExpectedVersion Source

Constants used for expected version control.

The use of expected version can be a bit tricky especially when discussing idempotency assurances given by the EventStore.

The EventStore will assure idempotency for all operations using any value in ExpectedVersion except for anyStream. When using anyStream the EventStore will do its best to assure idempotency but will not guarantee idempotency.

anyStream :: ExpectedVersion Source

This write should not conflict with anything and should always succeed.

noStream :: ExpectedVersion Source

The stream being written to should not yet exist. If it does exist treat that as a concurrency problem.

emptyStream :: ExpectedVersion Source

The stream should exist and should be empty. If it does not exist or is not empty, treat that as a concurrency problem.

exactStream :: Int32 -> ExpectedVersion Source

States that the last event written to the stream should have a sequence number matching your expected value.
